Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.272 Weakening Dimensional Barrier Detection Device

CH.272 Weakening Dimensional Barrier Detection Device

“Are you sure we aren’t getting too familiar with each other? This is the second night in the row we’ve had a talk.” I questioned the Goddess. She had once again stolen me while I was sleeping, so we could talk.

“This might be the last one for a while, so it is fine.” The rainbow haired lady answered. “Thank you for running the test, as well as the detailed report. It has been extremely helpful.”

“Sure, no problem. Sorry Exodia couldn’t fix the barrier without breaking it.”

“That is fine. Being able to fix a dimensional fissure without involving us is already unprecedented, so we are more than happy with this result.”

“That’s good to hear. … so, going forward… What should I be doing? Will you just keep sending me missions to go to places where the barrier is deteriorating? Then I break it open and have Exodia fix it?”

“That is an option, but not a great one. First, it keeps us involved on a large scale. It isn’t bad, per se, but it does take us away from our other duties.”

“... us?” I questioned. I’ve noticed that the Goddess does often use ‘we’ or ‘us’ and so forth when referring to herself, but she does also sometimes use I, so that bothers me a bit.

“Myself, and the System Agents.” The Goddess specified. “What I’d like you to do is this. First, make a device that can detect differences in the dimensional barrier. You should be able to do that using the Chaos God Dungeon. Then, spread them around the continent you live on to make a warning system that doesn’t rely on us to work. I believe you should work with the Adventurer’s Guild for that. Third, I’d like Holder Alice Mana Watchman to look into a spell that can imitate Exodia’s barrier technique. With her Unique-Racial skill, she should be able to do it. I will send her a mission regarding that. The final spell will likely fall under Dimensional magic, so you should also work on your Space magic, so that you may one day learn how to use Dimensional magic. Learning Time magic might not be a bad idea either, as it works well with Space magic. Ideally, we want people to learn how to fix the barrier, without having to rely on us, or your cards. That will be the best for the world. That will free us to focus more on the other continents.”

“... no pressure, huh.”

“We didn’t mean to put you under any. At the end of the day, we cannot force you to do this. You do not have to. We are simply asking you to do it.”

“... I guess I can try…”

“Thank you. That is all that we ask for. If you have no questions at this time, we shall send you back.”

“Wait! I do have one.” I quickly interrupted. “The Chaos God Dungeon. I noticed it can be moved, so am I allowed to move it, or is the place it is in somehow critical?”

“You may move it, if you’d like. Just keep a certain distance from the other three Chaos God Dungeons on the continent. Their locations are sadly secret information, so I cannot tell you where they are, but your dungeon will know if you try to move too close to one and will tell you it cannot move there.”

“Alright. Thanks. Now I just have to figure out where to move it…”

“Perhaps to the skies. If you can make your ‘mana factory’ work, you can use large scale levitation magic to keep the dungeon floating in the sky.”

“A floating island dungeon..? I do like the sound of that.” I admitted. “Also … you said that you cannot use your full power without a physical body, right?”

“Yes, I did state that, and that is true.”

“... what does it take for you to get a physical body? I mean, you appeared in the world when the Hero was active, right? So you could in that situation do it. … So can you do that again? If, for example, I summon a God monster, and you take it over to use as your body? Would that work?”

“I do like your idea.” The Goddess answered and I felt myself smiling as she did. “But it won’t work.”

“... why not?”

“I cannot tell you that at this time. All I will say is this. The Hero and his companions were special in a way that you simply are not. At least not as of this moment. Until you are able to reach that special level, summoning me will not be possible.”

“... alright…” I accepted what she said, even if I didn’t like it.

“Just do your best for now. If you do, you will eventually be rewarded with the truth. That is what I can tell you now. Please rest well.”

“...” I didn’t say another word, before the world went back to black, as I went back to sleep.

“No pressure, huh. How in the world am I supposed to make a weakening dimensional barrier detection device? WDBDD… that is not a good name… Well, I’ll come up with a better one later.”

I honestly had no idea where to even start. I browsed the catalog of stuff the Chaos God Dungeon could make, focusing on detection devices, but nothing was even remotely close to what I needed. Sure I could make anything from heat detectors to magic detectors. Earthquake detectors to solar radiation detectors. I could even make things like radar and sonar detectors, but nothing that could detect the dimensional barrier. 

