Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.268 One without a Race

CH.268 One without a Race

[Alice POV]

“... Brian… Please wake up tomorrow.” I quietly said, before heading to bed again. It has been just over a day since Brian began his evolution. “I don’t think Lua will be able to handle another day of you sleeping.”

Lua wasn’t taking Brian’s evolution well. For the entire time she was up, she was by Brian’s side, using both healing magic, and water magic to control his body temperature. She even refused to eat, only drinking blood. I know she can get away with it, but I still don’t think it is good for her. At least we were able to put her to sleep, because I really don’t think she could hang in there if she didn’t sleep.

Today was mostly peaceful. There was a small issue, when a respawned floor 49 boss challenged Agunan for the position of the dungeon master, but the dragon quickly dealt with the winged sea serpent. The power of dragons is really … something. 

I myself spent a lot of time both practicing magic, as well as going through Mana’s memories. … Well, they are my memories now, but… Mana is always so brave. She has faced a multitude of nearly impossible to beat opponents, including some monster of ultimate darkness, but she still keeps moving forward. For her childhood friend. Our System Support took his voice, even though we both agreed we shouldn’t use his name for Kekri. 

But something interesting that I learned was that Mana’s teacher, the Dark Magician, had some sort of rivalry or something going on against Brian’s favorite dragon. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon. And even Mana sometimes went head-to-head with that dragon. And the Dark Paladin, a fusion of Dark Magician and one other monster, even fought the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the dragon that defeated Agunan, and won. 

If I study hard under him, will I be able to do that?

The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was going to see Brian. He was still sleeping. Lua was already by his side, busy using magic to take care of him.

“How is he?” I carefully asked.

“His fever is going down, so I think he might wake up today…” Lua quietly answered.

“That’s good. … I’ll go get some breakfast, do you want any?”

“I’m fine, thank you.”

“I really think you should eat. Brian will be disappointed when he hears that you did eat while he was evolving.”

“... well, maybe something small then… Could you..?”

“Yes. I’ll bring you something.” I told her, as I headed to where Brian had set our food.

All of our food for the dungeon had been in Brian’s storage, but because he wouldn’t be able to give us any from there while evolving, he had made a cold storage room, which he called a walk-in fridge, with the dungeon’s powers, and stored a bit over weeks worth of food in there. 

I took out some bread buns, some butter, meat, cheese and vegetables, as well as some fruit. I made some sandwiches, and also sliced some of the fruit into an assorted fruit plate. I think this will be something nice for Lua to eat. It is easy to eat, but still tasty. I also made a similar sandwich for myself, but I didn’t make myself a fruit plate, as I snacked on some of the fruits as I was slicing them.

After I was done, I returned the ingredients I didn’t use into the cold storage room and filled a glass with some fruit juice. Then I grabbed the sandwiches and the fruit plate and headed back to where Lua is.

“Here you go.” I said, as I placed the fruit plate and the sandwich next to her.

“Thanks. … when did you learn to make something like this?”

“Jenna taught me. I sometimes played a maid … to escape my magic lessons and the kitchen was a decent place to hide. I can’t really cook, but something like this is fine.”

After I had breakfast with Lua, I went to the training room and summoned Dark Paladin. I then took my practice swordstaff out of my magic bag and began to train with him.

Dark Paladin’s technique focused on sweeping style attacks, big swings that would cause massive damage. He would also enhance them with magic, and would even send slashes of magic flying towards his targets. I could imitate his moves, but I didn’t yet know how to send magic flying with my slashes. I could do it with my unique skill, but that would take too much mana, so I was trying to figure out how to do it like Paladin does. 

Even when lunchtime arrived, Brian still hadn’t woken up. His fever was now completely gone, so I thought he was just sleeping. But when I asked Kekri if he could get in contact with Laura, she didn’t respond, so perhaps Brian is still in the final stages of his evolution.

I spent the afternoon sitting by Brian’s bedside with Lua. We were just talking, as we waited for Brian to wake up. Around 3 pm, Laura woke up and told us the evolution had ended. 

Then, about 30 minutes after that, Brian opened his eyes.

[Brian POV]

“.... good morning ..?” I spoke up, questioning if it was actually morning. It could be the middle of the night just as well.

“Afternoon, actually.” Alice corrected me.

“... Brian… how are you feeling?” Lua asked.

“... great. Like I just had the best sleep in a month. Or maybe in a year.”

“Good. May I do a check-up on you?” Lua asked.

“Sure. How long was I out?”

“Just under 2 days.” Alice answered.

“... and did anything happen while I was out?”

