Perfect Superstar

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 - Cannot Be Doubted

Lu Chen didn’tknow Lu Zhengzhi and thought that the other party was one of the top leaders inBeijing Satellite TV.

Therefore,when Lu Zhengzhi rejected his new songs, Lu Chen couldn’t be completelyindifferent.

Orsurprised, or ashamed, or indignant...

But sincestanding on the stage, if he wanted to be a real superstar, he must learn toface any doubt, criticism and even slander - how can you see the rainbowwithout going through the wind and rain?

So, hedidn’t get upset and argue, which not only won’t help, but will only leave abad impression.

But Lu Chenwould never silently endure the injustice imposed by others. He resolutelyproposed to sing another song.

Didn’t yousay it wasn’t enough to be a theme song? Then I’ll give you a real theme song!

There arecountless pearls in his treasure trove of memories, and picking one at randomis enough to turn the situation around.

And Lu Chen waslucky.

First ofall, he has wonderful and excellent works. Secondly, Lu Zhengzhi is not one ofthe leaders of Beijing Satellite TV.

Director Luis from CCTV.

There was nodoubt that Lu Zhengzhi has the highest position among all the people present,but he can’t be the master of Beijing TV either. (TN: He doesn’t have theability to decide on the affairs of Beijing TV)

With thesupport of Gao Zhixue and Gu Rui, Lu Chen won a valuable opportunity.

He didn’thesitate to show his strongest strength.

The realtheme style of “I Love you China” is absolutely a classic in thedream world. Its original singing style is bel canto, but as long as one istalented enough, one can change the style to pop singing.

Lu Chen’sinterpretation of this song was a perfect combination of bel canto and pop.

“A larkflies across the blue sky. I love you, China. ~”

In the firstline of lyrics, Lu Chen lit up his singing voice and showed off his talent intreble to everyone in the scene in an almost ostentatious way, which instantlyshocked the whole audience.

Like the cryof an azure luan that sounded for nine days, he shattered all doubts with his singing.(TN: Azure Luan is a mythical bird)

Many of theTV staff sitting in the audience straightened their backs, and some even had tinglingin their scalp. They couldn’t help holding their breath and listen attentivelyto Lu Chen’s singing.

Their intuitiontold them that Lu Chen was serious this time, and what he brought out againmust be a masterpiece!

Lu Chen didn’tdisappoint.

His timbreis mellow, bright, clear and clean. The note and rhyme of each character is wellcontrolled and majestic. It was full of tenderness and affection, and veryprecise.

Although it washis first time to sing it, and although there was no accompaniment, he felt asif he has sung it thousands of times!

The firstfew sentences were still very traditional. Every sentence was well-formed, andthe style of a theme song was very distinctive.

Then Lu Chengradually added a little rock and roll flavor, and the rhythm became slightlyfaster, laying a wonderful groundwork for the next section.

To thephrase “I love your green pine temperament”, Lu Chen’s voice changed,no longer mellow and bright. The rock and roll mood overflowed with passion alongwith the singing, making people’s blood in their body boil unconsciously!

The severallines of “I love you” was even more energetic and soul-stirring. Atthis point, he suddenly uses a falsetto voice. After being bold and heroic, hecan end so gently. In terms of singing skills alone, it was really amazing.

And this wasjust the beginning.


I love youChina, I love you China.

I willdedicate the most beautiful song to you, my mother, my motherland.

I love youChina, I love you China,

I love yourblue waves rolling across the South Sea, I love your white snowflakes flyingover the North Land ~.

I love your boundlessforests, I love your towering mountains,

I love your vivacioussmall rivers, that flow through my dreamland with clear sparkles.

I love youChina, I love you China.

I will dedicatemy wonderful youth to you, my mother, my motherland.

Ah... Ah...

I willdedicate my wonderful youth to you, my mother, my motherland! “

This song“I Love you China” adopts the traditional Chinese word law "Fubixing"writing method. It can be described as one chant, three sighs and concisewords. Using overlapping sentences, parallelism and other techniques, the country’sspring seedlings and autumn fruits, forests, mountains and rivers, rural cropsand so on have been visually described and exquisitely portrayed, expressingthe passion and sincere patriotic feelings towards the motherland. (TN: WordLaw (词律) - strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme)

The songconsists of three parts. The first part is the introduction of the nature ofthe passage. The rhythm is relatively free, the atmosphere is broad, the toneis bright and high-pitched, and the melody is rhythmical, leading people to theartistic realm of larks overlooking the earth and singing.

The secondpart is the main part of the song. The rhythm is relatively gentle, the melodyrises layer by layer. It is euphemistic, deep and internal, spreading amagnificent picture of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland,constantly deepening the theme of the work.

The thirdpart is the ending passage, which brings the whole song to the climax throughthe expression of the line "ah".

And thefinal sentence, “my mother, my motherland”, ends in a high note, whichis full of fervent patriotic feeling, making people feel drunk, like they havedrunk a strong pure wine.

Lu Chen sangit all in one go, and he only sang it once!

When thelast sentence of “my motherland” was finished, Lu Chen’s face wasalready flushed, which was not only the external manifestation of the extremeuse of breath, but also the manifestation of his inner passion.

This song,in terms of singing skills alone, has completely reached his previous peak.

