The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1281: Living in the days of natural disaster (8)

Chapter 1281: Living in the days of natural disaster (8)

Chapter 1281 Surviving in the last days of natural disasters (8)

Sure enough, I ran upstairs and downstairs all afternoon, but I didnt see them again and found nothing.

Before it was time for dinner, the two children came back with their heads hanging down.

Xu Dong pouted: "I can't find it."

We even dug through the wet firewood in the woodshed, but found nothing. Xu Xi spread his hands.

Ning Jin felt that it was normal to not be able to find it.

The dean usually puts things that are not commonly used in the attic, household farm tools are piled in the utility room behind the kitchen, and food and important things are locked in the pantry and double-door cabinets in her room. These are the places she is used to storing ( A place to hide something.

Now there is an additional dormitory for hired workers.

But when did the dean come back from purchasing so much rice?

Did he really rush to the supermarket to buy it on the first day he had a fever?

How could he remember that it rained heavily that day, many rooms were either leaking or water seeping, and the dean had been worrying about the children's accommodation and had no time to go out?

Ning Jins little head was thinking non-stop.

Xu Yin would have twitched her lips if she knew that he spent the whole afternoon wondering about the origin of the pile of supplies in the workers' dormitory - it's such a small thing to worry about.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Thanks to the high terrain, the water in the yard has completely receded, but the river outside is still full to the point of overflowing, and most streets and roads are still flooded.

The water level has dropped a lot. You can go out for a walk wearing rain boots, but you are still worried about stepping on thunder - such as falling into a manhole cover or sliding into a drainage ditch, or worrying about bacteria in the stagnant water. Therefore, residents in commercial and residential areas Except for grabbing supplies, I stayed at home the rest of the time and saw few people on the road.

The four children had nothing to do, chopping firewood, drying firewood, drying clothes and quilts in the morning, and listening to programs on the radio in the afternoon.

I can't watch the TV. The cable TV is out of order and there are snowflakes all over it.

They brought over the radio that the deans mother often listened to opera and put it on a stool. The four of them sat around with a small stool, holding their cheeks and listening carefully.

"... Dear listeners, here is a notice: According to the latest news from the meteorological station, the temperature will gradually drop in the next week. A week later, most areas may drop to zero or even lower, with snow and ice. Hopefully Citizens and friends tell each other to be prepared for cold and freeze protection. At the same time, low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather will have varying degrees of impact on industries such as electricity, communications, agriculture, forestry, transportation, etc. Relevant departments are requested to conduct maintenance and dispatch in advance..."

The host announced it three times in a row.

Xu Dong scratched his head: "What is this aunt talking about? The snow is frozen? Is it going to snow now? But we are still wearing short sleeves!"

At most put on a coat when you get up in the morning.

Strictly speaking, it is only the end of summer now. Due to a rain that lasted for half a month, the temperature has dropped almost like early autumn. You need to wear a coat in the morning and evening.

But it was still quite hot after noon, and Xu Dong, who was the strongest, took off his coat before lunch.

Xu Xi tilted his head and said in a soft voice: "Is this aunt talking about the Northeast? The dean's mother said that the winter in the Northeast is long. We still wear short sleeves here, but they have to wear cotton-padded jackets over there. .

Ning Jin frowned and shook her head: "I don't think so. This is a local radio station, and the host said, 'I hope citizens and friends will tell each other.'"

Xu Dong and Xu Xi looked confused and said they didn't understand.

Ning Jin stood up with a serious face: "It means it's going to snow here!"

Xu Dong's eyes lit up: "Really? Then we can play snowballs and have snowball fights!"

Xu Yin suddenly felt a little sympathetic to classmate Xiao Jin. Among the three friends, one was clueless, one was squeamish, and the other was imbecile.

Fortunately, I am not as smart as Xiaojin, but my ability to follow trends and execute is still pretty good.

Ning Jin said she needed to prepare for the low temperature that would drop sharply in a week, so Xu Dong and Xu Xi were as diligent as little bees, running up and down sweeping the building and moving quilts. They gathered the mattresses, quilts, and thick winter clothes from all the rooms together, and pushed them to the center of the yard on small carts to dry.

After drying, they instinctively want to take it to the cellar, because cellars are the warmest in winter, and they know this firsthand.

In previous years, during the twelfth lunar month of winter when the ice was three feet deep, they played hide and seek and hid in the cellar. It was so warm that they didnt even want to come out.

The deans mother also often moves some food that is easy to freeze into the cellar.

But this time, Xu Yin stopped them and pointed to the entrance to the bunker: "Go there."

Its dark there and Im scared. Xu Xi hid behind Xu Dong.

Xu Dong was also scared, but he was a man and couldn't show his timidity, so he puffed up his chest and said, "Yin Yin, it's too dark there and it's not fun. Let's go to the cellar!"

Its not black. Xu Yin said.

She went down to take a look last night after her friends fell asleep. Although the robot has not been completely completed, the main part has been completed, including the transition area on the first floor, the drying, planting, breeding, and monitoring areas on the second floor, and the third and fourth floor. The living area on the negative fourth floor has been put into use. Robots are currently debugging the groundwater filtration system, laying sewage pipes, and installing power generation equipment based on geothermal energy and supplemented by coal on the negative fifth floor.

In addition, she also quietly installed a covert intelligent lighting system in the bush behind the orphanage to prevent high temperatures, freezing, and explosions - this is the most impressive thing about the Aoxing Technology she invested in in the last small world after "Intelligent Eyes" A proud product.

Daylighting system, as the name suggests, uses light pipe technology to collect sunlight and transport it to the basement, bringing natural light to the basement. It is as bright as day without turning on the lights during the day. It is not only energy-saving and environmentally friendly, but also high-quality diffused light entering the room.

And the reason why this product of Aoxing is called an intelligent lighting system is because it not only combines a fresh air system, which can purify the basement air while lighting, but also automatically stores light energy, and the storage capacity is huge.

Even on rainy days, as long as the stored light energy is not exhausted, natural light can be continuously brought to the basement.

In other words, the air in the underground castle is now fresh and bright as day.

Xu Yin didnt say much and took the lead in entering the entrance and exit of the bunker.

When she was designing the drawings, she carefully thought of three places to make the entrance, namely the back of the stairwell door, the bush where the intelligent lighting system was installed, and the corner of the utility room behind the kitchen.

After entering the three entrances and exits, you need to go down a flight of stairs, then pass through a long and narrow **** passage, and then you can find the real entrance to the bunker - an iron-gray stone door.

Ning Jin saw Xu Yin entering and was worried about her safety, so she hurriedly followed.

They both went in. Xu Dong and Xu Xi didn't hesitate, so they followed suit and got in.

"It's so dark! Yinyin still said it's not dark." Xu Dong muttered in a low voice, groping forward, "Brother Ning, walk slower!"

Xu Xi tugged at the hem of Xu Dongs clothes: Dongdong, Im scared.

Xu Dong: Actually, I am also afraid.

But before the two of them took a few cautious steps, Xu Yin, who was running with short legs, had already arrived in front of the stone door. She stretched out her hand and pressed the door handle. The stone door slowly opened and natural light poured out.


The little carrot heads behind her, including Ning Jin, all had their eyes widened.

Its so bright! Its as bright as outside!

Is there a sun growing here too?

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