“Nothing that bad. Only a small problem, but Agunan took care of it.”

“Oh? Well, as long as it was taken care of.”

I stayed laying down at first, as Lua performed her magic on me. Both a Water Scan, and then a Blood Scan. 

“... Brian. Did something happen to your magic circuits? They feel different.”

“Yeah. When I eliminated the dungeon core, they were advanced by the core’s power. Didn’t I mention it?”

“I don’t recall you mentioning that.” Alice said. “... could we do that?”

“We would need another dungeon. … unless it can be done with a magic stone, or a monster core…” I quickly threw out a theory.

“No. This is not the time for that.” Lua denied us. “Let me continue the check-up.”

Lua ran a thorough check-up on me, to the point where I’m decently sure some of it was an excuse to touch all parts of my body. Not down there, you weirdo. That comes later. 

But it was also good for me, as I was able to get familiar with the changes. I was basically the same as I had been, except that my body was slightly more muscular than it had been pre-evolution. My hair had also grown a bit. It was already on the longer side, as I’ve hadn’t had a haircut since appearing in this world, but now, it was honestly quite long. If I styled it in a certain way, I’d probably look like h*nt*i protagonist. 

“So, am I fine?” I asked Lua.

“Yes. I didn’t find anything that is wrong at least.”

“Thanks. She didn’t stay up for the entire time I was evolving, did she?” I asked Alice. I noticed the small black circles under Lua’s eyes, so she might not have slept that much.

“Don’t worry. We made her sleep.” Alice answered. How do you make someone sleep? “But now, your status. I want to see it.”

“... sure. Just … fine. Status Open.” I thought about looking at it myself first, but let’s just go for it. Why not, right?

Name: Brian Wood
Race: One without a Race ✯
Level: 99
HP: 4850 (+19,400)
Mana: 5860 (+17,700)
Strength: 1780
Defense: 2060
Magic: 1960
One of Every Race LV.1 (unique-racial)
Pack Opener LV.7 (unique)
Different Dimension Factory LV.3 (unique)
Storage LV.10 (unique)
Limit Break LV.1 (extra)
Space Magic LV.2 (extra)
Telekinesis LV.5 (extra)
Summoner’s Unity LV.10 (extra)
Dungeon Founder (extra)
Summon Water Spirit (extra)
Health Conscious (extra)
Sword Technique LV.3
Mana Control LV.10
Defense Boost LV.1
Dragon Life Dedication (Greater True Fire Dragon)
Water Spirit’s Blessing (Greater)
Honorary Baron of Ruiso Kingdom
Language Comprehension (humanoid) (draconic)
Slave Master
Slaves: Rhianna

… okay… That seems… nice, I guess. My race is… well, what I evolved into. But that unique-racial skill. One of Every Race? What does that mean? Also, is it just me, or are my stats sky high?

(No. It isn’t just you.) Laura answered my thoughts. (Your HP and mana both increased by 1200 or so, while your strength, defense and magic all increased by 570. It is partially because of your already high level, but it is still very impressive.)

“... Brian?”


“How come you have so much mana?” Alice asked.

“... what?” I just asked.

“Your mana. Why do you have so much?”

“How is that what you want to know?” Lua asked.

“Well, if skills give stats, shouldn’t I or you have more than Brian has? We both have a lot more magic and mana skills, right? Brian doesn’t even have Fast Mana Recovery, quick cast or anything.”

“... well, I guess…” I admitted. “But I do have Storage and Summoner’s Unity. Both of those do increase my mana pool. Even telekinesis seems to increase my mana a lot, so…” I never calculated exactly how much I get per skill level up, because I just didn’t think it was necessary, but I do have some idea of what kind of stats I get for each skill. Laura probably knows the exact numbers, if I ask her.

“... what about your … racial-unique skill?” Lua asked. “What does it… do?”

“Just a second. I’ll check it out.”

One of Every Race (unique-racial)
A skill only for those that don’t belong to any race. Allows you to instantly change your race to any potential race you have unlocked. When a member of that race, you can learn all racial skills of that race, and once learned, you may use all of them, even when changed into a member of another race. Your race in your opened status will show as the race you are currently changed into.

Okay? So… I can … change my race I guess. And I can then gain racial skills. That sounds… kind of good, right? Like, I can just get a bunch of racial skills. I probably can’t get unique-racial skills, like Alice’s Magical Girl, but other racial skills should be fair game, right? I wonder, can I turn into a dhampir? Then I could get blood magic. And if I can still access Dragon Hearted, I’ll be able to get those two racial skills Laura mentioned. And then… 

Okay, one step at a time.

