Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.267 Let’s Evolve

CH.267 Let’s Evolve

“Kitchen Dragonmaid.” I summoned my cook, so she could make us some dinner.


I had already used the core to make a full kitchen within the control room, as well as things like a dining table, couches, beds, and even a full toilet and bath. Basically, everything you would need for a NEET life, except a computer. I did find something that might be a computer in the catalog, but I didn’t make one yet.

“Oh. Master. Thank you for calling me. I have something for you.” Kitchen Dragonmaid announced as she appeared.

“Really? What is it?”

“Here. I managed to make a new one.” She said as she handed me a card, while she had a beaming smile on her face.

“House Dragonmaid, huh? So you made Sheou’s human form. Good work.”


So she was able to make that now. It likely is because I got Sheou. I did already theorize as much, back when Kitchen got her own dragon form for me. I know my ritual getters, Senju, Manju and Sonic Bird, require me to have either the ritual spell, or the monster, and then they can get the other one. So now it is basically confirmed. Kitchen can get the maid form of any Dragonmaid whose dragon form I have, or vice versa.


Hmm. I kind of want to summon House Dragonmaid now. But she needs a Dragonmaid as a material… 

“Kitchen, do you mind if I use you as a material for House and summon you back with Monster Reborn afterwards?” I asked the maid. I already had her out, and resummoning her won’t be a problem. Sure I could just use either Sheou or Tinkhec, but I don’t really want to summon a dragon in the core room, unless I have to.

“... if you must, I will go with it.”

“Thanks, and sorry. I’ll summon you right back.” I told the maid.

I quickly got a Poly and another dragon-type monster out of my collection. I chose a light/dragon, just because House is a light/dragon.

“I activate Polymerization. I fuse together Kitchen Dragonmaid and Mirage Dragon to fusion summon House Dragonmaid.”


As soon as the light caused by the fusion ended, the new maid stood in front of me. Unlike Kitchen, who was a bit shorter than I am, House Dragonmaid was taller than I was. She was right around 190 cm tall.6 feet 3 inches Definitely tall, but compared to the over 2 meter tall Agunan, she wasn’t that bad.

“Master. I am here to serve.” House greeted me.

“Thanks. I’ll summon Kitchen back now, so help her make us something good for dinner.” I told her, before I activated Monster Reborn and resummoned Kitchen Dragonmaid.

The two maids got to work, coming to ask me for ingredients every now and then. Kitchen knew basically everything I had in my storage, when it came to ingredients, and I could also make new foodstuff with the dungeon if they needed something. And, of course, Mystik Woking something was always an option.


While they were cooking, I talked with Alice and Lua about their books. The ones they got as rewards for us clearing this dungeon.

“... this… it is a book… on Holy Magic. … Written by the first saint, Lucia.” Lua told me about her book. Apparently that is what she had gotten. I guess that would help her learn Holy Magic, without having to reveal her Saint title, so I have to say, good work Goddess, or System Agent or other person, whoever chose that reward. Good job.

Alice had something quite similar. She had a magic book written by the Great Sage Arcadia. Alice had learned from the book that Arcadia had had a unique skill quite similar to Alice’s Magical Girl. Or at least a part of that skill had been similar. Like Alice, Arcadia could use Imaginary Magic to make new spells, and the book Alice had, had a ton of research and notes on custom spells the Great Sage came up with. Some of them were even spells that were in common use these days. Again, great job. I hope that really will give Alice some ideas on what she can really do with her unique skill. She has already done some good stuff with it, but that might help.

After a while, my maids informed us that the food was ready.

What they served us could only be described as … luxurious. They had made us some Great Agnus steaks and butter-poached Mad Lobster topped with Terrorking Salmon roe.


For sides, we had green bean casserole, made from Bean Soldier, a tomato risotto made from Mystic Tomato and some rice I made with the dungeon, and some garlic mashed potatoes, made with stuff I made with the dungeon.


For drinks, we were fully non-alcoholic. The dhampirs were of course enjoying some blood, Alice was drinking a fruit juice that I made with the dungeon, while Agunan and I had some sort of lemonade, which I again found while browsing the catalog of what my dungeon can make.

After dinner, I finally took a look at my evolution options.

Chosen Evolution
One without a Race ☐
Swordsman (human) ☐
Sorcerer (human) ☐
Summoner (human) ☐
User or Rare Skills (human) ☐
Advanced Human ☐
Dragon Hearted
Spiritual Human ☐
[Begin Evolution] 

… why? Why is everything but the new race crossed out? Goddess? Trying to hint at something? There even is a new race that wasn’t there before. Advanced Human. Well, that is only there because of the Limit Break, and while it is a decent race, it isn’t as good as the others, because it doesn’t come with a racial skill. It really is just a race for those that somehow got Limit Break before evolving.

