Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.297 Curing 2, Vampire boogaloo

CH.297 Curing 2, Vampire boogaloo

“Brian. Let me step out first. I’ll try to order everyone to not attack. I think it might reduce chances of anything happening.” Lua told me, as she was getting out of the carriage.

Fabio, our local dhampir and the person who brings blood to the village, had done a good job gathering the villagers. Now it was up to us to cure all of them from their blood curse.

… only one small problem. I’m not a dhampir, nor do I have that extra skill which Agatha has, so there is some chance that the dhampirs will try to attack me. I don’t want a repeat of Ria happening or anything. But I do have an ace with me. Or more like a Princess. 

Lua’s almost criminally underused unique skill, Dhampir Princess. It has a few sub-parts, like the one she uses to make dresses, but the most important for this moment is Dhampir Order. She can use it to order dhampirs, and while these orders are in no way absolute, they do have some impact.

I watched from inside the carriage as both Lua and Ria stepped out first. Lua then removed the red mantle she always wore when we were anywhere in public and revealed the pair of white wings underneath it. 

I know at least parts of Dhampir Princess are powered up the more ‘princess-like’ Lua looks, so maybe revealing her wings is a way she is trying to make herself look more like a princess and/or an angel or something. … Do angels exist in this world? Because I don’t think I’ve seen a single one. Well it doesn’t really matter. Most dhampirs don’t have wings, so winged dhampir has more authority than a ‘regular’ dhampir, right?

After Lua seemed to talk a bit to everyone, which I actually couldn’t hear and that could be a big oversight with this carriage, Ria came and opened the carriage door for me. 

I stepped out and looked at our audience. … is it wrong to call them the audience when they are more like… the subjects. That sounds wrong as well. I’m not some king looking down on my subjects. And if we go with experiment subjects, that is wrong as well. This isn’t experimental. I’ve done this before, so it is no longer experimental. 

As I took my position by Lua’s side, I heard some murmurs from the crowd, them speaking about ‘he really is a human’ and some other stuff like that. But a quick scan of the crowd didn’t show a single one of them with shining eyes, so it doesn’t seem like any of them went on a blood frenzy. That’s good.

Did they all just enjoy some blood? Or is it Lua’s order? Their own self control? All of the above?

Well, it doesn’t matter. As long as they aren’t attacking me, I can do what I want in peace.

After a quick self-introduction, I activated my duel disk, including the light blade part, so I had a total of 10 monster zones to use. I have a multitude of vampires who can cure the curse, so no need to leave it all to Cain. Let’s just summon all the vampires.

“Come forth, my vampires.” I said before I began to list off their names. “Genesis Vampire Lord. Vampire Voivode. Vampire Vamp. Vampire Scarlet Scourge. Vampire Grimson. Vampire Grace. Vampire Fraulein. Vampire Duke. Vampire Sucker. Vampire Fascinator.”


Soon enough, the ten vampires appeared all around me. As they kept appearing, the eyes of the villagers went wider and wider. Not that I blame them.

“Cain. Everyone. Would you be so kind as to cure the villagers here?” I requested my monsters.

The curing itself went even better than last time, and it wasn’t difficult last time either. This time, with a lot more vampires out here, even with a village of 46 people, my ten vampires got the curing done fast. And without Cain ever even changing into his Genesis form.

And because of my mission, you know, this one.

Mission: Cure the Dhampirs
Goal: Cure dhampirs of their blood curse
Reward: Grants a random Vampire card for each cured dhampir
This mission is repeatable. You can gain the reward only once per person

I got some new vampire cards. As well as plenty of repeats, so I’ll only go over the new stuff.

In terms of new monsters, I got Dhampir Vampire Sheridan, Crimson Knight Vampire Bram, The Zombie Vampire and Number 24: Dragulas the Vampiric Dragon.


Four XYZ monsters. Though I really don’t think Number 24 is a Vampire card, so I feel like the mission is cheating. I did of course get a bunch of main deck Vampire monsters as well, but I have all of them already thanks to Cain using Vampire's Domain to breed more Vampires. Domain just couldn’t make extra deck Vampires, so that is why they were new.


Anyway. Back to the rewards. In terms of new spells/traps, I got Vampire's Desire, Vampire Domination and Vampire Takeover.


So a total of seven new cards from this village. I guess that is alright, considering how many Vampire cards I already had. And of course I did get a bunch of extra copies of a lot of the Vampire cards I already had, but as I said earlier, that isn’t really worth recapping.

But something is worth a thought. The new XYZs monsters I got. How do they work? 

Not like that you moron. I know how to XYZ summon. But how do the overlay units work? You know, for activating their effects. When I summon an XYZ monster, it will get some amount of materials. I would say they always get at least 2, but Zoodiacs are a thing, so I can’t really say that. But that doesn’t really matter for this thought experiment.

So when I first summon an XYZ monster, it will have overlay units. But then what about when I summon it the next time, without performing a new XYZ summoning? I should be able to do it, considering that I can with fusion monsters, but if it works like resurrecting an XYZ from the GY, then the XYZ monster won’t have any overlay units. 

