Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

This is my 7th life.


I burst out of the stable with no time to ponder, filled with frustration and anger.

‘Dammit! Shit!!’

Reviving at this point isn’t surprising anymore. Having experienced rebirth over 5 times and possessing the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries, I’m confident in the possibility of revival as long as I have it. However, what truly infuriates me is that fundamentally, I haven’t changed at all despite repeatedly experiencing life and death. I’ve amassed martial arts skills and knowledge, but in critical moments, my lack of patience and wisdom led to my downfall.

Currently, I harbor more disgust for myself than for the Embroidered Uniform Guards who killed me. I’m so ashamed, I want to end my life right now.

Normally, I would have eagerly sought out the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries or the Millennium Ginseng upon regaining consciousness, but not this time. Overwhelmed by intense self-loathing, I headed into the woods and vomited.

“Cough! Cough! Huff…”

After retching for a while, the bitter smell of vomit rose from the ground.

Why am I like this?

Have I not changed at all?

—[Haha…It was fun while it lasted]

Mang-ryang’s last laugh was haunting me, piercing my heart like a spike.

He died because of me.

My wrong choices led to the death of others.

I thought I had enough of martial arts and knowledge. However, I relied mostly on Mang-ryang’s wisdom for solutions, and lacked the ability to calmly contemplate my next move. Even consuming the Millennium Snow Ginseng feels like a waste of time now.

I need to change.

I must transform myself.

“… And I must admit it now.”

I murmured softly.

Despite my realizations, I’m irreversibly addicted to the pursuit of power and rebirth. With the secret of rebirth, I can’t stop until I reach the end. And there are still too many enemies to face. Without accepting [death] as a premise, I can’t truly grow.

What I need now is [power].

And personal, mental growth!

To truly commit, I must be ready to die a hundred times more.

‘Let’s think carefully. Set aside immediate benefits and think rationally…’

I began to clear away my self-loathing and started to think logically. My sixth life’s journey with Mang-ryang taught me a lot. Mang-ryang often told me to ‘look at the bigger picture.’ He meant that by only seeking insight in a narrow scope, I often fell victim to my own schemes. I realized the need to think broadly and find rational solutions to situations.

Then, I concluded that I severely lacked power. It’s not that I didn’t know this from the start, but when I initially set out to thwart the human sacrifice plan, I planned to confront the Embroidered Uniform Guards head-on and quickly. The miscalculation was that although Mang-ryang’s master, Sage Mang-ryang, and his disciple, Tian Yu Jin, had enough power to turn the world upside down, they were unwilling to use it against the Embroidered Uniform Guards.

‘It was wrong to rely on the strength of others.

Even if I stepped in now to stop the Embroidered Uniform Guards’s first conspiracy, I expected the same sequence of events to unfold. Even if I hadn’t impersonated the White Lotus Sect’s Guardian at Huangshan, given the Embroidered Uniform Guards’s intelligence network, they would eventually identify me as the culprit. In this scenario, no matter how well I fight, it’s the same if I don’t have the power to defeat the Embroidered Uniform Guards’s leader.

‘I need the power to ultimately defeat the commander… and the Embroidered Uniform Guards.’

What level of power would that be?

It’s unimaginable for me now, but it must be a force capable of shaking the entire world. Even a natural genius would struggle to attain such power through decades of fortunate encounters and grueling effort. Yet, despite this, I must obtain such power. Not if I want to avoid witnessing the death of another comrade.

Soon after, I was able to determine my plan.

“This time, I won’t get involved with the Embroidered Uniform Guards. Instead, I will train at the Azure Dragon Martial Hall for decades if necessary.”

This is a painful and challenging life. Despite possessing martial arts skills that could easily make me a top fighter in the martial world, I choose to spend decades in arduous training as an instructor at the Azure Dragon Martial Hall.

And if the timing doesn’t work out – then I will commit suicide. Never in my past lives had I planned to end my own life. However, after Mang-ryang’s death and repeated failures, I decided to actively use my regression ability.

This time, it’s different.

Resolved, I headed towards the cave where the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries was kept. I could have stolen the silver and gold from the village chief’s house, but I left it untouched, preferring a clean history if I was to live at the Azure Dragon Martial Hall. Stepping into the cave where the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries was located, I was immediately on alert.



“… This is easy now.”

This time, I caught the arrows with my hand without using any objects to deflect or block them. My reflexes had dramatically improved with the development of my inner thunder energy, allowing me to catch arrows from mechanical traps in an instant. Competing against first-rate or peak-level masters had made this task as easy as eating cold rice porridge.

After securing the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries, I quickly headed towards Huangshan. During the journey, I felt my lightness skill had improved, a sign that I was using my internal energy more efficiently than before. Unlike last time, when I couldn’t control my speed and crashed into trees and rocks, this time there were no such incidents.

