The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1283: Living in the days of natural disaster (10)

Chapter 1283: Living in the days of natural disaster (10)

All three entrances and exits were closed, and the coldness, noise, and chaos of the outside world were instantly blocked out and could not be felt at all.

The underground castle is like an isolated greenhouse, welcoming the arrival of four children.

Ning Jin and Xu Dong fumbled around using the electronic stove to cook a pot of hot gnocchi.

The base soup is made from the tubular bones "transformed" by Xu Yin, with soaked mushrooms and bamboo shoots sliced. Four eggs and a few lettuce leaves are added before serving.

Each person drinks from one bowl and is satisfied.

After eating and drinking enough, they also took turns taking a bath in the warm hot water, and gathered in Xu Yin's room to chat.

Xu Yin didnt know why they always came to her room.

Probably Ning Jin is a little germy, and Xu Dong and Xu Xi don't dare to go to his room to act arrogantly.

Ning Jin liked to play with Xu Yin again, so Xu Dong and Xu Xi also came over.

They are all children anyway, and they are all clean. They are wearing short autumn clothes and long trousers, jumping on the warm bed. When they are tired from jumping, they sit down and chat.

"Yin Yin, let me braid your hair." Seeing that Xu Yin's hair was dry, Xu Xi took the comb and said he wanted to braid her hair. "The dean's mother taught me how to braid it. She must be better than Ning Ge." The braids are nice.

Ning Jin:

Xu Dong leaned into his ear and whispered in his ear: "Girls are troublesome. They all have the same braids, whether it's horn braids or braids. They just love to be pretty! Isn't that right, Brother Ning?"

Ning Jin ignored him and sat on the stone mushroom bench holding her cheek in a daze.

Brother Ning, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about gods? Tomorrow is the day to reward us again. What will we be rewarded this time?

Ning Jin's expression was a little speechless: "I don't think about gods."

Then what are you thinking about?


Xu Yin heard their conversation, turned her head and said, "I want to grow vegetables."

She specially opened a planting area and a small pond on the second floor of the basement. She just wanted to grow some vegetables and fruits, and raise some fish, shrimps and crabs. Firstly, she would be self-sufficient in food and clothing. Secondly, it was also to pass the time.

It was extremely cold for two years, and it was very boring to have nothing to do.

If they are four adults, they can have a lot of fun - making a pair of mahjong tiles to play mahjong, or finding a pair of cards to play double button.

But they are only five or six-year-old children, and these adult pastimes are not suitable for them.

DingInherit farming culture and practice labor education. Teach your friends how to grow vegetables and fish! Temper and grow in labor, and experience happiness in labor! Lets grow together and head towards the sun! Every time you reclaim a piece of land with your friends, you will be rewarded with 200 energy points, and once you harvest, you will be rewarded with 500 energy points. The total energy point reward is 10,000, or there may be a chance to unlock random skills.

Xu Yin:

The system is getting more and more clumsy. Not only does she have to farm, she also has to teach others to farm.

Is this for fear that they will sit in the bunker and imitate Erha's example of demolishing a house? You must give her something to do.

Growing vegetables? But we dont know how. Xu Dong said, I have only pulled grass and caught insects.

Xu Xi: I pulled radishes.

Ning Jin:

He has only been here for half a year and has not had much contact with the work in the fields.

The main reason is that they are still young and vegetable seeds are bought with money. The deans mother is worried about waste. She usually asks the older children to help with tasks such as sowing and thinning. Xu Yin:

There were four people present, three of them with normal brains couldn't grow vegetables, and the only one who knew how to grow vegetables was mentally retarded.

She knew that the dog system would not issue tasks that were too simple.

Suddenly, she had an idea and knew what the "reward" would be for tomorrow!

The next day, Xu Yin was the last one to wake up again.

Since sending a group email to the government department, this anonymous account has been receiving replies

Some people inquired about her true identity, some asked her how she knew these things, and some asked in a roundabout way whether she was a prophet or a reborn...

She ignored these questions.

The situation was really bad until someone asked her if she had any countermeasures to share.

Thinking about it, the extremely cold weather will last for two years. If you want to utilize the existing underground space or develop an underground city, the most difficult thing is not water and electricity, but lighting.

Electricity can be powered by wind, water can melt ice, but lighting is a big problem.

But it wont work without light.

It is said that life and light coexist, and light is the meaning of everything.

When the rainy days last for a month, people are eager for sunshine, let alone two years of extreme cold.

In the middle of the night, after Xu Yin waited for her friends to fall asleep, she carried her handbag up to the entrance of the bunker on the first floor. There was no way, the signal below was not good.

She sat on the steps, thought carefully for a long time, sorted out the intelligent lighting system (engineering version), the ice and snow filtered drinking machine and the underground sewage pipe laying plan and sent it over.

She is not sure if there is any company in the world that develops lighting systems. If there is, it will be used as a technology exchange, and if not, it will be contributed to the country.

No, the official email replied to her last night, thanking her for her generosity. The government, together with scientific research institutions, has assembled a group of engineering experts who are already working overtime to produce lighting systems and ice and snow filter drinking machines. Ask her if she needs this material. , or if you need other supplies, you can also make a list. As long as they are within their capabilities, they will definitely help collect them.

Xu Yin lacks nothing.

In terms of supplies, who can compare to her hoarding goods collected from dozens of mission worlds?

How was it? Did he/she reply?

In the city hall, a group of leaders were sitting around the conference room. They were busy in a hurry and worried about the uncontrollable natural disaster. Everyone's face showed unconcealable fatigue and anxiety.

Worried about insufficient backup power, the secretary adjusted the light to the lowest setting. The dim light made people want to close their eyelids and get a quick sleep.

The leader sitting at the front, although he was tired, was still waiting for the secretary's reply.

Report to the chief! I received a reply from him/her, saying that we dont need any supplies.

Has the IP address been tracked? Still cant locate the other party?

The software department has been tracking, but the other partys IP is unpredictable, sometimes domestic, sometimes foreign, and once it was displayed on the moon.

"That's it! The other party seems to be unwilling to interact with us too much, so so be it. Secretary Lin, you can continue to keep in touch with each other through letters."


"If the extreme cold weather is really going to last for more than two years, the current underground shelters are obviously not enough. Those abandoned underground laboratories will be cleared out as soon as possible and open to the public. Underground museums and bars where conditions permit are suspended and can be requisitioned at any time. ...Is the nutrient soil ready? After the lighting system is put into use, experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences will be arranged to conduct relevant planting experiments immediately...The circuit failure will be solved as soon as possible, the underground sewage pipes will be laid out before people move in, and the corresponding management system will be implemented as soon as possible. It took public urging to realize these problems.

Yes! (End of this chapter)

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