Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.195 Sibling reunion

CH.195 Sibling reunion

Morning, again. Like every morning. It's almost like I’m developing a habit.

After saying good morning to Ria and seeing her off to her breakfast, I jumped into the factory to meet up with Laura.

There, I also found Mia. She was still here, as Lua hadn’t woken up yet. I asked about Lua and her new skill. I was told that she could actually use it fine now and hadn’t converted her new clothes into another dress. She was also able to change between the dress and the clothes I made her, so that’s good. 

For my cards, Laura completed .

Again, I had most of it already, but I was missing a few of them, like Mobius the Frost Monarch, Penumbral Soldier Lady and Hallowed Life Barrier.

I also now have enough copies of Level Up! to take someone from LV.1 to LV.99 in one go. But they would likely be in a coma for at least a week from the level up sickness.

Spirit Barrier is also somewhat interesting. It would make me immune to damage, as long as I have a monster summoned. I could combine it with a flip monster and set both of them on myself, to take the place of some of the cards I currently have. But at that point, might as well use Hallowed Life Barrier.

After breakfast, it was time to decide what to do for the day. I did have a tea date with Christina in the afternoon and I had to visit my dungeon to absorb the monsters hunted yesterday, but my morning was free.

Well, it was free, until I admitted I was free. As soon as I did that, plenty of offers were brought up to me.

I spent a bit of time practicing telekinesis with Paulina. 

Then I was made into a dance partner for Alice’s dance lesson. Well, even if I was okay at it, I actually need some practice myself as well. I wonder if there is a skill for dancing? I think Laura mentioned one for sword dancing, but just dancing? Maybe.

And finally, some magic practice with Cosmo Queen while Ria was learning Vampiric Body Modification and controlling blood iron with Grimson and Scarlet Scourge. 

All and all, it was fun.

During lunch, I also got a request from the Earl to go visit the adventurer’s guild again, as he was going to send a dedicated quest for me, to complete another two road safety checks, after I did a good job on the first one. … I’m going to make other adventurer’s angry for sure, by receiving all of these direct requests. But still, I promised it would be on my agenda for tomorrow.

“... How can something like these exist?” 

After lunch, we beamed up into B.E.S. Big Core, so we could go and visit Christina. And this time, we had an extra. Well, two extras depending on how you look at things, but in my opinion, Paulina is basically an honorary member of this party.

Wait, we aren’t actually a party. Maybe we should make one. But I really want Lua and Ria to be a part of that party. And with Lua out of town and Ria not being able to join until she is deemed stable, it would only be Alice and I in the party, with Paulina sometimes joining in.

Anyway, our new Big Core wonderer was none other than Angelina. After hearing that we were going to drop by her sister's place, she asked if she could come along, and I obliged. 

That, by extension, meant that she was now inside Big Core, sitting on the lead navigation officer’s seat, while Paulina had moved to the lead weapons officer’s seat, which Alice usually sat at. And Alice had moved to one of the two gunner’s seats. Sorry Alice, but Paulina won the rock-paper-scissors, so you will have to deal with a worse seat.

Anyway, our first stop was still going to be the dungeon, so I flew us there. Well, the ship flies itself, I just have to tell it where to go. Convenient AI is convenient. On the way, I checked on the dungeon and saw some adventurer’s there. Mainly in the first three floors. No one had gone to the fourth and beyond. I did get the info from Christina that small scale test with lower ranked adventurers. Their higher ranked guard was Rayan from Diamond Sword. He seemed to be using the lightning sword he got from a challenge room last time we met.

But as I didn’t want to bother them, I just beamed myself to the entrance, quickly absorbed the monsters I was going to, and got back up to Big Core and flew us to Alewatch.

“And here we are.” I said as we appeared in the front yard of the Watchman manor.

“... This really isn’t alright.” Angelina said. “Just being able to come from an invisible ship to someone’s front door. There is no way to prevent an attack from something like that.”

“Well, at least I should be the only one with something like that, if that makes it better.”

“I do understand that part, but even if this exact thing is only for you, someone else might be able to make something similar. And even without that teleportation beam, high level people could just jump and land with only minimal damage.”

“Well, you should make something that can detect invisible flying ships.” I told her. 

A radar should be able to pick up Big Core, I think. Maybe I should build one. Well, then again, I have no clue how radar works. I know sonar works with sound waves, sending them out and listening to the response. And I think radar is some sort of radio wave. Maybe. And that's just because I’m decently sure sonar comes from sound … something. And radar is from radio that same thing. Just so you don’t have to google it: Sonar comes from sound navigation and ranging, while radar comes from radio detection and ranging.

But both Gradius and Big Core do have radar. Maybe I can copy it from them. Just analyze the radar from them, recreate with the dungeon, make it something you can power with mana or magic stones. Or maybe by Pitch-Black Power Stones. But I would either have to analyze them and make them with the dungeon, or get people with Card Summoner to be the ones in charge of the radar. Using ones with no toploaders would be way too wasteful for something that should be spread around. And it would be entirely reliant on me. Well, the toploader Pitch-Black Power Stone version kind of is as well. So magic stone or mana version it is then. 

But even that would require me to make the radar thing first. Well, I guess I’ll see what I can do. And at the end of the day, having an always on radar might not be worth it, in a world where the number of flying ships is likely very low. Maybe the big cities would want some, but other than that, probably not.

“Lady Angelina, Lady Paulina, welcome. Please come in.” Few of the maids were at the door, waiting for us. 

