Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 50: Welcome

Chapter 50: Welcome

“Is this a dream?”

I muttered to myself, looking around. This place was the village I had been staying in, but I knew it wasn’t reality. It was clear because I vividly remembered the last time I fell asleep. The dreamlike and ethereal air around me further confirmed that this was not the real world.

Then, a voice came from across the path.

[Hello, uninvited guest. I am Sage Mang-ryang.]

Walking towards me on the small path was a black cat. The cat, introducing itself as Sage Mang-ryang, looked at me intently with its cute face. I was baffled but, knowing this wasn’t reality but a dream, I somewhat accepted it.

“Honorable Sage Mang-ryang? Why are you appearing in my dream?”

The black cat spoke.

[I cannot appear before you in any form other than a lucid dream, as to do so would be too dangerous.]

“What do you mean?”

[Two months ago, a minor evil fled through space and time, fearing a greater evil. If I get swept up in your karma, I will face the same fate.]

What was it talking about?

The cat, proclaiming itself to be Sage Mang-ryang, moved its small body and climbed onto a warm rock nearby. Curling up, it continued to stare at me and said,

[To conclude, I have no intention of meeting you. I never did, and I never will. I am already using all my capacity to keep watch over the darkness of the outer world.]

I felt deflated. I had come all this way hoping for Sage Mang-ryang’s help, but he had no intention of meeting or helping me! Angrily, I said,

“What kind of reason is that? You’ve been making incomprehensible statements from the start!”

[Can you explain what you’re doing to a mere beast?]

The black cat, Sage Mang-ryang, twirled its tail.

[It’s the same thing. The matter at hand has exceeded human comprehension. It holds a terribly frightening secret of the world, which is why it’s impossible for me to explain to you.]


[Watch carefully.]


At that moment, I felt the entire dream collapsing into darkness. I felt as if not just my body but my soul was being sucked into somewhere. When I opened my eyes again, I was in the midst of the Milky Way (銀河水), surrounded by dazzling stars.

It was an unimaginably vast scene.

Stars scattered across the dark heavens!

Millions, billions of luminous stars!

Overwhelmed by the sight, I stood there dazed. Sage Mang-ryang then said,

[Have you ever seen the universe in your lifetime? Do you think you can describe this view to others?]


[The brain is just a mirror. With its narrow perspective and angle, nothing can be seen.]

Only then did I realize.

‘This guy… he’s different! I can sense something transcendent…’

This entity known as Sage Mang-ryang was beyond comprehension or explanation from a martial artist’s perspective. It was not merely the best sorcerer but a semi-divine being, or perhaps an entity that had already transcended something.

Unlike with Tian Yu Jin, there was no comparing or contrasting with a martial artist. Each word emanated a profound aura that went beyond the distant, entering a non-human realm.

Amazed, I realized that the black cat might be a transformed spirit, an avatar, not confined to a human form. I had to accept that I was facing something more transcendent than anything I had ever encountered. As I stood there, stiffened, the black cat spoke again.

[However, I don’t want humans to become mere playthings of gods. Therefore, I’ll offer you a bit of help, as you are the most dangerous being in this world.]



Suddenly, the black cat’s paw pointed at me. Instantly, my mind cleared as if it had been emptied, and the oppressive feeling weighing on me vanished, along with the sticky, frustrating sensation that had been clinging to me.

[I’ve removed the dark energy of another realm from you. For a while, you won’t go mad or be corrupted.]


[The sorcerer you encountered is not from this world. An alien being who accidentally drifted in. Just encountering his sorcery or knowledge is enough to corrupt and lead ordinary beings to worship despair. My job is to prevent such drifters from reaching this world, but this time, luck was not on our side.]

Stunned, I then asked a crucial question,

“Wait, ‘for a while’? Does that mean there are more of these beings?”

[There might be.]

“How can I purify this dark energy from another realm?”

[Either seal away the evil energy or knowledge, or have the mental strength to withstand it.]