Tap Tap

Arriving at Huangshan, it felt like I had shortened the journey by a day or two compared to before, primarily because I had barely eaten during the run. Surprisingly, despite the intense exertion, I didn’t feel hungry or tired, as if my internal energy had transformed my body into that of a superhuman.

‘First, I need to borrow a pot for boiling water from a nearby village.’

I moved around calmly, careful not to provoke any conflict with the elders of Huangshan Sect like before. Instead of rushing around, I kept a low profile, alert to my surroundings. Sure enough, I spotted Cold Heaven Sword Gongjae, an elder of the Huangshan Sect, walking on a fog-enshrouded path with his disciples.


I concealed my presence and enhanced my hearing with internal energy. Soon, I could hear Cold Heaven Sword Gongjae speaking.

“… Every time I come out on patrol, I realize how vast Huangshan really is. Isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.”

One of his disciples, holding a lantern, asked as they walked.

“But is it necessary to come this far out? This place is quite remote…”

“The world is a dangerous place, with bandits and mountain thieves often lurking around. If rumors spread that such people are rampant in the Huangshan region, it would tarnish our sect’s reputation. We must come out this far occasionally to prevent such incidents before they occur.”

“I see….”

“That’s enough for now. Let’s return and continue our training. You all still have much to improve in the Cloud Dragon Eight Swords technique.”

“Understood, Master.”

After a while, their presence faded into the distance. Emerging from the bushes a while later, I dusted off my clothes, feeling a mix of emotions.

‘Huangshan Sect behaves like a gang, extorting large sums from the local people, but the elders and disciples seem surprisingly ordinary. Can there be such a difference between an organization and its individuals?’

I knew that the Huangshan Sect’s leader had ties with the Wind God School and the White Lotus Sect, especially a close relationship with a guardian protector of the White Lotus Sect. While not openly considered enemies in the martial world, their uneasy relationship with the royal court and close ties with the controversial White Lotus Sect were not trivial matters.

Recently, the Huangshan Sect had rapidly grown, entering the lower ranks of the established martial sects. The influence of the White Lotus and Fengshen Schools was evident. A closer look into the origins of Huangshan Sect’s martial arts might reveal more.

‘But, that’s not something to investigate now… I’ll have to look into it when I have time.’

Storing this information in my mind, I headed towards the location of the Millennium Snow Ginseng. I had been to this cave many times, so I calmly descended into the snowfield. After boiling black and white lotus in a pot I borrowed from a nearby house, I consumed it with the Millennium Snow Ginseng.

Woo Woo Woo—

There was no pain this time.

After completing the energy circulation, I felt a noticeable increase in strength, as if the energy coursing through my body had gained new vitality. However, the rate of increase was somewhat lower than before, probably because I wasn’t fully utilizing my existing internal energy. Unused energy was accumulating, waiting to be harnessed. As my skill level increased, there was a high chance that my internal energy would surge dramatically.

“Phew, that’s done.”

Now, unlike before, I can enter the Azure Dragon Martial Hall, teach as an instructor, and learn the Thunder God style.

Even if the Embroidered Uniform Guards invite me, I’ll refuse.

That should be enough.

Just as I was about to leave the cave, something caught my eye.



I noticed a faint, mysterious light shimmering from the pond where I had harvested the black and white lotus. It was so subtle that anyone but me might have missed it. But my senses, sharper than any wild animal’s, caught the signal. Curious, I approached the pond and saw a tiny light streaming from within. This was something not even a seasoned martial artist would likely notice.

‘What’s this light?’

A light emanating from the depths of the lotus-covered pond. I felt the need to investigate and dived into the water without hesitation. I was an excellent swimmer, so drowning wasn’t a concern.


Bubble bubble…

Navigating the thick roots and stems of the lotus-covered pond was challenging, but my extraordinary internal energy allowed me to breathe through my skin and hold my breath comfortably for a considerable time. So, I leisurely made my way deeper among the lotus roots.

Then, I realized something astonishing.


This pond was incredibly deep! Even after diving about ten zhang (approx. 30m) through the lotus roots, I still couldn’t see the bottom. And the light that was trickling out was now clear enough for even a normal person to see.

Close to the light source, I noticed a strange pattern carved on a stone wall, and there was a mysterious stone door. In the center of this obviously man-made door, a round orb emitting light was embedded. This orb must have been the source of the light I had seen.

‘Who would have thought there was something like this in the black and white lotus pond…’

After a moment of contemplation, I decided to remove the orb, suspecting it might be holding the door closed.


My guess was right. As soon as I exerted force to remove the orb, the stone door rolled open with a creak, revealing an underwater passage. Strangely, despite the door opening abruptly, not a single drop of water entered the passage. Stepping inside, I could breathe comfortably, as if the air was different here.

“How is this possible?”

I looked around the passageway in wonder. The water from the pond didn’t enter, as if an invisible barrier was in place. I could breathe easily in this air, which was inexplicable by common understanding.

Nonetheless, I decided to explore further.

