SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1077 The Luminis Labyrinth

With the disappearance of the lone intruder into the maw of the Labyrinth, the silent forest seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the ethereal form of the Fairies shimmered into existence, materializing from thin air.

Their translucent wings fluttered with an eerie luminescence, their smiles mischievous and knowing, the gleam in their eyes held a secret too vast for the uninitiated.

Among them, a figure more substantial than the others solidified.

His ethereal form shimmered with an intense luminescence before coalescing into the tangible form of the Fairy King.

A regal figure, his silhouette was a beacon of elegance and majesty amid the iridescent glow of his subjects.

"My dear subjects," he began, his voice a tranquil murmur that echoed in the air, "we are one with the forest, and the forest is one with us."

The words were spoken with a deep-seated reverence, a testament to the intimate bond between the Fairy folk and their forest home.

Thanks to Ancient Magic that had been the heritage of the Fairy Kings since time immemorial, the entire Luminis Forest was their domain.

No one could detect them if they deemed it so, and no one could hide from them either.

A low hum of affirmation spread through the crowd, their faces lit up with pride. But the Fairy King's eyes were drawn to the gaping maw of the Labyrinth, his brows furrowing slightly.

"One, not three," he muttered to himself, his gaze contemplative.

The anomaly didn't escape his astute senses. His command was clear – there were supposed to be three intruders, yet he only detected one entering the forest and venturing to the depths of the Labyrinth.

The Fairy King leaned on his staff, his eyes narrowing.

He could only detect the faint echoes of the man who ventured into the Labyrinth, but even that told him little.

The intruder was male, but his identity, his origin, his intentions - they were all shrouded in mystery.

"No matter," he decided aloud, waving off the peculiarities with a casual air.

His eyes held a sharp glint.

"Once he emerges from the Labyrinth, we shall have our answers." A cunning smile played on his lips.

"Exhaustion will make him a pliant prisoner. We just need to capture him and extract the information."

His words held a certainty that left no room for doubt. The fairies nodded, their faces reflecting the resolve of their king.

The forest, once more, fell into a silent anticipation, ready to welcome the man emerging from the Labyrinth.


[The Luminis Labyrinth]

As I stepped foot into the Luminis Labyrinth, a dense wave of conflicting Nether washed over me, and I knew at once that my Magic was off the table here.


I couldn't use Spellcraft with the density of contrasting energy that washed over me, and anytime I tried to use regular Magic, it was instantly suppressed.

It was like a non-lethal or intense version of Mana Pressure.

"Haha… so its back to basics, huh?" A ripple of excitement coursed through my veins at the thought of the challenge ahead.

The labyrinth was a twisting, convoluted maze of interconnected caverns, interspersed with deadly traps and cryptic puzzles.

Every step I took was a calculated move, every turn, every leap, a strategic decision. The earthen walls closed in, leaving me isolated from the world outside.

Within the confines of the Labyrinth, I found myself facing challenges that would have been easily solved if I had access to my magic.

It made sense why this place prevented the use of it.

My body strained under the physical exertion, my mind stretched to its limits. But I welcomed it, accepted it.

This wasn't my first rodeo without magic; my entire life had hardened me long before I unlocked my Magic abilities.

'Still, though… It's only been like two weeks since I got access to Magic, and I miss not using it already.'

The first hurdle came in the form of a gaping chasm that stretched as far as my eyes could see. It was a simple, yet effective, deterrent.

But I refused to be deterred. I took a deep breath, launching myself into a sprint.

Each step echoed in the eerily quiet labyrinth as I reached the edge, leaping with all the strength my body could muster. I think you should take a look at

Time seemed to stretch out, my heart hammering in my chest as I finally landed on the other side.

A low rumble echoed through the labyrinth as the walls shifted, creating a new path.

Each new challenge the labyrinth threw at me was unique, testing the limits of my resourcefulness, my endurance, my sheer willpower.

The pressure mounted, the strain on my body became almost unbearable, but I kept pushing through, kept moving.

'It's like this entire place is alive…'

Traps sprung up around me, puzzles left me scratching my head, but I persevered.

My body screamed for rest, my mind was on the verge of collapsing, but I forced myself to push past the pain, past the exhaustion.

There was no turning back, there was no giving up. I kept moving, kept thinking, kept surviving.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the final door creaked open. I limped through the door, my body haggard and bruised, but I was smiling.

Despite the odds, I had made it. I had conquered the Luminis Labyrinth. The glow of victory washed over me, filling me with a sense of accomplishment.

I may have been battered and bruised, but I was unbroken.

"Haha… there you are." I beamed, watching the glowing card shining a short distance from me.

My hands trembled as I reached for the Arcana waiting at the end of the Labyrinth.

As my fingers brushed against it, the Arcana shone brightly, engulfing the entire labyrinth in its radiant light. And just like that, I had my tenth Arcana.

"Oh? I could never have guessed it would be this one." A small smile crept upon my face.

'[The Magician]. Why would you ban Magic if you are literally called… ah, never mind!'

The good news was that I succeeded. That was pretty much all that mattered at this point.

One more step on my journey, one more piece of the puzzle in place.

The pain, the strain, it all felt worth it.

I closed my eyes, breathing in the victory, savoring the moment. The feeling of triumph coursing through me was enough to wipe away the exhaustion.

"Hehe… did you really think I wouldn't be able to overcome this one? Haha… I've been through much worse!"

My friends and I were able to find a couple of Arcanas even though I was Inept, and I made sure I never held them back.

I was no pushover.

"Magic or no magic," I whispered to the empty labyrinth, "I won't back down. I won't give up." And with those final words, I prepared myself for the journey back.

For the challenges to come.

For whatever awaited me outside the Labyrinth.






Lewis Griffith the chad.

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