As I pondered, the black cat slowly walked into the cold stream, enjoying the water’s chill. Then it began to walk away, back down the path.

[Well, I’m busy, so I’ll be going now.]

Was it really going to leave just like that, dropping hints and not resolving anything? I realized Sage Mang-ryang was just as whimsical as his disciple, Mang-ryang. Frustrated, I quickly ran in front of the black cat to stop it.

“Wait! Just a moment!”

[Do you have more to say?]

“I get that you only say what you want, don’t solve the riddles, and do whatever you please without explaining!”

Sage Mang-ryang seemed amused by my response.

[Hmm… You seem to know me well.]

“Just answer a few questions!”

[I won’t answer what I can’t.]

I nodded and asked,

“Do you know what the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries is?”

[What is that?]

“Why did you only appear after two months?”

[That’s my business.]

“What does it mean that I’m the most dangerous being in the world?”

[You just seem that way. Plus, you’re not very good-looking.]


[What? Why? What?]

Faced with Sage Mang-ryang’s sarcastic demeanor, I could see he truly was Mang-ryang’s teacher. Sensing that further questions about my situation would be futile, I shifted my focus.

“Sage Mang-ryang. I need to take down the Embroidered Uniform Guards. Can’t you help me? Even if your disciple, Tian Yu Jin, could assist, it would be a great help.”

The black cat yawned.

[It’s bothersome, not my business, and I don’t impose my will on my disciple. I don’t care if Mang-ryang roams with you. If you want Tian Yu Jin as an ally, that’s for you to figure out.]

“But you took away the Five Fires-Seven Birds Divine Fan from him.”

[Using the Divine Fan was allowed by me. But knowing my disciple’s nature, he would keep using it to help you, diminishing his lifespan. I can’t let him shorten his life, hence my command.]

Now I remembered that the talentless Mang-ryang’s use of the Divine Fan reduces his lifespan. Was that why Sage Mang-ryang took it back? The cat’s sharp gaze flickered as it continued.

[My disciple’s intellect is the best on the continent. In chaotic times, he could have been a great like Zhuge Liang or Xiao He. I sent him away because he lacked talent in sorcery, but I value his intellect. He’s enough without the Divine Fan.]

“But to oppose the Embroidered Uniform Guards, we need actual power.”

[Figure it out yourself. I don’t meddle in worldly affairs.]

This was getting nowhere, a bystander attitude. With no other option, I asked another question.

“If I bring a certain book, can you interpret it?”

[If you’re talking about the Nameless Ritual Sacrifice Rites, it’s impossible. Only beings from another realm can interpret it.]

“Mang-ryang said if he had another similar book, he could interpret it.”

[That’s my disciple’s misconception. It’s not created by the usual linguistic rules or logic. No matter how smart he is, it’s impossible.]


Only beings from another realm can interpret it.

This meant that the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries could also be read by beings from another realm. I had already shown the book to the sorcerer, confirming this fact. He spouted incomprehensible words, but I didn’t pay attention. After a moment of thought, I asked,

“Then take me as your disciple! I want to learn sorcery…”

[That’s impossible. You might lack martial arts talent, but you have even less in sorcery. Just give up.]

He was infuriating. I yelled in frustration,

“How can you be so certain?”

[I just can. And giving false hope to someone without talent is more cruel. I think I’m being kind.]

“You’re a terrible being.”

[I hear that often…]

As Sage Mang-ryang yawned and prepared to leave, I quickly interjected,

“Wait! Just one more thing!”

[What now?]

“Where can I find the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries?”

[That’s an artifact left by immortals in this world, like the Divine Fan. Unlike the Divine Fan, it has guardians. It can also be used by ordinary people without advanced sorcery knowledge.]

My interest was piqued. Such a valuable item existed! I excitedly asked,

“Oh… Where can I find it?”

[I don’t know.]


[If I knew, I would have collected them all. Why would I tell someone like you?]

“Why mention it if you don’t know where it is?!”

