The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 162: One Million Cowries?!

Chapter 162: One Million Cowries?!

Apparently, only 0.001 percent of readers have subbed for priv chapters and much less has voted power stones for my hard work and effort... much less have sent gifts and added my book to their library...

these are the only way i can be compensated as an author, and all I only ask is for 10% of my readers to vote for the novel, buy privileges and send me gifts... is that too much to ask?

Send me gifts and buy privileged chapters...

Take care of me everyone, so I can take of everyone too...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!





"Whatever, when we get to the nascent soul stage, I will request for merged with one of his nascent souls and stay as a separate entity until he forms a primal twin, then I can move into the body of the primal twin and get my life back" He added

"So, the faster he grows the better and no one is as hungry to achieve as I am, so, to get my life back..."


Daniel click on his own image as the system continued its installation

Merging System with Host

Merging Complete

Creating a System-User-Host Connection

Connection Created

Configuring and Maximizing System-User-Host neural Sync 

Synchronization Complete

System Integration Complete

Please Select Your User ID

"Origin!" Daniel King uttered as the system confirmed his User Id

User ID Confirmed

Welcome Origin

"I am your system personal assistant who can be activated with a thought Kindly provide me with a name"

"Daisy!" Daniel muttered a name he knew all three personalities wouldn't reject

"Hi Origin, I am Daisy, your system personal assistant Would you prefer my in-built system settings or would you like to customize to you preferences"

"Bring up the system settings"


The screen popped up as Daniel took a quick glance at everything until he got to a part that read;

Artificial Intelligence Enabled

Emotional Intelligence Disabled

"Daisy, can you please clarify the pros and cons of the emotional intelligence option"


"Emotional Intelligence option grants the system an access to your emotions and feelings. This significantly boosts the response speed of the system since all it requires is to collect data on User's emotional responses to create an automated response system"

"Brilliant. Activate emotional intelligence!" Daniel said with a smile

"Emotional Intelligence Activated Welcome To Your User Interface" Daisy responded...

Daniel saw a 3-stacked dash symbol which signifies the menu and then clicked on it


Please select the system you wish to explore

Daniel was stunned when he found out that the name of the system had completely changed due to the merger.

The only system he was currently looking at read; [Imperial Relic of Ancient Scholars]

Daniel then clicked on the icon as the system brought him into another interface

Here, he saw different options that read;

Character & Traits



User Status

"That's pretty detailed" Daniel smiled as he clicked on occupation and saw;


Beast Taming


Rune Making and lastly,

Royalty Literacy of Ancient Empire 

"Oh, so this is where you are" Daniel muttered to himself before waving off the screen and returning to the previous menu

Here he clicked on Quests and then entered into another page that was empty with some words that read; No Quests available at the moment

Then he returned once again to the previous menu before selecting the status option and then;


Then he saw all his details;

Physical =>

Name: Origin

Host: Min Hong

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 6ft

Weight: 50kg

Complexion: Golden Jade

Then he went on to read the next page;

Mental =>

Condition: Bipolar

Stability: Low

Alts: 3

State: Linking

Strength: Silver Rank

Level: Middle

Capacity: Limitless

When he saw the details of Min Hong's mental state, Daniel who was slightly confused asked;

"Daisy, kindly explain these details I am looking at"

"SureThe pros of being bipolar means the host can switch from one emotional mood to another due to the presence of multiple personalities and the stability is the strength of the link between all personalities" Daisy began to explain

"Alts means the amount of alter ego present within the Host and state means the current status of the bond between these alts"

"Strength is the current level of your mental power whilst level is its current grade."

"Then finally capacity is the amount of information your mind can carry which due to the constitution of the Host's soul is potentially limitless." She ended on a high note 

"So, in a nutshell, we are currently nuts" Daniel then moved on to the next page which read;

Soul =>

Condition: Purifying

Stability: High

Alts: Five

State: Unlinked

Strength: Silver Rank

Level: Middle

Capacity: Infinite (Universal)

"Much better" Daniel sighed softly as a recent but familiar voice sounded once again;

"Purifying means the soul is still being purified by the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] cultivation techniques and the five alts are referring to the total amount of souls accessible by Host" responding to the Daniel's desire to explain these details, Daisy began her automated explanation

"The unlinked state means these souls possesses no telepathic bond between them" Then she stopped since Daniel himself understood the rest of the details

Then he swiped to the next page which read;

Cultivation (Body) =>

Condition: Evolving

Stability: High

Strength: Emperor Stage...

Level: Peak

Bloodline: Dawn Sovereign

Purity: 29%...

Spirit Rings: 0

>Type: 0...

>Tier: 0

"It is labeled 'Evolving' because Host's entire body anatomy is being upgraded by his bloodline whilst the high stability refers to the solidity of his body cultivation foundation"

After getting another explanatory summary, Daniel moved onto the next page which read;

Cultivation (Qi) =>

Condition: Nurturing

Stability: High

Strength: Dan Formation

Level: Peak

Bloodline: Locked

Purity: Locked

Daos: 4

Type: Mythical (3), Legendary (1)

Tier: Intent Level (3), Concept (1) 

"It was termed nurturing because Host is currently incubating nine nascent souls, whilst the locked bloodline and purity means that, information concerning those topics have been restricted from anyone's prying eyes including mine"

"P.S >> this means anyone who is capable of locking this information from me is almost half as powerful as my creator"

Daisy explained fully, as Daniel shifted his focus to the [>>] button as he clicked and landed on the next page which was slightly different from the rest, but was titled;

