SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1004 Ciara Epilson's Wherabouts

'I'm no expert on Ciara, and I can't properly operate the system here as freely as I want to.'

Even if he used [The Absolute Emperor] to control people, he still needed to give them explicit and direct orders.

In as much as he would have loved to complete the mission himself, Kuzon recognized his limits.

'I don't suppose you know where Ciara is, do you?' He sighed, directing his message toward someone else.

~You've asked me this already. While I am indeed a Constellation, I am not in charge of managing the universes. I can't exactly sense everything happening everywhere at once.~

Apparently, there were jurisdictions and limits to each Constellation's power, further leaving Kuzon stuck with only one other option.

"I'll have to bring them back. Aloe and Jared."


"Haaa..." As I stepped back into our world, the weight of the Emperor's Domain slowly lifted from my shoulders.

Everything felt somewhat different yet tinged with relief and nostalgia, like the air itself whispered of memories and challenges that awaited us. Aloe stood by my side, her expression a mix of weariness and determination, mirroring my own feelings.

I scanned the room, taking in the grandeur of the Grandmaster's office, now disrupted by the sight of Neron sprawled unconscious on the ground.

'When did this happen?'

The air crackled with lingering energy, a tangible reminder of the intense clash that had taken place.

And amidst it all, Kuzon stood. His face was stoic, and I could tell he wasn't in the best of moods.

"I should explain what—"

"No need." I smiled, raising my hand to interrupt him.

A surge of anticipation coursed through me as I closed my eyes, activating [The Hermit].

I delved into the depths of time, reaching beyond the present moment. The hidden corridors of the past unveiled the conversation between Kuzon and Neron.

Their words resonated within me, painting a clearer picture of our path forward.

Opening my eyes, I locked my gaze with Kuzon, my expression a mix of understanding and determination.

"I understand what has happened so far," I said firmly, my voice steady. "We'll help you find Ciara, just like you planned."

Kuzon nodded, a small smile forming on his face.

"Are you okay, though? Last time you used [The Hemit], you... well, passed out."

"I'm fine now, don't worry." It felt nice that Kuzon was actually displaying concern despite all that happened.

I wasn't completely fine, but I had recovered a good amount of my energy, at the very least. Kuzon's world was also rich in Aether, so there was that factor to consider.

Aloe met my gaze and nodded at me. I instantly understood what she meant.

'Well... here we go.'

Taking a step closer, I met Kuzon's eyes, sincerity evident in my voice.

"Sorry for what I did."


"I know you sorted through my memories, so you should know about everything."

"Oh, that. You don't need to apologize, Jared. It's fine." He sighed.

"No, it's not!" I drew closer to him, putting both hands on his shoulder while smiling sincerely. "I should have trusted you more."

"Damn straight."

Silence encapsulated the moment, and for that period none of us uttered a word.

A warmth slowly began to emanate from Kuzon's eyes, and his expression softened with acceptance and understanding.

A grateful smile curved his lips. "Apology accepted, Jared."

"Glad to hear it," I replied.

In that wholesome moment, with reforged friendship, all three of us stood there in harmony. I could feel our hearts—

"Okay, okay. That's enough of that. Let's find Ciara already."

Ah, Kuzon just had to ruin the moment.

"Kuzon has a point. We don't have all the time in the world." Even Aloe supported him!

"O-oh yeah. You're right."

With no resistance to make, I agreed and decided to get to work.

'Using Spellcraft and [The Chariot] to operate the machines in this entire base, I should be able to get started.'

It would take some time and effort, considering the fact that I wasn't in top form, but as long as I could pinpoint the right frequency that our world's Ciara would emit, and pinpoint the wavelength, I would be able to find her.

'Okay, Jared. Let's get to work!'



[Limbo Zone, Ciara Epilson's Base]

With a brilliant blue spark, Ciara materialized in her spacious apartment, the air crackling with residual energy from her forceful teleportation.

A sharp pain coursed through her body, causing her to groan in discomfort. Despite the physical strain, a smile graced her lips.

Teleportation was always a jarring experience, but it was a small price to pay for the convenience it offered.

Surveying her surroundings, Ciara took in the high-tech marvels that adorned her apartment. Gadgets and weapons lined the shelves, a testament to her preparedness for any situation that might arise.

The room exuded an air of calculated efficiency, every piece of equipment meticulously arranged.

"Damn that Jared..."

As memories flooded her mind, Ciara's smile waned, replaced by a furrowed brow. She thought back to the face of the man who had breached her spacecraft.

How had he managed such a feat? The encounter had left her intrigued and unsettled simultaneously.

Jerry's introduction of Jared and Aloe resurfaced in her thoughts. She remembered the excitement in his voice as he regaled her with tales of their adventures as Freedom Fighters, fighting against oppression and standing up for what they believed in.

It had ignited a flicker of curiosity within her, the desire to learn more about these individuals who challenged the established order.

But those times were long gone now...

Gritting her teeth, Ciara clenched her fist, the memories of their meeting stirring conflicting emotions within her.

A mix of admiration and frustration swirled in her mind. She whispered a name to herself, almost as a plea,



As soon as Ciara uttered Jerry's name, she felt a sudden movement within her room.

Her senses sharpened, and she swiftly retrieved her gun, activating her suit's defensive systems.

The room was bathed in tension as she pointed her weapon towards the source of the movement, her authoritative tone demanding answers.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" A flicker of apprehension danced in her eyes as she prepared for any threat that might emerge from the shadows.

Then, a voice, distinct and hauntingly familiar, pierced through the silence.

"Did you just call out Jerry's name?" It echoed, sending a shiver down Ciara's spine.

As the words reached her ears, a sharp pain coursed through her mind, intensifying with each passing second.


It felt as if her brain would explode from the sheer agony, causing her to stagger back, one hand clutching her head.

Amidst the onslaught of pain, the figure in the shadows gradually materialized, revealing the silhouette of a woman.

Her voice resonated with an air of confidence and amusement as she began to chuckle.

"It was quite difficult locating you. Your notoriety has caused me quite the hassle, you know?" The figure took steps forward. "And yet, here we are... face to face."

Finally, the shadow dissipated, and before Ciara stood a girl.

"I wondered what I would do once we met..."

Ciara's eyes widened instantly as her eyes witnessed the appearance of the brunette before her. They both looked exactly the same!

"... Ciara Epilson."





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