The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1282: Living in the days of natural disaster (9)

Chapter 1282: Living in the days of natural disaster (9)

After the shock, the little carrot heads cheered:

Its great here!

Is this paradise? The paradise created by the gods for us?

Stupid! This is obviously underground! This **** must be the father-in-law of the land!

No matter which **** helped them build a huge underground castle, they were so happy that they wanted to fly.

Brother Ning, should we move everything here? This place is really great!

Xu Xi jumped from the garden patio-like planting area on the second floor down the spiral staircase to the third floor. It was mainly used for living, with a kitchen with built-in electronic stove and an activity room that was bigger than watching TV. A large living room, a library with sunlight, and a bathing room are required.

Further down, the fourth floor is the rest area, each of which is an arc-shaped cave-like room that is very suitable for Maodong. Although the floor, bed frame, ceiling, tables, chairs, stools and even cabinets are all compressed by robots using earth and stone dug out It is made of bricks, but the surface is very smooth and not rough at all, as if it has been sanded dozens of times.

I like it here so much! I want to put on a warm quilt and roll around in it!

Xu Xi took off his shoes, lay down on the stone bed and rolled around, giggling happily, and called Xu Yin:

Yinyin, come up quickly, the stone bed is not cold at all!

Of course Xu Yin knew it wasn't cold. To be honest, this place was four levels underground, so it was absolutely warm in winter and cool in summer.

However, when the extreme cold comes, this depth is still not enough. She plans to embed a fine hot spring stone in the wall of each room to ensure that their home is as warm as spring.

Brother Ning, this is a reward from the gods! Lets pack up and move down quickly! Xu Dong said impatiently, This way we wont be afraid of the snow crushing the house.

Of course Ning Jin thought it was good. The cellar of the orphanage was so shallow, and the entrance and exit were outside. The heavy rain a while ago had flooded the cellar. He was really worried that if the snow fell heavily, it would collapse the cellar entrance, and then crush them all. Inside.

Having such an underground castle that is not affected by wind, rain, and snow is simply not a blessing.

But before going up to carry the luggage, he called his three friends together and solemnly warned: "This place cannot be told to others, only the four of us know about it."

Xu Dong asked excitedly: "This is a secret between the four of us, right?"


Great! Its a secret that only the four of us know!

Xu Xi also jumped up excitedly: "Then this will be the secret base for the four of us from now on!"

Xu Yin didnt answer the whole conversation. It was because two of the friends were so excited that their already lively temperament became even more talkative.

But even if she didn't promise anything, Ning Jin and the other two didn't mind at all. After the visit, they went to pack their luggage and prepare to move, hand in hand.

Xu Dong and Xu Xi were excited the whole time. They packed up this one, that one, and that one... They wanted to pack them all up and stay in a secret base that only belonged to the four of them that night.

Ning Jin wrinkled her face and thought of another question, which she felt was inappropriate: "What if the dean comes back?"

Xu Dong and Xu Xi looked at each other, obviously a little disappointed: "Then we won't move?"

But they really want to live in the underground castle.

Xu Yin pointed to the food taken out of the system warehouse: "Grandpa moved it away as a reward."

"Yes!" Ning Jin's eyes lit up, "What Yinyin took out is packed first, and then our own winter quilts and winter clothes. If the temperature does not cool down, these will not be used now, and the dean's mother will not find out immediately when she comes back. We Ill move back secretly when I have time.

"Oh well."

Xu Dong and Xu Xi put down their half-packed luggage and followed Ning Jin's instructions again.

"Hey! Hey! We are hard-working little bees!" "Hey! Hey! We are hard-working porters!"

The four people pushed the packed luggage and bedding in batches to the entrance and exit of the bunker on a small trolley. Then, a few steps apart, they stood scattered on the stone steps leading to the bunker, like beating drums to pass flowers, and like ants moving, moving one by one. Move down.

When you are tired from moving, take a rest where you are, eat a toffee, a biscuit, or a bottle of yogurt to replenish your energy, and then continue moving.

Although they are small, they are very energetic. In less than half a day, they moved all the initially planned supplies to the underground castle.

Each person is assigned a small, cozy cave-like bedroom.

Xu Yins room is next to Ning Jins, and across the curved corridor are Xu Dong and Xu Xis rooms.

Put out a mat that has been dried in the sun, put pillows, quilts, and dolls on it, and a simple but cozy little bed is made.

The rest are like the rice found in the workers dormitory, brand new winter quilts and unopened food, as well as the dry goods and daily necessities collected by the deans mother in the attic, which are temporarily placed on the stone steps at the entrance of the bunker.

This is what they think: if the deans mother comes back, it will be convenient to move these things back to their original places; if the deans mother is not expected to come back for a long time, but the extremely cold weather comes, then there is no need to worry about so many good things. It will collapse under the weight of snow.

While her friends were packing supplies, Xu Yin quietly scattered a batch of plant seeds or bulbs that were resistant to extreme cold weather around the orphanage. There were kale, which were rich in dietary fiber, and flowers that could be used as both flowers and vegetables. There are medium-gold saffron, camellias that can grow up to three stories high, and wall-creepers that can climb all over the walls in the cold winter without needing care. The fruits can be used to make wine, and the roots can cure bruises and rheumatism.

It triggered a [floating mist and rain], a light rain fell in the middle of the night, and the sun came up the next day.

The plants greedily sucked the sun, rain and dew, bursting out of the ground one by one and growing rapidly.

After a while, they will surround the orphanage, making people outside mistakenly think that no one lives here for a long time, and they will not dare to come over casually.

After the robot connected the water pipes and sewage pipes of the bunker, and all the electrical equipment was in normal use, the extreme cold, with the temperature plummeting by thirty degrees, arrived as scheduled

The northern hemisphere, which was still hanging on the back of the car in summer, entered winter overnight, and the southern hemisphere, which was already in winter, seemed to have returned to the prehistoric ice age.

Around the world, we are struggling with extremely cold weather.

In shopping malls and supermarkets, you can see overdressed people queuing up to grab supplies.

If everyone was rushing to buy rice, flour, grain and oil when the floods occurred, now they are also rushing to buy down jackets and other cold-proof supplies. These supplies are in short supply and are out of stock.

Utility departments such as water and electricity receive countless repair calls every day, and staff are always dispatched for rescue operations.

The key thing is that the temperature continues to drop.

0, -5, -10the lower the temperature, the lower the temperature.

The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, and the snowflakes are so dense that its hard to keep your eyes open.

From time to time, there is bad news about houses being crushed by snow.

Fortunately, most of those old houses were in disrepair, and their residents had already been evacuated during the month-long heavy rains and floods.

The most troublesome thing is that long-distance natural gas pipelines are blocked by ice, circuit faults have not been repaired for a long time, heating is cut off, and air conditioners cannot work. High-rise residences have become natural refrigerators. As the outdoor temperature drops again and again, it falls below the low value. Some residents were too cold even if they were wrapped in down jackets and quilts.

Even if there is an underground parking lot in a general community, it only has one floor. The shallower negative floor cannot withstand the extremely cold snowstorms where the temperature is still dropping.

Radio broadcasts from various places took turns broadcasting: calling on the general public to take measures to keep warm, bring enough food rations, and move to nearby shopping malls or residential areas with parking lots on the second and third basement floors. Residents in towns and rural areas who do not have deep enough cellars are called on to go to the nearest place in time to prepare for the war. dugout.

Let us work together, help each other, and survive the wind and snow, and spring will bloom!

Hearing this, Ning Jin turned off the radio, locked all the lockable doors of the orphanage with three friends, and evacuated to the underground castle with the remaining supplies. (End of chapter)

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