One of the reasons I actually spun by the dungeon first was to buy them time. I could have just as easily dropped everyone else here first and visited the dungeon myself with either Big Core or Gradius, but as I sent a note to Christina about Angelina and Paulina coming with us today just before we left, I wanted to buy them just a bit more time to prepare.

We were guided inside by the maids, right into the parlor room.

There, Christina was waiting for us. As soon as she saw us, she got up and walked over.

She then threw her arms around Angelina, before saying: “It’s been too long.”

“Christina, this isn’t proper etiquette.” Angelina said, trying to remove her sister.

“No. You aren’t going anywhere. And no one needs to know.”

“I’ll know.” Paulina said, her smile turning into a grin.

“Oh don’t think you’ll be able to get away either.” Christina said, letting go of her big sister and turning towards her younger sister.

Paulina’s grin turned into scowl as fast as it had appeared and she looked like she was about ready to run away. 

“Don’t try it. I’m faster than you and you know it.” Christina said, noticing the intentions of her younger sister.

“... I wouldn’t be so sure. I’ve been training.” Paulina said, not sounding confident at all.

“Then go ahead and try it.” Christina taunted, taking a few steps closer, while Paulina took the same steps back.

But Christina kept approaching and eventually, Paulina ran out of room, literally. Her back hit the wall and she couldn’t back away any further. Paulina turned her head slightly to confirm that she had in fact hit the wall, and Christina took that chance to take a few quick steps, so she could take Paulina into a deep hug.

“As I said, you can’t run away my baby sister.”

“Don’t call me a baby!”

“I think I will. At least until you get married.”

“Grr… Fine.” Paulina gave in and returned the hug.

“So, what came of my idea in reporting about new people with Card Summoner?” I asked Christina when I finally got a chance. 

“The guild did agree to it. Have you prepared some cards for it already?”

“Well, kind of. I have a bunch of them, I just need to put toploaders onto them. But I do have a bunch of toploades, so that will only take a few minutes.”

“Toploader was that thicker protective thing, right? The one that allows the monsters to come back even if they die?”

“Yep. That’s the one.”

“Are you sure you want to do that? I understand you want the information, but wouldn’t the lower level protective thing be enough?”

“Just a sleeve? Do you think so?”

“Yes. I think most adventurers would be happy with that. And that might leave you a better opportunity to sell more cards to the adventurers.”

“... alright. Yeah, sure.”

“So, what cards have you been thinking about? May I look them over?”

“Sure, just a sec.”

I opened my collection and began piling cards onto the table. They were my toploader copies, just because they are more convenient.

Darkworld Thorns, Mammoth Graveyard, Silver Fang, M-Warrior #1, Dissolverock, Flame Manipulator, Drooling Lizard, Root Water, Two-Mouth Darkruler, Larvas, Mystical Sheep #2, Dark Gray, Kurama, Kumootoko, Armaill, One-Eyed Shield Dragon, Green Phantom King. 


I took out almost all LV.3 normal monsters from Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon. I didn’t include a few, like M-Warrior #2 and Petit Angel, as they are just a bit too weak.

“Alright. Let me check them out.” Christina said, as she pulled the pile towards her and began going through the cards.

“Brian, may I ask how many of these cards do you have?” Angelina turned to me and asked.

“... How many people have asked that by now?”

“Is it that common of a question?”

“I feel like it is. I think you are at least the fifth person to ask that. But I have a lot.” That’s the answer. Or maybe too many. 

“I know you said something like 40 dragons, but I honestly didn’t believe you at that time. But seeing that, it might just be true.”

“Yeah. It’s actually 55 dragons now.”

“What? When did you get over ten more?”

“Last night. And the night before that.”

“... do you sleep?”

“I do, but Laura doesn’t.”

“Your … No. I’ll just get an answer that won’t actually answer anything.”

“Yes. Just accept that I’m strange and move on. That is the best way to go.”

“Alright. These are a no go, in my opinion.” Christina said, having separated the piles.

She had banned Green Phantom King, M-Warrior #1, Flame Manipulator and Armaill for being too humanoid and being able to speak. She also banned Two-Mouth Darkruler because of its name. Then Darkworld Thorns, Mammoth Graveyard and Silver Fang for their higher attack stat. Finally One-Eyed Shield Dragon and Kumootoko were removed for their higher defense stat.

That means that the final lineup was Dissolverock, Drooling Lizard, Root Water, Larvas, Mystical Sheep #2, Dark Gray and Kurama.


They might be a bit weak, but they should work as decent freebies. I took five copies of each and put a sleeve on them, no toploader, just sleeve. That’s 35 cards in total and they should last for at least a bit of time. And if they run out, I’ll just fly over and drop some more of them here.

With my business taken care of, we just enjoyed the tea. And cookies. Sana had apparently ran to the Rudvick’s Cookies and gotten a bunch of them. I have to say, they still taste great.

After the tea and cookies, I thought we would leave, but instead, Paulina said something unexpected.

“Christina, let’s have a match since we have the chance.”

“Oh? You dare to challenge me?”

“I’ll win this time for sure. I’ve been training with Brian.”

“Really now? Well, I’ve also had a chance to gain some new tricks thanks to him, so I suppose we will see which one of us has gotten better training.”

“I’ll win for sure.” Paulina seemed honest with that comment. “I won’t let you back me into a wall.”

“I already did once. I’ll just have to do it again.”

“Then I’ll just break the wall!”

“Then we’d better take this outside.”

Wait. Christina! You are actually going along with this?

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