Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 48: Welcome

Chapter 48: Welcome

I started heading towards Luoyang with Mang-ryang. If I were alone, I could have easily traversed mountains and rivers with my light body technique, but since I had to accommodate Mang-ryang, we decided to travel on horseback. We also planned to stop by Mang-ryang’s house on our way to Luoyang.

After arriving at his hut, Mang-ryang seemed to be organizing something. It wasn’t just his books or personal affairs; he was also rearranging the network of informants he had hidden around Jinrang Valley. Mang-ryang had cunningly built this network, hiring subordinates and informants with the money he earned from fortune-telling and consultations. Even the map of the village nearby, stolen from the government office, was the work of Mang-ryang’s subordinates.

I asked Mang-ryang:

“With such a network, you could have easily started your own faction. Why then did you choose to live a humble life as a fortune teller in Jinrang Valley?”

Mang-ryang waved his hand dismissively.

“Of course, if I had formed an information organization, I would have been ten times richer than I am now. However, information only has value when there is sufficient martial power to protect it. If even a mid-sized faction’s martial strength is enough to put my life in danger, there’s no point in being an information broker.”


“Besides, I quite liked my life in Jinrang Valley. I made decent money, read books whenever I wanted, and played when I felt like it.”

I wanted to make a sarcastic remark about his escapades with women but decided not to. Instead, I picked up one of Mang-ryang’s books and asked:

“Then why were you living under the guise of your master’s reputation?”

“Because I had his permission. All I needed to do was not tarnish his name.”

“But still, impersonating him is…”

Mang-ryang smirked.

“My master is very generous. Even if I did something to dishonor his name, he wouldn’t care at all. He’s someone who’s almost uninterested in worldly affairs. He wasn’t concerned about his reputation, though he inadvertently became famous.”

“Those with true skills stand out no matter where they are.”

“Anyway, the only person who can help us now is my master, Sage Mang-ryang. If we can get his help, everything will work out.”

I was curious about something.

“Speaking of which, why didn’t you learn martial arts Working in the palace as an astronomer, you must have had opportunities to access martial arts texts.”

“Of course, I had the opportunity. But martial arts ultimately require physical training, and someone like me, who’s glued to the desk, can only go so far with sporadic practice. I could cultivate internal energy for health, but it seemed pointless. Rather than half-heartedly pursuing both literary and martial arts, I chose to dedicate all my energy to my area of expertise.”

Mang-ryang’s way of thinking was refreshing from the perspective of a martial artist. To think he chose to focus on his studies instead of practicing martial arts, even when he had the chance! However, having seen Mang-ryang’s ingenious strategies and wisdom firsthand, I understood his point. By tirelessly honing his knowledge and wisdom, he had become far superior to any mediocre practitioner.

While tidying up his room, Mang-ryang suddenly remembered something.

“Ah, keep the poison-filled gourd. It will definitely come in handy.”


“Well, I guess I’m almost done with the tidying up. If you find any book you’d like to read, let me know. I’ll lend it to you.”

I browsed through Mang-ryang’s library, recalling the grueling three years I spent studying. I didn’t enjoy studying much back then, but in hindsight, the knowledge I gained became part of me. The books collected by Mang-ryang would undoubtedly be worth studying. I pulled out a book from the shelf.

“I’d like to read this.”

“Baopuzi? Are you interested in alchemy?”

[TL/N: Baopuzi is a book written by Ge Hong, a scholar during Jin Dynasty, discussing alchemy, elixirs and immortality.]

“Well, they say it contains the secrets of immortality.”

Baopuzi is a book about alchemy, various internal alchemy practices, dietary regimes, and breathing meditation techniques. It wasn’t a secret text, and it was common for scholars to have a copy or two for reference. Mang-ryang laughed and said:

“Most of the alchemy talked about in the world is a scam. Even the imperial family no longer believes in alchemy.”

“Eh? Isn’t alchemy supposed to be about creating elixirs of immortality?”

“The goal of alchemy is to create the ultimate golden elixir, which typically involves mixing a lot of mercury. However, mercury is highly toxic, so people who consume these alchemical concoctions often die of poisoning.”


I was inwardly surprised by the word, which seemed incongruous with alchemy. Mang-ryang continued,

“True alchemy is secretly passed down by a very few left-path sects or right-path Taoists. It’s not something you can learn from such books. Though, the techniques of preservation in this book are quite useful.”

