Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 33

C33 – The Class 3 That Was about to Change

The class ended uneventfully, and Zhong Qiwei exited the classroom.

Yet inside, a gloomy atmosphere prevailed; everyone felt as though doomsday had descended. They longed for the past, which now seemed like a golden era.

But in the present, they were paralyzed with caution, each one pulling out textbooks and furrowing their brows, staring blankly at the material they had never taken seriously before.

Wen Huaimu found himself reflecting on Zhong Qiwei’s teaching methods, appreciating that this well-known instructor was indeed excellent, especially in pedagogy.

Surveying his classmates, who looked as though they were mourning a loss, Wen shook his head in resignation. They used to be so bold and fearless, but now fear had crept in. Perhaps Principal Bo had made a wise decision in bringing Zhong Qiwei on board.

“Brother Wen, you’re so academically gifted, could you teach me a little?”

A timid voice broke the silence.

Wen recognized it as the classmate who had helped him find a teacher earlier that day. He turned and, with a smile, asked, “Ai Yuanshan, have you decided to hit the books too?”

Ai Yuanshan, scratching his head in embarrassment, replied with a wry smile, “I have no choice. I don’t want to be on her hit list, especially not first in line.”

Wen nearly laughed out loud. He nodded nonchalantly and said, “Sure, if you’re eager to learn, I’m happy to share what I know with you.”

“Thanks a ton, Brother Wen. You’re the best,” Ai Yuanshan beamed, his face nearly contorting with joy.

Wen, the star student of Class 3, Grade 2, consistently ranked first in exams, his scores rivaling even those in the advanced classes. With such credentials, he was more than qualified to tutor his classmates who normally slacked off.

Ai’s call to action reminded everyone that Boss Wen was not only a force to be reckoned with physically but also an academic powerhouse.

All at once, envious gazes turned towards Wen Huaimu.

Wen Huaimu was taken aback, yet he couldn’t help but feel a surge of secret delight at the sight of the class, notorious for being the worst, suddenly bursting with such a strong desire to learn.

Catching the glances of students who were eager to study but hesitant due to Boss Wen’s reputation for violence, Wen said with a light chuckle, “If you’re all serious about learning, feel free to ask me anything you don’t understand. I won’t keep any secrets—as long as I know the answer, I’ll share it.”

“Long live Boss Wen!”

The bolder girls started cheering first, quickly joined by an excited chorus from the boys. Wen Huaimu’s words had made it clear that he was welcoming these students, signaling more interaction to come.

The students kept their instinctive thoughts to themselves, knowing that voicing them might infuriate Wen Huaimu to the point of metaphorically spitting blood. He was focused on encouraging serious study, unaware that they were looking further ahead.

The time flew by amid the students’ cheers. Though they didn’t learn much from Wen Huaimu directly, the shift in atmosphere was undeniable. They felt closer to Boss Wen and found a newfound confidence within themselves.

Zhong Qiwei was just the first teacher of the day; the subsequent lessons covered various other subjects, all taught by new instructors. Unlike Zhong, these teachers were more conventional, which greatly relieved the students and allowed them to relax.

No longer muddling through, the students paid attention, and some even showcased a surprising aptitude for learning, keeping pace with the teachers and correctly answering questions, much to the instructors’ astonishment.

This positive shift also helped the teachers, who had been reluctantly reassigned by Principal Bo, to adjust their attitudes.

The afternoon classes slipped by quietly. It was only after school that the students realized that learning could be engaging. They discussed the day’s lessons and shared personal insights with their friends.

Wen Huaimu remained silent, simply observing with a smile.

Under Zhong Qiwei’s formidable influence, the once irredeemable troublemakers began to transform. Whatever the future held, a change was underway, offering them a chance to tread a brighter path.

After tidying up his books, Wen Huaimu checked the schedule. It was Friday, and the weekend was just around the corner.

Suddenly, it dawned on Wen that it seemed the teachers had all forgotten to assign homework.

It was understandable that the teachers hadn’t fully settled into the class yet.

But the class had only recently started to improve, and Wen didn’t want to see his classmates slip back into their old ways due to too much playtime.

Stepping up to the podium, Wen instantly became the center of attention.

“Class, it’s Friday, and our teachers are so impressed with your dedication to learning that they’ve forgotten to give us homework,” Wen said, his smile complimenting the students.

The room erupted into laughter, and a wave of sheepish grins spread across the faces of the students.

“However, just because we don’t have homework from the teachers doesn’t mean we should waste the next two days, right? So, I’m going to assign some homework for you,” Wen stated, his tone turning serious.

The students fell silent, hanging on every word. They were determined to complete the task set by Boss Wen, especially since this was the first time he had engaged with them so closely.

Pleased with their positive response, Wen nodded and continued, “The homework I’m assigning isn’t tough. Take out your previous textbooks and start reviewing from the beginning. Learn as much as you can, but make sure to summarize what you’ve already learned. That’s your assignment for the next two days.”

With Wen’s words, cheers filled the classroom. This approach to learning, free from strict requirements, was a novel experience for them. They weren’t fools; they understood the importance of a strong foundation.

Immediately, several students began planning to hire tutors to accelerate their learning.

Each student now had a new goal: to earn recognition from Boss Wen.

Having laid out the task, Wen stepped down from the podium without further ado. The students needed time to process the change, and more words from him wouldn’t help.

Meanwhile, unnoticed in the hallway outside the classroom, Zhong Qiwei stood frozen, clutching a stack of test papers. After a long moment of contemplation, she made a decisive turn and walked away.

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