Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 49: Welcome

Chapter 49: Welcome

After much deliberation, I said to Mang-ryang,

“Can’t you go in alone and try to persuade them?”

“That’s one way, but I’m not too keen on it.”


“It’s the first time I’ve seen the junior brother so vehemently prevent someone from visiting our master. Once he decides against something, he pushes through with it. I believe he won’t let even me in unless we remove this ‘source of evil energy.'”

There was a strange look of suspicion in Mang-ryang’s eyes as he said this.

Mang-ryang asked me,

“Is your internal energy, by any chance, derived from the demonic path?”

“Not at all. As you see, my ability is based on the energy of the Five-Elemental Thunder. You know better than anyone the effect of breaking illusions with Thunder Qi.”

“Hmm… I can’t get a sense of it.”

I felt a pang in my chest as I watched Mang-ryang grumble. In truth, the best solution in this situation would be to leave the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries somewhere else, but Mang-ryang would immediately become suspicious. I was also not inclined to casually reveal the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries to Mang-ryang.

But I had no choice.

Despite possessing first-rate internal energy, I had easily fallen for Tian Yu Jin’s illusion. I had to acknowledge the fact that his illusion transcended internal energy with its profound mystery. This wasn’t a situation to be tackled with mere stubbornness. Reluctantly, I had to reveal the truth to Mang-ryang.

“Mang-ryang. Perhaps his resistance against me is because of this book.”


I showed Mang-ryang the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries from my pocket and explained how I came to possess it. Upon seeing the strange characters, Mang-ryang was shocked and exclaimed,

“These characters are identical to the Nameless Ritual Sacrifice Rites of the Imperial Palace!”

“Can you decipher it?”

“I don’t know how that sorcerer did it, but it’s impossible with my abilities. I would need the Nameless Ritual Sacrifice Rites for comparison to attempt a translation… But given such an item, it’s no wonder Tian Yu Jin called it an evil object.”

Muttering to himself, Mang-ryang said, “But from what you say, it seems you don’t want to part with this book. Does it hold significant meaning for you?”

“Not particularly. But who would be foolish enough to just discard a precious book that could be a treasure?”

“That’s true.”

Mang-ryang seemed convinced by my evasive answer.

After a moment of contemplation, Mang-ryang suggested, “Then bury the book somewhere only you know and return for it after meeting our master. Wouldn’t that solve the problem?”

His suggestion made sense.

However, I couldn’t easily agree to it. Despite my casual dismissal, the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries was likely the source of my regression. If I were to leave it somewhere and unexpectedly die, the chances of never being able to regress again were high. Facing someone with an illusionary technique I couldn’t resist, there was a very high risk of sudden death due to their whims. I was more concerned about that than someone stealing the book.

‘If it’s stolen, I can still find it, but death is irrecoverable.’

I decided to push a bit and persuade Mang-ryang.

I said to Mang-ryang, “Why don’t I try breaking through his illusion instead of just bowing down to him?”

“What? That’s absurd!”

Mang-ryang was shocked and began to explain earnestly,

“Baek-woong, the reason you effortlessly passed through my Cloud formation  was purely because my Qi Men Dun Jia wasn’t infused with spiritual power. Your strong Qi overpowered the technique. In the martial world, most formations work this way, which is why martial artists often underestimate Qi Men Dun Jia.

However, my junior brother’s illusion is the essence of true Qi Men Dun Jia. When a sorcery is filled with divine energy, the situation changes. No matter how strong the Qi, there’s nothing one can do when reality and illusion interfere. You were probably under the effect without even realizing.”

His words made sense, and I had nothing to counter with.

“That’s why, to break such a powerful illusion in the martial world, one needs the mind to form intent… It’s known as the pinnacle among pinnacles in martial arts.”


I understood what Mang-ryang meant by mind and intent. It was more than just manipulating Qi; it was a theory leading towards the highest stage in martial arts. I lacked the talent to realize it, but geniuses like Jin So-cheong or Lee Gwang could comprehend and actualize it. For me, it was a distant realm, so I could intuitively understand Mang-ryang’s words.

