SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1002 Audience With The GrandMaster

[Three Days Later]

[Zone 2, Grand Federation Military Academy]

Three days had passed since Kuzon, still masquerading as Adrien Skylar, had settled into his fabricated role at the Grand Federation Military Academy.

As the days wore on, a tinge of impatience gnawed at Kuzon's core. He hadn't anticipated it would take this long for the officials to arrive, but he kept his frustrations hidden beneath a carefully crafted facade.

Summoned to the Commander's office once more, Kuzon entered with measured steps, his golden hair shimmering under the office's illumination. To his surprise, two men awaited him, their appearances strikingly human. Their expressions held a mix of authority and determination, leaving no doubt as to their purpose.

Commander Cromwell, a trace of pride etching his red features, gestured for Kuzon to join the men. "Adrien, these officials are here to escort you to the Grand Federation Headquaters, Zone 1," he announced, a note of admiration woven into his words.

"It seems your time has come to embark on your destined path."

Internally, Kuzon suppressed a flicker of annoyance at the delay. He had grown accustomed to the ebb and flow of manipulating events, but the passage of time had tested his patience.

Nevertheless, he maintained his composure, offering a nod of understanding, bowing his head to show respect to the two who stood before him.

The officials wasted no time in their duty. Resonating the matching watches that clung tightly on their hands, a shimmering portal materialized before them, its ethereal glow hinting at the vastness that lay beyond.

Kuzon's gaze flickered between the portal and the Commander, gratitude shining in his eyes.

As the officials beckoned Kuzon forward, their expressions firm and resolute, Commander Cromwell's smile widened.

"Take care of my favorite student," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine pride. "May the path ahead bring you greatness."

With a final glance toward the Commander, Kuzon stepped forward, his heart filled with a mix of anticipation and determination. The officials flanked him, their presence a testament to the importance of the journey that lay ahead.

Without hesitation, they guided Kuzon into the radiant portal, the veil between the known and the unknown.

Commander Cromwell watched as his prized student vanished into the swirling abyss, a sense of fulfillment settling within his chest.


In no time... he was gone.

The scene dissolved into stillness, leaving only the lingering echoes of pride and ambition. The office stood silent, a testament to the grand design that had been set in motion.

The Commander's smile remained, his faith in Kuzon's potential unwavering. Now, it was time for the golden-haired prodigy to venture into the heart of the Grand Federation, Zone 1, where his destiny awaited.

"You... were like a son I never had..."


As the portal dissipated, Kuzon found himself standing in the grandeur of the Grand Federation Headquarters, Zone 1. The vastness of the cosmos stretched out before him, the headquarters occupying an entire system of celestial bodies with awe-inspiring structures and magnificent displays of power.

Surrounded by a transparent, glass-like orb, Kuzon and the officers floated effortlessly through the expansive space, their movement guided by unseen forces. The orb served as a protective barrier, shielding them from the harshness of the vacuum and offering a crystal-clear view of the wonders that lay before them.

'Amazing...' With a fleeting thought, Kuzon took in the wonders that greeted his vision.

In every direction, colossal structures reached towards the heavens, their intricate designs blending seamlessly with the cosmic backdrop. Towering spires, adorned with iridescent lights, formed a tapestry of vibrant colors against the velvety expanse of space. The brilliance of the headquarters' architecture was a testament to the technological prowess and artistic vision of the Grand Federation.

The celestial bodies that comprised the headquarters system served as a testament to the might of the organization. Gigantic planets, their surfaces housing sprawling installations and bustling metropolises, orbited gracefully, their gravitational dance a symphony of cosmic harmony. Moons, each more enchanting than the last, adorned the skies, casting ethereal hues upon the landscape.

As Kuzon marveled at the breathtaking scenery, his eyes were drawn to the central building, a pinnacle of elegance and power.

Its towering presence dominated the celestial horizon, its architectural splendor surpassing anything he had ever encountered. The building emanated an aura of authority and reverence, commanding respect from all who beheld it.

