The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 264: Dual Graduation [2] – {Artistically Smut}

Chapter 264: Dual Graduation [2] – {Artistically Smut}

"I'll be entering now"

Nodding her head agreeably, Min Qing gripped her fist tightly as she anticipated the pain that was about to assault her six senses, making her look like a girl who was willing to suffer the most painful torture as long as her partner could have the most blissful experience

But mysteriously, the pain she was anticipating never showed up, because the moment Min Hong reversed his waist in order to park his long train in her wet tarmac, he glided in like a skateboarder on the flattest of floors, causing her to only feel a soft numbness down there

"Huh? No pain?"

She opened her eyes with a slight curious frown;

"Perhaps, I was wron-!"

Her eyes abruptly widened before she could even finish thinking She was assaulted by a tidal tsunami of pleasure unlike she could ever fantasize feeling, as a butterfly feeling filled her up from that the ground floor up to the two windows which Min Hong was still wiping clean with his tongues up to her penthouse where steamy breath was escaping from in bursts

The huge sausage within her creamed doughnut hole began to rub itself all over her wet walls like a diligent cleaner devoted to his job

At the same time, she could now tell that her elastic key hole down there was not simply accommodating Min Hong's key, rather, it was being stretched and conformed into the shape of every single crest and troughs of Min Hong's wavy key

How embarrassing!

Min Qing muttered to herself when the sound of someone slipping on an oily floor begin to materialize from their point of communion

Weakly looking at the handsome homeowner who was now removing the 'For Sale' sign in front of her entrance, whilst at the same replacing it with a 'Bought' sign to ward off any other potential greedy beings from having any vulgar thoughts towards this apartment of his, Min Qing could only shake her waist in a bid to make the key hole a little less resistant to Min Hong's key whilst at the same time making herself more comfortable

Wrapping her 'Jordan Logo'-looking legs around Min Hong's back, Min Qing's mouth could no longer stay shut due to the strangely innocent, adorable but lustful and lecherous moans escaping from them



"~Aaahhh~ ~Aaahhyy~"


Several blatant, unrestrained, vulgar and bespoke utterances escaped Min Qing's lips, as her tightly shut eyes coupled with these utterances made her look like a loyal worshipper praying to the Demigod of Lechery

Min Qing's transcendent mind at this point felt like she wasn't getting enough inspiration in her prayers, and barely peeking downwards and seeing a cylindrical bulge in her belly and over half of the same cylinder still left outside, she began to think;

"If poking through that first barrier was enough to send me into this level of divinity, wouldn't I be thrusted to a higher heavenly plane if he pokes through the second wall?"

Reaching this point in her thoughts, she looked straight into Min Hong's pleasure filled eyes and tightened her legs around his back before inviting him;

"Come deeper into my inner chamber!"

That statement was like a word of enlightenment from the most ancient god alive, as Min Hong's eyes open wide as if asking;

"Are you sure?";

and without being asked Min Qing gave him a fast-pass into her novel with a simple nod, as Min Hong dug into her scripts like a novel addict looking to even read every single character without leaving any page unturned

Then with a single thrust of his waist, Min Hong's naked sword pierced through the second wall with a 'Dao Realm' sword technique obtained from Daniel's library of ancient techniques, thrusting Min Qing's spirit into an even higher plane of the heavens than she had earlier anticipated

Grunting from feeling an even softer checkpoint caress the tip of his long shlong, Min Hong almost spilled a little sauce out of his 'srirachia' bottle, as his nuts threatened to betray his trust

But Min Hong bellowed a prayer in his mind;

"By the will which parted the great sea, I shall not crack this nuts!"

Managing to temporarily silence his tendencies, Min Hong tried to find solace on Min Qing's face to get his mind off it

But alas, the devoted Min Qing was currently in another plane of spirituality and the face she was currently making, coupled 'especially' with her divine utterances gave Min Hong no lee way, as he began to feel the two golf balls inside his ball sacks began to roil and roll like the ball on a roll-on deodorant...

Speaking through gritted teeth from having his closest comrades betray him in the heat of battle, Min Hong grunted;

"My cobra is about to spit!!!"

Not bothering with anymore ramblings, Min Hong grabbed Min Qing's supple waist as he furtherly thrusted his naked sword into the heart of Min Qing's divine beast, and as if being instructed by the Demigod of Lechery, Min Qing further tightened the her grip on his waist as she pulled him deeper plunging his already creaking naked sword deeper into the heart of the beast

Finally, Min Hong's divine cobra finally reached its limits of being taunted as it aggressively spitted its hot venom without any form of restraint whatsoever


Moaning like a mortal who just got impaled in the chest by a god-tier spear, Min Hong emptied the entire mayonnaise within his nuts as Min Qing moaned like an hentai pourn-star as her eyes rolled into her sockets, then with a rigorous roar like an injured dragon, a different kind of liquid flowed unhindered into Min Qing's womb as he felt a deep, soul chilling cold surge into his body like hundreds of silent assassins invading their targets base

But on entering his body, they became raging tides of flood splurging through his meridians before falling into his dantian like the waters of the Niagara Falls

Min Hong felt the cold energy surge into every fibre of his body as his bones, tissues, organs and muscles transformed into their draconic form, but instead of resisting these intruders, they allowed these Yin energies to wash over them

The moment these Yin energies touched these parts of Min Hong's body structure, they flowed to the spot where every single tendon joined with another tendon, as well as the point where every single tissue joined with another tissue, and it was the same for his nerves, bones and organs, as they froze these joints together making them more compact and tougher

Gradually Min Hong finally began to feel his 85 percent stable body cultivation begin to solidify and with his Void Sundering Staff still within the quivering Void Cave entrance of the entranced Min Qing, Min Hong began to relish the current feeling the Yin energy tide was bringing his to his body

Then strangely, just as every one of these joints were solidifying, Min Hong's creaking naked sword which was still pierced into the depths of Min Qing's Void Cave suddenly received a new influx of energy as it began to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of its earlier defeat making plunging Min Qing into a deeper feeling of ecstasy due to feeling her key hole begin to conform and quiver with every transformation process whilst her dam continued to leak with more Yin Qi

But just as Min Hong was being blessed by her Yin QI, Min Qing herself was being baptized by his searing Yang Qi, and whilst her Yin Qi moved like silent assassins, Min Hong's Yang Qi came like the entourage of an Emperor's arrival.

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