Abilities which was just all the divine abilities Min Hong possessed, like the 'Imperial Edict' which enslaves others via the 'Minion Mark' 

Then he kept swiping and clicking as he passed several other menus which ranged from the Techniques & Arts menu where all his cultivation techniques and martial arts' name, effect, level, tier and the likes down to his Relationships menu which recorded the details of every living thing both deceased and alive that had any form of relationship with Min Hong

There was even a name which was a new entry;

Name: Kun Chao

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Height: 6'4''

Weight: 67kg

Complexion: Pale yellow

Status: Friend Request

State: Unsent

Everything within the history log pertaining to Kun Chao present within Min Hong's brain were on full display 

After going through many other different pages, Daniel finally arrived at one of the most crucial menu within the system and it read; Shop

Stilling and readying his mind for the most exclusive rip-offs deals he had ever seen in his life, Daniel Clicked on the menu as the;


Sounded through every part of Min Hong's brain before the page then displayed its submenus which read, Cultivation, Healing, Pet, Companion

Daniel clicked one of the companion option could choose from which read;

Species: Elven

Pros: Very good with managing the prosperity of any group they find themselves in, and also very strong ally in battle

Cons: They age very slowly, thus causing them to rarely mingle with any other human species...

Name: None

Age: 13 (1300)

Sex: Female

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 39kg

Complexion: Pale yellow

Status: Not acquainted

State: Unsent

Price: 10000 Cowries...

Then after that, he also saw another option which read;

Species: Tree Huggers

Pros: Very good escape artist which can unlock any locks and escape entrapments

Cons: They are very emotional which causes them to crave attention and similar emotions

Name: None 

Age: 35 (350) 

Sex: Male 

Height: 2'5'' 

Weight: 7kg 

Complexion: Green 

Status: Not acquainted 

State: Unsent

Price: 5000 Cowries

After receiving another automated but clear explanation of the filters he was seeing, Daniel had hen moved over to the next drop down menu and clicked on the cultivation menu when he saw the first option being;

Item Usage: Cultivation

Item Type: Resources

Item Nature: Dark

Item Source: Beast Core

Item Name: Accursed Specter

Item Class: Support Type

Abilities: Flight & Stealth

Rarity: Magic Beast

Rank: Purple

Level: 9670 Years

Dao Boost: Darkness (75%), Death (50%), Yin (25%)

Price: 250,000 Cowries

"Item nature determines if the item is a by-product of dark magic or light magic, whilst the Dao boost refers to how much boost one can obtain if the abilities gotten from the beast core is powered by Daos corresponding to the nature of the beast"

Daniel looked to the next item which was also another beast core but read;

Item Usage: Cultivation

Item Type: Resources

Item Nature: Dark

Item Source: Beast Core

Item Name: Dark Forest Medusa

Item Class: Attack Type

Abilities: Petrification (Soul)

Rarity: Magic Beast

Rank: Purple

Level: 9650 Years

Dao Boost: Yin (75%), Death (50%), Darkness (25%)

Price: 250,000 Cowries

After getting another briefing of that beast core, Daniel then moved on to the next item on the list which made him freeze on the spot when he saw its price;

Item Usage: Cultivation

Item Type: Resources

Item Nature: Grey

Item Source: Beast Core

Item Name: Dream-walker

Item Class: Attack & Support Type

Abilities: Illusion (Mental and Soul), Stealth

Rarity: Variant

Rank: Unknown

Level: 4650 Years

Dao Boost: Darkness (75%), Light (75%), Yin (50%)

Price: 1 Million Cowries

"Grey nature means that this item can be used for both Light and Dark Magic, whilst the variant rarity signifies that the item would evolve and regress along with its user's strength" 

"One million Cowries?!" Daniel who had already discovered that Cowries were the currency of this system, just like spirit stones is to cultivators

Thus, Daniel quickly asked; "Daisy, do you know how I can earn cowries from the system?"

"User will receive 100 cowries monthly from the system when in mortal realm, 1000 cowries monthly in spirit/bloodline realm, 100,000 cowries monthly in divine/ancient realm and 10 Million monthly in the God realm"

"User can also earn cowries by completing the different quests that would be issued by the system, and finally, there is also an insurance/banking mode available"

"Quests are ranked from D to S in order of increasing difficulty and definitely, their rewards are increasingly exponential to their base value"

"D rank quests are multiplied by a factor of 2, while C ranks are multiplied by 4 and B ranks are multiplied by 6"

"A ranks are multiplied by 8 and S ranks are multiplied by 10 therefore, if a quest as a base reward of 200 cowries, then its D rank version would amount to 400 cowries as rewards whilst its S rank version would amount to 2000 cowries"

"There are also other bonuses that are added to these rewards, like time taken to complete the rewards as well as the methods employed, etc." Daisy explained 

"But as for the insurance part, this involves saving 1% of your total monthly or yearly income with the system, and in any case that user data gets wiped from the system, user would be refunded 50 75% of all resources previously owned by user"

"But, user data will only be wiped for security and privacy reasons in the case that user loses system to others or dies the percentage refunded would also be based on the cause of loss" Daisy added

"If the loss of the system is caused by user's ineptness or carelessness, then the maximum amount refunded can only amount to 50% of total amount of resources previously saved in user data file..."

"But in the condition where user is unable to prevent the loss of system after trying his best, the maximum amount refundable would amount to 75% of total resources saved under the user data file with added bonuses which are affected by T&C..." Daisy explained.

"Then finally, if the loss was caused by a system malfunction, then system would refund 150% of the total resources saved under the user data file once the system is restored..." She added...

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