Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)

Chapter 312: Saving the [Hero]

Chapter 312: Saving the [Hero]

312. Saving the [Hero]

Daniel Song trudged beneath a canopy of green. A dense forest rose along the slope of the mountain, cresting to the very peak together with the [Hero] and his party. Once they were at the very top, they took in the landscape. The terrain ahead shifted. The sea of trees grew sparser, eventually morphing into a world of rock and stone.

They were getting close. One the forest ended, the mountain range itself would slowly descend. And that was where theyd finally be safe. That was where theyd find themselves at Shedos.

Faith grabbed her little brothers hand, clasping onto it tightly.

Were so close

Her voice was like a whisper. Amanda glanced over at them, shrugging.

I could expedite the process if you want. A couple hundred [Savage Steps] or so, and well be right there.

Daniel knew that her Skill worked almost like a teleportation spell. In nearly an instant, she could cross over a hundred feet with only a short ten second cooldown in between. Still, they were miles out and away from the border.

It was still too risky. Especially if this resulted in them being caught by Simag and his hunters. Daniel shook his head.

Well lay low. Its just a little further

But he didn't get to finish. He was cut off by a loud barking no, a howling. It was deafening to the ears. A cacophony of them. It resounded from the very base of the mountain. Daniels head snapped to face the creatures hounding up towards them.

A pack of dog-like creatures. Ones that were deformed, each wearing a different kind of body. They had bone-like protrusions and oddly shaped claws and irregular number of limbs. Their came in all kinds of sizes too, with distinct colors that made them stand out from each other.

Daniel didnt know what he was looking at. He just stared at the creatures as they clambered up the mountain. Garland was the first to react. He drew his blade, eyeing the creatures warily.

Theyre not monsters.

They arent?

Faith blinked. She hugged Bel, and Daniel stepped forward. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the metal rings around their necks. Collars.


The [Hero] whispered. He turned to Amanda, meeting her gaze.

Theyve found us. Take Faith and

His eyes widened. He saw a shadow swooping down, and he leapt in front of the former assassin before the winged creature could swipe at her. Daniel parried a set of claws as sparks flew from his Primordial Longsword.

The winged creature drew back, letting out a screech.

[Cockatrice - Lvl. 105]

It looked like a giant rooster. One with a set of massive feathery wings, and claw-like legs that looked like it was made of bone. It stared at Daniel, its eyes burning with a red glow. It opened its beak, unleashing a flurry of flames at him.

He cut through the fire and turned to his party.

We need to run now!

More shadows flew above head as the dog-like Demons drew closer. Daniel looked up to see a familiar horned figure flying there.


Weve found you.

He bared his teeth as dozens of Demons followed after him. All the [Hero] could do was brace himself as he prepared for the worst.

Why should we trust you, emperor Roman?

I glanced between emperor Roman and the two members of the resistance. Willow was the calmer of the pair. She wore an analytical look one that studied each minute change in expression on the boys face. Meanwhile, the leader of the resistance, Gavyn, was clearly dubious.

He crossed his arms, harrumphing as he prodded the boy.


He waited.

Roman tensed. The boy emperor couldnt find any words. His worked his mouth, his tongue dry as he licked his lips. Then something flickered in his eyes. I watched as his demeanor changed, and he straightened.

I understand your suspicions, sir Gavyn.

Dont try cozying up to me, boy.

The leader of the resistance glared. Willow placed a hand on his shoulder, frowning.

Gavyn. You said wed hear him out.

I am willing to listen, but I do not care for his pretty words. Speak, boy, and we shall deem whether you are trustworthy.

The boy emperor nodded, bowing his head slightly. He rose to his feet and spoke in a regal voice befitting his station.

There is little of me to trust. Not after what my empire has done to your country and its people. But you heard what I said to Princess Salvos, didnt you?

I perked up as he gestured at me. I nodded eagerly, repeating what he said.

Yep! Yep! Emperor Roman said that he has no control over his empire. Demons are running it from within.

So I heard.

Gavyn narrowed his eyes.

But that means nothing to me. I still have no reason to trust you. In fact, that makes me trust you even less. After all, the Demons in your empire didnt come from nowhere, did they? They had to have been summoned into the Mortal Realm. This simply tells me that Inoria had been working with Demons for years decades, even.

Roman shifted his feet. His stoic demeanor receded slightly, revealing the boy within. However, he took a moment to poise himself. With a deep breath, he continued.

Thats true. I was told that my Father made a deal with an Archdemon long ago. And perhaps that gives you a reason not to trust me. You may think that I am evil for that very reason. And Im not going to ask you to trust me. Instead, Ill ask you to trust one thing.

