Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.299 To the Dragon Coast

CH.299 To the Dragon Coast

“I’m leaving this to you and Eline. Agunan will bring her over when he comes here.” I told Einar of his next assignment. “Do you understand what you need to do?”

“Yes, my Lord.” Einar answered.

Today was the day. What day? The day I head to the Dragon Coast with Agunan. 

Now what about the assignment that I just gave Einar and Eline? Well, it is something simple. I just told them to spread fertilizer for the mana flowers. 

It is one of the problems with HomeBase. While the mana flowers can bloom here just fine and they don’t even need to be watered, as the environmental control spell can make it rain to water them, the soil itself will lose its nutrients, so some sort of fertilizer has to be spread on it. And the mana flowers can be quite demanding, so they need fertilizer about every other week or so. A lesser amount every week would be better, but I just don’t have the personnel for it, unless I do it myself with some of my plant-type monsters. According to my Plant-type monsters, this shouldn’t be a problem in other places, as the ground should take care of itself, but HomeBase is a ‘closed system’, so it needs some additional nutrients. 

And as I said, I was going to take care of this with my Plant-type monsters, but Einar wanted to stay here so he can get used to Lumi, so he can take care of the fertilizer. And I’ll ask Alice to tell Agunan to bring Eline over when he teleports here, so Einar won’t have to do it alone. 

As for why Agunan is teleporting here. Well for one because he can. Actually, I can as well. Chaos God Dungeons just be built different. And with HomeBase still levitating above where I located it, this place is closest to Dragon Coast, so the travel time will be the shortest.

I might have woken up just a bit early, so I could say goodbye to Lua before she headed to the village for her teaching job, so I was waiting on Agunan. I wasted a bit of time by just opening some packs, trying to pull the last Sacred Beast card. I have most cards from Shadow of Infinity, but I’d really like to pull Raviel myself before I let Laura take over.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘’
[Yes] [No]

Well, I only had 1 Princess Pikeru, and I am planning on giving one to Lua, so that isn’t the worst rare I could have pulled. So an alright start, I guess. Next.


See that? That is more of what I expected. Memory Crusher is just … Well, it might actually be useful, if I really need to wipe someone’s memories, but other than that, it is just a weak fiend.


Nothing here. Next.


Well, another copy of Curran. Could be worse, could be better. Next.


I do like Cyber Dragons, so I’ll gladly take another Proto. This should be my third, so technically I can now fusion summon Proto-Cyber End Dragon. 


Got the Martyrs again. I just need the monster it is designed to support. 


And another Pikeru. Again, I’ll take it, but could have been something else. And I guess Attack Reflector Unit is a nice reminder that I do have both Cyber Barrier and Cyber Laser Dragons, so I can summon those if I want to. And I think I will, at some point.


Oh. A new Covered Core. Not bad. I only had one and I gave that one to Alice, so it is nice to have one for myself as well. Even if I usually use Big Core. Having options is nice.

But still. Covered core is not Raviel, so let’s keep going.


Again, I only had one Adhesive Explosive, so I’ll take it. Let’s see if pack number 10 is the lucky pack.


… … … well, it is, but … I really could have taken a Raviel, instead of a second copy of Uria. I mean, I’m glad to have it. And this Uria is an Ultimate Rare, whereas the other one I have is an Ultra Rare, so it is a different card. … but still, just a bit of a letdown to get a ‘repeat’.

… I was thinking of stopping at ten packs, but Agunan is not here yet, so let’s do a few more.


And there we are. Five more packs will do it. Hello Raviel. My Sacred Beast collection is complete. … well not really, but Armityle isn’t in this set. But I do have the core trio you can get from this set, and that is perfect.

(Laura. You are free to fully complete Shadow of Infinity now. I’ll move onto opening Enemy of Justice packs next. … next time I feel like opening packs.)

(As you wish. I shall get the rest of it in no time.) Laura answered.

(Don’t rush. I have most of it already.)

(I don’t have much else to do while you sleep. We don’t have that many projects going on.)

(... you don’t feel like designing the WDBDD?) [Weakening Dimensional Barrier Detection Device]

(I wish I could, but I simply do not know how to.) Laura apologized.

