Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 310: The Emperor

Chapter 310: The Emperor

310. The Emperor

These guys were weak. Like, very weak. Were they really Level 100? My [Identification] said they were somewhat close to my level and they even had good equipment on them too! But I beat them back with ease. The first man and woman didnt even put up a fight. Meanwhile, the old [Mage] tried his best. He unleashed a flurry of spells at me, to no avail.

I sauntered up to him, raising my scythe as he stared in fear.

Just w-what are you?

I bared my teeth and swung down.

Me? Im S I mean, Im here to save the princess.

He flinched. I was prepared to cut through an Aura of Greater Protection, or any other proactive enchantment he had. But all I did was blink as my scythe struck nothing.

I looked down for the old man, however he was gone. Blinking a few times, I cast my gaze towards a nearby rooftop. I spotted a woman holding him from the shoulder. Murmurs broke out amongst the resistance as I met her gaze.

Thats Lucieve theTormentor!

The hooded [Archer] gasped.

My eyes flickered at the name. That sounded like I focused, eyeing her every movement. [Identification] told me that she was only around Level 120. Yet, I could tell she was stronger than the old man. A smile spread across her face as she dropped him.

Im disappointed, Typhest. The plan was simple. We draw out these resistance rats and exterminate them once and for all. But you failed.

The old man sputtered as he picked himself up.

Lucieve, I apologize but this lady is stronger than she looks

I dont care.

She spoke over him, stepping forward.

Go and protect the emperor. Maybe youll be useful there.

Typhest nodded, flying off.

Yes, lady Lucieve.

Meanwhile, she just gave me a savage look. I saw the way she bared her teeth at me. I didnt even need to think twice I knew what she was in an instant.

She was a Demon.

Ill deal with this

And there was a flicker. Her eyes grew wide. She barely leapt out of the way in time as the Nebular Sickle Grenade flew past her. The blast lit up the sky behind her. She looked back at the silver explosion, still in shock.


Hey. Im Salvos, nice to meet you.

I appeared behind her, swiping for her head. She flew back as a pair of flaming wings appeared from her back. My attack grazed her arm and drew black blood.

Lucieve panted as she flew to the sky. She raised her hand, shouting.

You shall pay for that! [Infernal

But she couldnt finish. Because, from behind, a figure grabbed her. A golden, glowing figure. [Salvo of Vanity]. My clone.

What are you doing? Let go of me!

She struggled, even as my clone flew higher and higher. I bared my teeth back at her, and something clicked in her eyes. I replied simply as the [Demons Mark] on her arm grew brighter.

Killing you.

My clone shone brightly as they ascended far above the city. I snapped my fingers when I was sure they were but a speck in the sky. And the speck expanded into an expansive explosion. A gold and crimson blast. One that spread wide, casting a brilliant glare over the city.

A notification resounded in my head as I confirmed that she had indeed been a Demon.

Defeated [Asera Changeling - Lvl. 122]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

Alright. Now that thats settled.

I glanced down at Willy who was casually keeping back any Inorian soldiers from getting to either the prince or the princess. The resistance stared up at me, both in reverence and in fear as I descended back to them.


The hooded woman gaped.

Why would you

My eyes flickered to the side. I saw more high-leveled individuals appear from the palace. Many Platinum Ranks, and a few Diamond Ranks.

This is taking too long. Lets get out of here.

I flicked my fingers, breaking large chunks of the earth beneath the resistance members feet. They ascended into the air as I waved at Willy to follow. The [Will O Wisp] casually floated after me.


Yep! Although, I dont know if well ever be allowed into this city ever again.

I looked at the ruckus wed caused. It wasnt the best idea I've ever had. But I came here for one reason only, and by saving princess Hope and the hooded [Archer], I got what I wanted. A way to find Daniel. My companion.

[Scattering Displacement] took the resistance to the air as I flew off. But before I could make it too far, a voice called out.

Wait, please!

The hooded [Archer] spoke out in a panicked voice, quickly looking over at the palace of Ertos.

Gavyn. Hes still fighting

A small explosion interrupted her. One that came from the tall balcony where the emperor had been. I raised a brow.

You want me to save your friend?


She bowed her head.


I summoned two more clones and turned to Willy.

Make sure my clones dont misbehave!

The [Will O Wisp] just stared at me as my clones grinned at him. He made a sighing sound before I flew off to where the blast had been. The smoke cleared up as I landed in a fancy room. A ballroom, of sorts. The ground was littered in debris and bodies. A little boy stood backed up in the corner of the room, surrounded by corpses and a single bodyguard. A man with the same smile Lucieve had. A Demons smile.

[Mage - Lvl. 108]

He stood over another man in heavy plate armor Gavyn, I was assuming who looked like he was on the precipice of defeat. Heads turned as I entered the room.

Hey, are you Gavyn? Im here to save you!

I-I am who are?

Gavyn stared at me. The Demon disguised as a Human raised a brow.

It seems even more resistance members have shown up, emperor Rowyn. I fear that soon I may be bested in battle.

He feigned hurt, clearly mocking.

Oh, if I flee here and leave you to your assassins, will I be condemned?

Youre just going to leave your emperor behind?

Gavyn grunted, trying to get to his feet.

Even though you have won this battle? Just what is wrong with you?

The Demon tilted his head at the accusation. His gaze landed on me as a chuckle left his mouth.

But I have yet to win this fight. After all, this Level 94 [Mage] has come to your rescue. Surely her powers will be too much for me to

I appeared in front of him, baring my teeth.

