One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 202

Chapter 202 - Coincidence!

The woman's elitist remarks immediately sparked Jiang Hao's ire!

Jiang Hao's brow furrowed in clear annoyance.

Beside him, Soong Wan shared his sentiment. As the daughter of the Jade King, she had never endured such an insult!

“Who are you?”

“What business is it of yours whether I buy this car or not?”

Jiang Hao scowled at the haughty woman.

“It's none of your concern who I am. Rather, it's you who's disrupting the peace here.

Can't you tell this isn't the sort of place for someone of your means?”

Her arrogance was palpable as she mocked him.

Simultaneously, she gestured to the security guards patrolling nearby.

“Security, security! Over here, there's someone causing a scene!”

Her loud call quickly drew the crowd's attention.

“Is there a disturbance?”

“Who would dare?”


Xu Tianhong, standing to the side, appeared to be swayed by her words. He gave Jiang Hao a disapproving look and addressed him.

“Sir, I'm willing to overlook this incident. Please leave now.”

Xu Tianhong's statement only fueled the anger of both Jiang Hao and Soong Wan.

Soong Wan fixed a cold stare on the pair and declared,

“A bunch of snobs!”

“Today has certainly been enlightening. To think that Uncle Miao's ranks include the likes of you. I wonder what he would think of your behavior!”

With that, Soong Wan furiously pulled out her phone, ready to dial.

Her words sent a wave of panic through the crazy woman and Xu Tianhong.

“Uncle Miao? Isn't that our boss's name?”

“Could she know our boss?”

They exchanged glances, each reading the uncertainty in the other's eyes.

Then they unabashedly scrutinized Jiang Hao and Rong Wan'er.

Jiang Hao remained silent, while Soong Wan, aiming for discretion, was plainly dressed.

This, however, quashed the suspicions they had just begun to harbor.

“No way, it's just a coincidence!”

The crazy woman grew even more self-assured.

“Go ahead, call! I want to see how long you can keep up this act!”

Soong Wan shot a disdainful look at the woman and paid her no mind.

Jiang Hao, overhearing the exchange, gave the woman a look of pity, shook his head, and remained silent.

Before Soong Wan could even dial the phone, the disturbance had already caught the attention of the manager on duty.

The manager, a slightly overweight middle-aged man named Huang, surveyed the gathering crowd with a furrowed brow.

“What's the deal with Xu Tianhong?” he muttered.

Without wasting another moment, Manager Huang led his staff through the throng.

“Xu Tianhong, what's going on with you? What's all this commotion about?” he demanded.

Reprimanded by the manager, Xu Tianhong and Zhu Meili quickly pointed at Jiang Hao and his group, trying to explain themselves to Manager Huang.

“Manager, they're the ones causing a scene here. They're insisting on buying the Soaring Dragon, Guosheng model, and she even claimed to have several of these cars in her garage!”

Manager Huang paused to ponder the situation.

“Who could be so bold to claim they have several Soaring Dragons at home? Guosheng models, no less?”

“Do they think these cars are as common as cabbages?” he scoffed, his frown deepening as he followed the direction of Xu Tianhong and the hysterical woman's pointing fingers.

Catching sight of Jiang Hao, his brow creased slightly.

“He doesn't look like any family's young master I'm familiar with. How come I've never seen him before?”

But when his eyes landed on Soong Wan, standing next to Jiang Hao, his expression shifted dramatically.

Meanwhile, the woman intent on playing the victim piped up, “Manager Huang, it's them!”

“This brazen girl even claimed her family owns several cars just like the ones we sell…”

She was cut off mid-sentence as Manager Huang, in a swift turn, delivered a resounding slap.


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