The orb landed at the entrance, and they were granted access inside.

With a gentle motion, the officers guided the orb through the entrance, and the doors swung open, revealing a vast atrium that stretched beyond Kuzon's field of vision. The space pulsed with energy, the air alive with anticipation and purpose.

The officers guided Kuzon into the central building, their footsteps echoing softly against the ethereal silence. As they approached, Kuzon's senses were overwhelmed by the grandeur that unfolded before him. Elaborate sculptures, depicting the history and achievements of the Grand Federation, lined the path, their intricate details casting shimmering reflections of light.

As Kuzon and the officers floated further into the central building, he couldn't help but feel a surge of determination coursing through his veins.

'So this is what I'm up against, huh? Impressive.'

It truly was the right decision to come here.

"Where are we going?" He asked the officers who had been guiding him in silence.

"To see the one who stands at the top of the Grand Federation." One of them spoke, his voice stiff and cold.

"The GrandMaster." The second officer added.

Surprise formed on Kuzon's face and also within his heart. This was news to him.

'I never imagined they would take me to see him of their own volition. But why? Did they figure out my deceit? No, if they did, they wouldn't bring me here in the first place.'

So why?

"Is it rare for Commander Cromwell to recommend a student of the Military Academy to the Grand Federation Headquarters?" Kuzon had no choice but to ask.

He would have used [The Emperor], but he didn't feel the need to go that far yet. If things escalated to that point, though, he wasn't going to hesitate.

"It is indeed rare. However, that doesn't warrant the audience of the GrandMaster." The first officer spoke once again.

'Oh? Then why?'

"The GrandMaster instructed us to bring you to his office when you arrived. It seems he has taken a keen interest in you.'

"R-really? I'm so honored." Kuzon forced himself to utter, smiling like an innocent young lad.

However, deep down, his mind calculated the situation as fast as he could.

'Does the GrandMaster suspect something?'

As Kuzon walked down the exquisite hallway, the subtle sense of unease began to grow within him. Every step forward was a test of his resolve, and he mentally prepared himself for the encounter that lay ahead.

The officers, maintaining their stoic demeanor, led him to the peak of the building where the Grandmaster's office resided. The ornate double doors loomed before him, a threshold to the unknown. With a silent exchange of glances, the officers stepped aside, granting Kuzon passage, but remaining outside.

Taking a deep breath, Kuzon crossed the threshold and entered the chamber. The room was bathed in a soft, golden glow, emanating from the large glass walls that revealed the world beyond. For a moment, Kuzon's attention was captivated by the breathtaking view, the endless expanse of space stretching out before him.

But then, a voice broke through the tranquility, a voice that was both familiar and unexpected. It sent a jolt of surprise through Kuzon's being, causing him to momentarily recoil.

"Welcome, Adrien Skylar," the voice greeted.

As Kuzon's eyes adjusted to the light, he turned towards the source of the voice, and his gaze locked with the figure standing near the glass walls.

The Grandmaster, who had been standing with his back towards Kuzon, turned to face him.

Time seemed to stand still as realization washed over him, and his thoughts burst out uncontrollably. There was no way he could ever fail to recognize such a person.

'N-Neron?!' He exclaimed internally, his thoughts filled with a mixture of shock and disbelief.

The shock of seeing Neron in the guise of the Grandmaster left Kuzon momentarily speechless, his mind racing to make sense of the situation.

A subtle smile played on Neron's lips as he observed Kuzon's completely calm and composed facade.

"Welcome Adrien Skylar," he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "If that is truly your name..."

A smile formed on Kuzon's face instantly, and he dropped the pretense that very moment.

"So you know, huh?"

"Indeed." A spark in Neron's eyes flickered, and his smile broadened.

A wave of power, hinting both authority and danger flowed from him as he maintained his stance.

"It seems we have much to discuss."





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