Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 32

C32 – Zhong Qiwei

After a playful exchange with Geng Sijia, Wen Huaimu’s spirits lifted. He believed that these influential women needed to be put in their place, as they were often too arrogant and disrespectful.

Rejuvenated by the awakening of the elfin and the restoration of his psychic force and magic, Wen Huaimu was ecstatic. It was the support of this powerful ally that gave him the confidence to boast fearlessly.

In high spirits, Wen Huaimu hopped into a taxi and headed straight for an upscale restaurant. There, he indulged in a luxurious 8,888 yuan crystal set meal as a token of appreciation for the elfin’s unwavering support.

Satiated from the feast, Wen Huaimu, with the equally content elfin in tow, left the hotel and made his way to school.

Approaching the classroom, Wen Huaimu sensed that something was amiss. The room was unusually silent despite being filled with over thirty students. Had he truly established such commanding respect that they felt compelled to obey him?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the stunning female teacher on the podium, her icy demeanor seemingly capable of chilling the room. Wen Huaimu shivered, snapping back to reality.

“Why her?” he wondered.

The teacher, Ms. Zhong, was the epitome of beauty with her youthful allure, mature charm, and professional attire that accentuated her figure. She was the kind of woman who would typically occupy the daydreams of adolescent boys.

Yet, Wen Huaimu noticed his classmates avoiding Ms. Zhong’s piercing gaze, their expressions fraught with anxiety. He couldn’t help but empathize with their trepidation.

“It seems most of the boys are too intimidated to cross Ms. Zhong,” he thought to himself.

“You’re late,” Ms. Zhong stated flatly, her pretty face devoid of emotion, her voice icy.

Wen Huaimu quickly composed himself and earnestly replied, “Ms. Zhong, I had a stomachache this morning.”

“Five other students have already used that excuse. Is there some sort of epidemic today?” Ms. Zhong’s lips curled into a faint, mocking smile.

“What?” Wen Huaimu’s expression froze. They all used the same excuse?

“Actually, I was late because I was busy with family matters,” Wen Huaimu said, scrambling for a more plausible explanation.

“Really?” Zhong Qiwei’s mocking laugh didn’t let up, making Wen Huaimu’s heartbeat quicken.

“Go back to your seat, and try not to be late next time.”

Wen Huaimu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded at Ms. Zhong, and hurried back to his seat.

Yet, the looks he received from his classmates were a mix of fear and deeper resentment, as if they were jilted lovers Wen Huaimu had callously discarded.

Wen Huaimu forced a smile. He got where his classmates were coming from, but he didn’t want this either. Principal Bo had somehow thought it a good idea to bring in such an intimidating teacher.

Resigned to his fate, Wen Huaimu could only sit down and grimace at the situation.

The fear surrounding Ms. Zhong stemmed from her storied past and considerable reputation.

At twenty-six, Zhong Qiwei was still single, living a solitary life.

She had been married once, but her husband tragically died of alcohol poisoning on their wedding night, before even making it to the hospital.

Most would be shattered by such a loss, but Ms. Zhong had endured it six times over! Each of her five subsequent husbands met their end on their wedding day, under various circumstances.

One man’s death wasn’t even related to their marriage. He had attempted to assault Zhong Qiwei on her way home at night, only to accidentally sever his own tendons with a broken bottle in the dark, bleeding to death on the spot.

These events cast a chilling aura around Ms. Zhong, making her the talk of Isrinas High School.

Students and faculty alike dubbed her “Men Killer,” a testament to her lethal reputation.

This label transformed the once vibrant Zhong Qiwei into someone much colder. Her warmth was replaced by an icy demeanor that seeped into her teaching style, leaving every student she instructed haunted by the experience, unforgettable for a lifetime.

Thus, Ms. Zhong earned another moniker: “Exterminating Savant.”

Despite the harshness of her life, Ms. Zhong’s knowledge was vast and her expertise in teaching unmatched. She was the ace in the hole for senior classes facing their final exams. No one expected Principal Bo to be so bold as to assign her to Class 3 of Grade 2.

Certainly, the students of Class 3, Grade 2, were far from welcoming.

The classroom, which had been steeped in silence for half a period, finally saw action from the usually reserved Zhong Qiwei. She closed the classroom door slowly and her gaze, devoid of emotion, swept over the entire class, leaving every student feeling utterly exposed.

“There’s no need for introductions; it seems you all know who I am. Today, I have two announcements. First, as of today, I am your new homeroom and language arts teacher. Second, I’ve noted all the students who were late today—no punishment for now. But eleven students are absent. Such disrespect for teachers and the school is inexcusable. Rest assured, I will have a word with them.”

Zhong Qiwei’s tone was light, yet it sent shivers down their spines.

Relieved yet anxious, the students couldn’t help but worry for their absent classmates.

“Alright, let’s begin our lesson.” Zhong Qiwei organized her notes and expertly turned to the day’s topic, commencing her lecture.

The students, in a rare display of focus, listened intently.

Rumor had it that Zhong Qiwei could sense everything about her students, down to the number of times they blinked. Yet, the consequences of neglecting their studies were now becoming painfully clear. Zhong Qiwei’s teaching was engaging and clear—at least, Wen Huaimu thought so. The rest of the class, however, struggled to grasp the material.

Undeterred, Zhong Qiwei pressed on with the lesson, weaving in classic examples that illuminated the subject matter, leaving students with moments of sudden clarity.

But as the lesson progressed, it became evident that Zhong Qiwei was not one to rigidly stick to the script. When faced with challenging questions, the called-upon students could only stutter and falter, unsure of how to respond.

Yet, Zhong Qiwei didn’t seize the chance to lose her temper. Instead, she calmly instructed the student to sit down and proceeded to explain or answer herself.

Time and again, students pointed out by Zhong Qiwei remained silent. Ms. Zhong refrained from commenting, but her silence only heightened the underlying tension in the room.

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