[You fool. Do I have to explain everything?]

Jumping onto a rooftop, the cat continued leisurely,

[I don’t know where the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries is, but it’s surely guarded by a protector. In other words, find a relic guarded by a protector. After all, the protector is also an artifact left by immortals.]


[It seems I have advised enough. Investigate the rest on your own.]

The black cat, having said this, was already walking down the path. Its brisk steps indicated it wouldn’t stop even if I tried.

[So, farewell.]

“Wait, just a moment!”

Sage Mang-ryang briefly looked back and added,

[Don’t bother looking for me again until you break that curse, you fool.]


Awaking from the vivid dream, I immediately went to Mang-ryang. Startled by my sudden visit in the middle of the night, he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

“What’s the matter?”

I told Mang-ryang everything I had experienced. After hearing it all, he sighed as if he had expected this.

“So, the master doesn’t intend to help us.”

“What should we do?”

Mang-ryang scratched his head.

“What else can we do… Just stay in the village and keep strengthening ourselves.”

This was unexpected. Shouldn’t we be actively searching for the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries? Seeing my confusion, Mang-ryang elaborated.

“This village is currently the safest place in the world. It’s protected by the master’s power, and Tian Yu Jin can ward off any external threats with his barriers. There’s no safer choice than strengthening ourselves here.”

“What about the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries?”

“I’m aware of the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries. It’s an artifact containing the powers of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Unlike the Divine Fan, even those without sorcery knowledge can wield its formidable power.”

Mang-ryang shook his head.

“But the guardians of the Seven Luminaries are terrifyingly powerful. Defeating them and obtaining the treasures is nothing but a fantasy. It’s better to fight the Embroidered Uniform Guards than to face them.”

“What? You said the guardians are artifacts left by immortals, and they’re that strong?”

“The guardians, created by beings of mythological power to protect the treasures, are beyond imagination in this era of declining sorcery. If we can’t handle the Embroidered Uniform Guards, it’s impossible to go treasure hunting for the Seven Luminaries. Just finding the relics would take ages.”


Mang-ryang continued,

“You’ve been improving through real combat, haven’t you? If you further refine your martial prowess and master your formidable internal energy, you’ll stand a chance against the Embroidered Uniform Guards. Let’s take our time and build our strength.”

He was right. In recent battles, I felt my skills had leveled up, and my mastery of Thunder Sprit techniques seemed to be becoming more fluid. Even without talent, it seemed I was reaching a breakthrough after prolonged training.

But impatience gnawed at me, and I shook my head.

“How do we know when the Embroidered Uniform Guards will attack? I want to confront them before they grow stronger.”

“With Tian Yu Jin here, even an army of a hundred thousand couldn’t breach this place.”

Mang-ryang stated confidently, then added,

“The real issue is the central figures of the Embroidered Uniform Guards, the chief and deputy chief. Recruiting warriors for the Golden Guard is easy for the imperial palace. What’s crucial is defeating those key figures. Don’t worry about the small fry; focus on gaining the strength to defeat them.”

He had a point.

‘But… I’ve left the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries outside for too long. I feel uneasy.’

If enemies attacked and the barrier was breached, leading to my death, wouldn’t that mean an end to my regressions? Fear of death enveloped me, fueling my impatience.

I need the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries to feel secure.

Moreover, a sense of defiance surged within me. Despite Mang-ryang’s right words, something inside me couldn’t stand it, especially after being treated like a fool by Sage Mang-ryang. This urge to achieve something right away was overwhelming. So, I bluntly responded,

“… I can’t do that. The martial realm isn’t something that can be ascended easily, and I can’t stand the thought of staying here indefinitely, wasting time in complacency.”

“Hmm… Tian Yu Jin’s illusion was just a prank. Taking it too seriously…”

“I want to gain power as soon as possible. I’ll find the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries myself.”

Mang-ryang sighed in response.

