Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.271 World Treant

CH.271 World Treant

(Laura, is this the correct place?) I asked, after I arrived at the place Laura had indicated. 

We were about to run an experiment, testing if Exodia can repair the dimensional barrier that separates the … Chaos God Dimension from the dimension most people live in, and for that, the Goddess had sent us to a place where the wall was quite damaged, or something.

I was in the northern part of the Ever forest, and I did check for any signs of life around the area, but there were only weak monsters. And they will likely run away when I summon anything, so nothing to worry about.

(Yes. This should be the place.) Laura confirmed.

(... I don’t see anything…)

(Did you expect that the dimensional barrier could be seen?)

(Well, I heard that there was some sort of a sign before the dimensional fissure appeared, so I was expecting something like that.)

(This hasn’t deteriorated to that point yet, so no, there wouldn’t be one.)

(... so we have no way of locating these deteriorated spots, without the Goddess’ help… Well, I would say that is bad, but at the same time, it is more of her problem. I’m just helping her solve it.)

(It will be everyone's problem if the barrier completely cracks. There will be fissures everywhere.)

(Yeah… but what can we do? If she can’t fix it without a physical body, there is nothing we can do, right? It isn’t like I can just give … wait … Can she take over the body of a Divine monster and use it..?)

(... I don’t know, but we could ask.) 

(Remind me to do that next time we meet.)

(Yes. I’ll also have Aulis transmit the question to her.)

(Thanks. Well then, let’s start.)

I opened the Gradius canopy, swapped my terminal from the bracer mode to duel disk mode, including the new Arc-V style light blade part, and got out my Divine sleeved Exodia parts. I used that part, just in case  the cards warm up again. I set the five cards on the light blade, and said:

“With the five pieces gathered, I summon Exodia, the Forbidden One.”


Soon, my golden giant appeared from his pentagram. I’m not sure if I’m happy, or scared that I summoned him again. Last time, things didn’t exactly go well. Well, they could have been worse, but between a message from the literal God of this world, and then the dragons coming to bonk me for being a dummy, I have some … questionable memories about using Exodia.

“Exodia! The Goddess of this world wants to know if you can repair a deteriorating dimensional barrier! This place should have that, so can you fix it?” I yelled at my giant monster, just to make sure he heard me.

He didn’t verbally answer, but just nodded and began doing … something. Because I have no idea what he is doing, I decided to take a bit of distance and let him do his thing. 

I flew just a bit away from where I left Exodia, got on the forest floor, unsummoned my Gradius, and summoned Mechanical Hound. We were going to go on a little hunt, and he was going to be my hunting dog.


I had my Mechanical Hound locate monsters, and then I attacked them with my sword, taking them down. The forest was a bit too over grown for the large mechanical wolf, but we made it work. We kept it up for about 30 minutes, until Laura told me that Exodia had finished the initial inspection and wanted me back. 

“So, how is it?” I asked Exodia. 

I had arrived where he was standing, and had used telekinesis to float up, so I could stand on his shoulder. I wouldn’t call my telekinesis flight worthy yet, but I can float with it just fine. The faster mana control I gained after eliminating the dungeon core did also help.

Exodia didn’t verbally answer, instead using magic to write giant letters in the air in front of us.

[I cannot reinforce it, but I can make a hole and then repair that hole. Is that fine?]

“... okay. I guess that is something… both good and bad. So you can close fissures, and even open them, but not reinforce the barrier, unless it is already broken, is that correct?” I confirmed.

[Yes.] Exodia answered in writing.

“... well, we were given permission by the Goddess to open up a dimensional fissure, if necessary, so I guess we can do it.” I told the giant.

[Thank you. I shall break a hole, and then repair it with haste. Master, please deal with any monsters that might appear because of the fissure. All of my focus must be on the repair.]

“Oh. Yeah. I got it. You just deal with the barrier, I’ll deal with the monsters.” I told Exodia.

He then prompted me to get off of him, so I jumped off his shoulder, and got to the ground with telekinesis. But then I realized that being on the ground wouldn’t be optimal for vision, so I summoned UFOroid and rode it instead. Does this make me a UFOroid Fighter?


Exodia began gathering energy. The same energy he used when he used ‘Obliterate’, but this time, the amount of energy was noticeably less. After just a few seconds of gathering it, he surrounded his left fist with the energy, before punching forward with it. It honestly looked like he was imitating Obelisk the Tormentor, but maybe that is just me. 

