Urban: Super God-Ring System

Chapter 31

C31 – The Woman That He Wanted to Protect

“Class 1 Grade 2!” Wen Huaimu exclaimed, turning to Principal Bo with astonishment.

Class 1 Grade 2 was the school’s elite class, reserved for the brightest minds guaranteed to gain admission to top universities. Naturally, such individuals were rare; the entire class consisted of just over a dozen students.

Was Principal Bo actually considering him for the top class?

Wen Huaimu stayed quiet, contemplating the implications of Principal Bo’s proposal. He was unsure what information the principal had come across to suddenly show him such favor.

But as the saying goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Regardless of Principal Bo’s intentions, it would be better for him not to accept.

“Sorry, Principal, but I really think Class 3 is quite good. I’ve gotten used to the classes there, and I get along well with my classmates. So, I won’t be able to join Class 1 Grade 2,” Wen Huaimu said, his face etched with regret.

Principal Bo hadn’t anticipated Wen Huaimu’s refusal. Class 1 Grade 2 was a stepping stone to prestigious universities, offering the best and most comprehensive education the school had to offer. He hadn’t expected such ingratitude from the young man.

Nevertheless, Principal Bo nodded and replied, “If you prefer to stay in Class 3 Grade 2, then commit to your studies there. I’ll be assigning a few new teachers to your class in the coming days to ensure you receive the support you need.”

Wen Huaimu’s face lit up with gratitude. “Thank you, Principal Bo. I’m sure my classmates will be just as pleased with your thoughtful decision.”

After a brief exchange with Principal Bo, Wen Huaimu left the office, his expression turning solemn once he was out of sight.

His priority, after all, was to buckle down and focus on his studies.

Upon returning to his classroom, he found the dozen or so students diligently at their desks.

Wen Huaimu was pleased; his authority seemed to be well-respected.

As he entered the room, all eyes turned to him.

Clearing his throat, Wen Huaimu smiled and announced, “I’ve just spoken with Principal Bo. Starting this afternoon, we’ll have a few new teachers joining us. I want to make one thing clear: it’s time to get serious about our studies. If you excel academically, everything else will follow. For now, remember to pass this message along to any classmates who aren’t here.”

Wen Huaimu’s declaration struck like lightning on a clear day.

Yet, his dominance was such that no one dared to challenge him.

They watched in silence as the ominous clouds looming over Class 3, Grade 2 began to scatter, soon to be replaced by a welcoming glow.

“Alright, that’s enough. School’s almost out, so I’m calling the shots—class dismissed,” Wen Huaimu declared with a flourish, fancying himself the teacher. But truth be told, not even a teacher held such sway.

The students, however, reacted as if pardoned, hastily gathering their books and slipping out of the classroom, vanishing in moments.

Wen Huaimu let out a sigh.

Exiting the classroom, he ambled toward the school gates with a swagger.

“Wen, hold up.”

A gentle, melodious voice called from behind.

Instinctively, Wen Huaimu turned to see Geng Sijia catching up to him, slightly out of breath, her innocence and charm undeniable.

Wen Huaimu cocked his head, puzzled, “Shouldn’t you be in class right now?”

With a smile as radiant as a rose in bloom, Geng Sijia replied, “I asked for leave.”

Wen Huaimu was taken aback, “Even so, it’s quite the coincidence to run into me, isn’t it?”

“I was informed of your movements. After you left the classroom, I took my leave,” Geng Sijia admitted openly, without a hint of concealment.

Wen Huaimu’s expression darkened. “Even if you’re someone of importance, you have no right to track me. Give me one good reason, or I’ll get upset.”

“Because I like you,” Geng Sijia chuckled.

Wen Huaimu rolled his eyes, clearly unconvinced.

“Fine, I want to be friends with you. You’re so formidable; with you as my friend, nobody would dare to bully me,” Geng Sijia stated earnestly.

“Even without me, who would dare to bully you? Your reason doesn’t hold up,” Wen Huaimu said, pinching his chin and smiling wryly.

“Guan Wangya will. She’s always siding with Mu Jingbai. Together, they pick on me,” Geng Sijia’s voice trembled, and tears began to glisten in her eyes. She cried, her face the very picture of distress.

Wen Huaimu opened his mouth, speechless as he gazed into Geng Sijia’s eyes. Her acting was so convincing, she could snag an Oscar.

Yet, Guan Wangya was one of Isrinas’ top three sisters—a truly enigmatic figure. Surprisingly, she had a close bond with Mu Jingbai. Could there be some hidden connection between them?

Wen Huaimu was lost in thought. From what he knew, Guan Wangya was no ordinary student. Though enrolled in the school, she seldom attended classes. Her passion wasn’t for academics but for martial arts, and she had a collection of martial arts competition titles to her name. Rumor had it she was currently under the secret tutelage of a venerable master.

“Wen, you must help me. Guan Wangya is nearly done with her special martial arts training and she’ll be back at school next week to resume her studies. Once Mu Jingbai has her support, they’ll start bullying me again. I’m so helpless,” Geng Sijia pleaded, looking the picture of vulnerability, the epitome of a gentle girl.

“You’ve done your homework, I see. But if Guan Wangya is that formidable, why would you think of using me as your human shield? I’m no fool,” Wen Huaimu quipped.

“Not at all, Wen. You’re incredibly strong—I bet you’re even stronger than Guan Wangya. Just challenge her to a fight and you’ll see. She’s a woman; she can’t possibly win against a man,” Geng Sijia urged, her voice tinged with desperation.

“I’m not interested,” Wen Huaimu snapped, his irritation clear. She had revealed her true intentions far too quickly. She wanted him to confront Guan Wangya, but his time was valuable.

“You could protect me,” Geng Sijia implored, her voice laced with sorrow.

“Why should I protect you?” Wen Huaimu inquired, genuinely puzzled.

Geng Sijia was taken aback, at a loss for words.

Why indeed should he protect her?

“Damn it, I’m a woman, and not just any woman—I’m beautiful. Don’t you know how to treat a woman with gentleness? I’ve made the first move, and you still dare to speak such careless words?” Geng Sijia fumed inwardly.

With a defiant lift of her eyebrows, she challenged him, “Don’t you know it’s a man’s duty to protect women? Or are you not man enough?”

“Men are supposed to protect women. That’s true.”

Geng Sijia’s face lit up with delight.

“But the woman I’m meant to protect isn’t you.” Wen Huaimu gave a sly smile, then turned and strode toward the school gate. Geng Sijia’s eyes widened in shock as she stamped her foot and hurled curses at his retreating figure.

“Brother, am I the woman you’re supposed to protect?”

Little did he know, at that very moment, the elfin had awakened. Her eyes, shimmering with excitement, radiated pure joy.

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