(Yeah. I understand. If you did, then the Goddess would as well. And I wouldn’t have to worry about it.)

(... you already don’t.) Laura pointed out.

(I do.) I countered. (... at least a little.)

Some time after my pack opening, Agunan finally teleported to HomeBase with Eline. They apparently were a bit late, because Agunan ate a huge breakfast, in preparation for what will likely happen today. 

I gave Eline a quick rundown of what I expected her to do with Einar, reminded both of them where the food storage was, and just made sure the two of them could make it. And if they ran into issues, they could ask Endy to contact me via the Citadel core.


“Alright. I’ll summon Gradius.” I said to Agunan.

“No. I shall fly us there.” Agunan stated. “They may attack your ship, if we use it.”

“... alright. Then I guess I’ll ride you. I don’t really want to be a flying practice target for a dragon.”

“I will transform, so we can get going.” Agunan said.

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” I interrupted. “Not here. You might crush those flower arrangements. Let’s get just a bit further away first.”

I should probably make a dedicated landing and take-off area somewhere. … Did Lua mention seeing something like that? I feel like she might have.

Riding on Agunan, who had reverted into his dragon form, the two of us headed west. Agunan knew the route, so I didn’t really need to do anything, except hold on. It wasn’t actually that difficult, to be honest. And because it wasn’t, I spent the flight practicing skills I could practice while riding, aka. Draconic magic. … not that I have the skill yet, but I’m working on it. And being a Dragon Hearted when I see dragons just seems like a good idea.

At first, Agunan was flying at speeds under the speed of sound, but after he was sure I would stay on even if he sped up, Agunan accelerated a bit, while also raising his altitude, and we ended up traveling at a speed around mach 2.1. The dragon told me that he could go about twice this speed if he went all out, but this was already like a fast running speed to him, while his top speed was like a maximum sprint, so he never exceeded this speed, outside of practice or emergencies. Good to know about how fast a greater dragon can fly, but there might also be differences between dragons. But still, Gradius being able to go mach 20 in the atmosphere is a lot faster.

{You can see it now. We will be arriving soon.} Agunan told me after just under one hour of flight. By the way, he was speaking in draconic, as it is easier while in dragon form. And I can understand it just fine, so no need to make things more difficult for him.

As I looked past the dragon’s head, I saw the ocean opening up before us. I moved from the sea to the land, above which we were still flying, I saw mountains. The entire coast was filled with mountainous lands. While there did seem to be a small coastal region with beaches and stuff, but the land quickly rose and turned into said mountains. And there were a lot of those mountains. Just counting the peaks, there were well over 100 separate peaks. Some of them were also clearly volcanic, as there was smoke coming out one or two of them, and some were clearly made from lava rock.

After the mountains, there was a small wasteland style area, which honestly looked like a dragons’ fighting ground. It looked like it used to be a part of the Ever forest, but after being burned, stomped on and just pummeled repeatedly by dragons, nothing grew there anymore and it was just rock.

If I moved my gaze even deeper inland, the Ever forest soon began.

So sea, some beach/coastal region quickly followed by mountains. Then the wastelands/rocky area, then the Ever forest.

I kept looking around as we flew and quickly began spotting dragons. They were all over the place. As I focused more, I even noticed that some of them were looking at us.

Eventually, Agunan began a slow descent, by circling a single mountain peak. It wasn’t one of the volcanic mountains, nor was it the tallest peak, but it was one of the largest mountains in terms of area. Is this where Agunan’s home is? Or does some mighty dragon live here?

Well, I was about to find out.

{Welcome back, অগুনান.} A dragon's voice greeted Agunan, as we landed. I understood the first part of it, but even with my Language Comprehension (draconic), the last part of it was something I didn’t understand.

{Yes. I do apologize I couldn’t come back sooner, আমি জানিনা.} Agunan responded to the dragon, again saying something I couldn’t understand.