For shits and giggles, I hovered over one of the crossed out races, just to see what the System would say.

Chosen Evolution
One without a Race ☐
Swordsman (human) ☐
Sorcerer (human) ☐
Summoner (human) ☐
User or Rare Skills (human) ☐
Advanced Human ☐
Dragon Hearted ☑
Spiritual Human ☐
Warning. Selected race does not support your dormant racial skill. Are you sure you want to choose it?
[Yes] [No]
[Begin Evolution] 

… wait? So my new ??? skill is a racial skill for One without a Race? … Goddess is really trying to hint something. But I got the skill from the dungeon, didn’t I? Maybe this isn’t on the Goddess then.

Well, let’s see what we can find out about this One without a Race. Laura.

(I don’t have much information.) She answered. (It is a new race, and would be unique to you. But it is highly recommended, and I do have a report saying that it will have the greatest utility of any race.)

(So it is a utility based race. … I guess that is fine, but really… I just don’t like the idea of having my choice forced on me.)

I asked Lua and Alice for their opinion, but both of them agreed that I should just go for One without a Race. If I really had a racial skill for it already, that would help. Alice was also happy that she wouldn’t be the only one with a unique race after that.

“... I guess I’ll do that then. Maybe I should just evolve now? I mean, we are in my territory at the moment…”

“Well, if you think that is a good idea.” Lua agreed. “I’ll take care of you while you evolve, but what about the dungeon?”

“I think we have an easy out. Agunan. I’ll make you the dungeon master of this place, so you can take care of the place while I sleep.”

“As you wish, Master. But why me instead of one of the ladies?”

“Being a dungeon master is somewhat of a big deal in human society, and it isn’t exactly easy to hide the terminal in fancy clothes, so it isn’t ideal. But no-one should really care if a dragon is also a dungeon master, I think. Also, you are the strongest of us, and keeping the core safe is of utmost importance, so I think you are the best choice.”

“If that is what you believe. But Master, you are a lot stronger than I am.” Agunan argued.

“Well, I’m not, but my summons are. But at the same time, I’m already the founder, and I think having a master that can hold down the fort while I’m unavailable will be important. And for that, you are the best.”

“I see. I understand.”

“Good. Now get over here. We are making you the dungeon master.”

The process was basically the same as what I did with Christina.

First I pulled open the ‘name dungeon master’ menu, then Agunan touched the core, then I confirmed that he would be the dungeon master, and finally, a dungeon master’s terminal was generated. It took on the familiar form of a golden bracer. Well, it is orichalcum, not gold, but it does look kind of like gold.

We then spent a bit of time, so Agunan learned how to use the dungeon’s functions, though he really shouldn’t need to do much while I am out. I even asked him to not use the core to make items while I’m out, unless they run into an emergency. … just because Agunan doesn’t really know how to min-max the cores efficiency. I want to have plenty of the ‘other’ stuff for … definitely not Divine sleeves when I wake up.

After that, I prepared the room so that the others would be fine spending some time here while I sleep. Basically making sure they had food and drinks, as well as some entertainment. For food,  I made a walk-in fridge to store food in, and put stuff from my Storage there. For entertainment, Alice and Lua would be busy with their books, and they could also go to the facto… actually, they can’t do that, as my skill will likely be offline while I sleep. Okay, I’ll make them both some high level magic books for their attributes. I’ll also separate an area of the core room, so that they can use it as practice grounds. Last, I found  a few board games in the dungeon catalog, so I also made those.

I also looked into making my summons appear as dungeon monsters, and while I could do that, I would have to install the monster into the core, costing me a card. For most cards, this wasn’t a problem, but some of my stuff was still one-offs, like the Dragonmaids, so I would have to consider it a bit. I did put a few healer monsters in though, just so Lua doesn’t have to stay up for the entire time I’m evolving. It did take a bit of mana and miasma to first summon them, and for all effective purposes, they were monsters of this dungeon, but I have to say, it is worth it. Too bad they cannot leave the dungeon, but whatever.

… I think that is all. Healthcare, check. Food and drinks for others, check. Clothing, and places for them to sleep, check. Some stuff they can use to pass time, check. A dungeon master, who can take care of emergencies, check. 

Yeah. I think that is all. I hope. And while I did say Agunan should hold back on using the core to make stuff, in an emergency, he can use it to make basically anything, so they will be fine.

“I’m going to start my evolution now.” I told everyone. “Please take care while I’m out.”


