Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.298 We can’t find a quest, so let’s tame a monster instead

CH.298 We can’t find a quest, so let’s tame a monster instead

The next day, after breakfast and all of that stuff, I headed to the adventurer’s guild with Alice and the rest of our group. All of us were going, except Lua as she was heading to the village to start her magic school.

At the guild, we combed the quest papers for any quests from Blanken Trading Company, especially higher ranked ones. The problem was that we were all still just C-rank or below, so we can’t actually take on B-rank quests. Sure if we happen to ‘accidentally’ run into a B-rank monster which the Blanken Company wants, we can sell it to them, but other than that, we can’t directly accept a quest higher than rank C.

Now you might think it would be difficult to find a quest from a specific company, but it really wasn’t. There were over a dozen quests from Blanken Company. Escort quests and material quests mainly, and some low ranking quests were asking for temporary workers, but we couldn’t exactly take those. Well, I could ‘kick’ Einar and Eline out of our party and have them take one of those, but I’m not going to risk their lives for something like this.

Most of the material quests were asking for stuff from the nearby dungeon. We could look into it, but you need some sort of a permission from the guild to go into dungeons, so I don’t think we should actually do that. Well, we could always cheat, as I could just make what they asked for with HomeBase. But Alice already tried that with some monster materials I had in Storage yesterday, so better to try something else.

“Really wish we could take that one, but it’s too high rank and it’s an escort quest.” Alice complained a bit.

I looked the quest paper over, and it was an escort quest asking for multiple B and C-rank adventurers to escort someone to the capital.

“... why that one?” I asked. It didn’t look that special to me.

“The rank requirement is for at least half B-rank adventurers and the pay is high.” Alice pointed out. “None of the other escort quests from Blanken ask for that or pay that well, even if they go further away. So it has to be for escorting someone important.”

“Oh? Well done spotting something like that.”

“... it is quite basic, really.” Alice pointed out. “You just don’t do quests that often, so you don’t notice these things. But it doesn’t really help us. None of us are B-rank so we can’t take it.”

“Yeah. I never did visit the main guild when I dropped Cailie off in the Hero’s country. Maybe we should go visit. We should also get to the capital at some point. I’m decently sure I still need to meet the King.”

“We could wait until big sis Mariina is ready with… whatever she is doing here. Then give her a ride to the capital as well.” 

“We don’t actually know if she is heading that way next, or if she has other stops.” I pointed out.

“We could ask.”

“... I’ll let you do that tomorrow. Or some other day.”

“Did you have plans?”

“Going to the Dragon Coast with Agunan.”

“... can I really not come?”

“Not on the first visit. There is only a 100% chance that visit will turn into a fight. You know how Agunan was, so I don’t see it going the same.” I reminded Alice. “You can come when I go there for the second time.”

“... I wasn’t with you when that happened.”

“I know. But I know you watched the recording of it.”

“Of course. I wanted to see you acting cool.” Alice told me. “We are taking this one.” She then quickly changed the subject and grabbed a quest form. It was for hunting some forest deer that had gotten too close to some fields and had eaten some crops. It didn’t pay well, nor was it difficult, but apparently it is the one Alice picked.

Well, at least it will be something to do. And I think forest deer will make for good opponents for Einar and Eline.

“Please respond to my call and come to my side. Forest tiger, Stripy.” Eline chanted for a bit before calling the name of the forest tiger she can summon. Her lightning tiger was still unsummonable after the … incident, but she should be able to summon it again soon.

Maybe I should ask Eline to try and make a new contract. I kind of want to know how that is done. I could turn myself into a real summoner, instead of just being a card summoner. I mean, technically I already can. I can literally use One of Every Race to turn myself into a Summoner, but I still won’t have any summoning skills, other than Pack Opener.

“Stripy. We are looking for forest deer. Can you help us find them?” Eline requested her tiger, as she was giving it some pets. It was both cute and somewhat scary seeing a small-ish catgirl petting a tiger, but it is a summoned beast, so there is no issue.

Also, why are we using a tiger as a tracker? Can cats even track prey like dogs do? Well, I guess we will see.

The short answer to my previous question is yes. Stripy the tiger was actually quite good at finding the deer. It was a herd of 17 deer, so quite large, but they are just D-rank so not too dangerous. The biggest danger was them running away, but I quickly activated Raregold Armor and equipped it onto Agunan, causing the deer to want to attack him, so we were able to take them down.


Eline wasn’t confident in hand-to-hand combat, but she could use basic staff skills to defend herself, while Einar was somewhat skilled with a dagger. 

Because the deer were no problem and I didn’t feel like returning to the guild just yet, I suggested that we head deeper into the woods and maybe find something for Einar to tame. 

