The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 63: Li Xiang is the big boss?

Chapter 63: Li Xiang is the big boss?

Chapter 63 Is Li Xiang the big boss?

Shen Ge first opened the [Diary], wanting to see how his future self would deal with the intangible.

[On January 11, 2028, you entered the weird "invisible" realm. Under the prompts of the system, you found that the environment around Tom's Mall was affected by the "invisible" characteristics and became transparent, and all things and life forms that entered this place became transparent. All will be affected.

[You found the door of Tom's Supermarket based on your memory. When you stepped into the door, the 7th-level uncanny energy instantly made your feet transparent. When you completely stepped into the uncanny realm, you felt that you were whole and transparent. Tom's Supermarket integrated into one.

The transparent shopping mall makes it difficult for you to move forward. Just when you are about to exit the supermarket, you suddenly hear a loud noise, and then feel like you are being wrapped around a large transparent python and lifted up. Your bound hands work hard to remove the grenade hanging from your waist, pull off the tab and throw it forward.

[The grenade suddenly hung in the air three meters away, as if it was picked up by an invisible hand. With a loud noise, the grenade directly blew up the invisible hand, and the impact of the explosion sent you flying away and hitting you. On the door, thanks to the "giant python" on your body that blocked part of the impact, you managed to save your life.

As the invisible hand was blown into pieces by the grenade, blue blood appeared out of thin air, spreading around and splattering on invisible objects. You can vaguely see the entrance lobby on the first floor of the mall, which seems to be an infinitely long "python", filling the entire mall.

Seeing that something stained with blue blood is coming towards you again, you dont dare to stay here, so you get up and escape from Toms Mall.

Seeing this, Shen Ge's face darkened. Needless to say, he knew that the invisible "python" was the invisible tentacle of the octopus monster, but he didn't expect that it would grow to this extent in just four years.

Four years ago, a blasting grenade solved the mystery. Four years later, the grenade could only blow up one of its tentacles, and that was only in the entrance lobby.

You must know that Tom Mall covers an area of 20,000 to 30,000 square meters. In addition to the parking lot on the second floor below and the supermarket on the first floor, there are three floors above.

Invisible tentacles have filled the entrance hall, and other places must have been occupied already.

However, grenades may not be useful against such a huge invisible force, but what about missiles? Nuclear bomb? hydrogen bomb? It should be possible to transfer citizens and implement world nuclear peace, right?

Blowing up a piece of land is better than letting it grow to level 8 and swallowing up a city in one go, right?

What about the technological weapons of the future?

Shen Ge felt a headache and fell on the bed. Each mystery was followed by a bigger mystery. Apart from waiting for the log to be updated, there seemed to be no better way.

Will I report invisible situations to the organization in the future? If the organization is official, it should have weapons of mass destruction.

Shen Ge tried to put himself into a role in the future. Although it was a bit unpleasant to cooperate with the Special Strategy Department for the first time to solve the strange incident, it was just a "difference of ideas." The Special Strategy Department under the leadership of Deng Yuqi did not have the determination to deal with the weirdness. Any questions.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Shen Ge was too lazy to worry about these things anymore and went to bed directly. The next day, he went to the Special Policy Department to find a chance to test whether the canister can restore his mental strength.

Sleeping until midnight, Shen Ge sat up from the bed with a bang.


Did I not get into trouble today?

Not only did he not get into trouble, but he also went from home to a private hospital and then to Tang Jinzes home, including a pet market next to Tang Jinzes home.

On this journey, not even a single "special event" was triggered!

has a problem!


No, this system is not Xiaoais, and it wont answer.

System, conduct level evaluation.

Rate the current status of the host

Rating result: Level 1

If the system responds, it does not mean that there is a problem with the system and there is no early warning.

Just didnt encounter it?

Shen Ge didnt quite believe it. After all, even just throwing garbage downstairs could gain a few points with the Level 1 weird little teddy. Its not like he wouldnt encounter a weird incident in a day!

Shen Ge thought that he would wake up anyway, so he simply got dressed and went for a walk on the street to see if there was something wrong with the system during the day or if the weirdness nearby was gone.

The next day, its 8:30 in the morning.The gate of the Special Policy Department.

Shen Ge stood at the gate with a frown on his face. He walked around the street for five hours, during which he encountered many wild dogs and cats. Not even a single special event was triggered!

Under the apocalypse, weirdness is rampant! In a city full of dangers, the host still does not forget to exercise hard. His courage is commendable! Strength +1%, Agility +1%, Constitution +1%. System points +50]

Shen Ge was unable to complain.

There isnt even a ghost, so where is the danger?

Shen Ge originally wanted to report directly to the Operations Department, but there were still some things he wanted to confirm with Deng Yuqi, so he went to the minister's office.

"Tan Shen, are you looking for the director? She is not in the office now. She was called to the technical department by Director Li shortly after she arrived." Assistant Xiao Zhang stopped Shen Ge.

Director Li? Li Xiang? Shen Ge asked.

Xiao Zhang nodded: "Yes, Li Xiang has been promoted to deputy director because he studied strange mice and cats and made important discoveries."

Do you know why he came to see the minister so early in the morning? Shen Ge asked.

Xiao Zhang said: "I heard that the strange mouse you caught has made a new discovery."

Sneaky rat?

Shen Ge was curious about what kind of tricks Li Xiang was doing, so he went to the technical department, found Li Xiang's assistant and brought him into the laboratory.

In front of the closed containment room of the laboratory, Deng Yuqi, Li Xiang and a group of researchers stood in front of the transparent bulletproof and explosion-proof glass, staring inside intently. Even Shen Ge walked behind them without noticing.

Shen Ge looked inside and found that the holding room was empty. He asked curiously: "Are you guys gathering together to look in the mirror?"

"Look in the mirror? Tu... You're here, just in time. Can you find what's inside?" As soon as Li Xiang saw Shen Ge, his attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees.

Shen Ge: ...You must have wanted to say "country turtle" just now, right?

At first, Shen Ge thought that Li Xiang was arrogant and looked down upon everyone. Later, he discovered that "country turtle" was his catchphrase.

Sneaky rat?

Can you see?

I cant see it, but the assistant said that you were studying strange mice and made a new discovery. Even so, Shen Ge had vaguely guessed Li Xiangs new discovery.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a strange rat the size of a panther appeared in the corner of the containment room.

Haven't you seen him look so big in two days?

Shen Ge pretended to be surprised and asked, "Eh? What's going on? Did you feed it the strange transparent corpses you collected yesterday?"

Li Xiang said: "Clever! I worked overtime last night to study the blue blood, and found that it can make objects temporarily invisible, so I suddenly came up with the idea of integrating the blood into the octopus's body and feeding it to the sly rats. Unexpectedly, with me As expected, the self-healing and invisibility abilities of the rat are perfectly integrated, and 10 ml of blue blood diluted with water can make it invisible for two minutes."

As he spoke, Li Xiang suddenly let out a long sigh: "It's a pity that I scraped off the blue blood on that floor yesterday and only collected a few hundred milliliters."

Its a pity. Shen Ge agreed.

Shen Ge also admired Li Xiang's mind. In just one night, he found a way to use invisible blood based on a "whim".

What if this is


Shen Ge suddenly thought that the system had previously prompted the Special Strategy Department to be the weird headquarters. Could it be because Li Xiang often conducted such "whimsical" experiments, and something happened in the end?

By the way, I have another big discovery! Li Xiang said excitedly.

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