Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.197 Summoner Duel against Christina

CH.197 Summoner Duel against Christina

We stood there, facing each other. Christina had her three Amazoness monsters, Swordswoman, Tiger and Paladin ready to go.


They were staring down my three dragons, Paladin of White Dragon, Armed Dragon LV5 and Mirage Dragon.


“Are both of you ready?” Angelina asked. Like with the last match, she was our referee.

For rules, again, simple. We would fight until all three monsters on one side had been destroyed. Not quite a battle to the faint, like in pokemon, but still.Because someone might ask, I did pick up Pokemon Violet. But my monsters aren’t exactly pokemon, so having them fight to ‘death’ is just fine.

We were only going to fight with our three monsters, no other techniques, or cards, were to be used. I was actually a bit worried about Amazoness Spellcaster, a card that I had given Christina back when I gave her the Amazoness monsters, considering that she could use it to trade Amazoness Tigers original attack with that of Armed Dragon LV5. If she did, what should currently be a 2300 attack tiger would grow to a 3600 attack tiger. And that would be a lot to deal with. 


Sure at that point I could use Armed Dragon LV5’s effect, discard Master of Oz and destroy the tiger, but this will be a better fight if neither of us do any shenanigans like that. Because at that point, I can just Raigeki. Or Swords of Revealing Light. Or Change of Heart. Or … you get it. If I’d use my entire collection, I’d have tons of cards that would instantly win the fight for me.

We also banned any attacks used against either of us, or when either of us were in the line of fire. I learned from last time. This was actually a lot bigger of a limiting factor for me, as most of the attacks used by Christina’s Amazoness monsters are once you use up close, but my dragons do have some breath attacks, so I’ll have to be careful with them.

“I’m ready.” I answered Angelina.

“We are ready as well.” Christina added.

“Alright. Then, in three, two, one, Go!”

“Mirage Blast, Ionic Burst!” I commanded two of my dragons. 

They had taken flight and were flanking Christina’s monsters from the left and the right, so they could easily attack from there with no chance of hitting Christina.

“Scatter!” Christina ordered and her three monsters left their formation. The two breath attacks from my dragons then turned a bit, targeting only the Amazoness Tiger. That effect is stupidly powerful.

While the breath from Mirage Dragon hit the ground next to the Tiger, the one from White Paladin hit it. The tiger took a slight tumble because of the attack, but it most definitely didn’t go down.

“... I’ll have to take them down…” I heard Christina mutter. “Or I could…” She was saying as she turned to look at Armed Dragon LV5.

Yes. Do it. Fall for the trap. I know he looks like an easy target, but my Armed Dragon is the strongest of these dragons. That’s why I had him stay back and hold firm at the beginning.

My dragons completed their turnarounds and were coming in for the next pass with their breath attacks, but Christina’s monsters were ready. While the dragons had to target the Tiger, the Swordswoman and the Paladin were free to attack them, by jumping up and slashing at them.

While the slash from Swordswoman to my Paladin of White Dragon didn’t actually do any significant damage, the slash from Amazoness Paladin to my Mirage Dragon did a lot more. Not enough where my monster instantly died, but it did get injured.

“Fall back!” I ordered my two dragons. 

They both fell back and took positions on the right and left of Armed Dragon.

“Mirage, can you keep going?” I asked. I have no idea if it understands me, but let's try anyway.

Mirage Dragon seemed to slightly nod and let out a little growl in response. I’ll take that as a yes. Had it indicated no, I’d probably have used it as a tribute for Armed Dragon’s effect. I could have dealt with the Swordswoman that way.

“Alright. Then, Armed Dragon, move. Attack that Tiger. Armed Banisher!” I ordered.

“Go, my Tiger. Strike back!” Christina ordered. “Paladin, Swordswoman, attack that dragon as well.”

Christina seemed to have accepted my challenge, ordering all of her monsters to attack my Armed Dragon. In Yugioh terms, that is a suicide, but this isn’t Yugioh. Until that Tiger goes down, my dragon cannot attack anything else. It should be able to counter attack, but any attacks originating from it will seek out the Tiger.

“Keep the women away from Armed!” I ordered my other two dragons, sending Mirage to intercept Swordswoman and Paladin against Paladin.

This was actually another trap. I wanted Christina to think my Armed Dragon is the weakest of them. That way, she might lose her Tiger to it and this fight will be mine.

My dragons approached the women, but didn’t attack them. This was strictly to keep them from incurring Amazoness Tigers effect. With the dragons between the women and Armed Dragon, the only one that could make it all the way to my dragon was the Amazoness tiger.

The tiger leaped towards the dragon, holding its claws out, ready to rip my dragon to shreds. That is, if it had ever made it. But instead, the fist of my dragon met the tiger’s face and smashed it in. 

The tiger fell to the ground, injured but not out just yet. But that was about to change. My dragon raised its fist and brought it down onto the downed tiger, shattering the tiger into specks of light.

“NO!” Christina yelled.

“Paladin, attack her Paladin. Ionic Spear Burst!” I ordered, not giving Christina time to recover. 

This was my chance to turn the fight around. With the tigers effect out of the way, the other two were free game. And with one less Amazoness out of the field, both Amazoness Paladin and Paladin of White Dragon should now have 1900 attack, so they should just destroy each other.

My dragon knight was surrounded by blue light and it rushed at Amazoness Paladin. The Amazoness, for its part, prepared its sword and slashed at the dragon knight when they made contact, causing both of them to disappear as specks of light.

Now, just the Swordswoman left. And I know just how to deal with it.

“Armed Dragon, use your effect. I sacrifice the Mirage Dragon to destroy that Amazoness Swordswoman. Shrapnel Blaster!” I ordered.Again, I cheat (changed the effect), but it fits, so just deal with it.

