The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 62: Is the system weird?

Chapter 62: Is the system weird?

Chapter 62 Is the system weird?

Tang Jinze took Shen Ge all the way to swipe his face card, and after struggling all morning, he finally completed all the inspections. Then the two of them went to have lunch, got the urgent report and returned to the office.

Tang Jinze took Shen Ge's various report sheets and read them for a while, then said with a serious expression: "Apart from some physical differences, there is no big problem. Have you got a girlfriend? You are a bit weak, my friend!"

Shen Ge said expressionlessly: "No."

Then why are you so weak? Are you practicing your hand speed? Thats not right. With your face, you wont be able to find a girlfriend... Tang Jinze raised his eyebrows.

Shen Ge said: "Stop talking nonsense and be serious. Is there really nothing wrong with my report? There is nothing extra in the body, so what is the extra growth?"

"What can you get, a tumor? Don't worry, you are healthy. Besides, you don't have any bad habits, so you will have no problem living to a hundred." Tang Jinze said.

Didnt you find anything?

You are questioning my expertise.

"Sorry, I'm used to questioning." Shen Ge took the report sheets and looked through them for a while. It was true that all indicators were qualified.

Tang Jinze asked: "So what are you worried about?"

worry about what?

Shen Ge is worried that... the system is the weird thing growing in his body!

There are three reasons why I think so -

First, Deng Yuqi told him that weirdness and weird energy are all repelled by the human body, and previous attempts to transplant weird corpses ended in failure.

However, he can perfectly use the weird special abilities through the system.

The second one is "spiritual power" and "cunning energy".

Shen Ge added 20% of the free attribute points acquired yesterday to his mental power, and his own mental power has exceeded 200%.

At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this attribute, but in fact, aside from the system's comment that "the basic value of each attribute of a normal adult male is 100%", it seems very strange.

Shen Ge has played many games and read many novels. There are simple attribute settings and complex attribute settings, but system settings are very rare.

Until Deng Yuqi explained to him the trick energy and the trick energy jar.

The canister of weird energy is based on the capacity of level 1 weirdness, and one jar contains 100% of the weird energy. Regardless of whether there is a difference in the body shape of the first-level weirdness, there will not be much deviation in the weird energy capacity.

Character energy is the "basis" of the ability to use weirdness.

So Shen Ge had already suspected that the "mental power" in the attributes was the system's disguise of the mysterious power.

Especially the "A-Type Canister" that automatically recovers 10% of its magic power every hour, which is exactly the same as mental power.

His current situation is equivalent to having "two cylinders" of deception energy in his body. As his mental power continues to improve, these "two cylinders" will slowly turn into ten or twenty cylinders!

To test whether this speculation is true, the method is very simple. Just take a sip next time you get the canister and see if it restores your mental power.

The third and most critical point is.

The system can swallow up weirdness and seize characteristics.

After the death of Weiyi, the characteristics will be transferred to the new Weiyi until it reaches the fourth level of awakening, but only the characteristics swallowed by the system will not appear again.

If the system is weird, this explains why the characteristics of being swallowed will not appear again...because this is transferred to high-level weirdness!

Of course, these are just Shen Ge's guesses. After all, using the starting point system theory, the golden finger is stronger than anything else and can explain the past.

Its just that there were too many accusations pointing to the system being weird, and Shen Ge couldnt help but think more about it.

However, what if the system is weird? After this inspection, no abnormalities were found at all, and there are also big problems with the "rewards" of the system. If the system is weird, where do the rewards come from?

According to the files of the Special Policy Department, the currently known weird events and weirdness are all without "wisdom", and although the system is stupid, it can at least defeat half of Xiao Ai's classmates.

Its not just the system, its also weird and there are many unresolved questions.

For example, the time of the first strange incident recorded by the Special Policy Department was actually before that, Shen Ge had experienced the "father eating mother" incident.

But, wouldnt people become weird?

What happened to your father?

Shen Ge patted his forehead and felt a headache. The more he thought about strange and systematic problems, the more questions he raised.

"This is the first time I've seen you show such an expression. Tell me, maybe I can help you." Tang Jinze took a sip from the water glass and said seriously.

Shen Ge sighed and stopped thinking about it. He looked at Tang Jinze and said, "It's okay. I'm just having a headache over something weird. I have one more thing to trouble you. Please delete my physical examination information today and don't leave it in the file."

Okay, no problem. Tang Jinze nodded.

Shen Ge told him in detail about the weird things in the morning, and explained to him some methods and techniques for dealing with weird things. He also urged him to call him as soon as possible when encountering weird incidents.

After Tang Jinze learned about the weird events, he realized that the higher authorities had been suppressing such news exposure. Combined with the bizarre news, he found that the weirdness had actually appeared very early.

As for Shen Ge asking him to delete the medical examination information files, Tang Jinze didn't think much about it, thinking that Shen Ge's current identity needed to be kept secret.

Keep this electric baton, it might come in handy at a critical moment. Shen Ge said as he took out the electric baton from his shoulder bag and handed it to Tang Jinze.

Instead of carrying a pistol, bring this fragmentation grenade. Even if you put it on your desk, others will think it is a lighter at most.

Upon hearing this, Tang Jinze quickly interrupted: "Stop it, if someone is cheap and pulls the ring off, it will be a lot of fun. I keep the electric baton, forget about the gun, I won't be able to use it, maybe I can still use it. I was invited to drink tea. Dont worry, I will definitely call you if anything unusual happens. Besides, there have been only a few weird incidents this year, so its not that bad that it happened to me, right?

"That's true. As long as you stay away from me, weird things usually won't happen." Shen Ge said.

Tang Jinze laughed when he heard this: "Look what you said... Oh, by the way, you are on vacation today anyway. If you have nothing to do, come to my house for dinner?"

Its okay, I havent seen my uncle and aunt for a long time.

Shen Ge and Tang Jinze went home for a meal. It was almost nine o'clock when they got home and turned on the computer to search for some weird information on the Internet.

Combining the files of the system and the Special Policy Department, Shen Ge has confirmed three strange characteristics:


Black mist (dark energy);

Characteristics will appear at level 4 or above.

If you look at these three points together, there are some problems with the authenticity of the strange events that I found on the Internet. At least there should be no weird human figures.

But the "three heads and six arms" Lao Wang and his "octopus piranha" father, these two figures are weird and make the first conclusion of the Special Policy Department untenable.

Even the statement that "human beings who become weird are all high-level" is untenable, because according to the research of the Special Policy Department, weird energy will only cause human beings to fail and become diseased, rather than "mutate".


Congratulations to the host for surviving another day in a world full of weirdness. The reward is 1% of freely distributed points and 10 system points.

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