Perfect Superstar

Chapter 175

Chapter 175 - Rejection and Unable to Reject

CCTV’sNational Day Party!

This simpleseven words seemed to have some kind of magic, that it made the people presentexclaim.

In China,CCTV is undoubtedly a hegemonic existence, and represents the highest level ofofficial TV broadcasting institution. Its strength and heritage areincomparable to all satellite TV stations combined.

It is thedream of countless entertainer to be able to perform at the CCTV’s Gala,especially the annual Spring Festival Gala, which has an audience rating ofmore than 90%, which is a shortcut to success.

Of course,the National Day Party can’t be compared with the Spring Festival Gala, but itis also a top stage that newcomers like Lu Chen can’t reach. If one doesn’thave enough connection and qualifications, one won’t be able to set foot in itat all.

Now LuZhengzhi unexpectedly asked Lu Chen if he wanted to go up, surprising everyoneat the scene.

Wasn’t thistoo much of an exaggeration?

Gao Zhixue couldn’tbelieve it - Director Lu, are you cracking a joke?

Gu Rui wasdumbfounded!

Does CCTVreally want to intercept it? (TN: A nice way of saying that they wanted to "steal"it)

CCTVintercepting Beijing TV program has actually happened before. Who made therelationship between the two so complicated!

However, LuChen wasn’t carried away.

He had aninstinctive sense of vigilance against the fat-bellied leader and didn’t thinkhe would be so cheap.

Lu Chenthought for a moment and asked, “Excuse me, leader, is it just mywork?”

Because hewas clear-headed, he was able to grasp the core of the question.

Do you want theperson or just the work?

There’s abig difference between the two!

Gao Zhixueand Gu Rui reacted and they looked at Lu Zhengzhi at the same time.

Lu Zhengzhisaid with a smile: “Comrade Lu, this song of yours is very good. I thinkit is qualified to be on a bigger stage, but all the performers of our CCTVNational Day Party are all in place, ha ha.”

His meaningwas very clear. People can’t be changed, but there’s no problem changing songs.

Lu Zhengzhiwanted to intercept “I Love you China”!

As for LuChen going up the stage of CCTV? That can only be ha ha.

Actually, tobe fair. It is a great honor for Lu Chen’s work to appear at the CCTV’s Party.

Even if LuZhengzhi wants to change songs, it will take some effort.

He has hisown plan.

Although hewas stared at by Gao Zhixue and Gu Rui, Lu Zhengzhi was still calm andconfident.

He didn’tthink Lu Chen would reject his proposal.

As long as oneis not a fool, one will not miss such an opportunity to pull a relationshipwith CCTV.

In comparison,what is Beijing Satellite TV?

Moreover,even if Lu Chen won’t be able to sing this version of “I Love youChina”, he still has another song!

Of course,that song must be renamed. Having the same name was no good.

However, nomatter how carefully Director Lu thought, he didn’t know Lu Chen.

Lu Chensmiled and said, “Thank you leader, but I want to sing this song on thestage of Beijing Satellite TV!”

His manner wasvery polite, but his tone was incomparably firm!

Lu Zhengzhiwas actually the leader of CCTV, which somewhat surprised Lu Chen.

And LuZhengzhi’s proposal made Lu Chen’s heart move for a moment.

This isCCTV!

But Lu Chensoon calmed down.

Lu Zhengzhionly wanted his work, and his high attitude made Lu Chen dislike him.

Mostimportantly, if Lu Chen gives up “I Love You China” for immediate benefits,it is tantamount to hitting Beijing Satellite TV in the face, and willdefinitely disappoint Gu Rui, who has always supported him!

So, it was destinedthat Lu Chen wouldn’t agree.

Perhaps inthe eyes of others, his decision was stupid, but Lu Chen has his own principlesand firm beliefs.

As a man, heshould do what he has to do!

Even if it mightoffend this CCTV leader.

LuZhengzhi’s smile froze instantly.

He didn’tthink that Lu Chen would reject his proposal directly, or even consider that hewould reject it.

This madehis face hang.

However, LuZhengzhi was very shrewd. He immediately said with a smile, “Well, thatdoesn’t matter, it’s up to you to decide.”

Although hesaid so, there was a resentful look in his eyes.

Reallydoesn’t know good from bad!

Gao Zhixueand Gu Rui looked at each other. No one expected Lu Chen to be so daring.

Gao Zhixuecoughed and said, “Lu Chen, please go back and get ready for the arrangement.”

He was readyto be face slapped by Lu Zhengzhi. The result was really unexpected.

Newborncalves are not afraid of tigers!

At thismoment, Gao Zhixue, like Gu Rui, had a trace of love for Lu Chen.

If such ayoung man doesn’t fall midway, his future will be limitless.

Lu Chenbowed and left the stage.

Hisrehearsal was over, so he went backstage to get his stuff and left.

Then, justas he walked out the gate of the TV station, Lu Chen was stopped by someone.

The otherperson’s suit and shoes looks very lean, and his manners were polite: “Mr.Lu Chen, Miss Chen Fei’er wants to see you. Is it convenient for you now?”


