Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.196 Christina VS Paulina

CH.196 Christina VS Paulina

“You ready to lose?” Paulina taunted.

The soft trash talking had not quieted for more than a minute, even though I had summoned Big Core, gotten us all aboard, moved us a bit away from the town and then gotten us back on the ground again. After all, we didn’t want to break the Watchman manor, or destroy their courtyard or something.

“Well, if I do, that would be the first time.” 

“That’s because we haven’t had a match in years.”

“I don’t think ten months ago is ‘years’. Did you forget how to count?”

“Hmph. Talk all you like. We will see.”

“Yes. We will.”

The two had already taken positions and were waiting for the signal to start. Their big sister Angelina had agreed to be a referee. And I was an emergency medical assistance. As well as stopping the fight if it gets too out of hand.

“Shouldn’t we have stopped this like ages ago?” I asked her.

“No. This is normal. Let them get it out of their system.”

“... so you regularly fight with your siblings?”

“Some of us do. Others are smarter. Mariina is the one that really started it. She was great at magic and wanted to prove it any chance she got, so she would often challenge us. After she left home, Paulina kept a hold of that idea and fought anyone that would agree at least once a year.”

“... sibling rivalry put on another level, huh.”

“More like just some sisterly competition.” She said and turned to the two. “Are you both ready or do you need more time to talk?”

“Ready.” Christina said, leveling her staff.

“Of course I’m ready. Keep that up and you’ll be next.” Paulina added.

“The winner can fight Brian.” Angelina said.

“Hey! I didn’t agree to that.”

“Oh?” Paulina seemed a bit excited by that offer. “Then I’ll be sure to win.”

“Then focus up! And remember, no targeting the face. Three, Two, One, GO!”

… rushing much? Trying to get me to focus on something that isn’t you promising stupid things? Well, if I do have to fight someone, guess I can just go overboard and instawin with some dumb card.

Well, the signal had been given and the battle was on.

““Stone Toss!”” Both of the sisters casted the same spell. Two large stones flew towards each other, before crashing mid air. The dust cloud that formed from it likely prevented the two from seeing each other and they both took that opportunity to move.

“This is how they always start. They use a simultaneous stone toss to cause a dust cloud. That way, they can prepare their next spell without the opponent seeing it.” Angelina told me.

Oh? So the first spell is more of a greeting than an actual attack? But I guess if either of them held back too much, one of the stones would overpower the other. It might be a good way to test if the opponent is being at all serious.

“Earth, crush my enemies, Earth Crush.” Christina chanted her next spell, while Paulina did the same.

“Stones, gather and fly as my spear, Stone Spear.”

Christina’s spell caused the ground below Paulina’s feet to shift and raise. It's kind of like a bear trap, but made of earth. While Paulina’s spell is, well, a spear made of stone. But I have to say, considering that this is a practice match, they are using surprisingly deadly spells. Sure neither of them would be immediately lethal, but still. Well, the stone spear could actually instantly kill if it hit you in the head, but as hits to the face or head are prohibited, it will hopefully be fine.

Christina, for her part, simply took a few quick steps to dodge the spear, while Paulina had to jump to dodge her sister's attack. 

“Still using direct spells like that? Have you learned nothing?” Christina taunted.

“I’ve learned enough. Water, envelop this area, Water mist!” Paulina chanted. 

As soon as she did, a thick mist formed around her and Christina. It wasn’t quite thick enough that you couldn’t see, but it would definitely make it more difficult.

“Oh? Relying on water magic, I see. Perhaps you have learned something.” Christina complimented. “Earth, locate my enemy, Earth tremor.”

I didn’t see any visual effect for the spell Christina just used, but based on the chant, it is some sort of locate spell. I guess since Paulina’s feet are on the ground, the spell will the Christina where she is.

“Water Spear! Earth Spear!” Paulina, for her part, quick chanted two spear spells of different attributes in a row.

Paulina! Please stop using spear spells. I don’t want to see you two firing spears at each other.

“Earth Wall.” Christina quick chanted her own spell, raising a wall that the two spears crashed into, never reaching her. “Earth, open a hole and swallow my enemy, Earth pitfall.”

She kept going with a spell that caused the earth around Paulina’s feet to lower down. For the second time in this fight, Paulina had to do a big jump to get out of the way.

“Stone Toss. Water Ball.” After recovering, Paulina sent another two spells towards Christina.

 But Christina just stood still, making another earth wall to block the next two attacks.

But then: “Water Geyser!” Paulina quick chanted another spell, causing a massive amount of water to shoot up from the ground below Christina.

Christina attempted to dodge the attack, but she didn’t have the time to get fully out of the way, so the water stream hit her lightly, pushing her off her feet.

Christina did recover quite quickly, but she was clearly taken back by the spell Paulina just used.

“... wow. When did you get that good at water magic?”

“This week. I told you, I’ve been under special training. I’ll win this time for sure.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to stop holding back.” 

Their fight kept going, but from my PoV, it was clear who was going to win. Ever since that geyser spell, Paulina had been taking ground. At first, I thought she was losing, but perhaps she was trying to get Christina to not move so she could use the geyser spell.

“Give up.” Paulina ordered. “You’ll run out of mana before I will.”

“... probably. But I still won’t lose.” Christina said. “This might be a bit cheaty, but we did allow anything but attacks to the face.”

“What are you..?”

“Amazoness Swordswoman!”


A tall muscular woman with a large sword rose from a card. I didn’t even know Christina was holding a card. I thought that both of her arms were free.

(She might have put it on her terminal before the fight began.) Laura offered.

(... oh yeah. I forgot she has that.)

“Go! Take her down, but don’t hurt her.” Christina commanded her summon.