Even Lu Chenfelt that it was a little inconceivable that he could sing so well, and all thenegative emotions held in his heart were thoroughly vented through singing, andhe seemed to have put down a heavy burden.

He felt refreshedand relaxed!

No matterwhether he could sing solo at the National Day Party of Beijing Satellite TV,Lu Chen had no regrets.

This is thepride of being a singer!

The T1Studio hall of Beijing Satellite TV was quiet, as if it had been cast with a silentspell.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

It wasn’tclear who clapped their hands first, but this instantly led everyone to followsuit.

Thetelevision staff who acted as spectators stood up, one after another, row afterrow.

They weren’tloud or boisterous, they just applauded. They were disorderly at first, but theysoon became very orderly.

The appraiserssitting at the front applauded as well.

The mostexcited one was Gu Rui. He stared at Lu Chen with shining eyes, as if he haddiscovered a rare treasure.

The fat on LuZhengzhi’s face became taut. He also raised his hand and applauded.

Regardlessof whether Director Lu admitted it or not, Lu Chen’s singing was extremelywonderful.

Fully qualifiedto stand on the big stage of Beijing Satellite TV!

And hissecond song, “I Love you China”, is 100% a theme song, and it’s alsoa fine work in the same category.

If LuZhengzhi wanted to deny this point, he would really become a clown.

So, nomatter whether he was willing or not, he had to give Lu Chen an applause.

Even if thisapplause seemed like he was slapping his own face.

The warmapplause lasted for more than half a minute. If Gao Zhixue hadn’t stood up and turnedaround to signaled everyone to calm down, perhaps it would have continued.

This was thefirst time this kind of situation appeared in the afternoon rehearsal. Even whenChen Fei’er appeared on the stage before, she hadn’t won such enthusiastic applausefrom the TV station staff.

Whether theyunderstood music or not, they all thought that this was a really good song, agood theme song!

Gao Zhixuesat down again and asked Lu Zhengzhi with a smile: “Director Lu, do youthink Lu Chen’s song is OK?”

There was ahint of playfulness in his eyes.

Although LuZhengzhi couldn’t see it, he could understand the other party’s thoughts. Itwould be a lie if he said that he wasn’t ashamed in his heart.

But on thesurface, he smiled as if nothing had happened: “mm-hmm, this song is verygood. On CCTV!”


Gao Zhixue’spupil suddenly shrank.

He hasforgotten that CCTV also has a National Day Party. Its scale and lineup aremuch stronger than those of Beijing TV.

Lu Chen’ssong “I Love You China”, although the lyrics are simple, it is fullof soul-stirring passion and express the boundless affection for the motherlandincisively and vividly, making people experience a strong emotion that gushedout.

Such a songcan become a classic. Moreover, a classic theme song!

As thedirector of the editorial office of Beijing Television and an expert in music,Gao Zhixue deeply understood how difficult it is to produce a classic theme songnow. This song “I Love you China” will undoubtedly become a highlightat the National Day Party.

How couldCCTV steal it?

Gao Zhixuewanted to refuse.

But GaoZhixue was, after all, not an ordinary person, and he swallowed back the wordsthat was on the tips of his tongue.

What time isit now? The rehearsal of CCTV’s National Day Party was much earlier thanBeijing TV. It was basically impossible for Lu Zhengzhi to push Lu Chen ontothe stage of CCTV.

The people watchingthe Beijing TV Party may be the people in the entertainment circle in Beijing. Butthe people watching the CCTV stage are all the people in the country!

Lu Zhengzhi wasjust teasing them.

Old fox!

Gao Zhixue scoldedsecretly in his heart, but said with a smile: “If Director Lu is willingto recommend, I will be very happy that Lu Chen can appear at the CCTV NationalDay Party!”

Lu Chen isthe champion of “Singing China” and the rising star of BeijingSatellite TV!

If LuZhengzhi really asked for it, he would really like to strongly recommend it.

Lu Zhengzhisaid regretfully, “It’s a pity that the program of our station’s eveningparty is full...”

Of course,he didn’t really want Lu Chen. He was just saying this to save face.

While thetwo old foxes were fighting and scheming against each other, Gu Rui next to themcouldn’t sit still!

Withoutasking Gao Zhixue for instructions, he said to the microphone, “Lu Chen,this work of yours is more wonderful, so use this song. Can you bring acomplete accompaniment to the rehearsal on the 25th?”

Lu Chen saidconfidently, “No problem!”

Of course,there was no problem. Even if he is busy working day and night, he will asksomeone to make the arrangements and accompaniment.

Gu Rui saidwith a smile, “That’s fine.”

His EQ wasn’ttoo low after all, so he asked Gao Zhixue, “Director Gao, what do youthink?”

Gao Zhixuenodded with a smile: “Yes, then it’s settled.”

As a result,Lu Chen’s “I Love you China” was officially confirmed as one of thesolo programs of Beijing TV’s National Day Party!

“ComradeLittle Lu, wait a minute..."

Just as LuChen was preparing to go off the stage, Lu Zhengzhi suddenly stopped him.

Lu Chen wasstupefied.

He just heardthe director of the CCTV Art Program Department asked with a smile: “Doyou want your work to appear on CCTV’s National Day Party?”


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