My Mirage Dragon accepted its fate, flying directly into the mouth of my Armed Dragon. Armed Dragon LV5 did seem to enjoy its meal and then launched a massive amount of spikes from all around its body. All of those spikes were then directed at the Amazoness Swordswoman, piercing its body from all angels, ending the fight.

“Winner, Brian!” Angelina announced.

I turned to face the audience, raising my right arm in a fist.

“Brian, that was so cool!” Alice called as she ran to me. “That final attack was crazy. There is no way to dodge that thing, is there?”

“There really was nothing. Maybe a capsule spell, but that attack comes too fast to put up something like that.” Paulina added.

Capsule spell? Like a cocoon surrounding you? I guess that might block it, but I’m not sure. Those spikes might just pierce it.

“I really stood no chance, did I?” Christina asked, having walked up to us.

“Well, not really. You should have focused more effort into taking down the two flying dragons first, as they were actually the weaker targets, instead of charging at my Armed Dragon.”

“... so I fell for a trap, huh.”

“Yeah. You kind of did.”

“But what about that last attack? Why did your dragon eat your other dragon?”

“It's a special attack. Kind of like your tiger draws attacks targeted at your other Amazoness monsters. Honestly, it was kind of my secret weapon for the fight. I could destroy your monsters with it, by giving up some of my own, and that would have weakened your tiger to the point where it would stand no chance against my Armed Dragon.”

“... alright. I see.”

“Speaking of the dragon.” Angelina said. “Is that normal?”

I turned to look look at my Armed Dragon, and it had a green ring of light at its feet. That ring was shooting up green light, which encompassed the dragon.

“... it's evolving, huh. Yes. That is normal.” I answered. So it really will evolve. Of course it should, but there is always a chance it wouldn’t.

The about 7 meters tall Armed Dragon LV5 grew explosively. When we could see it again, it was basically double its previous size, now standing at 14 meters tall. My Armed Dragon LV7.


“B-Brian?” Alice asked.

“It evolved. Some of my monsters can do that after they win a fight. Remember that dragon I summoned when we hunted that orc settlement? The same happened with it, except that it evolved twice.”

“Oh. That’s so cool! …maybe I should get one of those next?”

“... was your plan on evolving mid battle and sicking that dragon on me?” Christina asked.

“That was a backup plan of sorts. But as I said, my dragon would have to win a fight, or more accurately, take down at least one of your monsters first, so had you won with no casualties, you wouldn’t have had to face it. Well, not like you did now.”

“Ah. I see. So I just had no knowledge about your monsters and went about this in the wrong way. Thank you for the match. I had fun.”

“Yeah. I also liked it.” I said, as I returned my two grayed out dragons, to my collection.

… now I’ll have to summon Paladin of White Dragon again when I want to use it next time… Why did I order that suicide charge?

Well, anyway. As I was returning the cards to my collection, I thought of something, so I got out 4 copies of Level Up. In toploaders, of course. I gave her four, as I have extra, and she can use the other two on … well, anyone she wants. Maybe the maids, or even Brandon, if he earns it. Might be a useful thing to have as a carrot when Brandon doesn't want to work.

Or she can give two to Zayaan. Or I could do that. But at the same time, I’m not so sure that is a good idea. I kind of want to keep the Level Ups with people that cannot be stepped over that easily. Some higher ranking guild person could potentially just order Zay to move to a different guild and force him to use the Level Ups in more selfish ways. Christina, Alice and I have the fact that we are … well only Christina really is, but still. We are more or less nobles, so it is a bit more difficult to force us to do something. And Lua. Well, she is a dhampir, and now a princess. And a system support holder. I’m sure she can figure something out.

“Christina, I think you should have these.” I said as I handed them over.

“... level … Alright. Thanks. But what exactly do they do?” 

“They level you up. Either your overall level, or you can specify a skill and it will level that up instead.” I told her.

“Wait! Repeat that, please.” Angelina requested.

“... fine.”

I explained the Level Up! again, and Christina used her new copies. Two on herself and two on Angelina. She wanted to at first use her extra copies on Alice, but Alice showed her mother her own copies, so that got denied. I made sure to warn her about the potential level up sickness, if she used more than two on herself as well.

I unsummoned the LV7 Armed Dragon, then summoned Big Core again, and took us back to Alewatch. Then, after a bit more chatting, we, except Christina, got back into Big Core and flew back to Sawyer city.

(Laura, can you add a new research thing onto the list?)

(Of course. What is it?)

(Can we install something into Christina’s terminal so that it will get a duel disk? Like how I installed Hieroglyph Lithograph to gain the two new slots?)

(Yes. I’ll look into that.)

If I can get a duel disk for Christina, maybe I can have a 5v5 against her. But if I did, she might actually win. Her tiger would get super powerful with 5 Amazoness monsters on the field. And if she used Buster Blader, I couldn’t use dragons, or he would just kill them all.

I mean, I would still win if I went all out, but I would have to summon some quite powerful monsters to match up against Buster Blader or a 3100 attack Amazoness Tiger.

Back at the Sawyer manor, we quickly did our usual evening things. Lying into the Ria diary, bathing and magic practice. The usual stuff. I just hate how difficult the mana control for space magic is. Even with a chant and Laura hacks, I haven’t been able to cast one, even if I can cast the Space Wall inside the factory with about 50% success rate. Maybe I need some more levels in my Mana Control skill. Well, maybe tomorrow. Today is still Inventory. And tomorrow morning I’ll give Tahlia her Time Seal.

Perhaps also because of my own lack of Mana Control, and Ria still struggling with controlling blood iron, possibly because of her Mana Control level, her skill level up of the day went to mana control.


Anyway. That is it for today. Tomorrow I’ll be going back to playing adventurer. Good night.

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