No. This is not just because I want to see how monsters are tamed. It is only 60% for that reason. The other 40% is a mix of seeing how Einar looked at Eline when she was riding her tiger and just me wanting to do a bit more today.

We had kept going deeper into the woods, in search of some monster Einar would want to tame, but we didn’t find anything he liked. We did run into some monsters, but most of them were things like goblins or kobolds. We did run into a group of three orcs as well, with Agunan and Ria swiftly eliminating them.

“... maybe we should just take to the skies. We could cover a lot more ground.” I offered.

“... my Lord.” Einar spoke up. “... would it be fine if just you and I went? The others can go back. I don’t want to hold them.”

“We could, if that is what you prefer.” I told Einar. “Alice. Can you take the others back to the city and report about the quest? I think we need to report about the orc squad we defeated as well.”

“Sure. I can take over that part.” Alice agreed with my suggestion. 

As for the report part. Well, orcs are somewhat dangerous, so it is quite common to report about them. It is a part of the adventurer’s etiquette that I just don’t know, as I really haven’t been doing this stuff for that long. I mostly just do it when I’m bored or have extra time. 

A world saving hero doesn’t have time to be adventuring. … okay, that isn’t really completely true. I don’t have time because I prioritize my side jobs like HomeBase, making new stuff, designing super weapons and doing favors for a literal Goddess.

Einar and I got into my custom Gradius. I then quickly sent out a multitude of Gradius’ Option drones so we could scout more effectively. 


“So, Einar. What are you actually looking for? What kind of monster? A tiger like what you had? Or maybe something else?” I asked the catboy.


After a while of not hearing an answer, I set Gradius to auto-pilot, so I could open my harness and turn to look at Einar.

“Is something wrong?” I asked him.

“... I just… feel useless.” He admitted. “... everyone is so … strong. Even my sister. Her tiger… she might not be able to summon it now… it is a strong monster. But you took it down easily… So I just think… I can’t do what you think I can.”

“... Einar. You have to understand. I’m not you. You are honestly useful.” I told him. “And if you feel useless, I’ll make you feel useful. Let’s find something amazing and tame it.” 

“... I don’t think… I can.” Einar admitted. “The strongest monsters I ever tamed… were D-rank. And I could only do it… because my sister’s tiger scared them to the point where they were easy to tame.”

“Then we can just do that again. Don’t worry. We can tame even an A-rank monster, as long as you feel up to it.” I told him.

Honestly speaking, I have no clue if that is true. But I think it is, so why not try. If my cards can’t tame an A-rank monster, then I’ll just combine a few into a new card and that surely will be able to do so. 

“And even if we can’t find one, I have ways of making you powerful, monster or not.” I added of course referring to Level Up! I haven’t been using them on the catfolk, nor Wilma, yet, but I probably should talk to them about it. 

I could also offer to make a monster for him to tame, using HomeBase, but I could see there being issues with that, as dungeon monsters are a bit different from regular monsters. They do hold more miasma at least, so that could interfere with the taming. HomeBase monsters are also by default under my control, so that could add to the difficulty. 

“A blizzard tiger? Why would something like that be here?” I questioned, as I got the picture of a white tiger from one of the Gradius’ Option drones I sent out earlier.

Laura identified it for me. She also gave me the basic info about it. Blizzard tiger is a B-rank evolution of the snow tiger, a white tiger that usually lives in cold climates. It uses ice and snow magic and can be quite dangerous. But they basically never appear in warmer climates like this.

“Einar? What do you think? Do you want to try that?” I asked. “It is equal in rank to your sister's lightning tiger.”

“Y-yes. Let’s try.” Einar’s words caught in his throat just a bit, but he still gave a good answer.

“Good. I’ll have the drones eliminate the lesser mobs, so we can just focus on the tiger.” I told Einar, as I gave the Option drones the command to shoot the few other tigers that were following the blizzard tiger. The other three tigers were just forest tigers, FYI.

We then quickly flew over to where the now lone tiger was standing.

“... a quick question. How do you tame monsters?” I asked Einar. Admittedly, I don’t have a clue. I could probably ask Laura for generic advice, but Einar might have his own style.

“... Eh? … well, I just… have my sis scare them and then I pet the tiger while giving it some mana. Then sometimes it becomes tamed.” Einar told me.

“... okay? Sounds simple. Let’s try that.”

“But that is a B-rank monster!” Einar called out. “Can we really just scare it?”

“Of course. It shouldn’t be too difficult. And I can always just chain it up, if scaring doesn’t work.”

As I said that, I opened my collection. So something that is scary. … but also not too large. We are quite far from any human settlements, so we shouldn’t be spotted, but I still don’t want to summon something like a Behemoth the King of All Animals or Master of Oz here.