Lu Chenvaguely remembered that the man in the suit was one of Chen Fei’er’s entourage.He didn’t think much about it: “Where?”

Led by theman in suit, Lu Chen came to the parking lot of the TV station.

The man insuit pulled open the door of a silver-gray extended Mercedes-Benz business carand bowed to him and made an invitation gesture to him.

Lu Chennodded and leaned into the car.

The man inthe suit immediately closed the door.

The spaceinside the business car was unexpectedly large, the interior was luxurious andmagnificent, and two rows of leather sofas were placed opposite each other, equippedwith coffee tables, mini-bars, refrigerators, televisions and other equipment.

There was nopeculiar smell in the car, but there was a faint fragrance.

Chen Fei’ersat alone on the sofa. When she saw Lu Chen coming in, she smiled and said,“Lu Chen, I hope you don’t mind me inviting you like this. There are a lotof reporters outside.”

It was thefirst rehearsal for Beijing Satellite TV’s National Day Party, and many starartists came over, so there were a lot of entertainment reporters squattingoutside the TV station building, also known as paparazzi.

If Chen Fei’erwaited for Lu Chen at the gate in person, it was estimated that she would bephotographed by a reporter and they might make up some unnecessary scandal.

The parkinglot of the TV station was closed and managed with access card. There was noneed to worry about the paparazzi here.

Lu Chenunderstood: “Sister Fei, if you have something to say, as long as I can doit, you can just say it.”

Chen Fei’eris not only a senior who has made her debut for many years, but also a big-levelartist in the circle.

Mostimportantly. She took care of Lu Chen.

Lu Chenalways remembers this favor, fearing that he won’t have a chance to repay it.

After all,the status gap between the two is too big.

Chen Fei’er poutedand said with a smile, “What a nice thing to say, you must be very good atcoaxing girls, right?”

This Queenof Sweet Song is really a natural born beauty. She was wearing light makeup,but no flaws could be seen in her delicate and beautiful face. She has brighteyes and bright teeth, and a smile like spring breeze, making people have asense of intimacy.

And she didn’thave the slightest air of a big shot in front of Lu Chen.

In addition,it must be pointed out that she is a fully mature woman with a mixture ofgirlish innocence, forming a peculiar and attractive charm, which wasinfinitely enhanced in the narrow space of the car.

Lu Chen’s abilityto concentrate is very strong, but he still felt a sense of suffocation sittingopposite to her.

Lu Chencould only smile bitterly at her teasing.

Chen Fei’ersaid with a smile, “Okay, I’ll stop with the teasing. I just want to ask,the song you just sang, "I Love You China" is your own work, right?”

Lu Chen wassurprised: “Sister Fei, have you seen my rehearsal?”

Chen Fei’ernodded: “Yes, I could see it in the VIP room backstage. I was going toleave, but your song made me stay. Both songs are very good andwonderful.”

Her eyeswere bright: “I prefer the latter version of "I Love You China". You singso well!”

Being staredat by the Queen of Sweet Song at such a close distance, Lu Chen felt a littlepressure: “Thank you.”

Chen Fei’ersmiled brightly and said, “So I just want to ask, can you authorize me tocover this song?”

So that’swhat this is all about!

Lu Chenunderstood and replied without hesitation, “No problem at all. In fact,Sister Fei, just ask someone to call me!”

Chen Fei’ersaid seriously, “This is different.”

It is truethat Lu Chen is a newcomer, but his talent in creative writing has evensurpassed that of many well-known songwriters, which is totally worthy of herattention.

In thecircle, the status of singer-songwriter has always been very high. If Lu Chencan always maintain a strong creative inspiration and come up with more fineworks, he will certainly be able to achieve a very high position.

Chen Fei’eris not so close and kind to all the newcomers, especially men.

But LuChen’s creative strength made her respect him.

Especiallythe song “I Love You China” just now, which even shocked Chen Fei’er!

Although ChenFei’er still maintains her Heavenly Queen fame in the pop music world, she was wellaware that the types of sweet songs and love songs she is good at have lost theirmarket among young people in the new era.

If she doesn’twant to lose her fame, Chen Fei’er will have to make a transformation.

But this isobviously not easy.

Because everyoneis used to her image, her voice and style. In case the transformation is notsuccessful, the consequences will be very serious.

Of course, LuChen’s song “I Love you China” will certainly not help her transform immediately,and she has no intention of developing into a theme singer for the time being,but at least this is an option, and she has once again seen Lu Chen’s amazingtalent.

Chen Fei’eris a very clever woman. She decisively invited Lu Chen to talk privately, andwanted to buy the right to cover the song.

What shereally wanted was to establish an important cooperative relationship with LuChen.

Sure enough,Lu Chen didn’t let her down.

Chen Fei’erwas in a good mood: “That’s great...”

She thoughtfor a moment and said, “Why don’t I invite you to dinner tonight? You promisedto write a song especially for me.”

“We canhave a chat over dinner...”

“Howabout this? You decide where to eat, and I’ll pay for it?”

“Do youdrive?”

Lu Chen:“Er...”

He couldn’tkeep up with the thinking of the Queen of Sweet Songs at all.


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