The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 266: Awakening Her Bloodline – {Artistically Smut - 2}

Chapter 266: Awakening Her Bloodline – {Artistically Smut - 2}


As he entered the inner office, Min Qing felt like a thirsty adventurer who finally saw a cock-tail of a fruit blast of several sensitive emotions, and without even waiting to see if it was poisonous or not, she stiffened her legs and poured the entire drink down her wet but strangely parched lower-throat as a deep, pleasurable, satisfied but anticipating moan escaped her mouth like she had just tasted the sweetest cock-tail ever

Using his hand tow squeeze the two oranges on Min Qing's chest like a bar man trying to add a touch of orange flavour to the already blasted cocktail...

Daniel finally manoeuvred his waist like a thief amongst the crowd at a public fair, and just as he was about to enter through Min Qing's divine window like a thief in the night, Min Qing's hand caught his straying appendage and gave it a light squeeze before centring it towards her entrance like a Samaritan showing a blind man into a public bus

Then after receiving the ticket into Min Qing's divine bus, Daniel entered the bus, as a slipping sound ring out from the entrance, and as if stepping onto a banana peel the lazy ticket attendant dropped at the entrance of the bus, Daniel glided his way straight to the back seat, as he let out a pleasurable moan like a cat being stroked after an exhausting afternoon of jumping around

Min Qing who took the entire sausage like a reigning arena champion who had been battling all day without rest, before giving another bout of moan which sounded like a song of praise to Daniel's ears, making his shlong twitch like a cobra trying to force its way through a tight gap beneath a door

Pulling his waist back, Daniel shoved his stiff metal rod back into Min Qing's slippery furnace like a blacksmith who was looking to increase the purity of his working metal bar, which caused Min Qing to release another loud symphony followed by a strong urge to pee

But the massive metal bar within her furnace had a girth so thick that even her lee-hole was stifled tightly, then like a perfectly lubricated engine, Daniel began to piston Min Qing like a turbo charged V-16 engine, whilst Min Qing began to release some sounds similar to the revving sound of a fine-tuned custom G-wagon engine


"You okay?"

Daniel asked through bated breath like a steroid addict carrying 10,000 pounds of weight in the gym, as Min Qing shook her head whilst euphorically replying;

"Just keep pumping!!!"

Her statement was like an additional dose of steroids to Daniel, as veins began to bulge underneath Daniel's skin, from the sides of his forehead, to the hands with which he used to spread the meat pie beneath Min Qing and up to his laps which stood like pillars propping up the heavens themselves, and finally to the god-tier staff which now had a lightning shaped vein running from the shaft of its clouds down to tip of the earth

Then several clapping sound began to ring out like an audience applauding the end of a sublime soap opera

Min Qing at this point wasn't thrusted into the heavens like when Min Hong was having his turn, rather, Daniel made her feel like a nail being hammered into the foundations of the netherworld itself

But with more hammering Min Qing felt like there was lesser force and with her brows which was scrunched in deep-felt pleasure, she nodded to Daniel, who as if being guided by the threads of fate, turned her around in the air like she was some flour in the hands of an expert baker

Positioning her like a maid sweeping the floor with a short broom, Daniel delivered her dosage with a renewed vigour, as Min Qing's lower lips began to tighten like it was testing the limits of its intruder's determination

Unwilling to lose out, like the wager in [Injustice: gods among us], Daniel's staff pierced through like a hot pin through a candle, as Min Qing's back arched downwards, this time around, in a near massive U shape, as she lowered her upper body onto the bed like a defeated coyote

Calling for more shots whilst her face was embedded deep within the bed, Daniel arched his back like a gamer who was about score his betting opponent in a FIFA 2021 soccer game, and placed a low finessed shot into the deep corners of Min Qing's goal post...

Then just like a coach who just witnessed a lost penalty kick, Min Qing gasped, as lustful air filled her lungs, but with Daniel's next thrust, her lungs popped like a balloon prickled by an hot pin as she let out a burst of steamy breath

Sensing that she was already reaching the edge of her emotional elastic limits, Daniel then began to dig deeper and faster like a brand new jackhammer, digging deeper and deeper into Min Qing till he felt he was reaching the water level, and just like a borehole, Min Qing began to spill tiny streams of liquid the deeper Daniel dug into her crevice

After several hours of hearing the slapping sounds of Daniel's divine flip-flops on her walls, every fibre of Min Qing's being finally began to spasm, as she begged like a true mother trying to save her only child from a devastating catastrophe;

"Keep going!!!"

Then as if being strengthened by the gods of lus-chery;

[Yeah, the two combined];

Daniel bent over like an straight plank on a knife-edge which was Min Qing herself, to give his lower cobra a smoother opportunity to slither its way into Min Qing's gap and then began to piston like a turbo charged V-16 engine which was now boosted by the purest Nitro

Slap! Slurp! Shlap!

Shlop! Smack!

Snack! Splack!

Clap! Clack!

Several unknown sounds began to suffuse the entire area as Min Qing held her mouth so that the embarrassing sounds which was about to escape her drooling mouth won't be heard by Min Hong

But despite all that, the instrumental she was now mixing then became extremely unique and trademarked to only her label;

Hmph! Humph!

Hump! Hnnmmff!


Then the most embarrassing thing happened; her lower lips began to add lyrics to the instrumentals of her upper lips;

Prrt! Pufft!

Shlop! Shlap!


And then;


Her lower abdomen involuntarily let out a divine biological gas just to commend the mighty mason, who was Daniel, for the god-tier Jackhammer he was currently using to restructure her from within

Then as if coming to a mutual agreement, they both threw caution into the cyclone and flooded each other with their celestial vibes

But strangely, this time around, it wasn't Yin or Yang Qi, and neither was it their diluted mayonnaise, rather it was a strong aura that rippled through both their bodies like ping-pong as Min Qing began to feel something loose within herself whilst Min Hong began to feel something being drained from his own body

"So, the awakening of her 'Heavenly Trench Sirena' bloodline has begun unh?" Despite indulging themselves in worldly affairs, Min Hong obviously didn't forget to make use of this opportunity to unseal Min Qing's locked bloodline

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