SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1079 The Fairies' Prisoner


Safely concealed within the hollow of the enormous tree, I exhaled a sigh of relief, watching as the luminescent fairies fluttered away, their captive in tow.

They thought they had captured me, but they were sorely mistaken. It wasn't me they were dragging away through the enchanted forest.

Instead, it was an empty husk, a clone born of Magic, and a healthy dose of paranoia.

From the moment I'd stepped foot into the Fairy Kingdom, something hadn't felt right.

The place was too quiet, too peaceful. It lacked the signs of guard patrols, watch towers or checkpoints, the usual security measures for a Labyrinth site.

There was an eerie tranquility that just didn't add up.

So, I decided to be cautious. I'd learnt by now that caution was a good friend in this realm, where the rules of reality often seemed to take a back seat.

Thus, I decided to let my clone take the heat, if there was any to take, while I lurked in the safety of the shadows.

Watching the Fairies carry my body double away, I marveled at how well the clone had done.

It had held on just long enough, fought just hard enough to be convincing. Yet, it didn't push beyond the believable limits of an exhausted wanderer emerging from the trials of a Labyrinth.

It was a performance worthy of an award, if there were any to be had in this reality.

'I'm safe… at least for now.'

A sense of relief washed over me. My gamble had paid off.

Now, my enemies believed they had me in their clutches, which would buy me some time. Time to rest, time to recover, and time to plan my next move.

For now, I was safe, hidden away within the chasm of a tree, but perhaps it would be better to recover my strength deeper within the Labyrinth.

I allowed my eyes to close, letting my body and mind rest. I knew that in this world of Magic and monsters, a moment's peace was a luxury one couldn't often afford.

'Haa… I would have used Magic to quicken my recovery, but I used up most of the Nether in my possession to make the clone, and its recovery is underway. It's taking a great deal of my energy to just maintain that clone.'

If only I could use [The Magician] at such a critical moment…

'I just have to bide my time, I suppose.'

But when I thought of it another way, wasn't this a great opportunity?

'I can use the bond I have with the clone to activate observational Magic. That way, I'll be able to gather more information while I recover.'

Since it would take some time to fully gain my stamina anyway, I might as well just go through with it.

'I should be able to find out one or two new things…'


In a secluded corner of the expansive throne room, Fairy King Oberon stood before a luminous image of the Elf Queen. Beside him, the captured stranger was held tight in glowing restraints of ancient fairy magic, an ethereal shimmer radiating from the binds that held him still.

Oberon bowed slightly, "My Queen," he started, his voice a mere whisper against the heavy silence of the room. "This is the man we captured. He sought the Arcana of our Labyrinth."

The Elf Queen examined the captive from her ethereal projection, her gaze sharp and calculating. "But this is not Aria or her allies," she stated, her tone laced with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. "Who is he?"

"We do not know yet, my Queen," Oberon admitted, his gaze never leaving the holographic image of the queen. "However, I suspect he is working with Aria's group. Perhaps they sought to divide our attention or attempt a surprise attack."

"And your plans?" the Queen asked, the impatience in her voice barely hidden.

"I intend to extract information from him," Oberon said confidently, his chest puffing out slightly.

"We've also strengthened our defenses around the Labyrinth, in case the others try to infiltrate or rescue their ally."I think you should take a look at

A slight nod of approval from the Queen. "Very well, Oberon," she spoke with a tone that carried a hint of praise.

"You have done well. But remember, I expect results. I give you a day to provide substantial information."

"Of course, my Queen," Oberon bowed deeply. "I will not disappoint you."

As the Queen's image flickered out, leaving Oberon alone in the grand throne room, the gravity of the task at hand fell heavily on him.

He couldn't afford to fail now. He had a day to deliver what the Queen asked.

His gaze shifted to the stranger held in the fairy restraints.

He was the key to everything now. Oberon had to unlock the secrets he held within, for failure was not an option.

'I should get started…'

In the blink of an eye, the grandeur of the throne room faded, replaced by a dark, enclosed space.

Vines snaked their way across the damp stone walls, their emerald hues barely visible in the dim light. Luminescent creatures, akin to fireflies, floated lazily around, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

With a flicker, the Fairy King Oberon materialized beside the restrained stranger.

His own eyes glowed a potent jade green in the semi-darkness, adding an extra layer of ominousness to his figure.

"All right, human," Oberon said, his voice echoing through the room. He reached out, his fingers gently tracing the boundary of the magical restraints.

Each touch sent a ripple of light coursing through the binds, sparking fear in the eyes of the captive.

"I suggest you cooperate. This can be easy, or it can be... difficult."

His eyes bore into the stranger's.

"I will extract every piece of information I need from you," he continued, his tone low and threatening. "And you will answer every question I ask. Understood?"

The room fell silent, the only sound the gentle hum of the fireflies and the rustling of the vines. The threat lingered in the air, the tension palpable.

This was not a game.

Oberon meant business, and he would stop at nothing to get the information he needed.

'No matter the cost…'





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