“I’ll take care of you while you sleep.” Lua told me.

“Don’t forget to sleep yourself.” I reminded her. “You can rely on the Dancing Fairies and Cure Mermaid.” I added, referring to the two monsters I installed into the core. I only added those two, so I wouldn’t have too many monsters installed right off the bat. I’ll add more as I get to know this dungeon better. 

… I’m stalling again. Am I this afraid of evolving? Let’s just pull open the menu, and do it.

Chosen Evolution
One without a Race ☑
Swordsman (human) ☐
Sorcerer (human) ☐
Summoner (human) ☐
User or Rare Skills (human) ☐
Advanced Human ☐
Dragon Hearted
Spiritual Human ☐
[Begin Evolution] 

“Alright. Good night, everyone.” I said, as I pressed Begin Evolution. Then I fully laid down on the bed, before quickly falling asleep.

[Lucia POV]

“His temperature is rising. His evolution has really begun.” I told everyone.

It has been about 15 minutes since Brian went to sleep to evolve, and he was now showing signs of evolving.

“Alright. If you need help, just call me. I’ll be in the practice room with Ria.” Alice said, as she and Ria headed for the practice grounds Brian prepared for us. 

“I will. Just try not to injure yourselves.” I warned them, before they went to the adjoining room.

“Lua. It is time for you to sleep.” Ria told me.

“I’ll just be a bit longer.” I answered.

“No. Brian told me to make sure you’ll sleep, so I’ll be doing just that. Off to bed with you, or I’ll drag you there.”

“Just a … No! Ria! Stop!” You can’t just grab me like that. I’m in the middle of a … 

“great. Now there is water everywhere. Thanks.”

“Then do as you are told. Miss Alice, do you think that new spell will work?” Ria called over to Alice.

“Of course. It worked on you just fine, didn’t it?”

What spell? What are they talking about?

Ria set me down on a couch, and there was a nightgown right next to me. Then she just stood there and watched.

“... are you gonna change yourself, or do you need help with that, Princess?” She asked.

“I can do that myself!” I snapped a bit.

“Good. I’ll be waiting. And no going back to Brian.”

I quickly changed my clothes to the nightgown that had been left for me, hoping that I could sneak one last look at Brian before Ria carried me to bed.

“... alright. I’ve changed. … can I go take a look… before I go to sleep?” I tried to bargain.

“Fine. You have two minutes.” Alice gave me a timeline.

I returned to Brian’s bedside. Cure Mermaid had gotten all of the water that splashed into his bed out, and had taken over for me.

I sat down next to the sleeping Brian, and put my hand on his cheek. 

“Please… sleep well.”

“You too. You too.” The small Dancing Fairies told me.

“Yes. Founder would be disappointed if we didn’t let you sleep.” Cure Mermaid told me. For some reason, the monsters Brian called with the dungeon core call him Founder, instead of Master. I suppose to them, Agunan is the dungeon Master, and Brian is the Founder.

I left Brian’s bedside before Ria grabbed me again, and headed for my own bed. Brian had set up small bedrooms for each of us. He even made a place where Cure Mermaid and Dancing Fairy could sleep. According to him, they were just as real as any other monster, and they would also need sleep.

I laid down on my bed, but I don’t think I can fall asleep anytime soon.

“Alice, if you would.” Ria asked.

“Sure.” Alice said, before starting to hum a soft tune.

I don’t know what exactly she is doing, but I soon found myself extremely sleepy, so I just let myself fall asleep.

[Alice POV]

“Are you sure it was necessary to use magic on her to force her to sleep?” I asked Ria. I had used a spell described in the Great Sage’s magic book to help Lua go to sleep. The Great Sage had used that spell to help the Hero fall asleep whenever he had difficulties doing so.

“It might be. Lua just gets like that sometimes.”


“Well, she didn’t sleep for two days after her father passed away.” Ria admitted. “She was afraid her mother would leave her next.”

“... I see. So now she is worried that Brian won’t wake up…”

“Are you not?”

“No. Not really. I know Brian.”

“... Well, if you say so.”

“So, do you want to sleep first, or should I? I don’t think we should leave Agunan up by himself?” I asked Ria. Agunan had stated that he would stay up for the entire time Brian was asleep to keep an eye on the dungeon. And as a dragon, he should be able to do that without too much difficulty, I think.

“You go first.” Ria told me. “I took that nap earlier, so I’m still fine.”

“You were a great practice target.” I teased her a bit. I might not be interested in her in that way, but I still enjoyed having her sleeping on my thighs, after I sang her to sleep. Next time, I’ll give Brian a lap pillow.

I entered my own bedroom, and also went to bed.

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