I do have Obelisk now by the way. After getting the first Divine/Divine-Beast monsters, in the form of the Divine sleeved Wicked Gods, I was able to make Divine/Divine-Beast monsters with DNA Surgery and Transplant respectfully. So I made ten of them and traded them for Obelisk the Tormentor. Thankfully they didn’t need Divine sleeves to be Divine/Divine-Beasts, so I didn’t have to waste resources.


Also, without a Divine sleeve, my Obelisk couldn’t use its effect. Perhaps somewhat similar to the [If this card is in a Divine sleeve, it is always also treated as a Divine/Divine-Beast monster.] effect that the Wicked Gods have, Obelisk had an effect where without a Divine sleeve, it cannot use its effects. It could still be used as a powerful monster, but not as a God monster. A similar effect appeared on the Buster Bladers I turned into Divine/Divine-Beast monsters, but I never put a Divine sleeve on one, because the effect was [Gains 500 ATK for each Dragon and Divine-Beast monster your opponent controls or is in their GY. Only gains ATK for Divine-Beast monsters, if this card is in a Divine sleeve.]

Anyway, back to here and now. Exodia’s punch had ripped apart the dimensional barrier, and a dimensional fissure had opened in front of me. A similar purple mess of smog and crackling lightning formed. It looked a bit larger than the one the behemoth had popped out of, but I might also be wrong. It is a bit difficult to judge. From it, I felt a dangerous energy rushing out. I don’t think I felt that from the one in Alewatch, so maybe that one had already given out the ‘first burst’ and stabilized somewhat. 

“UFOroid? You alright?” I confirmed with my summoned ride, because that mana/miasma pulse honestly could do something bad, I think. I don’t want my roid to get EMPed. I got some beebs as a response, so it must be fine. 

We took just a bit of distance from the fissure, and let Exodia work on it, while keeping my eyes on both the fissure and the surrounding area, looking for monsters. It didn’t look like anything was coming out of the fissure at first, but then, I saw a beam of mana and miasma come out of it, and focus on something on the forest floor. It was strong enough that the mana and miasma, which were usually unseeable by the naked eye, were perfectly visible. I didn’t know exactly what the mana/miasma beam hit, but it was likely a goblin, or some small critter. That is all that exists in this forest, at least as far as I’ve seen.

Well, that was my assumption, until I realized that I was wrong. Because one of the trees in the forest had begun to grow. Massively and with enormous speed. The tree quickly grew double, triple, quadruple in size, and it still kept growing, assimilating the surrounding trees into its own body as it grew. When it finally stopped, it was something like 200 meters tall. A tree the size of a skyscraper was now in front of me. It really is funny, isn’t it? Here I am, thinking Exodia is large, and this tree just shows up asking: “Who is large now?” or something.

(That’s a world treant. An SS-rank monster. You should take it down immediately.) Laura told me.

“Yeah. On it.” I said as I got out a handful of cards. Thankfully I got all the materials for this guy, thank you Laura. This will be fun. Machines versus nature. Who will win? … of course it will be the machines. Because they have a secret weapon. “I activate Power Bond! I fuse together three Cyber Dragons to summon the Cyber End Dragon!”


My three mechanical dragons fused together and became one. Cyber End Dragon was right around 30 meters tall, like my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragons. … no. It is actually just a bit smaller. But not by much. Still, because I summoned it with Power Bond, it has way more attack than the Ultimate Dragons. Now you might think that I’m in trouble because of Power Bonds effect that will damage me, but don’t worry. I have a card for that. I wouldn’t have used Power Bond if I didn’t. Also, a factory test showed an interesting side on how Power Bond works, but I’ll tell you about it in just a second. For now. 

“Cyber End Dragon, attack that world treant with Super Strident Blaze!” I ordered my dragon.

Cyber End did as ordered, and attacked the tree with a massive beam of light, coming from all three of its mouths. The beam hit, causing good damage to the tree, but it didn’t go down from just one attack.

Power Bond is going to inflict damage to you in 0:15
Power Bond is going to inflict damage to you in 0:14
Power Bond is going to inflict damage to you in 0:13

This was what we figured out in the factory. Power Bond would inflict damage to me, quite quickly after the first attack by the monster I summoned, and I’d have a fifteen second countdown for it. But I was prepared for it, so I just activated a trap card.

“Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment.”


Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment is one of the cards that can negate Power Bonds damage, and it is the only one I have for that at this time. I think. But one is enough, so even if I have an alternative, this is fine.

With the Power Bond damage negated, I could once again focus on the world treant. 

“I activate Limiter Removal! Cyber End, attack again, Eternal Evolution Burst!”Yes, I used both the Japanese and English attack names. And the Japanese is the cooler one, so it got to be the one after Limiter Removal. Fight me.