“Can’t help it then… it’s earlier than I expected, but I’ll go with you.”

“You stay here. I can’t afford to protect you too.”

“Rushing around the world haphazardly looking for the Seven Luminaries’s relics like finding a needle in a haystack?”

“Think of it as a martial journey.”

“You’re too impatient… Calm down and think rationally.”

Yet, Mang-ryang reluctantly left the village with me. Upon leaving, I immediately retrieved the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries and kept it close. Perhaps my impatience stemmed from not having it with me.

It was the middle of the night.

The air was getting chilly, but having the book back gave me courage.

‘Good, now to find the Secret Treasures of the Seven Luminaries and get moving…’

Just as Mang-ryang and I were deciding our first destination,

“Ah, here’s the ‘self-proclaimed’ White Lotus Sect’s guardian.”

A cold voice echoed in the night. I turned towards it and saw a figure wearing a white mask, surrounded by Embroidered Uniform Guards holding torches. I recognized him.

“The Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards!”

“Ha… Recognizing me right away, you are indeed formidable.”

The leader of the Embroidered Uniform Guards, also the best warrior in the imperial palace, laughed heartily.

Surrounded unexpectedly, I was confused but then realized they must have been surrounding the area. Otherwise, the number of Embroidered Uniform Guards appearing from the pine forest couldn’t have exceeded dozens.

The Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards spoke leisurely.

“We concluded you arrived in this village a month ago after tracking down the description and features of the one who annihilated the Golden Guard’s six brigades. But we couldn’t attack or infiltrate due to a mysterious fog causing casualties. Fortunately, you left the fortress on your own.”


“What an interesting investigation. Pretending to be the White Lotus Sect’s guardian, huh? Hahaha.”

I deeply regretted my actions.

‘Mang-ryang was right.’

I had thought they lost track of me, but they had known my whereabouts a month ago and were just watching due to Tian Yu Jin’s fog barrier. The village was almost self-sufficient and closed off, so they couldn’t use the residents either.

If only I had further developed my Lei Ying technique, turning it into a refined sword qi, I wouldn’t have been so afraid. But my impatience led me to act rashly, inviting trouble.

I clenched my teeth.

“I’m sorry, Mang-ryang.”

Mang-ryang weakly smiled, seemingly resigned.

“It’s okay. Spilt milk. Try to escape.”


There was no way I could handle both Mang-ryang and the Embroidered Uniform Guards’ encirclement. My own life was in jeopardy. I tried to buy time by talking to the Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards.

“Haha, impersonating! How do you know if I’m the White Lotus Sect’s guardian or not?”

“Apparently, you know little. One of the three White Lotus Sect’s guardians has joined hands with us. We have considerable information about the sect. Your appearance doesn’t match any of the guardians.”


One of the White Lotus Sect’s guardians had allied with the Embroidered Uniform Guards!

Shocked by this unexpected information but realizing they had such intelligence, the Commander continued.

“It’s unfortunate the sorcerer died and we can’t perform more rituals. But we’ve interpreted the Nameless Ritual Sacrifice Rites, so we just need to find someone with enough sorcery power.”

“Damn you… What are you thinking, carrying out such cruel acts? Even if you summon demons through human sacrifice, is it worth it? What do you think will happen to the White Lotus Sect with the demons?”

The Commander calmly revealed his plans as if he had decided to kill us here.

“Of course not. Even a hundred demons can’t challenge the White Lotus Sect leader. The demons are merely offerings for a secondary ritual. And when that ritual is complete, we will annihilate the White Lotus Sect and achieve eternal glory for His Majesty.”

“Secondary ritual?”

“Hahaha… Resolve the rest of your questions in the torture chamber. There’s much we want to hear from you.”


At the same moment, dozens of highly skilled members of the Embroidered Uniform Guards, including peak masters, moved in a wave-like formation, creating a joint formation. With my current skills, it was impossible to break through this encirclement.

Then, Mang-ryang, standing next to me, spoke.

“… I have a request.”