Simply put, it was about whether one could break a rock with sheer willpower. I couldn’t do it no matter how hard I concentrated. I could only use Qi to punch and break the rock. However, for Jin So-cheong or Lee Gwang, breaking a rock with just their will was possible.

But even so, I couldn’t part with the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries for a moment. I shook my head vehemently.

“Then I won’t rely on Sage Mang-ryang!”

“What… What did you say?!”

Mang-ryang looked stupefied and then started shaking with anger, seemingly feeling wronged and frustrated.

“You fool! If we could get my master’s help, it would be more precious than an army of a thousand soldiers, yet you’re willing to miss this opportunity just because you don’t want to part with that book? Come to your senses, please! We can’t possibly defeat the Embroidered Uniform Guards in a direct fight.”

“I need to be convinced. Even with a direct confrontation, the power difference is hopeless. How much difference would Mang-ryang’s master’s help make? Can he wipe out the Golden Guard commanders with his sorcery?”


“No matter what you say, I intend to challenge this illusion until I’m convinced. Who knows, I might be able to break through his barrier.”

Mang-ryang looked like he was about to die of frustration, but eventually, it seemed my stubbornness had paid off, and he rested his chin in his hand. After pondering for a while, he said, “Your obsession with that book is beyond my understanding. Anyway, fine. If you’re going to be that way, I’ll enter the illusion with you.”

“Will that make any difference? You were also easily deceived just now.”

“If I go in with you, at least the junior brother won’t harm you. Consider it a compromise on my part.”

With that, Mang-ryang and I once again walked into the village. I felt sorry for being so stubborn with Mang-ryang, but I had no choice. If I died after leaving the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries outside and couldn’t regress, there would be no greater emergency. That’s why I was even willing to give up on Mang-ryang’s master’s help.


About twenty steps in, a thick mist began to envelop the ground beneath our feet. I looked around, but Mang-ryang had disappeared, and the ordinary rural landscape had transformed into a daunting valley. I vigorously boosted my internal energy to break free from the illusion, but nothing changed.

Step by step…

Confronted by Tian Yu Jin, who still appeared in his farmer’s attire, I felt his cold stare. He said to me,

“Truly an ignorant man. I acknowledge your internal energy is unmatched in this entire world, but even with that, you cannot break through my illusionary mist in this lifetime.”

“Why are you so intent on stopping me? Do you have the authority to refuse a visitor seeking to see your master?”

“As I said, the master isn’t here right now. My reason for stopping you is the peculiar and evil energy I sense from you. It’s my duty as a disciple not to let such a dangerous element near the master’s retreat.”

I felt unjustly accused and protested to Tian Yu Jin, “Evil energy? Mang-ryang and I have been practicing righteousness to help the innocent! How can you accuse me of having an evil aura out of nowhere?”

Tian Yu Jin confidently replied, “That’s why you’re still alive. While you’re not utterly wicked, I’ve never felt such a peculiar energy before, so I’m still cautious. If it were the energy of a non-human, malevolent path, you wouldn’t have taken three steps before your breath was cut.”

“Ha, as if that would happen…”


At that moment, blood gushed from my nose and mouth. A subtle attack seemed to strike my internal organs without any warning. Thankfully, it wasn’t fatal, but it was a secret and sudden attack.

“Why wouldn’t it happen? In this illusionary mist, I control time and space.”

This is dangerous!

Fear welled up inside me. Though Tian Yu Jin was only ten meters away, it felt like I could never reach him, and he could attack me at will, putting me at a severe disadvantage.

I asked Tian Yu Jin, “How… How do you have such power at your young age?”

Tian Yu Jin smirked. “You appear five years younger than me. Are you a master who has undergone half-aging?”


“Leave while you can. You’re causing trouble for Mang-ryang as well.”

Tian Yu Jin didn’t seem to dislike Mang-ryang. Contrary to my expectation that Tian Yu Jin would look down on Mang-ryang due to their talent difference, their relationship seemed like a typical one between a junior brother and senior brother. Curious, I asked,

“What did you do to Mang-ryang?”

“He’s walking through an endless maze. I posed him a problem based on Qi Men Dun Jia.”