“True alchemy? So, does the golden elixir actually exist?”

“Yes, it does. But obtaining it is nearly impossible, so just consider it a hearsay.”

After saying this, Mang-ryang handed me another book.

“Instead, read this. It’s the ‘Classic of Mountains and Seas.'”

“It looks like a picture book.”

“That’s right. The monsters featured in this book are quite interesting and worth reading for amusement.”

“I’ll take a look.”

True to his words, the Classic of Mountains and Seas was filled with strange geographical names and mythical creatures. Although it didn’t seem very practical, I decided to read it as Mang-ryang suggested. Having seen real demons with my own eyes, I couldn’t help but be drawn to this book.

After finishing up in Jinrang Valley and heading towards Luoyang, it took us about three days to reach the front of Luoyang City. Luoyang, as I remembered, was impressive from its luxurious and massive city walls and the crowd starting from the outer city.

Flap flap

As the horse neighed, Mang-ryang took control of the reins and said,

“We don’t need to enter the city. The master lives elsewhere.”

“He doesn’t live inside Luoyang City?”

“He doesn’t like the hustle and bustle and resides outside the city. Besides, entering Luoyang City right now would be extremely dangerous for us.”

We headed southwest of Luoyang. About 5 miles out, we came upon a small village with a shrine dedicated to Lü Dongbin.

Lü Dongbin was one of the Eight Immortals of Taoism, a legendary sage known as the Sword Immortal. Also known by his Taoist name Chunyangzi, he was revered in popular folk religion, the Nine Schools of Thought, and various Taoist sects. He was also famous among the common people for legends about him defeating dragons with his extraordinary swordsmanship.

Mang-ryang dismounted at Lü Dongbin’s shrine. He respectfully placed his offerings on the shrine’s altar and said,

“The disciple has arrived.”

Soon after, the shrine of the Sword Immortal Lü Dongbin trembled. The vibration lasted for about half a moment before subsiding.

Then, an unfamiliar voice came from behind.

“Senior brother, it’s a bad time. The master is out.”

I turned around.

There stood a young man who appeared to be in his early twenties, with a youthful and somewhat refined appearance despite his ordinary farmer’s attire. Notably, he wasn’t dressed like a Taoist practitioner but rather like a farmer, and yet there was an indescribable elegance about him. Mang-ryang, upon seeing him, wore an awkward expression and said,

“Junior brother. I have urgent matters to discuss with the master.”

“Who said anything? It’s just that he’s not here right now.”


The junior brother, referred to as such, spoke impassively.

“Just leave the Five Fires-Seven Birds Divine Fan here. The master said he will not allow its use anymore.”


Mang-ryang looked shocked but soon nodded in acknowledgment.

“Understood. Then I shall take my leave.”

“Do as you wish. I’ll return to my farming.”

The junior brother, holding a hoe in his hand, walked away, apparently heading back to his farm work. He really seemed to be just a farmer. After the junior brother disappeared, I turned to Mang-ryang in astonishment.

“Farming? Your junior brother is a skilled sorcerer, so why is he just farming?”

Farming was a common task for ordinary people. Of course, there was nothing wrong with farming, but it seemed somewhat absurd that a disciple of Mang-ryang, considered one of the continent’s greatest sorcerers, wasn’t utilizing his abilities.

“My junior brother is self-sufficient, living off the land he farms. The locals just know him as a regular farmer.”

“Ah, so he’s farming while using his incredible magic for a bountiful harvest?”

“No, there’s nothing like that. He farms just like any other person, without using any magic.”

“Is it because he’s still in training under the master?”

“Not at all. My junior brother has already received his license and is recognized as a sorcerer.”

As I looked at Mang-ryang, he gave a wry smile.

“He’s just that kind of person. Worldly values mean nothing to my master and junior brother.”


“Anyway, for the time being, we’ll have to wait in this village for my master.”

“When is Sage Mang-ryang expected to arrive?”

“I don’t know. He’s quite unpredictable; it could even take years…”

I felt staying in this small village was a waste of time. The imperial court would probably start investigating the disappearance of the Embroidered Uniform Guards in a few days, and we were short on precious time. But I had no choice, so I decided to stay in the inn for a long duration, taking out silver ingots for payment.