{Do not worry child. I understand that to keep your pride, you had no choice but to stay by the side of this human.} The dragon said. Considering that he… or is he a she, called Agunan a child, he must be some sort of an elder of this place. {I see that he has even evolved into a Dragon Hearted. You really did dedicate yourself to him.}

{Yes. He did defeat me. In a battle I challenged him to. Even resurrected me after I died. I simply had no other choice, not that I regret the one I made.}

The dragon Agunan was talking to wasn’t like most dragons here. He was a massive, and I really mean massive, serpentine dragon. He had to be over 100 meters long, if measured from head to the tip of the tail. And even if you take someone like Agunan, who does seem to be on the larger side, he is only about 45 meters from head to the tip of the tail. Maybe 50 if he really stretches. So this one was a lot larger. Or maybe serpentine dragons just are naturally bigger.

It is interesting, as the other dragons I’ve seen have all been western style dragons. But this one was a serpentine dragon. An extremely long snake-like body, with both front and back legs coming out of it. And a pair of absolutely massive wings, that looked almost like overkill on that long, but thin frame.

He/she was a mix of bronze and gold in color. The main scale was a bronze, or brown-ish in color, while the underside of his body was the more golden yellow color, as was his wing membrane.

{Master. Allow me to introduce you.} Agunan spoke to me, which took me out of my thoughts. {This is the ruler of the Dragon Coast. Lady আমি জানিনা, but that name is likely difficult for you, so please address her as Lady Ami Janina.}

Okay. So she is a female. Good to know. And if I was to go based off of her looks, she is likely either an earth or light attributed dragon.

“Okay. Thanks.” I said to Agunan. “Lady Ami Janina. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Brian Wood. I thank you for allowing me to visit your domain.” I of course made sure to speak all of that using Language Comprehension (draconic).

{Yes. The pleasure is mine, young Dragon Hearted, master of the Golden Giant and the Master of অগুনান.} The dragon responded. She said that strange thing again, but it sounded just like what he said to Agunan, so I think that is Agunan’s dragon name. He did say it would be difficult to pronounce for humans. {I have been looking forward to our meeting.} She then added, and some ominous feeling came to be on the hills of the mountain.

… I’m not sure I like the sound of that. Why has she been looking forward to this? And what about this aura she is letting out?

“I am happy to live up to your expectations.” I responded, trying to keep the ominous feeling that popped up from affecting my speech. It could be just intimidation, so I shouldn’t fall for it.

We spoke for a bit longer, me explaining Exodia and my dragons to Lady Ami Janina. She had already heard the story from the dragons Agunan brought with him, but she still seemed glad to rehear the story from me. 

But as she wasn’t yet satisfied, she asked me to tell about things I’ve done both before and after meeting Agunan. So I told her about the big things I’d done. I didn’t tell her about me being from another world, but I did tell her about founding a dungeon, getting my System Support, fighting wyverns, sprites, and all other kinds of monsters, and how all of that eventually led to me testing Exodia and the Agunan coming to say hi.

Then I told her about the things that happened after Agunan joined us, mainly the conquest of HomeBase. The dragon was quite impressed when I told her about us taking down a six-headed hydra, saying that that couldn’t have been an easy target, only for Agunan to laugh a bit, as he stated that it looked quite easy for me.

{You really are that powerful? I do not sense that kind of power from you.} Ami Janina stated.

“No, my Lady. I am not. I can summon powerful monsters, but I myself am still quite weak compared to even someone like Agunan.” I corrected.

{Yes. These summoned monsters. They must be quite something…}

{My Lady. You should consider fighting one of them. My training with my Masters monsters has made me quite powerful, and I still cannot beat the strongest of them.} 

Agunan! Stop that! Don’t egg on the super dragon.

{Yes. Perhaps I should.} Ami Janina seemed to ponder for a bit before she turned her gaze towards me. {Little Brian. Would you be so kind as to summon one of your strongest monsters to fight me? As a reward, I shall give you what you want, as long as it is in my power.}

Oh? That isn’t a bad deal, I think. I can just ask for some of those dragon avatars for this, and all I have to do is summon a powerful monster to fight her.

To make things better, this place seems to be far away from any areas humans live in, so I can summon basically anything I want. And I just got Raviel today, so maybe it is the time to test out my Sacred Beasts? Agunan couldn’t beat Uria or Hamon in the factory, but maybe Lady Ami Janina can.

“Well, I do have something I came here to hopefully get. So if summoning a monster to fight you is how I get it, I’d be more than happy to oblige.” I agreed to her suggestion.

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