The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 161: Daisy!

Chapter 161: Daisy!

"Now compare that to the statement made by that legendary figure you read about" the black-robed Daniel King buttressed his earlier point as Min Hong smiled and spoke;

"Everything in this life, at the end of the day, is all about winning"

It was only then that Min Hong realized the true intention behind the legendary expert's statement.

Sometimes, you have to lose some to win some. Most people are scared of losing, that they don't realize that; Failing in school is not a criteria for you not to lead a successful and happy life...

'Sometimes, you just have to lose the battle to win the war'

After some few minutes of sharing what they have learnt from the battle with each other as well as some other life quotes, black-robed Daniel King spoke eagerly;

"Alright, enough with the chitchat, let's go see what rewards you got"

Min Hong heard his alter ego's statement and went straight for the rewards room with a deep frown on his face

"They had better make me smile really wide with those rewards"

He grumbled grumpily beneath his breath as he stomped his way into the rewards room, like a wimpy silk-pants who just had his ice cream snatched away from him

Before long, they were standing in front of three pulpits as the male mechanized once again rang out and repeated the same rules of the level five rewards room.

Min Hong who completely ignored anything the mechanized voice wanted to stay dove straight into action as he saw two notebooks on the central pulpit.

Glancing straight at the tag, he saw what appeared to be - (System Occupations The Relics of Scholars Vol 1 Peak Silver Rank Level).


Min Hong's brains was figuratively blown into bits as his eyes shrunk into a pinhole to focus more on the tag they just read.

But no matter how much he concentrate, the words stayed true themselves and didn't change in the slightest.

"A system on the path to becoming a Peak-grade Silver Rank Scholar?!"

Min Hong was taken aback as his heartbeats sped up like a race car in turbo boost and nitro.

Though Min Hong had wanted a reward that was going to broaden his smile to a great extent, he wasn't expecting rewards that would make him run around in joy, but this reward that he was seeing 7 inches from him beat the first two hands down.

These were the type of rewards that inspire the fear of the giver into the minds of the receiver.

Who were Scholars?

These are people whose single word can make or destroy any Empire, and this was because of many reasons but one of them is the fact that, these people were the most knowledgeable beings in the entire cultivation world.

How can one be the best in Alchemy, Beast-taming, Blacksmithing and finally, Rune-making

They were the true definition of an all in one being as not only were they generationally and ancestrally knowledgeable, they were also wise and very cunning

In fact, it was a general and fortuitous saying that;

"Get yourself a Scholar as a Master and you are guaranteed to rule the world and stand amongst gods..."

There were even some famous God-realm ancient experts who would reduce themselves to act as bodyguards and servants for a Mortal Realm, 20 Year old Scholar

These People would gather all the resources you think cannot make you increase your cultivation by one level, and add some safe shortcuts into your cultivation manual that would make you use that same amount of resources to rise your cultivations two levels

Ancient Empires that possess Immortal or Celestial Realm experts would drag themselves into a full blown war just because of a 15 year old Scholar who only has a Peak Qi Sea stage cultivation.

It was even crazier than that

The amount of things these people can affect are endless, from the economic and financial future of an entire ancient empire to the single formation that can allow a kingdom defeat an empire in a war.

Or look at a White Tier cultivation technique for a few breaths and then make some little tweaks here and there that will turn it into a Silver Tier technique.

They amount of scholars are so few that they have developed some a kind of mystical technique which would make them sense when a scholar has been born.

Then they would have to sometimes travel through dimensions and worlds to come congratulate the new member of their group

They were so scarce that, no one can truly tell if there is even a single one of them in the entire Meng Dynasty

So, to actually then get a reward that would him become someone on the same mention as those type of people, a Peak Silver Ranked one at that..

He wasn't even sure if the entire Meng Dynasty even possessed one that had reached the Grey Rank

That was what caused all the ruckus within Min Hong's mind as he thought to himself;

"If the Silver Rank level is here, then there must be one which even reaches a higher realm than that up above, just like the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] which had their higher volumes in the higher levels of the 'Pagoda'"

The moment he made that thought, he shifted his gaze to the bottom of the tag and 'Lo and Behold' there was a sentence underneath the description of the notebook that read;

'Higher volumes are available at the higher levels of the 'Pagoda of Ascension''

"It said volumes and not volume does that mean it even has those for Scholars above the Diamond Rank?" Min Hong didn't want to think much about it in fear that he might just turn nuts.

Thus without any further ado, he picked up the book and then went on to read the tag underneath the second that read; (System Occupations Royal Literacy of Ancient Empires Vol 1 King Rank)

Though, this one was not as valuable to Min Hong as a cultivator, if a royal was to come pick between the two, he would definitely choose this one over the scholar notebook

This was because not only would that person be able to raise and successfully raise an Ancient Kingdom which on their own are almost as strong as the Dogon Super Empire, and that is only if their relations to an Ancient Empire was not calculated

Furthermore, kingdoms on such levels would definitely have at least one Scholar and would have more than one Saint Stage expert.

But Min Hong didn't choose it as his second reward as he moved over to the pulpit on his right hand side

Min Hong could have chosen the book and swap it with anything he wanted, but at this point, Min Hong was not in need of any of the lesser rewards from this Qi Cultivation levels of the 'Pagoda'..