“Brian… can you show me how that skill works?” Alice asked.

“Sure. But just a second. I kind of want to catch up with Agunan and Ria, and maybe get something to eat, before I play around with that skill.” I answered.

I had a quick … well, this isn’t lunch. It is already past lunch time. Let’s just call it a snack break. Yeah. Snacks, sweets and catching up with Agunan about what happened with the dungeon. 

It really was nothing much, but I was surprised to learn that a dungeon monster could challenge the dungeon master for the position of a dungeon master. I quickly looked into it with Laura, and it turns out to be a quirk of a Chaos God Dungeon. In normal dungeons, it cannot happen, as the monsters are not under the control of the founder, but because of the more advanced system the Chaos God Dungeon uses, that was something the monsters could do. I’m suddenly even more glad that I picked Agunan to be the DM. He probably won’t mind some challenges coming to him. In all likelihood, he will actually see it as good practice for his eventual rematch against Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

I then quickly checked the energy levels of the dungeon, before I decided to just go ahead and make some stuff. Five divine sleeves, to be specific. Technically I made them with Pack Opener, not the dungeon, but Pack Opener took energy from the dungeon to make them, so… Anyway. I could have made eight, but that would have left me out of resources to make anything else, so I decided on just five for now. And those five were used to sleeve up a set of Forbidden One cards. The Goddess did say I’d need them for Exodia, and that using Exodia might be necessary, so I’ll gladly do that. 

When I have a bit more resources, I’ll get three more Divine sleeves and trade for the Wicked Gods. They are just Dark/Fiends by default, so unlike Obelisk the Tormentor, I could do the trades for them just fine.

After a quick meal, I was off to the practice room to … well, test out my skill. 

After I tried to activate it, a familiar looking list popped up in front of me. It did have one new addition, but that seems more like a ‘oh god, go back’ button. I even have advanced human, so why is regular human still an option? Who wants to be regular, when you can be advanced?

One without a Race
Human ☐
Advanced Human ☐
Swordsman ☐
Sorcerer ☐
User or Rare Skills ☐
Dragon Hearted ☐
Spiritual Human ☐
[Change to selected Race]

Anyway, I just picked Dragon Hearted, the one I was going to choose, until the Goddess basically forced me to take the race I took, and hit the Change button.

I didn’t fall asleep, get dizzy, or anything. I actually felt just fine. And my body… well, it looked basically the same. At least as far as anyone could see when I still had my clothes on, but I felt a bit of something on my chest.

“Brian? … did something happen?” Lua asked.

“Yeah. I’ll show you… but I think I’ll make a mirror first.” I answered.

I quickly visited the dungeon core, and made a full length mirror. Then I set it up in my bedroom inside the dungeon. I’ll make ones for the other rooms later.

Then I pulled my shirt off, so that I could see the thing I felt on my chest. On the left hand side, a small scale had appeared around where my heart would be. Other than that, I looked normal. Well, as normal as I do with my extra long hair. … Should I keep it long? Sure I need to have it restyled, but I kind of like this slightly longer hair. I’ll ask Lua and Alice what they prefer, and pick based on that.

I then quickly ran through the other race options I had, but most of them just made me look … well, like me. Spiritual Human was slightly strange, as my body emitted some strange aura when I was a Spiritual Human. You couldn’t see it, but Lua and Alice could both sense it. Also, when I was a Spiritual Human, I could see strange lights, that Laura said are pseudo-spirits. They are just slightly condensed pieces of magic that are attempting to make themselves an individuality and become spirits, but it takes years for them to reach that point. And most of the time, those lumps of magic are absorbed by people and get used, costing all the progress they had made towards becoming a spirit. Maybe I should try to cultivate them? I think that will make artificial spirits, and I can use them for contracts, or even blessings, if I can make enough of them. Well, that is another thing I can experiment with in the future.

Because of my evolution, I chose to take it easy for the rest of the day. I’d have liked to get into talking about draconic magic with Agunan, but considering that he didn’t sleep while I was evolving, I ordered him to go to sleep instead. We’ll have time for practice later.

Instead, I’ll just sit around with Alice and Lua. Maybe open some packs with them. I think that sounds fine. We’ll all have time to practice later.

I ended up sleeping between Alice and Lua. No adult things yet. I’ll look into some protection first, then we can do it. This dungeon can surely do something like that, right? Sure it won’t matter with Lua, but with Alice … yeah. This isn’t the time to knock her up.

… wow, I sound like a jerk. Thanks me. 

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