Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.273 Back to being ‘Regular’

CH.273 Back to being ‘Regular’

“Good morning, Alice, Lua.” I greeted the girls. 

“Am I not important enough for a greeting?” Ria asked.

“Good morning, Ria.” I added.

It has been two days since the world treant incident. The five of us had met up in front of the adventurer’s guild in Sawyer city. We were here with two objectives. One, register both Ria and Agunan as members and two, accept an escort request from Mariina. … yeah. We are abusing connections again. What else is new?

“I brought your duel disks.” I told the girls. “And don’t worry Ria, I have one of these for you as well.” 

Everyone got a full bracer to duel disk, with all eleven standard zones available. Five monster, five spell/trap and one field spell zone.

Lua’s took on the form of a silvery … well, bracer, with one card slot on it. It wasn’t actually silver or anything, but vampiric steel. The duel disk form of her duel disk was styled after Camula’s duel disk from the GX anime, except that it kept the silvery color it got from being made of vampiric steel.


Alice’s was mithril, giving it a turquoise color. In duel disk form, it took on the shape of the Battle City duel disk, because Alice preferred that one.


Ria’s was similar metallic color as Lua’s, also from vampiric steel. But unlike Lua’s, her duel disk looked like the standard GX Duel Academy duel disk, like mine does. Well, hers is actually closer to the original, considering that mine is still made from orichalcum, which makes it look golden. Ria’s was a much more standard looking, and with the red highlights I added, it looked like the Slifer red duel disk. 


I had everyone put their new bracers on, just to confirm that they fit well. Then I asked them to swap them into duel disk mode, and they all worked just fine. Finally, I quickly explained how each card slot should be used, or more like what cards can be placed into what slots. 

Sadly, there was one small issue. Well, kind of an issue. Unlike my terminal, and I suppose the same goes for Christina’s, these duel disks could be used by anyone. Well, almost anyone. I was able to limit the use of Ria and Lua’s duel disks to only those who have the Blood Sucker (racial) title by using vampiric steel, but Alice’s mithril duel disk could be used by anyone. This does leave the possibility that they will get stolen, but let’s just hope no one tries to do that before I get the set with Owner’s Seal unlocked, so I’ll be able to prevent that little problem. And it's not like these things are useful to anyone without Card Summoner, so I don't think there is a big threat of theft.

“I’d like to have these two registered.” I asked a receptionist at the adventurer’s guild, of course referring to Agunan and Ria. “She is a dhampir, so here are her papers for being stable. She is also my slave, and has my permission to join.” I informed her of Ria’s situation, as I handed her the papers Ria had for being stable. “... also, he is a dragon in humanoid form. Is that a problem?” I asked a bit more quietly.

It wasn’t actually difficult to tell that Agunan is a dragon. I mean, who else has scales covering like 95% of their body, has wings and a tail and so forth? Well, some evolved lizard folk can have all of that apparently, but lizard scales are different from dragon scales.

“I… I … I think I can… write the papers for the lady, but … I’d have to ask the guild master about the dragon. Is… is that alright?” The girl at the counter asked, stuttering a bit.

“That’s fine.” I agreed. “Will they be able to be D-rank from the start? They do have the strength for it.”

“I’ll … Please let me get the guild master.” The girl said, before she rushed off.

She was on the younger side for a guild receptionist, likely not any more than 16 years of age, so I guess being nervous could be warranted. Not everyday a dragon just walks in, even if Agunan is in his humanoid form.

A little later, the girl returns with both the guild master and the assistant guild master.

“Ah. Lord Wood. Welcome back. We heard you have been out of town.” The guild master, Gordon, greeted me.

“We have had a lot less mysterious incidents while you have been gone, so you could have stayed gone.” The assistant GM, Caiden, muttered under his breath. I did hear it perfectly fine, but let’s just act like I didn’t. Well, maybe a little. 

“Well, I had some personal business to take care of.” I told the GM. “And don’t worry Caiden, we are going to leave soon anyway, so we shouldn’t bring you any trouble.” I said to Caiden, just so he might get a bit nervous. “We just wanted to register Agunan and Ria. Can dragons even register?” I directed my question at the GM. “Also, I’d like them to be D-rank from the start, if that is possible.”

“Yes. I understand. While dragons joining the guild isn’t unheard of, this is the first time it has happened in this area, so that is quite something. I can make a C-rank card for the dragon, but I’d like to have the dhampir to take part in a combat test first. If she is up to par, I can make her C-rank as well.” Gordon told me. “Admittedly both the main guild and the capital guild really want you to visit either of their locations. They have been wanting to give you a special rank-up to A-rank after … Well, what happened with the dragons.” Gordon said, as he looked at me. Then he turned his gaze to Alice, before adding. “As well as the behemoth. I’d love to rank you up myself… but they are saying you must be confirmed by a larger guild, so if you wish to rank-up quickly, you should visit either the main guild, or the capital’s guild.”

“Getting special treatment huh? You must feel right at home.” Caiden quipped.

“Tame a dragon yourself, if you think it is that easy.” I just responded “Or fight a behemoth. Though I feel like you’d pass out from the shock before you even got your first attack off.” I taunted him a bit more.