Step, step

The passage spiraled downwards like a rolled-in staircase. Torches hung here and there, making it navigable for an ordinary person. I proceeded cautiously, wary of any traps, but there seemed to be none.


After a while, I came upon a vast cavern. Several torches lit up the space, making it fairly bright. In the center of the cavern was a strange altar. Overwhelmed by an indescribable eeriness, I hesitated but decided to investigate further.

Approaching the altar, I examined the jars and rocks placed around it. The jars were empty, and the rocks bore no distinctive marks. It was curious that no musty smell lingered in this dark, damp place.

Eventually, my gaze settled on the altar. It was inscribed with an unknown language, a strange tongue beyond my comprehension, possibly similar to that of the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries but beyond my knowledge to confirm.

Then it happened.

[ … Blood… Draw… Awaken…..]


I was startled.

For some unknown reason, I felt I understood some of the language inscribed on the stone slab in front of the altar! I had never learned or been exposed to it, so my bafflement was inevitable. Unable to fully interpret it, I stuttered through a few words and roughly grasped the meaning.

It seemed that [something happens when blood is dropped on the altar], likely requiring blood from the wrist. Filled with curiosity and no other option in this situation, I slightly cut my wrist with the dagger I had.


As my blood fell, it slowly seeped into the grooves of the altar.


“It’s opening…?!”

I was astonished as the seemingly normal stone wall suddenly opened, revealing a door to another space. Entering it, I was greeted by a blinding light.

So bright it hurt my eyes!

“… What’s that!!”

On the opposite side of the cavern, which seemed about 30 zhang across, something emitting a bright light caught my attention. It appeared to be either a treasure or a weapon, emitting an extraordinarily bright radiance.


The problem, however, was that the cavern was like a bottomless pit, and I would have to cross a narrow bridge laid out in a straight line to reach the radiant object. Just as I was about to step forward, excited by the prospect of an unexpected treasure, I remembered a piece of advice.

[ Be cautious on an obvious path; it’s surely a trap.]

This was advice Mang-ryang often gave me during our travels, and it suddenly echoed in my mind.

‘Right. I must be careful.’

With that thought, I stepped back from the bridge and stood at the entrance, embracing caution.

And that decision proved to be the right one.


From the abyss came a sound like something boiling and bubbling up. It sounded like something climbing the walls with a sticky and thumping noise.

As I silently held my breath at the entrance, a gigantic something burst through the middle of the narrow bridge with a crash!


Emerging from the darkness – it was a spider!

A massive spider, its size spanning tens of zhang long, leapt out of the abyss. Its dozens of eyes glinted in the dark as it attached itself to the ceiling with its silk, seemingly searching for intruders. I quickly hid behind the passage.

‘Shit. If I had just walked across the bridge, I would’ve been caught and devoured.’

Would I have reincarnated even after being eaten?

What’s certain is that, even if I did reincarnate, my mental state would be in shambles. Grateful for heeding Mang-ryang’s wisdom, I contemplated my next move.

With the bridge now destroyed, I would have to leap 30 zhang to reach the other side. But with the giant spider clinging to the ceiling and watching, evading its attack while making such a leap seemed impossible, even for me as I am now.

Twitch-twitch, creak…

The spider, seemingly just awakened, was busy attaching silk to the ceiling, likely to make this area its lair. If it completed its web, it would be impossible for anyone to get past the spider and reach the treasure. The geographical advantage of the web, combined with the spider’s immense size, made it a formidable barrier.

‘…What should I do?’

I assessed the distance and time briefly and then made up my mind.

“Let’s worry about it after I die!!”


Before the situation worsened, I impulsively leaped towards the center of the cavern. About halfway through, the spider reacted and shot webbing towards me. I invoked my Spiritual Thunder Technique and sliced through the web with my dagger.


The Spiritual Thunder Technique seemed to negate the stickiness of the web. I felt a slight numbness in my hand but used the recoil to propel myself to the other side. Landing safely, I examined the source of the bright light.

A sword!

It was ancient, rough in shape, and seemed impractical. It looked like a primitive blade used in ancient battlefields centuries ago. However, the sword radiated a golden light and emitted a powerful energy, comparable to my internal force.

I realized that the giant spider clinging to the ceiling was guarding this sword. The inscription on the altar probably referred to a guardian of the sword. I remembered seeing such words.


At that moment, I recalled something Sage Mang-ryang had told me.

‘Could it be…!!’

The Seven Luminaries!

Could this ancient sword be one of the legendary artifacts of the seven immortals? Just as I was stunned by this revelation:


Suddenly, the spider started emitting silk from its entire body. The silk poured out at a terrifying speed, threatening to cover the entire area. I had no way to penetrate such a massive web or return across the now-destroyed bridge.

“F*ck… If only I had a sword aura to try something.”

Resigned, I made the most rational decision in that situation.



I instantly ruptured my heart meridian, choosing self-destruction.

If there was no way to win or escape, death was the only option.

Dying on my own terms was far better than being consumed alive and becoming prey.

This was my seventh death.

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