Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.274 Fishing problems

CH.274 Fishing problems

The next morning, we got into four golem carriages before we were off. And by we, I mean my squad of Agunan, Ria, Alice, Lua and me, as well as Mariina and her attendants. She had a personal servant/maid, as well as two guards paid for by the Sage’s tower.

We would be traveling in the golem carriages she borrowed from the Sage’s tower. She had brought five into the city, but because one was a gift to her father, we now only had four to use. 

I should make my own carriage with HomeBase. Something that can be drawn by my monsters, as well as be used with just magic. I think I can do that. I wonder how mad Mystic Horseman, Chiron the Mage and maybe even Rabid Horseman would be, if I asked them to pull a carriage?


Well, if they refuse, I can always use something like Dark Zebra. It is basically a horse. Or maybe a small wingless dragon, like Lesser Dragon. I think using a dragon to pull my carriage is just a bit more me, but that might just be my opinion.


During our ride, I took up a small piece of world treant wood from my storage and began carving on it with a simple steel knife. The knife was just something I made with HomeBase, and the piece of wood was leftover materials from my spellcasters working on a world treant staff for me.  But despite the lesser importance of the items I had, what I was making was extremely important. Well, this one might not be, if it doesn’t come out satisfactory, but still.

I was making a wooden cup. It was going to be an engagement gift for Lua, because she told me it is something dhampirs do. Make a wooden cup for the one they love, and bring them blood in it. Sure I already gave her a bracelet with a magic stone, but that is more of a human custom, and I don’t want to disrespect her own customs. Maybe being ‘One of Every Race’ makes me appreciate the racial customs more, or something. The only thing was, I was trying to keep it a secret from Lua. Because of that, we had split our seating arrangement. I was with Agunan in the second of the four carriages, Lua, Ria and Alice were in the last one and Mariina was in the one at the lead, as she, or her spirit friend, would have to control it, and the other three followed it. Originally, the two carriages we now took up were full of stuff, but I was keeping it in my Storage, so we were able to use them as well.

Oh yeah. And since I mentioned the staff. Yes, I indeed do now have a world treant staff. And I have began the process of letting my mana flow through it. I do it at least twice a day, but with Storage, I can do it a ton if I want. Usually, you don’t want to do it too much, so the mana has time to set, but I can just put the staff in Storage, fast forward time a bit for it, and then circulate mana through it again. With optimal speed, I could run about 6 cycles of the circulation per hour, so if I really focused on it, I could have a usable staff in one to two weeks, whereas normally it would take between few months to few years, depending on how good of a staff you wanted.

Two days later, we came to our first town where we were going to stop. A small-ish town, similar in size to Alewatch, called the Town of Bloggs. 

… that name, huh? Well, at least the Prince bonked the moron Baron and let his son take over, so hopefully we will be fine.

Bloggs, the town, was next to a large lake, which was quite full of low-ranking fish monsters. This has led to fishing being a big industry in the town, as the lake is one of the best sources of fish in the area.

… sadly the lake isn’t clear and beautiful, but instead quite muddy and dark. But still, fish is fish, and fish tastes good. Well, at least the fish I used to eat on earth and the fish I make with Mystik Wok. I haven’t tried the local fish yet.

Getting into the town was easy enough, even though Agunan got some looks from the guards. But he had his guild card, so the guards let him in. … admittedly, my status as a noble, as well as Mariina being a sage candidate from the Sage’s tower might have helped as well.

Inside the town, we headed for the adventurer’s guild. Like in Sawyer city, Mariina would hold some sort of magic test thing here, and she would work with the guild to make it happen. This meant that we would stay in town for a few nights, and during that time, the rest of us could basically roam free and take on some other adventuring jobs.

I might go visit HomeBase, just so I can make the carriage I designed with Dungeon Founder over the past two days of travel, but I also want to look around the town. Still working on that VDBDD in the background. I asked for help from my dimensional Spellcasters, and even summoned Exodia in the factory to help with that, but we still only got to the level where we can just detect the barriers that separate the dimensions. Next we need to figure out how to detect the correct barrier, then detect how strong or weak it is and so forth. Oh yeah. There are multiple dimensional barriers. All of the dimensions of this world have one between them. That is how I’m calling them by the way. World is the all encompassing word. It holds everything. The ‘overworld’ dimension where we live in, the spirit dimension or whatever that is, the Chaos God Energy dimension and so on and so forth. And dimensions are basically the sub-parts, which I just listed a few above. I don’t know all of them, so I can’t tell you all of them. But at least those three are ones I know exist. I guess I could add the ‘Goddess dimension’ as well as maybe my own Different Dimension Factory as dimensions, but I’m not sure if Factory counts.

But yeah. I could make a device that can detect all of those barriers, but I now need one that only focuses on the Chaos God Energy dimensions barrier, then make it so that it can detect when said barrier is weaker than normal. But first I need to figure out what the ‘normal’ is for that barrier, so I can detect when it is weak. Well, working on it.