“Please, behead me. I can’t endure torture.”

Feeling a pang in my heart at Mang-ryang’s calm request, I was filled with regret.

What a predicament this was.

Each word Mang-ryang had spoken had helped me escape death numerous times, and now, due to a moment’s impatience, I had to behead him to spare his suffering!

Feeling stupid and miserable, I held back tears and said,

“Go first. I’ll follow.”

Mang-ryang chuckled, a laugh I would never forget.

“Heh… It’s been fun.”


“No! How could this be!”

The Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guards frowned. My sword moved elegantly in a full circle, cleanly separating Mang-ryang’s head from his body. I had done my best to be as swift as possible, and with the  Spiritual Thunder Qi surrounding it, Mang-ryang must have felt almost no pain.

Hating myself to the point of being unbearable, I bit my lip until it bled. Then, I challenged the Commander.

“Commander! If you’re the best warrior in the imperial palace, let’s fight one-on-one! If I lose, I’ll tell you everything!!”

The surrounding Embroidered Uniform Guards stirred, surprised by the sudden duel request from someone trapped in their encirclement. The Commander readily accepted.

“Fine. I was curious about the skills of someone claiming to be the White Lotus Sect’s guardian.”

“Shut up!”

“You’re losing focus. I’ll give you three chances.”


Without realizing it, I pulled up my  Spiritual Thunder techniques. Simultaneously, the immense inner strength spread throughout my body transformed into  Spiritual Thunder Qi, surrounding me with lightning energy. My body sparking like lightning in the night startled the Embroidered Uniform Guards.

“The inner strength with the nature of the five elements reaching its peak can produce such a phenomenon, I’ve heard. Impressive.”


I charged at the Commander calmly assessing me. Planning to deliver my strongest strike, I had no intention of holding back against an absolute master like the Commander. Three chances, he said, so I aimed to split his head open without hesitation.


Lightning, imbued with brilliance, moved through the air at incredible speed. My sword, filled with  Spiritual Thunder Qi, struck the Commander’s figure ten times in a flash. Such a swift attack would have finished a Golden Guard in one blow.


But the Commander’s voice came from an unexpected direction. Seeing him standing three meters away, leisurely turned away, sent chills down my spine. I might have struck an afterimage, but his speed was almost like a clone technique.



Another attack yielded the same result. For the last attempt, I launched a full-on assault at the Commander’s front, using Eight-style Spiritual Thunder Technique, the ultimate move of Spiritual Thunder Sword Technique, so powerful that even Jin So-cheong couldn’t block it.




The Commander flicked his finger and my sword blade snapped in two, flying away. My sword, richly imbued with  Spiritual Thunder Qi, was supposed to be as durable as the best steel, but it broke too easily. Stunned, I stood frozen as the Commander spoke calmly.

“Your speed and strength are commendable, but your martial arts level is too crude. To claim yourself as a guardian of the White Lotus Sect… you’re far from those monsters. Even I’m not confident to win against them in a one-on-one fight, and yet you, with just the skills of a major sect elder, have been meddling in our affairs?”


“The White Lotus Sect leader… it’s a real problem that even three guardians like those couldn’t defeat him, heh heh heh.”

I had no time to hesitate anymore.


“No, not this!”

Blood gushed from my mouth uncontrollably, catching the Commander off guard. He seemed to have underestimated my will to live. I seized the brief moment of his carelessness to successfully sever my own heart meridian, committing suicide.

It was my first time doing this, and it felt truly terrible.


My blood vessels burst and my insides felt shattered. Blood spewed continuously from my throat. I knelt, overwhelmed by intense pain until my consciousness faded. In my fading vision, I saw Mang-ryang’s severed head on the ground.

‘Mang-ryang, I’m sorry.’

I vowed not to repeat such mistakes if I were to live again.

There’s no guarantee of coming back to life, but if I do, I will definitely avenge today’s grudge.

And then I lost consciousness.

It was my sixth death.

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