Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 311: Emperor’s Explanation

Chapter 311: Emperor’s Explanation

311. Emperor's Explanation

Daniel Song opened his eyes as the first light of day leaked over the horizon and into the cavern. The sun ascended into the sky, painting the dark blue canvas into a light azure. The young man dragged himself to his feet, dreading the day that was to come.

He stood at the edge of the cave, looking over the undulating landscape. The hills and valleys that stretched as far as he could see. He turned to his grousing companions, before addressing the brown-haired woman whod been keeping watch.

Were there any problems?

If there were any, Id have obviously woken you up. So, no.

Amanda answered casually. But despite her demeanor, Daniel knew she was just as nervous as the rest of them. Theyd been hounded for the past month by soldiers, assassins, and Demons from the Inoria Empire.

They couldnt travel as quickly as they could. If they wanted to, they probably could have left Elutras or, Inorias now borders within two to three days. But their pursuers forced them to slow their movements. To use the terrain to remain hidden from sight.

Even still, they had gotten into far too many engagements. Ones which had nearly been costly. The only casualty so far, unfortunately, had been Garland Monsterthornes Pegasus. Bel and Faith had gotten out of the battles mostly unscathed, but that was only because Daniel demanded Amanda ensure their safety above all else.

It would have all been for nothing, otherwise.

Daniel wished he couldve saved more people from the fall of Ertos. He heard that the rest of the royal family had been ambushed and killed. He heard that over a thousand innocent lives had been lost that day. Maybe even more.

It upsetted him. And what upsetted him the most was that he couldnt even do anything about it.

He wanted to stay. He wanted to do whatever he could to save as many people as he could. But Amanda had knocked him out. A single strike to the back of the neck. It caught him off guard, and he fell unconscious.

By the time he woke up, they were already beyond the gates of the city, flying up to Mount Soulcreep. They were being pursued, and if he left them alone to return to Ertos, hed be leaving them to die. So, he remained with them, protecting them.

Daniel couldnt lie and say he didnt feel any resentment towards Amanda for what she did. He saw her point, but he still wasnt happy about it. There had to have been something else that couldve been done. Something he couldve realized if he hadnt been knocked out.

So, he didnt indulge in Amandas snark remarks. He barely even looked at her as he nodded.

Good. Then we should get going. Were reaching the border soon. Shedos will offer you protection. They have a history of animosity with Inoria.

The [Hero] turned to Faith and Bel. Garland helped them to their feet as they nodded.

Do you really think theyll believe us?

The princess asked hesitantly. Daniel closed his eyes.

Theyll have to. We have no other choice.

He started for the cave exit, shaking his head. Amanda just shifted, clearly uncomfortable as he walked past her.

We just have to hope for the best

Hes somewhere in the Anima Mountain Range.

I listened as the boy emperor explained.

Youre referring to the [Hero] that Elutra summoned, right? Simag is hunting him down. He escaped Ertos before its fall, bringing with him princess Faith and prince Bel.

Princess Faith is alive? Thats good!

I beamed, exchanging a glance with my clones. Rowyns gaze darkened, his lips pursed as he continued.

I do not know if theyll be alive for long, lady Salvos.

Actually, its just S

I paused. I eyed Rowyn as he sat there, clenching a fist.

Wait, did you call me lady Salvos?

I apologize, was that rude of me? My father never taught me how to speak with commoners.

No, no, no! That is absolutely fine!

I clasped my hands together, leaning forward.

You can call me lady Salvos, if youd like! In fact, why not take it a step further and call me Princess Salvos?

He blinked. Then his eyes widened.

I did not mean to disrespect you, Princess. I wasnt aware that the Princess of another nation would involve herself with this conflict.


Willy snorted from the side. Rowyn raised his head.


Not Princess

Ignore Willy. Hes a [Will O Wisp]. That means hes a stupid Spirit. I am most definitely a Princess, yep.

I see.

Emperor Rowyn nodded slowly. I waved a hand dismissively and held his gaze.

Anyway, what were you saying? Why is Daniel in the Anima Mountain Range, again?

Because of Simag.

He spoke grimly as me and my clones drew closer..

As you should know, the Inoria Empire is working with Demons. Or to be exact, we are working under Demons. Your resistance is wrong

Their resistance.

I corrected him, glancing over at Willow in the distance. She looked over at me, frowning over something. And I turned back to Rowyn. He continued.

R-right. Their resistance is wrong. Most of Inoria doesnt know this. We were forced into this war by Demons. We didnt want this. They did. And Simag is one of their leaders.

The boys gaze shadowed over.

Hes an [Asera Changeling], just as Lucieve had been. But hes not the strongest Archdemon. Not even close. However, he is one of the most cunning. He was the one tasked with taking down Ertos. And, where previous plots failed, his succeeded. At the cost of my parents life.

I watched as the boy shed a few tears before steeling himself. He straightened and spoke with the majesty of an emperor, even at his age.

Now, Simag is hunting down both your friend and the last of Elutras royal family. I was told they escaped to Mount Soulcreep before continuing on through the Anima Mountain Range.

I produced my map and scanned the area around Ertos. I placed a finger on a series of markings that resembled mountains.

Is this the Anima Mountain Range?

That and all this over here.

Rowyn traced a large area around the map with his finger.

It is quite the large natural land border. Not comparable to the Motharis Mountain Range especially not in terms of the danger present but it is substantial nonetheless. I do not know whether well be able to find your friend in time before Simag gets to them, however I do know youll be able to take him on.

Well, of course! I am quite strong, after all.

I beamed, clapping my hands together. Rowyn agreed.

You killed Lucieve. She was the one who was responsible for overseeing my protection. To ensure that the Inoria Empire continues to operate smoothly under their thumb. She was far stronger than Simag. But you still have to be careful. He holds many tricks. I am sure he has traps prepared if faced with an enemy stronger than he is.

Thats settled, then. Well be going to the Anima Mountain Range, Willy.

I gestured for the [Will O Wisp] to get up. He flitted into the air, then paused when he stared past me. He looked over at a pair of figures approaching us. I glanced up at the two Humans the two members of Elutras Resistance.

Willow and Gavyn. The woman raised her brow, peering at the emperor dubiously.

I heard what you said. Princess Faith and prince Bel are still alive, and theyre being protected by the [Hero] Daniel, right?

Yep. Wait, howd you hear us?

I cocked a brow. She gestured at her ears.

[Enhanced Senses]. Its a General Skill. Most [Archers] have them. You should really put up wards when speaking about private information.


Saffron always did it for me. I had no idea how to cast a spell to block out hearing. Willow crossed her arms, looking at Rowyn then me.

If youre going to save princess Faith and prince Bel, then count us in. We will help you with that. You asked for my tracking Skills, didnt you? Im sure I can find them if I know their general location, and with a little help.

Sure! I was actually just about to ask for your help.

I smiled, glad she volunteered her assistance before I had to request it. However, Gavyn harrumphed, interrupting her.

But before we do anything just yet, we have one question to ask.


I pointed at myself. The leader of the resistance shook his head, stepping past me. He loomed over the boy sat by my clones, drawing back in fear. Gavyns gaze bore into the emperor of Inoria, speaking in a deep voice.

Why should we trust you, emperor Rowyn?

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