“What are these prices? They are even more than yesterday.” I heard someone complaining, while looking at the fish available at a street stall, near the harbor.

The guild of this town wasn’t too far from the lakeshore, just because sometimes strong monsters would come from the lake, and they wanted to be close so they could intercept the monsters, or so Lua told us.

“Go fish yourself, if you think it is that easy. Some monster has been ripping up our nets, so we only get very few fish in the first place, and we also have to fix the nets.” The stall keeper answered the man.

That’s too bad, I guess. This might not be the best time to bulk buy fish then. And here I was somewhat hoping I could have some sushi. Well, I’d also need wasabi for that. Rice I can get with HomeBase, but I don’t know if it has wasabi. And with Tahlia being able to clean away any parasites, or anything else like that, the fish should be safe to eat, even raw. And even if I’m not the biggest fan of sushi, looking for sushi is just part of the isekai experience, right?

Well, I can always get some later.

“All of the guild’s ships are already in use. If you wish to go hunt the monster, you must have one of your own.” I heard a receptionist at the adventuring guild talking to a group of adventurers. 

The reason for it was simple. There was a quest to hunt down whatever the monster in the lake was, and the reward was one hundred gold coins. And because it came with no rank requirement, anyone could try it. 

As we were waiting, I heard some more information about the situation, and apparently, some monster had appeared in the lake about a week ago. To this point, there hasn’t been a single casualty, but the monster attacks fishing nets, as well as fishing lines, preventing fishermen from fishing, and people are worried that it will cause a food shortage. The price of fish has already skyrocketed to over five times what it was a week ago. And with the change of the town's leadership, caused by … definitely not me, this was the first problem for the new lord to solve to get the people to accept him, so he must have just thrown money at it, in an attempt to make the problem go away. 

Well, money might just solve this issue. They just need to get that monster to show up, so they can kill it. Maybe they can bait it out with something? 

“I understand that, but the town is in trouble and the adventurer’s are focusing on that, so holding the test might be impossible as of now.” The guildmaster explained to Mariina, when we finally got to meet him.

“I see. Then we simply must cancel. I have my own schedule to keep, so we cannot stay for too long.” Mariina simply answered.

“Yes. It is sad that we must cancel, but we simply have no choice, unless the problem with the lake is dealt with.”

“Do not expect me to do it.” Mariina simply told him. “But Brian here is a great adventurer. You’ve probably heard of some of his achievements, so perhaps ask him.”

… why are you putting the pressure on me? This isn’t my problem to solve. I already have plenty of problems of my own. Well, most of them come from the Goddess.

“... Brian.” Alice was trying to get my attention.


“...” (I got a system mission… to find whatever it is that is causing this fishing issue.) Alice told me with a system link message. And after she did, a mission popped up for me as well.

Mission: Hunt the Monster of the Lake
Information: An unknown being has appeared in the lake of the town of Bloggs. Find it, and deal with it.
Goal: Deal with the monster that prevents the townspeople from fishing.
Reward: Opens set ‘’
Note: If the issue is solved by an uninvolved third party, no reward will be given.

Really? Just forcing it on me like that? Well now I just have to do it. New set is more important than anything else.

“If you allow it, we can look into it.” I told Mariina. I’m just trying to make it look like she is the one who orders us to do this, so the guild will be more willing to help her. … Who am I kidding? I do it because a new set is involved. Otherwise, I probably would just leave it to the locals. I don’t want to steal all of their jobs.

“Of course. If you would deal with it as soon as possible.” Mariina said. “Guild master. Brian shall deal with the lake issue. Trust me, he will get it done. Can you start preparing for the witch and wizard exams?”

“Y-yes, Ma'am.” The GM answered. “... sir? How soon may I expect you to be done?”

“I’ll get it done tomorrow. It is getting late, so we will rest up and get it done tomorrow, as long as that is fine.” I told him.

“Yes. I’ll be waiting for the good news then.” The GM said.

“Are you really fine with that?” Mariina asked, after we left the guild and were heading for an inn we were going to stay at.

“Now you are asking? Aren’t you the one who basically forced this on us?”

“I just know you will get it done, and the reward is not bad. It will be easy for you, won’t it?”

“I don’t know. It depends on this ‘monster’ that lurks in the lake. The problem is that we have no info on what it is.” 

Honestly, if I didn’t have the system mission, I’d almost think there is like a dungeon at the bottom of the lake or something. … actually, that might still be possible, but I didn’t get a mission about one, so maybe not? Well, I’ll see that tomorrow. Maybe I should have made one of those dungeon locator things. 

Well, anyway. Tomorrow's problems. New set is all I care about, and I guess this will also be a good opportunity to use water spirits, the Spiritual Human race, as well as a few of my aquatic monsters, so even without the mission, I may just have done it. 

And this is also Alice’s first mission, so something fun for her to look forward to. ... wait, not it isn't. She had that mission about the dungeon, and more recently, the one to develop a new spell to close dimensional fissures. So this is her third. 

Still, let’s make it good.

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