SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 1001 Kuzon's Masterplan

[Zone 2, Grand Federation Military Academy, Commander's Office]

Commander Cromwell, with his distinct red complexion, spiky hair, and multiple eyes, sat behind his imposing desk in his office at the Grand Federation Military Academy. \

Opposite him sat a young man who had spent three years within the academy and had garnered astounding results among his peers.

Adrien Skylar, the phenomenal genius!

The commander regarded Adrien with a mixture of admiration and anticipation, his fangs slightly visible as he spoke.

"Skylar, you have proven yourself to be an exceptional cadet during your time here," Cromwell began, his voice carrying a blend of authority and warmth. "Your dedication, skill, and unwavering determination have not gone unnoticed. I have personally recommended you for a position at the prestigious Grand Federation Headquarters in Zone 1."

Adrien, his golden hair framing his youthful face, nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Commander Cromwell. I am deeply honored and grateful for this opportunity."

Cromwell's spiky hair seemed to bristle with pride as he leaned forward. "You have earned it, Adrien. Your performance surpasses that of your peers, and your potential is undeniable. I have no doubt that you will make a significant impact in Zone 1 and beyond."

Adrien's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and determination. "I will do my best, Commander. I won't disappoint you."

Cromwell smiled, his multiple eyes glinting with approval. "I believe in you, Adrien. You will leave first thing tomorrow morning, so make sure you are prepared. Your journey is about to begin."

Adrien stood up from his chair, his posture reflecting the confidence and readiness that had made him stand out among his fellow cadets. "Thank you again, Commander. I will make the most of this opportunity."

Cromwell nodded, acknowledging Adrien's gratitude. "Dismissed, Adrien Skylar. Show the universe what you're capable of."

With a final respectful bow, Adrien left the commander's office, leaving Cromwell alone. The commander leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile playing across his lips. Internally, he praised Adrien's dedication and achievements, considering him not only an exceptional student but also a shining example for others to follow.

"Adrien Skylar," Cromwell mused to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "I look forward to witnessing the great things you will accomplish. May your path be filled with success and glory."

With that, Commander Cromwell returned his focus to the tasks at hand, his thoughts filled with anticipation for the future of his remarkable student.


Leaving Commander Cromwell's office, a mischievous smile danced upon Adrien Skylar, or rather, Kuzon's lips.

'Well, that went well...'

Internally, he reveled in the satisfaction of his plan's seamless execution, relishing the sensation of manipulating circumstances to his advantage.

Time had played a deceptive game, for only mere hours had passed since the entire charade began, yet in the minds of everyone around, it had been three years.

'Ever since then...' Recalling the events with a sense of Kuzon's mind wandered to his last contact with his comrades.

He had transported both Jared and Aloe to his Emperor's Domain, leaving him all alone to accomplish the mission as he saw fit.

With no restrictions or need for caution, he decided to handle things the most efficient way he could.

The one thing he and his allies lacked was information. With the speculations regarding the identity of the Ciara that Jared encountered, he needed to have access to the Grand Federation's information.

And it turned out the best place to start was the Base in Zone 19.

There, he seized control over everyone's actions and perceptions, weaving a delicate tapestry of illusions granted by his mastery of [The Absolute Emperor].

With their compliance, he was able to delve deep into the base's systems, unraveling the threads of confidential information and secrets that had once eluded his grasp.

'And that's when I found out the real truth about Ciara and the current situation...'

Everything was a mess, but the situation wasn't completely hopeless.

Back in Zone 19, after his senses expanded and his influence spread, Kuzon's awareness was able to permeate every corner of the base. It was during this exploration that he stumbled upon the lifeless body of the former base's head.

The vacuum of power left in the wake of the head's demise presented a tantalizing chance for Kuzon to reshape the base according to his own purposes.

Crafting a new identity as Adrien Skylar, Kuzon seamlessly melded into the Grand Federation Military Academy, where he was perceived as nothing less than a talented cadet. The plan had unfolded flawlessly, affording him the opportunity to infiltrate the academy's ranks, gather invaluable information, and position himself strategically for the future.

'This place isn't really the goal, but Zone 1, the true center of power.'

He would have loved to go there directly, but he had no idea how to get there. No one knew how to get there except those from Zone 1.

'They can only be communicated to by the Commander and a few others. By positioning myself as the top student here, making everyone truly believe it using [The Absolute Emperor], I was finally able to get recommended by the people here.'

It truly was a sublime plan on his end. "And it's almost—"

~You should give credit to whom credit is due! Without my backing, would you have been able to affect their minds so accurately?~

Upon hearing the words of Leo, Kuzon fought the urge to sigh in exasperation. He had wondered why Leo hadn't said anything all day. Had he been biding his time?

"Yeah. You're right. I owe you one. It seems you're truly the only one I can count on in this entire mission."

Despite how the Constellation caused him to either roll his eyes or grit his teeth, Kuzon had to account for his reliability.

~Jared and Aloe are going to stay out of this for your sake. They're trusting you, so don't let them down.~

"Pfft. Do they have a choice? I placed an accelerated time ratio in the Emperor's Domain. Basically, for every day spent here, only one hour is spent in there. It hasn't even been a day here, so I doubt they would have even made up their minds."

According to his timetable, Kuzon didn't plan on taking very long in his task. A very straightforward mission; get the information he wanted, use the technology of the Grand Federation, locate his target, and leave this place.

"I should be done within three days... max."

~Is that so? Alright then... we shall see.~ It seemed like Leo leaked out a chuckle, but Kuzon wasn't completely sure. He could only twist his face in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

~Nothing. Nothing. Just rooting for you...~

"Hmm. Is that so?" Kuzon's smile widened as he sighed, looking straight down at the empty hallway before him.

~Should you really be talking so brazenly like this? What if someone hears of your plans and all?~

"I'll take what you just said as a joke." The golden-haired boy chuckled as he began to walk in a casual stride.

"It's not like anyone can hear me without my permission."

As Kuzon briskly navigated the bustling halls, the ethereal glow of his golden hair caught the light, lending an air of charisma and confidence to his every step.

A hidden chuckle reverberated within Kuzon's thoughts, a testament to the satisfaction he derived from orchestrating everything to follow his plans

This entire Academy was perfectly tailored to suit his grand design.

Continuing his path through the academy as Adrien Skylar, Kuzon's smile broadened, fueled by the knowledge that the pieces of his intricate puzzle were falling into place.





I think I'll make this arc pretty short. A lot of interesting elements could pop out of it, but I think I'm more suited for a magic-based story.

I'll try not to make it feel rushed, though.


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