SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1076 The Luminis Forest

[Days Later]

Draped in the comforting shadows of the night, I stood at the edge of the high precipice, the vast landscape stretching out beneath me.

The distant flickering of the countless lights from the cities and villages below seemed like a mirror image of the star-studded sky above.

I was alone, save for my thoughts and the whispering wind, my only company in this hour of solitude.

The weight of the Arcanas in my possession was both literal and metaphorical.

Eleven. I had managed to collect eleven of them, each representing a trial I had conquered, a testament to the path I had tread.

'Just 10 more to go…'

Every one of them pulsated with magical energy, their resonance a comforting hum in the back of my mind.

It was like they invited me to test out their power, but I put off the temptation. It would take time to unravel their powers, and I knew how invested I would be once I started.

'Let's focus on gathering the rest for now…'

I generated the holographic map in front of me, my eyes tracing over the next destination marked.

The Fairy Kingdom.

It was where the next Luminis Labyrinth was located, according to Larry Damien's research.

'Ah…' The mere thought of stepping foot into that territory sent an unsettling shiver down my spine.

It wasn't fear, no, it was anticipation.

Well… dread too.

The Fairy Kingdom, despite its ostensible tranquility and beauty, was under the control of the Triumvirate.

'Though it seems no one knows that…'

The Triumvirate, which had a hand in every corner of this world, was not to be trifled with. I already decided not to even cross them.

Which was why going into the Fairy Territory made me hesitant for a minute.

But I had a plan, a theory that might just see me through.

A small smile crept onto my face.

For all intents and purposes, I was a stranger to this world, an outsider with no real connection to Aria and her comrades.

Yes, I was alone, a rogue element. And it was this very isolation that could be my camouflage, my guise.

'They probably don't even know I exist.'

As I pondered on this, a sudden gust of wind whipped past me, ruffling my hair a little. It seemed to echo my resolve, whispering to me that it was time.

'Time to take the plung!' I had weighed my options, taking into account all the variables.

Yes, it would be risky. Yes, there were dangers. But no path worth walking was ever devoid of hurdles.

Taking a deep breath, I looked towards the direction of the Fairy Kingdom, towards the next trial, the next Arcana.

"Let's do this…"


Activating my Flight Spell, I went on my way.


[Hours Later]

It didn't take very long to reach my destination, considering the Fairy Kingdom was considerably close to my previous location.I think you should take a look at

Hidden under the veil of Concealment Magic, I ventured further into the heart of the Fairy Kingdom.

The ethereal beauty of the place was almost otherworldly.

Towering trees painted a myriad of greens stretched as far as my eyes could see. The air was rich with the scent of damp earth and the verdant foliage around, accompanied by the harmonious serenade of the forest's denizens.

The dappled sunlight filtering through the verdant canopy above painted a tableau of light and shadows on the forest floor, lending an enchanting charm to the surroundings.

'It's completely different from what exists in my world!'

There was no dome or technological saturation. It felt like I was in the Elf Kingdom, with its love for beauty and the purity of nature.

'Still… something is odd.'

What struck me as peculiar was the absolute lack of personnel.

I had fully expected the path to Labyrinth to be heavily guarded, fortified even.

However, there was an eerie quietude that felt unnatural, almost deliberate.

I couldn't help but feel like the silence of the forest was hiding something, a secret it wasn't willing to share.

Relying on my navigation tool, I sought any hint of surveillance or markers, anything that would hint at an active presence.

But it was as quiet and calm as the forest itself. This was perplexing, almost too easy, as if I was being led to believe in a reality that was far from the truth.

As I advanced further, the woods began to thin out, giving way to a massive tree unlike any I had ever seen in this world.


It stood there, in majestic solitude, its gigantic roots reaching deep into the earth, while its branches reached out towards the sky, as if trying to bridge the divide between the world below and the heavens above.

At its base lay a gaping chasm, a void of darkness that whispered of mysteries and the unknown. This, I knew, was the entrance to the Labyrinth.

'Looks like I've arrived.'

The sight of it was intimidating, its size dwarfing everything around it. A tense wave of Nether seemed to emanate from it, a testament to the countless years it had stood guard over this place.

My eyes were drawn to the dark chasm, an abyss that promised both danger and discovery. Despite the foreboding entrance, a strange calm settled over me.

I stood at the precipice, peering into the darkness, my heart pounding in my chest.

I was about to plunge into another mystery, another trial. Drawing a deep breath, I prepared myself for the plunge, ready to brave whatever the Labyrinth held in its heart.

'I've completed 11 so far. This can't be too bad… right?'

And so, with this thought of mine, I ventured into the chasm, not knowing what to expect at all.





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