But I did have something good. Two cards I think that will do the trick. Well, I’ll try them one at a time. If they don’t work. I’ll just Shadow Spell that blizzard tiger.


“Come forth, Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast.” I called out my monster.


I mean, when trying to be scary, what is better than a two-headed, winged, and snake-tailed lion monster? Well, maybe Manticore of Darkness, as it was my second choice. 


I had my mythical beast fly a lap around the blizzard tiger, before landing in front of it and roaring loudly. I was really hoping this show of might would make the tiger surrender, but it wasn’t going to be that easy. Instead the blizzard tiger attacked my Chimera. 

The two cat… cat-ish monsters got into a big catfight, which ended up with my Chimera on top of the blizzard tiger, holding the tigers head below its front paw.

“Alright. Einar, let’s go.” I told Einar as I unbuckled myself and opened the Gradius canopy. I then opened Einar’s harness, took a good hold of him and jumped out of Gradius. I used a bit of telekinesis to slow down our fall and soon enough we were on the ground.

Interestingly, Einar didn’t let out a peep during the fall, even if I didn’t warn him. Maybe he is tougher than I expected?

“... Do I just… tame it now?” Einar asked.

“Just a second.” I held him before I let him go to the tiger. I quickly unsummoned my Gradius because depending on how long this takes, we might run out of time. And I do have another one to use, so I can just summon the second one for the return trip. Then I got out a Negate Attack and Shadow Spell. I set them both on Einar, with the condition to activate if the blizzard tiger tried anything bad.


I’ll either remove them, or at least change the activation condition on them later.

“Okay. You are good to go.” I told Einar.

“... what were those?”

“Just insurance. In case that cat doesn’t want to be tamed.”

“A-Alright. I’ll … I’ll try to tame it now.” Einar said, and approached the blizzard tiger.

As Einar got to work, I quickly used my One of Every Race to swap myself from Dragon Hearted, which I usually use, to Spiritual Human. The one thing I’ve noticed about this race is that I can ‘see’ magic. It isn’t actually magic, but some sort of pseudo spirits that are temporarily born when magic is used. I did ask the greater water spirit and Laura about it, and the info I got was that that is how some spirits are born. Sadly, only the ones born from massive spells will actually survive past some fractions of a second, nevermind being able to make the jump to the spirit realm.

Well anyway. With my spirit seeing eyes, I looked over to Einar as he began to pet the tiger. I could faintly sense the mana moving, but no pseudo-spirits popped up. So taming is not magic, just like telekinesis or Alice’s mana flight. 

The blizzard tiger was at first resisting Einar, to the point where the set Negate Attack did activate, but as Einar kept going, it calmed down a lot. Eventually Einar even asked me to have Chimera remove its paw from the tiger.

Then, after another ten minutes of petting the blizzard tiger with mana, Einar stood up.

“It is done. I’ve tamed it.” Einar said.

“Great work. Congratulations on your first B-rank tamed beast.” I told Einar.

We spent a bit of time in the forest, getting Einar more used to his new tiger. After a quick look, we figured that the tiger was a female. Einar asked me to name her, as I was the only reason he was able to tame her, and I decided on the name Lumi. Lumi is a bit of Finnish I learned from Laura and it means snow, so I thought it would be fitting name for a blizzard tiger.

Getting her was of course great, and I was proud of Einar, but it did come with a slight problem. While we could bring Lumi into town, it would be a hassle. Lumi also can’t fit with us into Gradius, so we have to use B.E.S. Big Core. So with that in mind, I decided it would be better to just head to HomeBase. We don’t really have much to do in Burch city anyway, so it's better to just go home. There we won’t have to deal with any prying eyes.

It would be just Einar and me for this night, but everyone else can always come over tomorrow.

Well, that was what I assumed as I got into Big Core with Einar and Lumi, but I was wrong. Because as I beamed us down to HomeBase, someone was there waiting for us.

“Welcome home, Brian.” Lua said, with a beaming smile.

“... I’m home.” I just said, probably smiling just as much as Lua did. “I didn’t know you came here.”

“Well, Laura informed me that you were planning to come here. So when I left the village, I decided I’d come as well.”

“... I’m glad you did.” I admitted.

So with the three of us here, we had a small celebration on Einar’s successful tame. Then we made a nice sleeping place for Lumi in Einar’s room. I also made plans to make an area for tamed beasts somewhere on HomeBase, but that will have to wait a few days, as I do have other plans.

Still. I’m proud of Einar. I don’t think every kid could just tame a tiger like that. I was honestly expecting to have to use something like Brain Control or Change of Heart to force the tame.

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