My first idea was to just throw every detector that detects any form of magic together into one … but that didn’t work at all. All I had was a huge mess of readings, and it didn’t even detect the dimensional barrier. 

Next I tried to work with miasma detectors, but again, it couldn’t do it. Even mixing a magic and miasma detector together didn’t work. … I did accidentally make a dungeon detector with that though… But we won’t talk about that. I don’t want to be that guy that goes around eliminating and founding all the dungeons.

Well, whatever.

“Agunan, how about some practice? I need a break.”

“How is practice a break?” The dragon questioned.

“... it just is, okay. It will make me focus on some other stuff, so I won’t have to think about all this complicated BS.”

I spent most of my time as a Dragon Hearted, because why not? I looked basically human, except for the little dragon scale over my heart. And not like I’ve interacted with humans after my evolution. 

Anyway, back to my training. I hadn’t yet gotten either of the two racial skills Dragon Hearted would allow me to get, but I was starting to understand them a bit.

I guess I’ll go over Draconic Body first, as it is the more simple one. In short, I can turn my body to be more … well draconic. Aka. turning my skin to scales, my nails to weapons, my teeth to sharper teeth, my eyes to dragon eyes and so forth. Eventually, I could potentially even grow a tail and wings. I guess as a skill it is quite similar to Ria’s Vampiric Body Modification. I didn’t have the skill yet, but I could grow some scales. Only on my chest and back though, not on my arms or legs yet. Interestingly, the scales always spread from the small scale I always had on my chest, over my heart. 

For Draconic magic… well, it was a mess. It was basically a irregular magic that could do a ton of things, but you needed to guide your energy in very specific ways. And there were no chants or anything for it, you had to do it by feel. But the good part was, it could imitate all attribute magics, so with it, you could use wind, water, earth, fire, light or dark. If you knew what you were doing. Agunan used mostly fire, with some wind and earth for support. He didn’t know anything about dark or water, and only the bare minimum about light. Draconic magic was also somewhat limited when it came to variety of spells I could use. It was all focused on self buffing and offensive power. It had very little in terms of defense, helping allies and healing. As for my first goal with Draconic magic, well, Agunan was trying to teach me how to breathe fire. Apparently, that was one of the easiest things to do. For me, it sounds like advanced stuff, but it the dragon tells me that it is simple, I’ll try my best.

After my training session, I went back to work on the WDBDDweakening dimensional barrier detection device, name not final. But still, I didn’t get anywhere with it, because there is no technology to detect the dimensional barrier. Of course there wouldn’t be. Not like anyone would even know about it, right?

Because I was stuck, I traded my goal and went back to work on my bracer to duel disk transforming duel disk. … Do I suck at naming things? BDDTDD is not a good name. I guess BDD is … okay even that is bad. 

“... wait … this works? … but it…” I muttered to myself, as I brought up the prototype. Last time I checked it, it was incomplete, because I couldn’t compress all of the dedicated magic channels into the bracer, but the one I was looking at now seemed to work just fine.

(I worked on it with Tahlia, as well as a few of your monsters, so we were able to make it work.) Laura told me. (Do you like it?)

(... I … wow. Nice work. Does it really work?)

(I did test it in the factory, and it worked with satisfactory results. I was hoping Miss Alice and Miss Lucia could test it further.)

(I feel like they will agree. I guess I’ll make them both one then. … No, I should make it customizable first. Like color, material and all of that… Then ask them what color duel disks they want.)

It didn’t take me too long to figure out how I could make duel disks with different colors, so I made red, yellow and blue ones, as proof of concept. … well, I didn’t physically make them yet, but I could, and I can make ones in the factory now.


I’ll show them to the girls when we meet in the factory this evening, and ask them what color they want.

I was the first of us in the factory, so I pulled up my Pack Opener and went for some new packs. I did get access to Shadow of Infinity, so why not? Let’s see what I can get.


Phantasmal Martyrs and End of the World, huh. Not a bad start. Sadly Phantasmal Martyrs isn’t nearly as good as its anime version. With the anime version, you only had to send two cards from your hand to the GY to summon the three tokens, but the TCG version requires you to send all. Well, it isn’t a big deal to me, but still, something to ‘complain’ about. And End of the World in nice, because it names both Ruin, Queen of Oblivion and Demise, King of Armageddon. Because of that, I should be able to use Manju and Senju to get those two.

