Perfect Superstar

Chapter 173

Chapter 173 - Love Again

The rise andfall of domestic theme songs beats with the pulse of the times.

Theme songsfirst flourished in the 1950s and 1960s, when the country was newly establishedand everything was renewed, and the whole society was full of vigor andvitality. Works reflecting the latest trend emerged one after another, givingbirth to many classics.

In the 1970sand 1980s, China achieved great unification, reform, opening up, prosperity andwealth, and people’s material life had been greatly improved. The theme songsfollowed the pace of times, and a large number of famous young singers emerged,still active in the mainstream.

Afterentering the new century, the number of classic theme songs, like nationalsongs and pop songs, became fewer and fewer. With its style and melody stayingthe same, it gradually lost its original position.

However, atthe political level, the vitality of theme song is still extremely tenacious.Many major domestic festivals, such as National Day, Army Day, Victory Day andso on, have always played the leading role in theme works.

For example,in the 2015 Beijing Satellite TV’s National Day Party, there were as many as 15song and dance programs, accounting for 70% of the total, among which therewere 11 theme works.

There was noneed to worry about the ratings of this party.

Lu Chen was temporarythe replacement for the solo program. So, when Gu Rui intentionally asked himto sing a theme song, he immediately thought of many classic theme works fromthe dream world in his memory.

There wereso many tracks to choose from, and casually picking one out was enough to subduethe scene.

What’s more,there are two versions of “I Love you China”. In addition to the one justsung by Lu Chen, the other version is actually more classic and has a realtheme style.

However,after careful consideration, Lu Chen still chose the current version.

The reason wasvery simple, the matter of writing and singing style.

Although theother version is a classic and more in line with the requirements, it was quitedifferent from the style of his previous works, including the melody, thecontent of the lyrics, and the way of singing.

The currentversion of “I Love You China” has a very good melody rhythm andemotional expression. It adopts the method of "rising after suppression", whichexpresses gratitude, attachment, love and blessing to the motherland.

Although theimpromptu accompaniment was very rough, Lu Chen integrated his sincere feelingsinto his singing.

Among them,“I love you China, my dear mother, I’ll cry for you and I am proud ofyou!” These two lyrics were repeated ten times, and gets stronger andstronger every time!

For the“audience” on the scene, the first impression they got from the songwas that it gave them a very fresh feeling.

They have neverheard such a theme work before!

Lu Chen’s “ILove you China” was obviously not pure, or it didn’t have the kind oftheme style that everyone was familiar with. It was more of a pop music with alot of light rock features integrated in it, which was refreshing.

And the feelingexpressed in Lu Chen’s singing moved them!

There was nodoubt that it was a good song.

At least GaoZhixue listened attentively, completely ignored the shortcomings of theaccompaniment, and nodded frequently with the melody.

He didn’t evenknow when Gu Rui appeared next to him.

Until LuChen finished singing.

Warmapplause broke out immediately in the studio.

Althoughthere were only hundreds of people at the scene, the atmosphere created wasn’tbad. Many people even stood up and applauded.

“DirectorGao. What do you think of this song?”

Gu Rui askedwith a smile, a little proud of himself.

He took therisk to recommend Lu Chen, and Lu Chen didn’t let him lose face. He really gavehim a lot of face!

Gao Zhixue returnedback to his senses, and when he saw that it was Gu Rui, he immediately smiled:“Yes, this song should be Lu Chen’s original work, right? I’ve never heardof it before.”

If such awork had not been newly created, he couldn’t have never heard of it.

Gu Ruinodded and replied, “Yes.”

Gao Zhixuesighs: “Today’s young people are really amazing. Each generation surpassesthe preceding one!”

WhenDirector Gao said this, he did not notice the look on the face of Director LuZhengzhi, who was sitting next to him.

Lu Zhengzhi knittedhis brow. Suddenly, he reached out and patted the microphone on the table infront of the seat.

Puff! Puff!

He asked,“This little comrade, did you write this song yourself?”

Lu Chenreplied, “Yes.”

There was a slightnoise in the auditorium. Everyone was admiring Lu Chen’s talent.

Lu Zhengzhi adjustedhis sitting position a little uneasily, straightened up, and said solemnly:“This little comrade, the lyrics of your work are okay, and your creativetalent is worthy of recognition, but the style is not very compatible with theNational Day Party. We need to reconsider.”


Gao Zhixue,Gu Rui and the staff of Beijing Satellite TV at the scene were stunned.

Wasn’t thesong very compatible with the National Day Party. What kind of argument wasthat?

Lu Zhengzhiprobably realized that he didn’t speak clearly enough and added: “That isto say. The song didn’t reflect the characteristics of a theme song. It’s toomuch like an ordinary pop song.”

This reason...

Gao Zhixue wasa little speechless. Was he deliberately picking faults?

Gu Rui suddenlybecame anxious. His face flushed instantly, and he shouted, “This...”

The musicdirector of Beijing Satellite TV appreciates Lu Chen as well as Lu Chen’s song“I Love you China”.

Although asa theme song, this song seemed a bit unorthodox, but both the melody and lyricswere excellent, which really should be regarded as a unique innovation.