Also, is there anything that prevents me from just putting more cards under my XYZ monsters? Because if I can just put a card there, it might turn into an overlay unit. Maybe. I feel like it should. I’ll try to remember to test it when I XYZ summon for the first time.

After the curing, the town was obviously in a festive mood. Of course Lua, Ria and I were the guests of honor, so we had some nice seats set out to us, but because this is still a dhampir village, there wasn’t actually many people here who knew how to cook. There were a few older dhampirs who did have knowledge about basic cooking, as some of them learned how to cook for the smith that used to live here, but even though they did have a kitchen and some pots and pans, they just had no ingredients. Dhampirs with the curse can’t really eat anything after all. 

Well, it doesn’t really matter to me, as I have my own food in storage, but I think I should also give them some ingredients to cook with. I do still have a bunch of monster meat from clearing HomeBase, so I can share it around. … still low on veggies though. I really need to stock up on veggies,grain, potatoes and stuff. I should also teach them about foods that use blood as an ingredient. I remember the dhampirs from the other village really liking that stuff, even if it was just alright in my opinion.

Ria knows how to do that, right? I know she has learned a bit about cooking. Maybe Ria can come here every now and then with Lua and hold a cooking school. It would be better if I let her borrow my Kitchen Dragonmaid, but the Dragonmaids are mine. All Mine! 

… okay, a bit too greedy there. But the point stands. Dragonmaids and Blue-Eyes are both archetypes I really don’t want to share with anyone. They are for my use only.

Anyway, back to the villagers. As a thanks for curing them, the villagers gifted us a few things. At first they tried to pile a bunch of blood iron accessories onto us, made by the late smith of this village, but I refused to take that much of it and only took a few of them, like a two pairs of earrings, one for Lua the other for Ria, and a small dagger, which was also going to Lua. I already have that blood iron shortsword from the other village, and of course my monsters can make me vampiric steel weapons if I want some, so I didn’t want to take too much, but taking nothing is also not an option. So just a few items will do.

As our celebration kept going, I put on a small feast for us. It is always easy with how OP Mystik Wok is. I decided to cook up a Sabersaurus, because I’ve never tasted a Dinosaur-type monster before. It was quite good, but dinosaur meat is a bit tougher than dragon meat, so I definitely prefer dragon. I also had Lua activate another copy of Mystik Wok and drain all the blood from a Tyrant Dragon, so the party would have some dragon blood to enjoy. That made a lot of the dhampirs open their eyes as wide as they can.


I still don’t fully understand why I can’t drain the blood from my monsters, but Lua and Ria can. It just … doesn’t make any sense. It has to be something to do with them being dhampirs, but … I just don’t like it. They are my cards. Why can’t I do everything with them? I should be able to. If only I could turn into a dhampir. I’ll seriously have to ask Lua if she can turn me into one.

As the sun began to set, we capped off the party. We did still need to get either to HomeBase, or Burch city to spend the night, so this was as long as we could stay. We also had Fabio to worry about, though he did seem to have a sleeping place in this village.

The party had been a decent bit of fun, and while I hadn’t summoned my new Vampire XYZ monsters, all of the others had had their turn to join in on the festivities.

As we were saying our goodbyes, Lua reminded the village that she’d be coming back tomorrow to begin everyone's training into True Blood Magic and reminded them to not party for too long. And because the time was quite late already, I decided we could travel back to the city in a B.E.S. monster, so Lua summoned her Crystal Core and we rode back to the city in it, landing just far enough that we wouldn’t be spotted as we got off and got into my carriage.


After dropping off Fabio, we headed back to the inn where we regrouped with Alice and her party.

“I think that is all.” Alice said, as she capped off her tale of the day.

She, along with Agunan, Wilma, Einar and Eline, had taken on a quest sent to the adventurer’s guild by Blanken Trading Company. Then while delivering the quest items to the company, she tried to fish for information about the illegal slave marks and Wilma, but ended up with only minimal info, as she didn’t get to meet with anyone who actually knew anything. She then used her unique-racial skill to wipe any strange memories from the mind of the person she had talked to, before returning here.

“... so it isn’t widely known at least.” I recapped.

“Appears so. I can’t actually mind control anyone yet, so he may have just not answered.” Alice reminded me. “But I don’t think he knows about it, as his face turned a bit pale when he heard about the illegal mark.”

“That might mean he knows about the mark.” I pointed out.

“It won’t change anything anyway. He was just a small-time worker. Not anyone in any real position of power.” Alice said. “I’ll try to do a few other quests for the store, maybe even some of the more difficult ones. That might get me a meeting with the store's owner or at least someone with more authority.”

“Yeah. That might work. I’ll also come with you tomorrow, if you don’t mind.” 

“Of course. Let’s hunt something big.”

“We might have to wait for another fissure for that.” I joked.

“We can find an A-rank without one. And if it is just us fighting, without any of your summons, I think an A-rank will be a good challenge.” Alice told me.

“... that might be just a bit much.”

Honestly speaking, I was a bit worried. I know I took on a B-rank lightning tiger, but that was me juiced up on Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword and Summoner’s Unity, so trying to fight an A-rank monster without either would be extremely difficult. Maybe if I at least used Millenium Shield. That way, I’d at least get the Summoner’s Unity boost.

Well, I guess we will look into it tomorrow.

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