I activated Limiter Removal, doubling my Cyber End Dragon’s attack again, so it now had a total of 16,000 attack. With its power now sky high, it blasted the world treant again, taking the monster down with the second strike. After that, because of the negative side of Limiter Removal, both my Cyber End, as well as the UFOroid I had been standing on, broke apart and died. I quickly stopped my fall with telekinesis, and summoned another monster to take the place of my UFOroid. 



With something under my feet again, I went to collect the remains of the world treant. Then I began watching over the area, in case another monster would pop out.

After about 15 more minutes, Exodia had closed the dimensional fissure. During that time, only one other monster appeared, this time appearing from the fissure itself. It was an A-rank bird monster, and I summoned Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon to fight against it. Because it was taking a while, I assisted the Thunder Dragon by using one Raigeki Break on the bird monster, so we took it down.


So, in conclusion. Exodia can repair dimensional fissures, but cannot reinforce the dimensional barrier before it is already completely broken. And SS-rank monsters are still quite tough. The fact that the world treant shrugged off a Power Bonded End Dragon’s attack is no joke. Sure it died to the Limiter Removal Power Bond End Dragon, but if it didn’t, then we’d have a big problem.

(Laura, can you transmit our findings to the Goddess?)

(Yes. I’ll make a report about this, and deliver it with haste.)


“Exodia, great work. You can go now. You as well, Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon.” I said, before I unsummoned the two monsters.

I spent a bit of time over the forest where the fissure had taken place, just making sure that there were no after effects. I ran a copy of Rain of Mercy, just to fix the ground, and then I installed one copy of Forest on the ground, to hopefully regrow the trees that had been lost when the world treant appeared. Then I added a second Rain of Mercy to kickstart the regrowth of the forest.


The install of Forest had an immediate effect, and new trees began sprouting from the ground. But it would still take a few weeks before the trees would be the same size as the previous ones, so it wasn’t all powerful, or anything. But still, good to know that I can fix my environmental destruction. I think the spirits, or some other power of nature, would get angry with me if I never fixed the problems I make.

After another half an hour of watching over the area, I decided that this would be enough. I called out my Gradius and headed back to HomeBase. 

Oh. One last thing. The reward I got for the dimensional barrier/fissure test. I got two things.

One, I opened the set .

It has some cool stuff, including the Sacred Beast cards. Adding more Divine-Beasts into my arsenal, huh? I guess that is cool.

I also got two new promo trades. Even though I feel like this is more like Anime trades, because I’m decently sure these cards are anime only. Dark Element and Dark Guardian.


I think the Goddess wants me to use them to reinforce the Gate Guardian final boss the Chaos God Dungeon currently has, so I think I’ll do just that. 

At the moment, the way the final fight works is that first, you’d have to beat Kazejin, Suijin and Sanga of the Thunder, when they are three separate monsters. 


If you manage to do that, they’d all get summoned back with three copies of Call of the Hunted, and then they would combine to make Gate Guardian.


But now, I can add another step to the process, so that when the Gate Guardian is taken down, they will have to face the Dark Guardian. I still think that that three stage boss fight is beatable, but at the same time, it might start to approach the level where you’d have to be crazy strong to win.

“So neither of you will be coming home today?” I asked Lua and Alice when we met in the factory in the evening.

“Yes. … sorry.” Lua apologized.

“It isn’t really your fault. So, where do you think you will head?”

“The closest safe town would be in the north, in the Burch Dukedom, so I think there.” Lua said.

“Alright. Send me the info and where you want to meet. I’ll come to do the curing.” Lua could potentially cure the blood curse herself, but curing an entire village would be tough. And I do have that mission, so I should do that part. “What about you, Alice?”

“I’ll be staying with Grandpa for a few days and do a few adventuring jobs with Paulina.” Alice said.

“Alright. … it will be a bit lonely without you, so let’s keep these meetings up at least every evening.” I told the two.

At least this will give me a bit of time to work on some projects. Like a certain swordstaff I promised Alice. Not the mithril one, but the world's greatest one. I think I’ll also have my spellcaster monsters use the world treant materials to make me a treant-wood staff. Treant wood stuff need that mana circulation thing done to them for a long time, so if I have one, I can start doing it. Sure I have the one Sorcerer of Dark Magic once got me, but that thing is way lower quality than world treant wood, so let’s just make a new one. I’ll also finish those duel disks, so that I can give them to Alice and Lua when we next meet.

… why have I started so many projects?

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