From its gloryto decline, theme songs are in great need of such innovation and should bestrongly encouraged and supported.

How couldyou knock it to death with such a blow! (TN: Be disregarded with such reasoning)

Gu Rui’scharacter was upright and straightforward. He immediately wanted to argue withLu Zhengzhi.

But GaoZhixue reacted quickly and immediately stopped Gu Rui. He said to Lu Zhengzhi,“We’ll consider this song again, or change it to a more suitableone.”

Gu Rui feltuncomfortable. He was unhappy in his heart!

It’s truethat Lu Zhengzhi has a higher position than him, but Lu Zhengzhi is one of the leadersof CCTV, not Beijing Television. So, such overruling of the program like thisoversteps his authority. He was getting involved in other’s affair, which wassuspicious of face slapping at the scene.

(TN: Just toclarify. Beijing Satellite TV and Beijing Television is the same.)

However,nominally, CCTV has the responsibility to guide Beijing Television in many aspects.Lu Zhengzhi was present for this reason, and his reason cannot be said to becompletely wrong. At least Gu Rui should not and cannot directly conflict withhim.

Lu Zhengzhismiled and leaned back comfortably into his seat.

Since he hascome, he must not be a clay sculpture Bodhisattva. If he wants to make a sound,he must make himself be heard. (TN: not be a clay sculpture bodhisattva - not juststand there and do nothing)

Everyone’seyes returned to the stage - Lu Chen was still standing there!

Many of thestaff who acted as spectators showed sympathy. Perhaps any newcomer would bevery depressed when he or she was hit with a stick like this, right? It wascertain that he would be awkwardly embarrassed.

But whateveryone didn’t expect was that Lu Chen’s expression didn’t change at all becauseof Lu Zhengyi’s rejection.

He ponderedfor a moment and said to the microphone, “Director Gu, two leaders, infact, I have another work that may be more suitable. Can I sing again?”


Sing anothersong?

Lu Zhengyi wasshocked.

He turnedhis head and looked at Gao Zhixue, looking a little upset.

If it was aCCTV party rehearsal, it was absolutely impossible for Lu Zhengzhi to agree tosuch a request.

Since youasked for it, then it should be given to you? If everyone was given anotherchance, wouldn’t things be chaotic?

Moreover, LuChen was suspected of not respecting the leader enough.

But this is,after all, Beijing Satellite TV, and the rehearsal was for Beijing Satellite TV’sparty program. He has just made a move, and if he makes a move again, thatwould just be not giving face to Gao Zhixue - He didn’t believe that thedirector of the editorial office was made up of clay.

(TN: He hasalready interfered with the decision early on, and he knows that Gao Zhixue is nota pushover, so he decided not to interfere this time. Translating is hard. Thisis here to clarify the above paragraph.)

So, LuZhengzhi hinted with his face and let Gao Zhixue to decide for himself.

In GaoZhixue’s heart seemed to have ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past.

The directorof the editorial office was really not made of clay, and even clay figurine stillhas three points of anger. He thought for a moment and flatly said, “LuChen, you can sing the other song!”

In fact,this wasn’t in line with the rules, but Gao Zhixue didn’t want to be eaten todeath in his own home.

So manypeople in the studio were watching!

Where wouldhe put his face?

Gu Ruilooked delighted and hurriedly asked, “Lu Chen, do you want to go down andprepare first?”

Director Gu wasworried that Lu Chen was not fully prepared for the temporary song change. If hissong fails again, it will really be over.

He was veryreluctant to see Lu Chen lose this opportunity to come to the stage.

Lu Chensmiled confidently and said, “Thank you, two leaders. Thank you, DirectorGu. I can just sing this song.”

His smileinfected Gu Rui, which inexplicably gave the latter a sense of trust. He said,“All right.”

Lu Chennodded.

He took adeep breath and said into the microphone, “This song is also my originalwork. Its name is - I love you China!”


Everyone inthe studio doubted if they had heard wrong!

Didn’t LuChen just sing “I love you China”? Why was he singing I love youChina again?

Love again,no, sing again?

Lu Zhengzhigave a “hah”, and Gao Zhixue and Gu Rui’s expressions froze.

Behind them,there were bursts of discussion.

“Did Ihear that right?”

“Did hesay it wrong, or did I hear it wrong? How come it’s I love you China again?”

“Isthis Lu Chen confused to what to sing?”

“Haha,it’s kind of interesting.”

However, Neitherthe look on the faces of the TV station leaders nor those criticisms had anyeffect on Lu Chen.

He openedhis voice and directly sang another new theme song.

“A larkflies across the blue sky, I love you China ~.

I love youChina, I love you China ~.

I love your exuberantseedlings in spring, I love your bountiful golden fruits in autumn,

I love yourgreen pines temperament, I love your red plum character,

I love yourhome-grown sugar cane, that nurtures my heart like milk ~.


When Lu Chensang the first lyrics with his loud and clear voice.

The wholeaudience was in awe!


TN: The song:HERE.

TN: Themesong can also be translated as melody song. Just for clarification theme songis a genre of song, like ballads, anthems, rock, blue and soul songs, etc. Thisis does not mean that it is theme of the party or something like that.

TN: If you like my translations support me in ko-fi: .

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