The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 163: Blood-Roiling Training

Chapter 163: Blood-Roiling Training

"If the loss of the system is caused by user's ineptness or carelessness, then the maximum amount refunded can only amount to 50% of the total amount of resources previously saved in user data file..."

"But in the condition where user is unable to prevent the loss of system after trying his best, the maximum amount refundable would amount to 75% of total resources saved under the user data file with added bonuses which are affected by T&C..." Daisy explained.

"Then finally, if the loss was caused by a system malfunction, then system would refund 150% of the total resources saved under the user data file once the system is restored..." She added...

"Oh, that's pretty interesting"

Min Hong who was currently conversing with Little Wu and the great elder muttered beneath his breath, since he had just received the influx of everything Daniel had experienced throughout his interaction with Daisy

Then he looked up to the duo in front of him who had grown somehow used to him showing them whatever rewards he got from the 'Pagoda of Ascension'

But today, Min Hong was determine to let their curiosity cause them migraines as payback for all the hilarity they have taken his worrisome troubles for 

Thus, he simply walked past the as he slowly but steadily walked into the distance, and when the duo saw him not paying them attention, they were both simultaneously stunned, but for different reasons entirely

Little Wu was stunned because Min Hong seemed to have changed a little bit, not because he refused to show them what he obtained as rewards from the pagoda, but rather Min Hong who usually came out of the pagoda beaming with joy and receding battle intent was very reserved and calm today for some strange reason 

Even Min Hong had not realized this tiny little details yet, as he kept heading towards a direction that made the curious frown on the face of the great elder gradually deepen

But just as he was about to ask, Min Hong without looking back nor doing any over the top hand gestures, simply thought it and a bright light washed over the duo as they all simultaneously vanished from the spot

They reappeared in front of the great elders hut before Min Hong announced his departure which shocked the duo once again as Min Hong began to walk towards the humongous gates of the 'Realm of Creation' and before the Little Wu duo could recover

"I didn't find any suitable rewards for myself in this time, so I simply exchanged my rewards for more Axinite Star Shards"

Min Hong mumbled causing the Little Wu duo to think the reason he was looking upset was because he didn't get a suitable beast core for himself

But Min Hong who at this point was simply refreshing the quest page of the system like he was looking for something his life depended on, was just too carried away that he couldn't bother with the two ancient souls, as he  concentrated on what was more important to him at this point

"Alright, stop. Stop!" Daniel snapped at Min Hong

Min Hong had been refreshing the quest for almost about a thousand times now and the many 'Chu-Lom' sounds that was made every time Min Hong refreshed the page had almost run Daniel mad from fury

He had explained to Min Hong earlier that (unlike all the clich systems that were out there) Daisy only passively gives quests based on the physical realm experience its host lives through.

But despite all that explanation, Min Hong still kept refreshing the page causing the several 'No Quest Available at the Moment!' notification sounds to nearly deafen him.

It was akin to someone who puts their phone's airplane mode on, and then goes to the browser and kept refreshing a page that repeatedly displayed 'No internet connection', what was such a person expecting to happen?

That's why Daniel snapped, because even the most peaceful and enduring human in the universe still had a tipping or breaking point, and Daniel in this situation was not only tipped over, but also plummeted heavily into his sea of fury

"Tch all these country bumpkins with no single ounce of experience with technology"

Daniel scoffed with a grave and displeased frown etched on his face as he watched Min Hong reluctantly leave whilst still gazing towards the screen

"Hmph. What are you getting cranky about, wasn't I only trying to do what's best for all of us"

Min Hong snorted as he retorted not willing to accept the fact that, no matter how much he punched the refresh button on the screen, it would still result in a futile end

"Oh really?!" Daniel asked with a suffocating level of sarcasm oozing from that statement he just made

"So, were you planning to obtain 1 Million cowries in one day?" Daniel King asked again with another bout of sarcasm that was now finally getting to Min Hong

But as much as he wanted to retort and respond to Daniel's annoying but true logic, there was nothing he could say to refute him, so he simply snorted and speechlessly focused on where he was going which he surprisingly had no idea about.

But since he had subconsciously found himself on the 'Bridge of Ancestors', he simply chose to walk out the 'Realm of Creations' rather than teleport when he only had a walking distance left from entering his Mind Palace

The moment he saw the beast cores available in the system shop, he instantly lost his calm

But when he got to the 'Dream Walker' beast core, he grew so excited and anxious that if it was possible to forcefully yank the beast core out of the system, he would have done it first and thought about the consequences later.


"Tch Darn this ugly pervert!" Elder Yun cursed beneath her breath.