“Let’s get back on track, shall we. Do you have the dhampir’s papers?” Gordon asked.

“Yeah. They are right there.” I pointed at the reception counter, where I had set the papers earlier. 

Gordon picked them up and quickly read them, before handing them to the receptionist girl. “Maggie. Make the card for Miss Rhianna. I’ll take care of her combat test, and her rank-up.”

“y-Yes Sir.” The girl, Maggie apparently, responded. She went straight to work on Ria’s card, without even asking Ria to show her status.

Well, good for me, if Ria doesn’t have to show her status. It is on the … abnormal side. At least her racial skills are a bit… uncommon. And with her level being 92, that is not normal.

Actually, my level is even worse. It is now 110, thanks to taking down that world treant, and unlike my skills, Laura can’t hide my level. Also, Fantasia aka. Different Dimension Factory, leveled up. 

“Sir Dragon, I shall make your card. May I have your name?” The GM said to Agunan.

“I go by Agunan.” Agunan answered. “Also, you do not have to call me Sir.”

“Yes, dragon Agunan. Please give me a moment, so I can make your card.” 

After Gordon finished making Agunan’s card, we headed out of the guild building. Soon we entered the … combat yard? of the guild. It wasn’t actually in the guild’s backyard, like it was in Alewatch, but a few plots over. It just looked like an empty plot, which used to have a building on it, but after it was demolished, nothing new was ever built.

“Just don’t kill him.” I told Ria, as I handed her her gauntlets and her jacket from my Storage. She often keeps both in her magic fanny pack, but I do sometimes have to bring them into Storage so I can auto fix them. “You are a lot stronger than most people, and you mostly train against Agunan and my monsters, so don’t think everyone is as sturdy as they are.”

“I’ll be careful.” Ria assured me, as she slipped her armored jacket on. She then sprinkled some blood from her flask on it, to prevent the jacket from draining her HP and equipped her gauntlets.

As Gordon said earlier, he was himself going to be the one having a fight against Ria. He had swapped from his nice looking clothes into something more suitable for battle. He had what I think is an armored jacket, similar to mine with bigger plates in critical areas, and his weapon of choice was a two-handed warhammer.

“Are you ready, miss?” Gordon asked Ria.


That was all the guild master waited for, because as soon as he heard Ria’s response, he moved forward at a speed which makes me think he is using Flickering Step. He then swung his hammer in an arc, aiming for Ria’s shoulder area, perhaps trying to hit a spot that could be healed in case he actually injured her.

Not that the attack ever hit Ria. Ria moved out of the way just enough that the hammer whooshed past her, before hitting the guild master with a powerful Counter Strike powered punch.

It hit the GM in the side of his torso, and with it, came a sound of breaking bones. I think at least a rib or two had just been busted by that punch. Ria quickly stepped back with her own Flickering Step, seemingly giving the GM an opportunity to give up if he wanted to.

“Sir? Are you fine?” Ria asked, seemingly worried that she hit him too hard. I did ask her to hold back, so she must have.

Gordon lowered his hand to the side of his torso, seemingly feeling the hit, before he answered. “If this put me down, I wouldn’t be the guild master. Let’s keep going.” He then took a good grip of his warhammer, and prepared to attack again.

But this time, Ria moved first. She got close with Flickering Step and threw a quick punch. Gordon couldn’t really block the hit, because he had his hammer up, ready to strike, so instead, he began swinging it down. Ria backed off to dodge, but the GM moved with him, his hammer closing in. Instead of taking the hit, Ria struck back, hitting the face of the hammer with her gauntlet and causing a massive boom in the surroundings.

Interestingly, it almost seemed like Ria came out on top. Even with her just using her fist, she beat back the warhammer. That is some strength.

Ria got ready to punch again, but instead, the guild master dropped his hammer.

“Alright. This is enough.” He announced. “You win. You are definitely worthy of being C-rank.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Ria said, and bowed to the guild master.

Since the battle was clearly over, I turned to Lua and asked: “Could you heal him? I think a few of his ribs might have broken.”

“Yes. I will.”

After a quick healing session, luckily only one of Gordon’s ribs had snapped, we returned to the guild, and he upgraded both Ria and Agunan to C-rank.

We then accepted the escort mission to escort Mariina, and left to meet up with her.

“You feel… different? What happened?” Mariina questioned me as we rendezvoused, so we could talk about our escort mission. 

Mariina was heading north, towards the Burch Dukedom. Which was also where Lua wanted to go, so why not agree? … still, I feel like this is a setup by someone. Why would Mariina be heading the same way as us? I wonder if Alice spoke about Lua wanting to head north and then Mariina decided to also go that way? I know she did stay at her grandfather’s place, so it is possible.

“What do you mean different?” I asked. “And I did evolve, so maybe that is it?”

“Your mana just feels strange. Almost like … you aren’t human?” Mariina said.

Well, I am a Dragon Hearted at the moment, so maybe I have more draconic mana or something? Not that I’ll be telling her that. “Probably just my evolution, or something.” I again answered. “So, we are leaving tomorrow?” I confirmed.

“Yes, we are. I believe you have no issues with that?”

“Nope. We are set to go.” I confirmed.

So starting tomorrow, we are heading north. That will be good. 


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