The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 265: Daniel's Preparation

Chapter 265: Daniel's Preparation

But just as Min Hong was being blessed by her Yin QI, Min Qing herself was also being baptized by his searing Yang Qi, and whilst her Yin Qi moved like silent assassins, Min Hong's Yang Qi came like the entourage of a divine Emperor's arrival

Min Qing already soft spirit, soul and body got a very warm massage of the Yang Qi as the Yin Qi within her body merged with the Yang Qi and poured into her Dan like a flash flood

Then the Dan just like a big parched hole in the middle of a scorched desert gobbled up the new Qi flooding towards it, as it drank them all without leaving a single drop, as Min Qing began to see a rise in her cultivation

Min Hong began to move his waist once again since his god-tier pleasure weapon had just been rejuvenated by the Yin Qi which he just absorbed and Min Qing herself, at this point, had just descended from the holy realm she was previously thrusted into

When she came to, she knew at that point that, what just happened to her in the space of ten minutes had to continue, and as a matter of fact, everything that happened then tasted like a dessert to her, and now she was craving for the main course meal which would fill her up on the inside and also satisfy her spirit and soul in the process

Without another word being spoken, she began to use her leg to key Min Hong to his current position and with three slight shove of her legs, Min Hong's divine sword which had been upgraded by the influx of the new Yin materials began to display another set of mediocre sword techniques

Then like a grandmaster swordsman who had seen a disciple who was truly looking to learn the way of the divine sword, Min Hong wanted to show Min Qing another divine sword art technique that he learnt from Daniel's ancient library of lechery, but strangely, Min Hong decided against it

Yeah, it was strange, but Min Hong knew at this point that he wasn't displaying these sword techniques the right way, because there was a difference between someone who had learnt a technique for only a few minutes compared to another person who had learnt the same techniques for years, and thus, Min Hong reached out to Daniel and gave him a single instruction;

"Make her crave more of me!"

"You will not regret this opportunity you have given me in ten lifetimes..."

Daniel replied before Min Hong announced to Min Qing beforehand;

"This second duel will feel different and very new to you"

But Min Qing simply replied by shoving him closer with her legs as Min Hong grinned and then shut his eyes

Min Qing saw him shut his eyes and when he opened it, she sensed something slightly different but couldn't place what exactly was different about her Hong-ge, so she attributed it to him being serious about their divine communion for the first time since they have begun and thus, her anticipation rose to a new length

Daniel on the other hand simply ran his finger which had been coated in Death Qi all over certain points on Min Qing's body, killing some nerves which were resistive to sensitivity in her body

This action not only made sure Min Qing felt everything happening to her a hundred fold, it also made sure she had no way of recovering from the session of immense pleasure she was about to have

By the time, Daniel was done touching all these spots, Min Qing was already moaning without being touched, and when Daniel saw this, he was pleasantly satisfied

Destroying every form of dirt or left over mayonnaise on Min Qing, Daniel simply nibbled on Min Qing's left mountain peak, and just like a bomb with its red wire cut, Min Qing's brain exploded repulsively as several chemicals mixed together within her brain causing her to drool and shudder intensely like a fish which was thrown out of the water

Daniel removed his tongue and watched Min Qing shudder and writhe in pleasure This was his confirmation sign that the sacrifice had been purified before being handed over to the god of lust

Then without further ado, Daniel first ran his wet index finger through the sensitive spots of Min Qing's body; like her underarms, her neck, through the valley of her twin mountains, straight down to the belly buttons, but as he approached the garden of he-den, Min Qing's body was already pulsing with numerous different kinds of energies, feelings, emotions and chemicals that she didn't even realize that her Dam had started leaking from just being touched

As he confirmed that the sacrifice was already prepared and placed on the altar of lechery, Daniel wickedly went down to the heart of the sacrifice and placed his moist mouth on the forbidden fruit


Min Qing felt like a 5000 gigawatt power-line had fallen on her as her tender body arched upwards, almost taking a giant nshape, as her eyes completely blanked out like an empty body with a lost soul...

Then when the current passed through, she fell back on the soft bed like a mason who had just built a thousand skyscrapers, she didn't know what happened, but just that single lick of the cherry on her ice cream got her savagely exhausted in sweetness...

Then Daniel spoke for the first time;

"~Just relax and feel everything~"

The subtleness with which that statement entered Min Qing's ears was like that of a deranged killer telling his victim not to struggle after severing the {left anterior descending artery (LAD)} of his victim, and just like that, Min Qing descended into the deadly arms of lust and lechery as her Void Cave opened by itself like the entrance door to a 5-Star Mall

Daniel looked to the malfunctioning entrance door to Min Qing's mall which kept itself open like it was craving for customers to visit after a massive amount of stock had arrived

Then, he drove Min Qing into the state of utter helplessness and madness as he placed his customer in front of these newly delivered goods, but instead of buying, his divine customer down his loins simply touched the goods and inspected them, but didn't show any intention of buying or not buying which drove the attendant down Min Qing's loins into a state of utter insanity, and just like he expected, Min Qing finally pleaded;

"No more Please, no more inspecting Just buy!"

Feeling accomplished of conquering this amateur sales woman who was in charge of Min Qing's loins, Daniel's representative finally walked into the inner office to broker the exchange

"~Aaaahhh~" The moment he entered the inner office, Min Qing felt like a thirsty adventurer who finally saw a cock-tail of a fruit blast of several sensitive emotions, and without even waiting to see if it was poisonous or not, she stiffened her legs and poured the entire drink down her wet but strangely parched lower throat, as a deep, pleasurable, satisfied but anticipating moan escaped her mouth like she had just tasted the sweetest cock-tail ever

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