She was also a Nascent Soul stage magic beast, but when faced with this Lava-Land Firebird, she had no other option that to embarrassingly flee with Little Ming.

This made her feel extremely helpless, but she still listened to Elder Jun's advice that he had given them a while ago before they came into this Volcanic Forest

Remembering how Elder Jun told them to act if they ever ended up in this situation, Elder Yun looked around before finding a relatively small cave hidden behind the edge of a cliff in one of the surrounding mountains in this forest

Elder Yun instantly descended like an incoming missile towards the entrance of this hidden cave but, the Firebird chasing her immediately saw that Elder Yun was descending.

And what's more, she was descending into the low lying region of the Forest.


With a sharp cry, the Firebird charged at her and when it was about two meters from her, it suddenly halted its descent as it haughtily cocked its head backwards whilst staring at her condescendingly with a kingly gaze

It seemed to portraying to her that this entire Volcanic Forest was its territory

Like Elder Yun and her companions were nothing more than ordinary mortals who were worth nothing other than something itself, the emperor of the volcanic forest, could look down upon

Like encountering him was the greatest blessing the gods could have given the Elder Yun trio


When Little Ming saw that this huge pervert that had been lustfully chasing after them all this while had finally stopped, she couldn't help but let out a long, thick and deep sigh as she thought of activating the talisman Elder Jun had given them before they set out on this training journey

Today's training was supposed to be a tense and bitter but routine one for them, where they would look for dangerous beast of the same power level as them and battle it with only 75% of their total battle prowess, whilst making sure that they killed it and bring its core as evidence as Elder Jun had instructed them.

Though, he collected the beast cores, he only kept those that weren't beneficial to neither one of their three-man team, whist giving them the ones beneficial to their cultivations no matter how valuable and alluring it might be

Furthermore, Elder Jun always allowed them choose their targets themselves and never cared about its level as long as they were not breaking his tree solid rules;

The first being the fact that they weakest beast they can battle must be on the same total power level as them

Then the second being that, they are not allowed to use any more than 75% of their total battle prowess to fight the beasts they have picked

Lastly, Elder Jun only gave them 4 hours to complete each training session, which means that they must find such a beast, fight it, defeat it and return to base all within 4 hours

That was how they have been training every single day for the last two months

They had begun their training at the outskirts of this volcanic forest and killed their way as they approached the center of the forest where the massive ten thousand mile wide volcano stood proudly, but was also the place where the strongest beasts of this forest resided

They had started the training relatively easily as they dispatched their opponents in less than half an hour and were beginning to think this training of theirs was going to be easy

In fact, at a point they were all already thinking Elder Jun was just over-hyping their training as they felt what might initially take them three years might ended up being completed under a year or two max...

But as they went deeper into the forest and met more annoyingly cunning and seasoned forest beasts, they began to feel that this so-called simple training might be harder than they had thought

When they were 20% into their journey to the volcano, they had begun to receive wounds and battle with all their attentions and focus

The moment the Long Sha's beast; Yueyao, returned from dropping off the Min Hong trio at the Desert Sun Sect, Elder Jun had called the three beasts (Little Ming, Elder Yun and Yueyao - who had now been placed under his care) together and explained to them that they will all be going on a training trip that would might take them up to three years to complete

At that point, they had thought where they were going might take them half a year to get there and another half a year to return, leaving them with two full years of training

But when they got to this place in less than a half a month, then they thought it was most likely the training itself that would take longer to complete..

It was then that Elder Jun finally revealed the nature of their training; then, he had pointed to the center of the forest from atop Elder Yun and told them that all they had to do was to reach the volcano and then become the overlords of the forest

He told them to only search for beasts equal or higher in power level than themselves, defeat it and bring the core back as proof all under 4 hours and it would be everyday

They would then do that every day for the till they reach a certain distance where the limits of the rules would be changed to better accommodate their training regime but not decrease its difficulty in the slightest but rather even serve to increase its difficulty

Thus he told them that from 0 20% journey to the volcano;

They were to search for an opponent on their level or above

Then use only 75% of their power to defeat the beasts finally within a time frame of four hours.

Then he left them with only three summoning talismans which were only to be used whenever they are in a life-threatening battle

After all, Long Sha had given him a crisply clear order to ensure their safety, thus he had to compromise a little bit, otherwise, Elder Jun was just planning to drop them their like a tiger cub being pushed down from the cliff or an eagle chick which would be dropped from a very tall height and expect them to evolve and survive or stay the same and die

Then he will be waiting at the finish point to welcome the three bloody, murderous and brutal beasts he had invested in the forest

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