He held the gazes of both resistance members.

That I despise the Demons as much as you do. That from the very bottom of my heart, I wish to eradicate their kind from this world. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure that is the case.

The boy finished. I cocked a brow. Huh. But Willow seemed quite impressed. She was swayed by his resolve. And she turned to Gavyn.

I think we can trust him, Gavyn. If it means we can find princess Faith and prince Bel and the [Hero] we should give him a chance.

Gavyn sighed.

Fine. But if he betrays us

I wont. You have my word.

Roman stood, resolute. I raised a hand, butting into the conversation.

Are we done now? Can we leave?

Gavyn nodded.

Very well. We shall make preparations to depart as soon as possible.

He spun around and called out to Zane.

Zane! We need your Skills to track someone down!

The [Rogue] hurried over as I tapped a finger on my chin.

Wait, I thought Willow was the one with tracking Skills?

We both have tracking Skills. Together, well be able to help us find princess Faith quicker than alone. We just need to find the general vicinity of where they are

Willow spoke, nodding. I glanced over at Roman.

You said they were at Mount Soulcreep, right?

They traveled past it further to the northeast. Last I heard, they were getting close to the border. If I remember correctly, they were in the Anima Mountain Range passing close to Elios, one of the border cities.

I see.

I clapped my hands together, interrupting Gavyn from his talk with Zane.

Alright, thats settled!

I walked up to Willow and grabbed her by the hand. One of my clones picked up Zane as the man sputtered.

Wait, whats going

Well be going now. Come on, Willy.

I ushered the Grand Spirit up. He flitted into the air as my wings spread wide masked by fire. Gavyn spoke up, clearly puzzled.

What are you doing, Salvos?

Me? Im going to go rescue the [Hero] and the princess.

I replied simply, drifting into the air. He furrowed his brows.

But we arent ready. We havent done the necessary

Oh, youre not necessary. Dont worry.

I waved a hand off, and he blinked.


Im saying you guys arent needed. Stay here and look after Roman, alright? Or you can follow after us later. Its up to you. But Im going to go now.

But youll need our help

Why would I?

I cocked my head. He pursed his lips.


No response. I shrugged and took off with Willy and my clones.

Now if youll excuse me, Ill be going now! See you guys later!

They watched as I left. I soared to the sky, carrying with me Willow and Zane. I produced my map, locating Elios on it before flying in its direction.

Hold on tight! Im not going to go slow!

And I was off, flying to the rising sun.

I cant wait to see Daniel again. I beamed. I wonder how hes doing.

Daniel heard the howling the barking, the snarling, the growling, and the shrieking. They chased after him as he sprinted through the forest. Up ahead, Amanda ran with Faith and Bel in her arms. Garland was right behind her, barely keeping up with his own enchanted boots.

It was already evening. Theyd been chased all day. From noon to sunset. They couldnt get to the border because Simag had kept interrupting them diverting their route.

The [Hero] brought up the rear. Slowest of the lot. He was hounded by shadows. Creatures that moved in the shadows. Quick and brutal. They were Demons, but most of them werent Level 100. They were close, apart from Simag and the [Cockatrice].

These were

A shadow leapt out from the bushes, snapping for Daniels head. He spun around and smacked it with the back of his fist. He stomped his foot on its underbelly, keeping it down as he stabbed it through the chest with a glowing blade. [Aura of the Sentinel]. It enhanced his attacks. It let him easily pierce through the creatures thick skin.

It thrashed about for a moment before going limp. Its black blood oozed on the ground as Daniel drew back.

You have defeated [Rabid Hellwolf - Lvl. 95]!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 10 levels below you!

Daniel panted, given only a moments reprieve to consider this. These were Demons. But not the usual intelligent kinds of Demons. They lacked any thought or basic mental capacity. They moved like savage wild animals, hungrily stalking their prey.

It was utterly ridiculous. Simag was no longer even trying to disguise the fact that he was a Demon. This move was far too bold far bolder than anything the Demons had ever tried before. That just showed how desperate they were in trying to kill Daniel, Faith, and Bel.

The [Hero] cut down another [Hellwolf] that leapt at him before making a break for it again. But after taking a single step, he saw a shadow moving overhead. The [Cockatrice] let out a terrible shriek as it unleashed a massive fireball at him.

His eyes widened as he saw the attack coming. He raised his sword, breathing deeply.

[Will of the Hero].