When he got to the pulpit it was the previous reward he didn't choose in the Level 4 of the 'Pagoda';

The Tiemrase Stone and on the left was the beast core of the 5000 Year Old 'Deep Forest Mamba' and as a result Min Hong didn't have a choice but to pick up the 'Royal Literacy of Ancient Empires'

It was at this point that Min Hong's fate would forever change, because little did he know that this new path he was about to embark on would later turn out to be one of the greatest and wisest decision he had ever made in his three lives (Spoiler Alert!)

But Min Hong wasn't dissatisfied in any way at all, and even if the second reward option he was given was a total garbage, he would still be happy with this 'Relics of Scholars' system he had just obtained.

Min Hong then willed to get out of the Pagoda as, he was transported out of the sixth level to the entrance of the pagoda.

"Let me handle this two you can focus on cultivation for now"

Black-robed Daniel King suggested as Min Hong accepted instantly without even giving it a second thought

Daniel didn't ask for it because of any other reason other than the fact that he felt he could make the best out of something like a system due to his exposure to technology back on earth than Min Hong himself

Min Hong pushed the two notebooks to the back of his mind where the black-robed Daniel touched the two motes of light as he heard a very audible ping sound echo all around him,  followed by a feminine voice that sounded like one of those mouth-watering beauties who usually took charge of one of those grand auctions;


Systems Initializing

Detecting Source Data of Second System

Scanning Complete

Moving to Second Phase Protocol

System Merger

System Merging Initiated

Merging 10%... 50%... 100%...

Merging Complete

Daniel King kept looking at the systems do its thing as it merged itself with the [Royal Literacy of Ancient Empire] system


To further clarify how things within Min Hong's head works, it is very similar to the movie [Pacific Rim 1 & 2 all rights reserved to its Trademark], where two pilots would link each other neutrally and control a single robot

In this case, Min Hong was the robot, whilst all his knowledge and experiences he had ever accumulated was the A.I programmed into the robots while his personalities were the pilots driving the robot themselves

Then add the fact that all of Min Hong's personality were all given the same peak level clearance to control the A.I (or central command which in this case is the entirety of Min Hong's knowledge and experiences of his three lives)

Then imagine the neural link which merged the two pilots' minds together being the ten percent of each other all of Min Hong's personality has within each other

Put in more simple terms, Min Hong was currently like a Jaeger being controlled by three pilots; Himself, Daniel King and the dumb baby

If you have done that, then picture this new system as a new application that was being installed into Min Hong's A.I

Then you will notice that Min Hong was currently controlling the main frame of his A.I whilst the black-robed Daniel was currently focusing on using the new application (System) and finally, the dumb baby just somewhere around doing dumb stuffs

This would then make you furtherly understand why Min Hong and Daniel King was affected by the dumb baby during the battle with his replica

That situation would be akin to Min Hong and Daniel being distracted by the ongoing battle and then having the dumb baby press on random button which momentarily affected the control Min Hong and Daniel had over his body

Now picture Daniel King being in front of a large screen where the new system was displaying all its processes as it tries to install itself into Min Hong's A.I

Thus, this means that whatever progress Daniel King made within this system would be rewarded and all that knowledge and rewards would be added into Min Hong's A.I which is accessible at any time to Min Hong himself.

So, it was currently like Min Hong was in split screen mode where Daniel was currently monitoring the installation of the new system and Min Hong was focused on the affairs of the outside word


Syncing Host Language....

Sync Complete...

Detecting Host Configurations

Multiple Users Detected

Select System User

Daniel King saw the images of multiple characters within attached to Min Hong's consciousness

After seeing Min Hong's three personalities and their details displayed, he also saw Little Wu's image as well as that of Little Lin, the great elder and finally the wandering soul of Yao Ming

Then he looked a little lower to the right of the list and saw a check box that read;

Sort by System Recommendation and then checked it

Then the list of images and details were then rearranged as the 'great elder' obviously stood at the top of the list whilst the wandering soul of Yao Ming was ranked last .

After all, the dumb baby still had access to a boatload of knowledge, but doesn't seem to be self-conscious enough to actually access it

Then looking at the top of the list he saw a filter checkbox that also read; Filter by; and clicked on it, as a list dropped down with the options; by familiarity, by cultivation, by age, by gender, by

The list went on and on as Daniel King decided to click on the familiarity and was instantly rendered speechless by the result

"I have truly been reduced to a co-pilot in my own life"

Daniel said after a minute of silence as he sighed in resignation before muttering to himself;

"Well, they are me and I am them So if he's the main pilot, then that means I am also the main pilot"

"Whatever, when we get to the nascent soul stage, I will request for merged with one of his nascent souls and stay as a separate entity until he forms a primal twin, then I can move into the body of the primal twin and get my life back" He added

"So, the faster he grows the better and no one is as hungry as I am to get my life back, so-"


Daniel click on his own image as the system continued its installation

Merging System with Host

Merger Complete

Creating a System-User-Host Connection

Connection Created

Configuring and Maximizing System-User-Host neural Sync

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