Mang-ryang suggested,

“This might be a good opportunity for you to reflect on your martial arts. Consider it a period of training.”

The Embroidered Uniform Guards wouldn’t catch up to us immediately. We had covered our tracks well, and without witnesses, it might take them years to discover the truth. Right now, we were just preparing for the worst-case scenario.

“That’s fine, but… I have a question. What should I call you from now on?”

This was an important issue. Until now, I casually called him Mang-ryang, but the real Mang-ryang was someone else. When I raised the issue, Mang-ryang confidently replied as if wondering why I was even asking.

“Just continue calling me Mang-ryang.”

“Wouldn’t your master or junior brother find that bothersome?”

“They don’t care about such things. And I’ve been allowed to use the name Mang-ryang, so there’s no need for you to worry about it.”

An apprenticeship where impersonation is tolerated!

This was something incomprehensible and absurd in a normal sect.

“Ha, well, what’s your junior brother’s name?”

“Tian Yu Jin.”

“That’s an unusual name.”

“Don’t be fooled by appearances. Angering Tian Yu Jin is as foolish as making an enemy of an army of a hundred thousand soldiers.”

Mang-ryang’s junior brother, Tian Yu Jin, despite his ordinary appearance as a young farmer, seemed to be a formidable individual. I decided to heed Mang-ryang’s advice and avoid unnecessary trouble.

From that day on, I spent my days in the inn aimlessly, eating, sleeping, and occasionally training. Having paid for nearly a year’s lodging, the innkeeper seemed eager to please me.

“You do what you need to do.”

Mang-ryang said this and went back to reading.

I trained in martial arts for three hours a day and spent the rest of the time cultivating my internal energy and opening meridians. Mang-ryang seemed to be studying something as he read. I didn’t want to fall behind in knowledge, so I occasionally read the Classic of Mountains and Seas that I borrowed from Mang-ryang.

Still, with time to spare, I spent days idly staring at the blue sky from my room. Each day felt like running in a hamster wheel, doing the same routine over and over, and I started to feel numb. Time passed, and ten weeks went by without any sign of Mang-ryang’s master.


I was enveloped by a strange feeling, unfamiliar since my reincarnation.

Dullness, boredom, and a sense of emptiness.

Time continued to pass.

One month, two months, and then three months. There was no sign of pursuit by the Embroidered Uniform Guards, and the world remained eerily quiet. Gradually, my training became lax, reducing to just one hour a day. I spent the rest of my time wandering around the inn or exploring the scenic beauty of the countryside.

‘Something doesn’t feel right here.’

I had initially planned to use this waiting time for intensive training to improve my martial arts. However, as the idle time stretched and nobody interfered or spoke to me, my focus on training waned. It was a stark contrast to my diligent days of sparring and training as an instructor in a martial academy.

It wasn’t until half a year later that I realized the reason for this shift.

My willpower isn’t exceptional. Without someone to guide me, my firm resolutions often fade away, leading me to settle into a half-hearted routine. In fact, I had been living unusually diligently until then. Gradually, I found myself lazily practicing martial arts and lounging on my bed in the inn, munching on dumplings.

One day, Mang-ryang commented,

“Baek-woong, haven’t you gained weight?”


He was right. I had been moving little, occasionally practicing internal energy exercises, and daily indulging in the inn’s chicken, liquor, and dumplings. My belly had slightly bulged, proudly displaying my indulgence. Flustered, I responded,

“Ah… Such things should fade once I start moving more.”

“Don’t become lazy. If you’re that bored, why not go talk to my junior brother, Tian Yu Jin?”

“Tian Yu Jin?”

Mang-ryang’s junior brother, Tian Yu Jin, had been tending a small vegetable patch by the village stream. I hadn’t made any effort to befriend him, so for half a year, our relationship was nothing more than a casual acquaintance.

“I don’t exactly have anything else to do.”

That was true.

Despite being surprised by Mang-ryang’s sudden suggestion, I had nothing better to do, so I went to visit him, taking along the ‘Classic of Mountains and Seas.’

Tian Yu Jin was busy digging up potato roots. He was crouched, diligently moving his hoe, looking nothing more or less than a farmer. I greeted him,


Tian Yu Jin looked at me and said,

“… Baek-woong, your belly has protruded.”