Shut up. Youre annoying.

He froze, unable to react. I placed a hand on his chest and unleashed an inferno that consumed him in an instant. He was reduced to ashes, leaving only a silent scream behind. Gavyn looked at me, his jaw dropping.



I clapped my hands together.

Can we leave now?

It took the resistance leader a moment to gather himself. But before he could get to his feet, the boy the emperor of Inoria spoke up.

You killed Erist. Just like that hes dead.

I shrugged.

I mean, he was way weaker than his friend, you know?

His friend? You mean Lucieve? You killed her too? But shes

She wasnt that strong. Well, I guess shes stronger than an [Evolved Centinel] at her level. But shes nearly ten levels below me, and Im well, me. I may have gone a bit overboard, but I wanted to kill her quickly.

I wasted quite a few Skills on her, which was going to be a bit of a problem considering the shouts I heard in the distance. Inorian troops were already closing in on our position. I shook my head and turned to Gavyn.

Lets get going already!

But I have to

The leader of the resistance struggled as I dragged him off. The boy watched me go, blinking. Then he called out just before I took off into the sky.


I paused, glancing back at the emperor of Inoria. He hesitated and closed his eyes.

Take me with you!


Gavyn stared at him. I narrowed my eyes, considering it as the shouts drew closer.

Are you sure? Arent you an emperor or something?

The boy shook his head.

Im an emperor in name only. I I cant stay here. I cant do anything without my every move being watched. This is for the greater good. You can trust me. Take me as your captive. Please.

But why would we

Gavyn started, but I spoke over him.

Alright, I guess. Maybe you can help me find Daniel too.

I grabbed the boy and hefted him over my shoulder. I returned to the destroyed balcony, eyeing the flying figures approaching us led by the old man from earlier. He raised an arm, pointing at me.

They have kidnapped emperor Rowyn!

I sent a flurry of flaming weapons their way, slowing them as I exploded into the sky.

Im not kidnapping him, he asked me to take him. See you guys never!

And we were off. Our pursuers couldnt keep up. Not for long, at least. I found Willy and my clones soon after. With that, it was finally time for me to start asking questions about Daniel.


I sat in a small clearing in a forest a ways away from Ertos. We were still in the former territory of the Elutra Kingdom, but apparently the hooded [Archer] Willow led my clones to the hideout of the Elutra Resistance.

Here it was where we gathered. Me, my clones, a feisty Grand Spirit, a group of victorious rebels, a disgraced prince and princess, and a boy emperor. There was a lot to discuss. First of all, the resistance members had to explain to those in the hideout that I was an ally. Which I wouldnt necessarily agree with.

A black-haired man the one they called Zane gesticulated excitedly as he recapped what happened to those whod been waiting in the hideout.

She swooped in like a [Hero]. In an instant, she defeated both the General of Bloodlust and the Valkyrie Sniper!

What? Seriously?!

Is she an Elite?

She has to be

Then next was the question about why the emperor was here. Gavyn looked disapproving, even if he called Rowyn a captive.

We decided that it was for whatever reason, better to take the emperor with us rather than ending him and his bloodline there and then.

His face twisted. Willow nodded, glancing over at me.

Maybe this was her plan. Maybe we can get the emperor to admit his crimes through a trial. The world will have to support us then, right?

Theres no longer any point. Ive confirmed it myself. Many times. There are Demons amongst the Inorian troops. Even the emperors bodyguards had a [Changeling] amongst them. The world wont list

It made sense that Gavyn knew that Erist was a Demon. He did get a notification for the kill too since he fought against Erist and all.

Meanwhile, I sat happily with princess Hope. She slowly slurped on a bowl of soup. Her brother lay on the ground in a comatose state, being tended to by a [Healing Mage].

So, do you know Daniel?

I asked her after a long moment of silence. The princess flinched reflexively from the question. I tilted my head, and she hesitated.

Daniel Song? Are you referring to the [Hero] from Earth?

Earth A1, yep!

I smiled.

Hes my companion.

I know of him. But I havent seen him in many years. I thought he was dead.

Wait, do you mean you dont know what happened to him? Are you sure you didnt see him recently? He was present during the fall of Ertos, you know?

Was he? I didnt even but when Faith said

Princess Hope blinked. Then her eyes glazed over her gaze grew dark as she shuddered. She brought her knees to her chest, muttering to herself.

The fall of Ertos. My brothers and sisters Im

Um, hello?

She didnt respond. I reached over to poke her, but the [Healing Mage] stopped me.

I apologize, Miss


Oh, uh, and Im Gene.

He scratched the back of his head. Then he gestured at princess Hope as she rocked back and forth.

But when individuals are in a state of shock, they become catatonic. Itd be best for you to try speaking with her again later.

Aw, alright.

I got up and glanced around this little encampment. If princess Hope couldnt help me, my next best bet was going to be Willow. But just as I started towards her as she continued her discussion with Gavyn, I felt a tingling in the back of my mind. My clones were calling me towards them.

Theyd been looking after emperor Rowyn along with Willy. Well, to be more specific, theyd been bothering Willy as the Grand Spirit tried to look after emperor Rowyn. I walked up to them, waving a hand.

Whats going on?


Willy spoke simply. My clones nodded eagerly, and the boy stepped forward.

I heard you were searching for a man. Daniel Song. The [Hero] of Elutra.

Yep. Thats right. Why?

I tilted my head, and the emperor answered.

I can help you. I know where hes at.

Huh. I knew it!

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