SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1078 Fairy King Versus Lewis

As the light from the Labyrinth dimmed and the figure of the stranger materialized from its mouth, a thrum of excitement vibrated through the hidden Fairy horde.

The Fairy King, Oberan, stood tall among them, his expression grave.

'To think he actually survived those trials. How far did he reach before giving up on his search?'

He refused to believe a mere human would be able to reach the end of the Labyrinth without the use of Magic.

No one had managed to do that. Not even him.

His silvery wings, catching the moonlight, shone with an ethereal glow, underscoring the severity of the impending confrontation.

"Remember, capture him. We need him alive," Oberan commanded, his voice no louder than a whisper, but it carried clearly to every Fairy present.

The stranger, his clothes torn and his body battered, stepped out of the Labyrinth, a small smirk on his face. His aura was of victory, but his body told a different story.

He was weary, drained, a fact not missed by Oberan and his troops.

Without wasting any time, Oberan shot towards the stranger, who had barely taken a couple of steps away from the Labyrinth.

A flurry of Fairies followed suit, their wings shimmering in the soft glow of the forest. The stranger's eyes widened slightly at the sudden onslaught, but he quickly regained his composure.

Oberan lunged at him, his slim, sword-like appendage aiming for the stranger's chest. But the man, even in his weary state, was faster. He sidestepped, narrowly missing the attack. This was the signal for the rest of the Fairy horde to engage.

A chaotic dance ensued, the air filled with the sound of fluttering wings and the whirring of attacks.

The stranger, despite his exhaustion, moved with a grace and agility that was remarkable. He weaved through the attacking horde, avoiding capture, but not engaging directly.

"Enough of this!" Oberan roared, his usually calm demeanor slipping. He launched himself at the stranger again, this time with an unrelenting ferocity. The stranger was momentarily caught off guard, stumbling back under the sheer force of the attack.

Taking advantage of his momentary confusion, Oberan managed to latch onto his arm, his grip like a vice.

The rest of the horde quickly followed suit, binding him with their collective strength. The stranger fought back, his movements growing frantic, but the fatigue was catching up to him.

With one final, desperate push, he managed to throw a few of the Fairies off, but it was not enough. Oberan tightened his grip, his eyes hard and unyielding.

"Enough!" he hissed, his voice a chilling whisper in the silent forest. The horde immediately fell back, leaving Oberan and the stranger in the clearing.

"You've put up a good fight," Oberan admitted, his grip not easing for a moment. "But now, you're our prisoner."

The stranger looked up, his eyes meeting Oberan's.

There was a flash of defiance in them, a glimmer of resolve that gave Oberan pause. This was a man who had just walked out of a Labyrinth and yet managed to face an army of Fairies. He was defeated, but far from broken.

Oberan tightened his grip one last time, a silent command for the stranger to yield.

The man closed his eyes, sagging slightly, his body finally succumbing to the exhaustion. But as Oberan watched him, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that this was far from over.

"And what if I refuse to be your prisoner?" The stranger asked, his voice low and filled with a quiet determination.

Oberan stared at him for a moment before responding, "Then, we'll make sure you don't have a choice."

The words hung heavily in the air, a grim promise of what was to come. And yet, even in the face of such a threat, the stranger didn't falter.

He was beaten, battered, captured, but he was far from defeated.

The confrontation seemed to be over, but something told Oberan that the real challenge was just beginning.

The stranger's eyes snapped open, their gaze blazing with a fiery resolve.

"I refuse," he growled. I think you should take a look at

Then, with a swift motion, he raised his hand, a torrent of Magic energy flowing from him.

The forest was awash with a bright blue light, illuminating the startled faces of Oberan and his Fairies.

Caught off guard, Oberan was thrown back, his grip on the stranger loosening.

The Fairy horde flinched, their eyes wide with disbelief. The stranger, who looked like he was on the brink of collapsing just moments ago, stood tall, Magic crackling in the air around him.

Oberan quickly recovered, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Impossible," he muttered, his own Magic flaring to life.

The serene green of the forest was replaced by a harsh, gleaming silver, a testament to the Fairy King's power.

The two opposing forces clashed in the middle, causing the ground to shake and trees to sway violently.

The Fairies scattered, their bodies glowing as they kept a safe distance from the raging battle.

But the stranger stood his ground, his weary body somehow keeping up with the intense confrontation.

Despite the strength the stranger demonstrated, his exhaustion was quickly catching up to him. He stumbled, his Magic faltering.

Oberan seized the opportunity, pushing back with a ruthless force. His silver light surged forward, swallowing the weakening blue hue of the stranger's Magic.

With one final, thunderous clash, Oberan's power overpowered the stranger, sweeping him off his feet.


The stranger's Magic flickered out, his body hitting the ground with a hard thud.

His eyes, once bright and determined, dulled, finally succumbing to the fatigue that had been plaguing him since his emergence from the Labyrinth.

The forest returned to its quiet serenity, the harsh silver light fading, replaced by the soft glow of the moon. The Fairy King landed gracefully, his eyes fixed on the stranger's unconscious form.

"We have him," Oberan announced, his voice echoing through the silence.

Relief washed over the Fairy horde as they gathered around their King and their captive.

The Fairy King may have won the confrontation, but he couldn't ignore the fact that the stranger, despite his exhaustion, had put up a considerable fight.

It was a testament to the power this intruder held and a stark reminder of the challenge that lay ahead.





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