Why do these disciples keep fussing about a man’s protruding belly? I was slightly annoyed internally, but let it slide and asked,

“Did I ever tell you my name? How do you know it?”

“Because you told me.”


Tian Yu Jin smiled slightly.

“You’re still dreaming. I’ve seen enough of your true nature, so it’s time for you to wake up.”


The next moment, I felt the scenery before my eyes shift.

I found myself standing in front of the Sword Immortal Lü Dongbin, just like when I first arrived in the village. Mang-ryang was placing the Five Fires-Seven Birds Divine Fan on the altar, and I was watching from behind. It was exactly like that day, leaving me bewildered.

‘What? Has time reversed?’

But it hadn’t.

Again, a voice came from behind.

“Did you have a good dream?”

Tian Yu Jin was walking towards us. Mang-ryang looked utterly confused, but I felt chills. In Tian Yu Jin’s hand was the ‘Classic of Mountains and Seas’ I had been reading. I once accidentally spilled chicken soup on its cover during the past six months, and the stain was clearly visible on the book.

That’s when I realized.


Tian Yu Jin had shown me six months of life in an instant through an illusion! I couldn’t believe I was actually standing and breathing at that moment. Or maybe this moment was also an illusion?

When exactly had I fallen under the illusion?

When I entered the shrine? When I talked with Mang-ryang? Or when I started living in the village?

I had no way of knowing when the illusion had begun.


What was more shocking was that my belly was indeed thick with fat – the result of lazing and eating for half a year. The illusion seemed to have a real impact on reality.

‘This is terrifying…!!’

As I was reeling from the power of the illusion, Tian Yu Jin spoke,

“Senior brother, I was just testing your visitor. Since you don’t have the capacity for such sorcery, I didn’t use any tricks on you, but I let your companion experience half a year of life.”


Mang-ryang was shocked. He hadn’t realized what had happened since Tian Yu Jin suddenly started speaking of it.

“It was necessary to prevent unnecessary exposure of our master to danger. Well, Baek-woong didn’t seem to be a malevolent person.”

As I stood dumbfounded, looking at Tian Yu Jin, he gazed intently at me and pointed his hoe in my direction.

“You are not worthy to meet our master. You are enveloped in a strange and evil energy. Until you rid yourself of the source of this energy, you have no right to enter the village.”


The next moment, I realized that Mang-ryang and I were standing outside the village, both of us blinking in confusion, not understanding what had just happened. After a while, Mang-ryang seemed to grasp the situation and said to me,

“My junior brother has banished us from the village.”

The Five Fires-Seven Birds Divine Fan that had been in Mang-ryang’s hand was gone.


It was my first real encounter with the sorcery of the left-path sect.

I couldn’t trust my senses and perceptions!

I explained in detail to Mang-ryang what I had experienced. He shook his head as if there was no helping it and said,

“My junior brother’s specialty is illusion. The half-year you experienced was nothing but a fleeting delusion created by manipulating your senses.”

“But I’ve actually gained weight, haven’t I?”

“That’s what makes Tian Yu Jin’s illusions so terrifying. He has the ability to blur the line between reality and fantasy.”

It was indeed a fearsome ability. Bragging about any kind of martial prowess in front of such a power seemed impossible. If he wished, he could defeat an army of a hundred thousand with his strange illusions.

“If this continues, it will be impossible for us to enter that village for a lifetime.”

“Suddenly talking about the source of evil energy, what does he mean by that?”

“I’m not sure either. But there must be a reason why my junior brother is so vehemently rejecting us.”

That’s when a thought struck me.

‘Could it be…?’

The Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries!

When it comes to evil energy, that was the only thing that came to mind. Almost certainly, Tian Yu Jin must have sensed the sinister aura of the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have so decisively cast me out.

But where could I put the Heavenly Tome of Dark Mysteries? It was a crucial item linked to my past life, and I couldn’t just leave it behind.

‘What should I do now?’

Mang-ryang sighed deeply.

“Ah, this is a big problem.”

He was powerless against such a formidable sorcerer. Sorcery, a realm of supernatural powers, was not something that could be overcome with human wisdom. Especially an illusion cast by the talented disciple of the foremost sorcerer in the central plains was an impossible feat to counter.

“If we can’t enter that village, we won’t achieve anything. Wasting time here will only lead to missing our chance to confront the Embroidered Uniform Guards.”

A moment of decision was upon me.

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