Even Ancient Gear Cannon is alright. I could use them to make a machine floor for the dungeon, where the Cannons will just blow themselves up and kill the intruder. As long as I have enough suicide bombers, suicide bombing is not a terrible idea. … still quite grim though.

Anyway, next pack.


Okay. Both a Hero Kid and Miracle Kids in the same pack. I guess that is something. Tenkabito Shien is not a bad monster and if I ever want instructions on horseback riding, I think he will be able to help with that. Samsara is honestly not bad. Especially if I ever have to summon a ton of rituals. Sadly, it only works with ritual summoning, instead of all tributing, but if it worked with all types of tributes, it might be OP. Well, in normal Yugioh where you cannot just pull cards out of your collection anytime you’d like, I think it might still be balanced, if it was just monsters used for tribute summons and ritual summons. Maybe.

And Memory Crusher is just… well, if I ever want to cause someone nightmares, I think he might be useful. Unless he really can crush someone’s memories.


Okay. Magnet Circle LV2 is basically useless. D.D. Guide could actually be helpful, if he can help me make the WDBDD. Trial of the Princesses is of course nice to have. Success Probability 0% sounds like it is both useful, and useless. If it does what it says on the card, it is useless, but if it does what the card name implies, it could have a near infinite amount of uses. And Malfunction is alright, if I ever need to get past a trap, without destroying the trap.


Ah. Ancient Gear. You were so close to being actually good. If only your special summon condition was ‘If you control an "Ancient Gear" monster’, instead of ‘If you control an "Ancient Gear"’. You could have been so much better. Well, one can dream.

Karma Cut… well, it could be useful for something, and I guess like the Photon Generator Unit, Attack Reflector Unit isn’t useless.



Oh, look. It is the E-Hero you can’t actually summon, because Metamorphosis is banned. Not that anyone would summon Neo Bubbleman, even if Metamorphosis wasn’t banned. 

Silent Insect is actually surprisingly nice, I think. It could honestly see some use. Saber Beetle is just a nice beater, and Option Hunter isn’t useless. Not so sure about Generation Shift though. I guess I could use it to swap a monster that is out of time for a new one, so that is a decent use for it.



Princess Curran would be good for Alice, but I’m just afraid she will make Alice into a sadist. Full Salvo is dumb, because I don’t have a hand-size-limit, so I can just absolutely blast someone with it. And D.3.S. Frog makes me want frog legs.

Let’s just open the next pack, before I cook up my brand new frog.


Well, Doom Dozer is an alright beater. Chain Thrasher is… trash. But Sand Moth and Generation Shift do make for an interesting combo. I mean, you can destroy Sand Moth yourself, it doesn’t have to be your opponent, and Generation Shift does destroy, so you could do it. Wait, you actually can't. Generation Shift only works on face-up monsters, and Sand Moth has to be face-down for its effect. So no combo here, just mediocre cards.



… well, Goblin Out of the Frying Pan can probably negate magic, but it does seem like it will just return the mana to the caster, or something. Honestly, who designed a card that counters cards that can just be activated from the hand, by returning them to the hand. 

Machine King Prototype is alright and Anteatereatingant is a joke. Well, I guess if I want to eat insect meat.

… why can I only think of food? I guess maybe next pack can answer that.


I GOT ONE. I got a Sacred Beast. And it is Hamon. … admittedly I do like Uria more, but Hamon is number two. Sorry Raviel. You just are the worst of the three. And just like my Wicked Gods, Hamon has the effect where [If this card is in a Divine sleeve, it is always also treated as a Divine/Divine-Beast monster.] so that is nice.

Let’s go one more. Maybe I can get another Sacred Beast.


I mean, Cyber Barrier Dragon is no Sacred Beast, but I’ll gladly take it. And Treeborn Frog is just fine as well. More frog legs for me to… 

Okay, I’m jumping out of the factory for a snack. I clearly need one, before I talk about the custom duel disks with Alice and Lua. It must be because of all of that designing work I put in on the WDBDD. I should have had some snacks while I worked on it. Well, better late than never. Snacks, the let's customize some duel disks.

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