“... wait, what?” Paulina panicked as the swordswoman ran at her. “Stone Wall.” She then raised a wall between her and the swordswoman.

But Amazoness Swordswoman didn’t much care. She simply jumped over the three meter wall.

“Stone Spear!” But Paulina seemed to have predicted that, because as soon as she did, a spear was launched at her.

But the spear never hit the swordswoman, instead veering to the side and targeting a certain tiger that Christina had also summoned. 


Amazoness Tiger. Its effect draws the attacks targeting Amazoness monsters to itself, so Paulina can’t even really fight the swordswoman, unless she kills the tiger first.

Amazoness Swordswoman landed next to Paulina, used her sword to knock Paulina’s staff out of her hand, and then held her sword to Paulina’s neck.

“Alright, it’s over. Winner, Christina!” Angelina announced.

“You cheated!” Paulina complained.

“No, I didn’t. Our only rule was no strikes directed at the head.”

“But since when could you use Brian’s cards?” 

“Since I became his dungeon master. Workplace benefits, you know.”

“And why did my spear go off course like that?”

“That is because of this dear.” Christina said, petting the tiger. “He won’t allow any of my warriors to be hit, as long as I have him summoned.”

“That has to be like … double cheating!” 

“No. You didn’t consider that I could do this, so of course you would lose.”

“But how could I? Why would you? Brian! Give me a card!”

“Sure, as soon as you have Card Summoner.” I answered.

“Yes. Take me to the dungeon then. I’ll clear all of the challenge rooms if necessary.”

“Perhaps some other day.” Angelina cut in. “We do have to make it home today.”

“... alright… But Brian, you will take me over, won’t you?”

“For a price, sure.”

“Of course. How much would it be?”

“... like 2 gold. I think that is what I was paid for an escort mission from Alewatch to Sawyer.”

“Two? Aren’t you … no, I guess that is the price for an adventurer escort. Maybe even a bit high.” Angelina muttered. “But you know, you really should consider that you are the one with the carriage, and you are also security for the ride, instead of being hired security on someone else's carriage.”

“... oh yeah. That thing. So I guess it would have to be like four gold or something.”

“Really? Didn’t you think of anything? You aren’t using a slow carriage either, but an airship.”

“Technically, it is a spaceship.”

“Doesn’t matter. An airship fair is… well, there is no price for it, as you can’t buy a ticket with just money. But even just the operating cost would likely be at least 50 gold.”

“Well my ship, my prices.”

“Don’t think I’m saying you can’t charge too little. I’m just saying that someone will take you up on that offer and will get extremely angry if you don’t work for it again later.”

“My ship, my schedule. Get your own Big Core if you don’t like it.”

“Oh?” Christina perked up. “Is that an offer? Are you willing to sell one?”

“... not really. I don’t want you getting lost. And I already gave you a bird to fly on. Just use that.”

“A bird?” Paulina questioned. “Show me.”

“Some other time. It’s kind of big.”

“Big? Show me!”

“Oh, just keep quiet.” Angelina said. “We will have to leave soon anyway.”

“Before that.” Christina said. “Brian, I won so can I have a match?”

“He didn’t actually agree to that.” Angelina said.

“True, and aren’t you tired from your previous match?”

“Let’s just use our monsters for this. That will be fine, right?”

“... I guess so. Sure. A little summoner battle then.”

Now, what monsters to use? I have quite the advantage considering that … well considering everything. But I also know what monsters Christina will use. Other than her Amazoness Tiger and Swordswoman, she summoned Amazoness Paladin to be her third. 


So a 2300 attack tiger,It’s attack is raised by 1200 because of its own effect. a 2000 attack Paladinagain, its effect and a 1500 attack Swordswoman, which will also reflect excess damage to me. And I’ll have to kill the tiger first. If this wasn’t just for fun, I would just Raigeki all of them, but that would be a little cheap. I want a good match.

I could also just stomp on them with some dragons, but I’m a bit worried about the reflected damage from Swordswoman. So at least one of my monsters should be under 2000 attack, so I won’t take too much. I guess Luster Dragon would work for that. And I could use Luster Dragon #2 to take out the Tiger.

Or I could use this thing instead of Luster #2. I should even get a bonus if I do that. And this instead of Luster #1. They both have 1900 attack. But I’ll have to ritual summon one again, as I sacrificed it last time. Well, whatever. Now just the third member… Oh? Yeah. You have 1600 attack. You are perfect.

Yeah. That trio would work. It might be a bit childish to go this far, but I don’t care. I’m the dragon master and I fight with dragons.

“Alright. I’ve chosen mine. I’ll call them out now.”

“Good. You’d better not hold back.”

“... I kind of have to. At least a little. Otherwise this wouldn’t even be a fight. But don’t worry, I’m not going easy on you. If you want to win, you’d better work your monsters well.”

Obviously, in terms of Yugioh power levels, my monsters would just win, but this isn’t Yugioh, so there is always a chance I will lose.

“Now then, first I activate White Dragon Ritual. I sacrifice Darkfire Dragon to summon Paladin of White Dragon.”


“Then I summon Mirage Dragon and Armed Dragon LV5.”


My three dragons lined up, with Armed Dragon in the middle. They weren’t that huge, so this will be fine. I did take us enough away from Alewatch after all. 

Mirage Dragon is technically the largest of them, or the longest, with its serpentine body being almost 15 meters long. But that barely counts, so.

“... that’s quite the lineup.” Christina said, looking at my monsters.

“Well, what can I say? I like dragons and you did say not to hold back.”

“... I suppose I did. Can we even win?”

“No clue. So, will you surrender or at least try?”

“Of course we will try. There is no point if I just surrender.”

“Good. Let’s go.”

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