“Please step aside. We don’t have time to waste here.”

“You should start accepting that you’re the one being unreasonable. It would be best to give up the thought that I can’t kill you.”


Tian Yu Jin’s threat was not an idle one. As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding mist transformed into spears, encircling me. Needless to say, I had no way to dodge the spears of mist from all directions.

‘Is this the end…!!’

Just as I gritted my teeth, ready to confront Tian Yu Jin,


Suddenly, Tian Yu Jin snapped his fingers and dissolved the mist spears. He then said,

“I’ll let you go this time. Senior brother has solved the Qi Men Dun Jia problem. But if you come again with unresolved issues, I won’t forgive you.”

He solved the Qi Men Dun Jia problem?

While I was still puzzled, the scenery changed. Mang-ryang and I were back at the entrance of the village, with Mang-ryang gasping for air, half-exhausted.

“Huff… Huff… His skills are improving day by day…”

“Hey! Are you alright?”

In haste, I checked Mang-ryang’s pulse. Fortunately, he seemed to have only exhausted his energy without any external or internal injuries. Mang-ryang, holding his temples as if dizzy, stood up. I asked him,

“He said you solved the Qi Men Dun Jia problem. Did you do it?”

Mang-ryang nodded.

“Yes. When the junior brother really seemed intent on killing you, Baek-woong, I pleaded and made a bet. If I won, he agreed to let us both safely out of the illusionary mist.”


Mang-ryang sighed as he rubbed his head.

“It was a tough problem. My heart was pounding, afraid of making a mistake. Now, I might even fall behind the junior brother in studying Qi Men Dun Jia.”

I felt my face flush with shame. I knew the stakes if we had lost. I would have died helplessly in the illusion, and Mang-ryang would have exhausted himself trying to escape. The thought that Mang-ryang saved my life made me feel deeply embarrassed.

‘I was too stubborn.’

I realized it was time to let go of my personal ego. Truth be told, this sixth life would have started off twisted without Mang-ryang. It was entirely thanks to him that I, who used to die like a fly, found direction and succeeded in the socio-political purge. As much as he considered me a comrade, I too had to give up some of my desires.

After a long moment of decision, I said,

“I will bury the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries and come back.”

“You’ve made a wise decision.”

Eventually, I buried the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries under a distinctive pine tree about 5 li (about 2 km) from where we were. I could retrieve it later without much trouble by recalling my memory. Mang-ryang and I then re-entered the village.

This time, surprisingly, the illusionary mist didn’t appear. The village was just as it was, with people leisurely walking around. As I remained on guard, I heard Tian Yu Jin’s voice resonate around me.

[You’ve rid yourself of the evil energy and entered. I will allow your stay.]

His voice then vanished as if washed away, and we were back in the peaceful village. Mang-ryang chuckled beside me.

“Don’t take it too hard, Baek-woong. The junior brother is a genius who easily mastered the sorcery of immortals at the age of six. He’s a natural with extraordinary spiritual powers, a true immortal bone. Across the entire continent, probably only two or three sorcerers can match him.”

“That powerful?”

“Yes, how else could he inherit the true transmission of Sage Mang-ryang? To stand against him, you’d need someone on the level of the White Lotus Sect Master or their Law-Enforcing Guardians.”


I believed Mang-ryang’s words were not an exaggeration. Tian Yu Jin’s illusionary skills transcended the limits of what martial artists imagine of the left-path sects. If Tian Yu Jin was that powerful, how skilled would his master, Sage Mang-ryang, be?

Yet, I smiled.

“This could be interesting.”

Instead of feeling annoyed or regretful about today’s defeat, I felt as if I had opened my eyes to a new realm. Plus, although it’s still a distant goal, if I could handle my mind and intent, I might be able to fight such high-level sorcerers!

I started intensively practicing my internal energy and martial arts in the inn, not taking any rest. My experience of wasting half a year in Tian Yu Jin’s illusion had taught me a lesson. The path ahead was incredibly long, and I couldn’t afford to be idle and complacent. Otherwise, I would never make any progress.

It was precisely two months later when I finally had the opportunity to meet Mang-ryang’s master.

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