SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1003 Extracting Information

[Zone 1, Grand Federation Headquarters]

Kuzon took a deep breath, channeling his inner resolve as he calmed his racing thoughts.

This encounter with a Neron, who happened to be the Grandmaster of the most powerful force in this universe, demanded caution and composure.

He had to find out exactly what was going on.

"You seem troubled, young man..." Neron took a step forward, his grin widening further.

"... Why?"

Confidence and amusement poured from him as he advanced a little more.

As Neron got closer, a powerful aura radiated from him, an obvious attempt to flex his authority and intimidate Kuzon.

'Who does he think he is?' Kuzon's thoughts erupted instantly, his calm emotions taking the backseat.

In an instant, he unleashed his Aether and used the dominating power of [The Absolute Emperor].

"W-what?!" Neron stammered, his voice trembling with astonishment and fear.

The authority he had so confidently wielded moments ago now crumbled before the overwhelming force radiating from Kuzon.

Neron's body quivered, his limbs shaking as he struggled to maintain his balance on his knees. His gaze, once steely and calculating, now betrayed a deep sense of vulnerability in the face of Kuzon's raw power.

The glass walls of the office seemed to vibrate with the intensity of the encounter, amplifying the crackling tension within the room. A silence settled, broken only by the heavy breaths of the two figures locked in this one-sided power suppression.

The weight of the moment hung in the air, as if the entire cosmos held its breath, witnessing this absolute dominance of the golden one.

In the midst of the charged atmosphere, Kuzon's voice rang out, cutting through the silence like a blade.

"You will answer me, Neron," he declared, his tone laced with an undeniable command that echoed through the room.

"How do you know my identity?"

Neron, still trembling, managed to find his voice, though it wavered with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. "I... I have been monitoring... tracking your movements, your actions," he admitted, his words shaky and laced with a hint of desperation.

"I... believed I had the upper hand."

"How much more do you know about me?" Kuzon's cold voice echoed with determination and curiosity, his gaze unwavering.

"I have been monitoring you and your companions for quite some time. Since you appeared..."

Kuzon's eyes narrowed, his annoyance palpable.

"Monitoring us? How?" he pressed, his voice tinged with a hint of impatience.

Neron's face paled and his trepidations increased as he revealed the scope of the Grand Federation's technological prowess.

"T-the Grand Federation possesses advanced technology that allows us to trace spatial anomalies and monitor events in great detail," he explained.

"Not long ago, a powerful anomaly was detected in a remote area of Zone 19, and our sensors picked up on your presence."

Kuzon clicked his tongue in frustration, realizing the extent of their surveillance. His gaze intensified, now a glare directed at Neron.

"And what exactly did you plan to do with this information?"

"I-I just wanted to know more about you people, and your involvement in that spatial anomaly. I was specifically interested in Jared Leonard and Aloe Vida, considering they are dangerous criminals in the Grand Federation's Hidden Index."

Kuzon's eyes narrowed, his grip on his power relenting slightly as he listened to Neron's words.

The mention of Jared and Aloe being wanted criminals, their names etched in the Grand Federation's Hidden Index, only made matters worse.

'The Jared and Aloe of this world, huh? Then...'

"Why are Jared and Aloe wanted?" Kuzon demanded, his voice cutting through the tense silence that enveloped the room.

Neron, still subdued and at Kuzon's mercy, hesitated before answering, his voice laced with a mix of fear and apprehension.

"They are connected to the greatest threat the Grand Federation has ever faced," he explained, his words cautious yet revealing. "They are tied to a woman known as Ciara Epilson."

Kuzon's mind raced, pieces of the puzzle falling into place. Was the Ciara in Jared's memories that same person? Was she just a native of this world?

"Ciara Epilson..." Kuzon repeated, his voice tinged with a mixture of contemplation and concern. "Is she the one I know?"

Neron's eyes flickered with recognition, a mixture of surprise and understanding crossing his features. "You know her?" he asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and caution.

"Tell me more about her."

Neron, still visibly shaken and aware of his vulnerable position, nodded, offering a glimpse of cooperation amidst the tension.

"Ciara Epilson is the orchestrator of a dangerous rebellion against the Grand Federation," he explained, his voice tinged with a mix of trepidation and conviction.

"She possesses knowledge and capabilities that threaten the very fabric of our society."

"And how long has she been a criminal?" Kuzon asked, his thoughts whirring into action to piece everything together.

"O-over a year now..."

Kuzon's brow furrowed as he absorbed Neron's revelations, his mind working swiftly to piece together the fragmented information.

The notion that Ciara had been a criminal for over a year served as enough evidence for him.

Her debut as an outlaw didn't align with the timeline he knew, where his world's Ciara had only arrived in this realm a couple of months ago.

'Sure, there can be time discrepancies since it's all relative, but still...'

"Why is Ciara's name in the Hidden Index?" Kuzon inquired, his voice laced with determination.

Neron's gaze shifted, avoiding direct eye contact as he responded with measured caution. "Ciara Epilson was once affiliated with the Grand Federation," he admitted reluctantly. "She served directly under me."

Kuzon's eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and suspicion coursing through him. The revelation that Ciara had once been part of the very organization she now fought against raised further questions.

"Revealing her true affiliation openly would only tarnish my image and potentially cause more harm than good." Neron sighed heavily, his voice tinged with regret.

"She possesses immense power and influence. Her capture remains a challenge, and making her status public knowledge would only cause public disorder and a lack of trust in the Grand Federation."

Kuzon's mind whirled, carefully dissecting the information before him.

The timeline discrepancies, the existence of multiple Ciaras, and the stark differences between the one he knew and the criminal mastermind described by Neron.

It became increasingly evident that the Ciara Jared had encountered and the Ciara he sought were indeed distinct individuals.

'Plus, it's pretty obvious to me now that if our world's Ciara wanted to destroy the Grand Federation, she would have done so already.'

He was dealing with a doppelganger here.

With a decisive nod, Kuzon formed his conclusion, his gaze resolute as he locked eyes with Neron.

"And further actions have you taken regarding us?"

"I-I sent my elite scouts to apprehend the one that remained on the planet you left. By interrogating him, I planned on getting more information." Neron croaked.

'Oh? Jared's duplicate, huh? I don't think I need to worry about that now. He can take care of himself.'

He also didn't need to concern himself with the Grand Federation or its criminals any longer.

What mattered most to him was finding Ciara Epilson—the only one that was of importance, anyway.

'Well, this has been enlightening. But... I've reached the limits of my investigative prowess.'





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