It shielded him from the blast. The [Cockatrice] flapped its wings, ascending once more. But Daniel was getting tired of this chase. He leapt into the air, boosted by his Heros Skill and aimed for the monsters neck.

[Heros Slash].

He beheaded the giant rooster in an instant. It fell to the ground, dead as a notification echoed in his head. He groaned as he landed back on the ground. He wanted to rest. He needed a break. But he saw the shadows moving overhead, and he was back on his feet.

Simag led a air of [Changelings] straight for Amanda. They zipped through the air and assailed the former assassin from all sides. Garland rushed to her aid, and the two moved to protect Faith and Bel.

Daniel tried to join them, but for every few steps he took, he was intercepted by a [Hellwolf]. He gritted his teeth, cutting them down one by one as he could only watch from afar as Garland was knocked back. His armor was torn open from the combined attacks of the [Changelings].


His voice came as a whisper. An armor shone around him as he propelled himself forward. Amanda stumbled back, cut across the chest by Simag. The Demon with crooked horns smiled with visible teeth, raising a clawed hand.

Daniel screamed.

No! I will not let you take another life!

He exploded past the [Hellwolves]. [A Heros Rage]. He landed between Amanda and Simag, already swinging for the Demons head. Simag leapt out of the way just in time as his sword cleaved the earth. Lightning struck down from above a concentrated storm that kept back the [Hellwolves] and the other approaching Demons.

Even the other [Changelings] were pushed back from the attack. Daniel stood before Amanda, Faith, and Bell, breathing heavily.

This ends now, Simag.

Daniel stepped forward, bringing his blade to the side. A gust of wind blew the leaves off the ground from that motion. The Archdemon grinned.

Youre right.

He pointed at Daniel, a ring in his finger flashing.

It ends here. Fireball of the August Archmage Alyssa.

A massive sphere appeared, carrying the weight of the sun itself, before rapidly condensing into a small orb. It blasted out like a bullet, and Daniels eyes widened. If he moved out of the way, Faith, Bel, and maybe even Amanda would be killed.

He gritted his teeth and stood his ground. He took on the explosion head on. It shook the earth, expanding into a blast of red. One that incinerated everything it touched. But it stopped at Daniel.

The explosion didnt blow past him. He stood there, taking the brunt of the attack. The glowing armor from his Skill was partially damaged, but it survived the blast.

Was that all you got?

He asked, smirking. Simag tilted his head, raising another hand full of more rings.

As a matter of fact, I collected quite a few more treasures from the dead queen.

Daniel stared as the rings all glowed simultaneously. The Demon with crooked horns laughed.

So, to answer your question, [Hero]: no. That is not all that I have.

And a flurry of magic assailed Daniel. He took it all, cutting down fireballs and streaks of lightning. Wind blades and a rain of hail. Chinks appeared all over his armor as the barrage continued.

Daniel turned back to Amanda as he struck down a large boulder.

Get out of here Ill hold them off!

The former assassin bit her lower lip. She tried to pick herself up, but could only groan.

W-we cant

She pointed past him. Past Simag. The onslaught of magic slowly stopped, and the Demon with crooked horns laughed. The [Hellwolves] surrounded their position. Another [Cockatrice] descended from the sky, accompanied by both Archdemons and Greater Demons. These werent even [Changelings], either. They wore no disguise, and were keenly intelligent unlike the [Hellwolves].

The gloves were off. Simag was here to finish the job.

Youve lost [Hero].

Daniel collapsed to his knees as the last of his armor broke off. He closed his eyes, then spoke defiantly.

I will never surrender

Simag chuckled.


He raised a hand as Faith tensed. She covered Bel as Garland and Amanda lay too injured on the ground to move. Daniel brought his sword up, screaming and gathering up the last of his strength.

The Demon with crooked horns just spoke casually.

[Ray of Frost].

And a beam of white shot out. One that froze the landscape. One that tore the ground asunder. It came for Daniel as his life flashed before his eyes. He remembered the Lich he remembered how futile he was against that overwhelming power. How pathetic it made him feel.

Yet, he didnt give up then. He wouldnt give up now.

Daniel shouted a challenge, facing the attack without fear. A layer of sleet rapidly approached him as the white beam shot out. For a very brief moment, the world turned cold. Everything had frozen over.

Then it was hot. The world burned. A fire raged around Daniel, melting the ice. The [Ray of Frost] was intercepted by a wall of red and white. A woman clad in flaming armor carried Daniel, smiling down at him.

He blinked, looking up at his savior.


Simag frowned.

Who are you?

And she beamed.

Im the Princess, and Im here to save the [Hero].

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