The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 64: It not only distinguishes superiority from inferiority, but also determines life and death.

Chapter 64: It not only distinguishes superiority from inferiority, but also determines life and death.

Chapter 64: It is a matter of life and death.

At this time, everyone present, including Shen Ge, had only one thought in their hearts... What you discovered is very good, please don't discover it again in the future!

If you continue to do this, sooner or later the Special Strategy Department will cause a high-level strange incident!

In the past, one weird incident a year was considered too much, and naturally there were not that many weird corpses for researchers to deal with. But since Shen Ge came to the Special Policy Department, three weird corpses were added to the Special Policy Department in just one week. The Technical Department This also allows you to flex your muscles.

In order to explore the limits of the self-healing ability of the weird rat, Li Xiang applied for the joint development of several weird corpses, so he couldn't wait to conduct the experiment as soon as he got the blood of the weird octopus yesterday.

Before that, he also tried to feed the corpse of the strange cat to the strange mouse.

Li Xiang played the video of the experiment from the past few days to everyone. Only then did everyone know why the strange mouse grew from the size of a cat to the size of an adult cheetah in just a few days.

According to my research, weirdness devours vitality, mainly converting living bodies into strange energy and accelerating the speed of its own alienation.

Weird creatures not only feed on humans, but also on their own kind. Compared to the little bit of weird energy gained from eating humans, directly devouring their own kind will allow them to alienate faster.

"Before the trick mouse devoured the trick cat, its body length was less than half a meter excluding the tail. However, after devouring the trick cat's body, its body length quickly increased to one and a half meters, and its trick energy content exceeded 200% and reached 273%. The second-level weirdness standard value, in other words, the weird mouse has evolved into a second-level weirdness.

"If you feed a second-level weird corpse to a weird mouse, can it quickly grow into a third-level weird corpse? Or does it need to break through the weird energy value of the third-level weirdness, that is, until the weird energy of the weird mouse breaks through 600 % to complete evolution.

I was thinking about

Before Li Xiang finished speaking, Deng Yuqi rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "Stop it, stop thinking about it. Li Xiang, the technical department studies weird corpses in the hope of creating more weird equipment for elite agents. Use this to deal with weirdness, instead of letting you study weird evolution."

If you cultivate high-level weirdness, wont you have high-level weirdness equipment? Li Xiang asked back.

Deng Yuqi said: "Having said that, we have to eat our food one bite at a time. It is best to ensure that we have enough low-level sneak equipment before we study high-level ones. Our branch now only has two pieces of sneak equipment. First of all, Only when the quantity increases can we be qualified to focus on quality.

"That's...okay." Li Xiang nodded, thinking that the idea of applying to feed the corpses of Gui Che, Gui Nao, etc. to Gui Mouse could only be postponed.

However, the discovery that "weirdness swallows weirdness and accelerates alienation" is really amazing. Just imagine, when weirdness breaks out and the streets are full of weirdness...

Thinking of this, Shen Ge suddenly understood why Tom's Supermarket's "invisibility" could become a giant level 7 weirdness in just four years!

The "weird" mode of "weirdness" in which big fish eats small fishes. As the frequency of weirdness becomes higher and higher, a high-level weirdness will soon be "fed".

Deng Yuqi also realized this and asked Li Xiang to write a detailed report on "strangely accelerated alienation" and submit it to the headquarters.

Coming out of the technical department, Deng Yuqi looked at Shen Ge and asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"


Go to the office.


Going to the minister's office, Deng Yuqi first praised Shen Ge's on-the-spot response and temporary command regarding the action the day before yesterday. Secondly, he hoped that Shen Ge could integrate into the special strategy department and be more at the national level when dealing with strange incidents in the future. to consider.

Shen Ge said that it was okay for him to save people, but it was impossible for him to sacrifice himself or the people he knew to save some people who had "You should have come to save me" written on their faces. On the first day when Shen Ge came to the Special Policy Department, he once wanted to integrate into this place, but later found that he could not do it, because when he became familiar with these people, he would consider using their lives in exchange for Are the lives of some idiots worth it?

Shen Ge does not have the qualities of a soldier. He does not understand that protecting the people is the bounden duty of soldiers. They will not consider whether it is worth it or not, they will just do it without hesitation!

The deviation of the most basic concepts meant that Shen Ge was destined to be unable to integrate into the Special Strategy Department. Deng Yuqi obviously also discovered this.

A person's outlook on life is closely related to his childhood experiences. She wanted to know what happened to Shen Ge during those three years in Rongshan Mental Hospital that made him indifferent to life. However, the original information could not be traced due to the fire, which also made Deng Yuqi very helpless.

Deng Yuqi knew that he would not be able to convince Shen Ge in a short time, so he sighed and changed the subject: "You said you came to me for something, what was it?"

Shen Ge leaned on the chair with a smile and asked in a casual tone: "I want to know, has my inspection report come out?"

Inspection report? Deng Yuqi asked pretending to be confused.

Shen Ge smiled and said, "Please, I'm not stupid. On the day I joined the company, I drew 8 tubes of blood, and also extracted my nails and hair. Do you really think I haven't had a physical examination?"

"That's because the weird events related to you all have the same kind of weird energy residue. We are worried that you are infected with an unknown virus, or you are carrying some kind of weird energy equipment." Deng Yuqi said, pulling out of the drawer He took out a file and handed it to Shen Ge.

Shen Ge took it and opened it, and it turned out to be his detailed test report. But unfortunately, whether it was Tang Jinze's hospital or the technical department, the test results were consistent.

Apart from a somewhat poor physical condition, he is generally very healthy and has nothing to do with weirdness or weird energy.

"I didn't expect that I'm quite healthy... Oh, by the way, at my current level, am I qualified to check the special strategy department's past operations against weird data?" Shen Ge asked.

Deng Yuqi said: "Okay, just ask Xiao Zhang to help you adjust the gear."

Where are the files on the weird human experiments conducted by the Special Policy Department in the past? Shen Ge asked again.

Deng Yuqi shook his head: "No, those files have been sealed by the headquarters, and human experiments are strictly prohibited. They can only be retrieved through the headquarters' main computer."

"That's okay." Shen Ge closed the file and put it back on the table. He found Xiao Zhang and asked her to help retrieve the files on the Special Strategy Department's past operations against the enemy, and then went to the Operations Department.

When Feng Chengxiu and others saw Shen Ge coming in, they gathered around him enthusiastically. Feng Chengxiu put his arms around Shen Ge's neck and said with a smile: "Xiao Shen was so majestic yesterday and has great potential to be a leader." Well."

Everywhere, brothers are just giving me face and cooperating with me. Shen Ge knew that this guy was planning to settle the score in the future.

"I see that you have been practicing for so long. It's time to learn more about special fighting skills. It's better to choose the day than to hit it. It's just the right time to test your learning results today."

A day is also called a long time?

Well, Fengjiao, I think my basics are not good enough yet, so Id better keep practicing the basics!

Its okay, let me test your personal combat skills first. Come on, lets compare notes. Feng Chengxiu put on a stance.

It's just that this posture doesn't look like a "discussion", but more like "a battle of life and death"!

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