Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 34

C34 – The Trip to the Deadwick

The sense of ease that comes with a vacation is unparalleled.

Wen Huaimu had doled out homework to his classmates, yet he had no plans to tackle the assignments himself. After all, if the teachers weren’t assigning him any homework, why bother?

Once he stepped out of school, Wen Huaimu made a beeline for the area’s largest department store.

Come to think of it, he had been taking it easy for two days now. With a considerable fortune at his disposal, he could even start planning his Deadwick adventure.

Wen Huaimu was always diligent about leveling up his elfin. His growing proficiency with magic was earning him trust, but the magic’s low level was becoming increasingly frustrating for him.

How could a future king rely on feeble magic to fool anyone? He was compelled to keep improving himself.

Driven by a strong desire, Wen Huaimu went on a shopping spree at the department store, snapping up camping gear, household items, and an abundance of snacks. Whether he needed them or not, he nearly cleared the shelves.

His extravagant haul not only stunned the other shoppers but also alarmed the store’s staff and security. They eyed Wen Huaimu with suspicion. The boy looked like a mere student; could he be upset about something and looking for trouble?

But Wen Huaimu, accustomed to grandeur, was unfazed by the stares and whispers. He confidently wheeled three carts brimming with goods to the checkout.

Amidst the cashier’s fluster, he settled his bill.

The total came to a staggering eighteen thousand four hundred fifty-three yuan and twenty cents!

The cashier’s head spun at the figure. In all his time working there, he’d never seen anyone splurge like this in a supermarket.

“Charge it,” Wen Huaimu said nonchalantly, presenting his card with ease.

Once the transaction was processed, the staff’s perception shifted; appearances can be deceiving—this kid was loaded.

The store’s service didn’t disappoint, either. The manager, recognizing the value of a lavish spender, personally attended to Wen Huaimu. A vehicle was arranged to deliver his purchases home, and as a discreet bonus, Wen Huaimu was gifted an exclusive shopping card, entitling him to a 20% discount on future buys.

Wen Huaimu’s lips twitched in a half-smile. Yet, he couldn’t deny that the limited-edition discount card was a token of status, so he tucked it away nonchalantly.

Once home, the store’s delivery van had dropped off all of Wen Huaimu’s purchases. While it was impractical to sort things out at the store, back at home, with a mere wave of his hand, he stashed everything into his ring. The ring, spacious enough to house five molding machines, had plenty of room to spare, and Wen Huaimu’s items filled only a fraction of it.

The long-awaited elfin pounced on the food Wen Huaimu had brought, exclaiming with glee, “All this is mine! You’re the best, brother!” Wen Huaimu, nursing a growing headache, ignored the elfin’s frenzied antics and instead penned a quick note.

Time was of the essence. Deadwick wasn’t too far, but the round trip would take several hours. Wen Huaimu resolved to leave at night. But first, to ease his parents’ worries, he planned to visit his younger cousin Xuanya in the village.

With everything in order, Wen Huaimu dashed from his home, making a beeline for the bus station. He withdrew five thousand yuan from an ATM nearby—just in case—before boarding a bus bound for Deadwick.

His mission was clear: reach Deadwick by nightfall and then head straight for the mountains. At this moment, nothing mattered to Wen Huaimu more than the pursuit of magic.

As the night cast its murky veil, the bus journeyed for three hours, and Wen Huaimu finally arrived at the Deadwick bus station, bathed in moonlight. He stepped off the bus, invigorated, paying no mind to the vendors at the station vying for his attention. He hopped into a taxi and directed it towards the Deadwick Wildlife Park, a gateway to the sprawling mountain ranges of Deadwick.

In the midst of her feast, the elfin suddenly perked up, her voice tinged with astonishment, “Brother, I sense a pure energy aura.” Wen Huaimu offered a faint smile in response but remained silent.

Despite the ravages of industrialization, the natural world, shaped over hundreds of millions of years, was not so easily obliterated in mere centuries. The pristine state of certain nature reserves stood as a testament to this resilience—an affirmation of the vital energy Wen Huaimu sought to harness.

Upon reaching Deadwick’s wild animal park, Wen Huaimu generously handed the driver a hundred yuan and strode toward the forest, leaving the driver gaping in surprise.

“What’s this kid doing heading into the forest at this hour?” The driver wondered, baffled. Lacking any say in the matter, he simply shook his head and turned the vehicle around to head back.

“Brother, absorb it quickly!” the elfin urged, unable to contain her excitement.

Wen Huaimu shook his head with a sense of resignation. She was nothing like the elfin he had envisioned. Yet, it seemed he had grown accustomed to her demeanor.

A mechanical voice, devoid of warmth, promptly echoed in Wen Huaimu’s mind. “The energy surrounding the Master is 65% pure and 33% dense. Purification is required for absorption. To satisfy the elfin’s upgrade system, it will take 45 days.”

Wen Huaimu, initially elated, let out a curse upon hearing this.

It looked like he had no choice but to venture deeper into Deadwick. He needed to find a place that could expedite the elfin’s upgrade within two days.

Darkness enveloped the ground, the forest exuding an eerie stillness.

Wen Huaimu groped his way further into the depths of Deadwick.

At this time, most people wouldn’t dare to navigate Deadwick at night, given its status as an ancient, primeval forest teeming with legends and prowling tigers and leopards.

But Wen Huaimu was no ordinary person. Merged with the elfin’s psychic force, he could sense everything within a radius of over a hundred meters.

Activating the ring’s intelligent absorption feature, he harnessed the infinite Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth within 150 meters, converting it into pure magic power. This not only replenished the magic power the elfin had used but also steadily increased it.

Contentedly squinting her eyes, the elfin settled back into the Crystal Cabinet, the true powerhouse for channeling magic. Now, without distraction, she could feel the relentless flow of magic power infusing her body.

Like a bottomless pit, the vast magic power poured into the elfin, vanishing without a trace.

Coldy’s clinical voice provided an explanation: the magic was undergoing transformation. The elfin’s upgrade wasn’t just about elevating the magic to an intermediate level; her physical body and psychic force needed to evolve in tandem.

Wen Huaimu trudged through the Deadwick like a tireless old ox, taking one deliberate step after another. Guided by Coldy’s intelligent energy detection, he continuously adjusted his course towards the areas with the highest concentration of pure energy.

Despite his efforts, perfect purity was unattainable; not even within the Deadwick could one find a place with 100% purity. At each location Wen Huaimu visited, the Spirit Energy of Heaven and Earth would be rapidly absorbed by the molding ring, causing the purity to gradually diminish. With a sense of resignation, he moved on in search of the next site.

Journeying through the Deadwick, Wen Huaimu paused intermittently, and before long, he found himself deep within its forbidden reaches. It was a realm off-limits to humankind, where danger was hidden at every turn.

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