One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 201

Chapter 201 - Domineering Protection

Jiang Hao instinctively shook his head.

Seeing this, the chubby man quickly lost interest.

“Let me break it down for you!”

“This car is priced at 14.32 million!”


The price announcement made everyone gasp in shock.

Noticing the crowd's reaction, the chubby man turned to Soong Wan and remarked,

“Lady, even if I sold you, it wouldn't cover the cost of this car!”

What he didn't realize was that Soong Wan hadn't shown any sign of surprise from the moment he began explaining.

Soong Wan glanced at the chubby man and casually replied,

“I don't need to buy one. My family has several of the same model at home, all gifts from others!”

Her statement sent another wave of astonishment through the crowd.

They scrutinized Soong Wan with skepticism etched on their faces.


“Seriously, it sounds too true to be true!”

“People these days are so fake!”

“Handing out luxury cars worth millions as gifts? Truly, poverty limits my imagination!”


At that point, even the chubby man furrowed his brow and nudged Jiang Hao.

“Dude, your girlfriend sure can spin a tale, huh?”

Soong Wan, frustrated that her simple truth was met with disbelief, was about to clarify.

Jiang Hao, seeing her reaction, quickly took her by the hand.

Soong Wan looked at him, puzzled.

Jiang Hao didn't return her gaze; instead, he smiled at the chubby man and said,

“Thanks for the intro, big guy.”

“But my girlfriend doesn't exaggerate.”

With that, Jiang Hao, to the amazement of onlookers, confidently led Soong Wan by the hand to the front of the Soaring Dragon, National Sheng.

He addressed the salesperson responsible for the car,

“I'll take this car.”

Jiang Hao's show of support was as sweet to Soong Wan as honey.

The crowd, however, was taken aback, then their expressions shifted between confusion and mockery.

“Whoa. Is he actually a rich second-generation heir?”

“This guy's got guts, still putting on a brave face!”


The chubby man's surprise quickly turned to concern.

“Hey, little bro, cut it out! Get back here!”

You can't just throw out numbers willy-nilly in this place!

Yet, Jiang Hao just flashed a grin at the chubby guy, ignoring the chatter of the onlookers, and turned his attention to the salesperson nearby.

The salesperson was a young man, only a handful of years Jiang Hao's senior.

He gave Jiang Hao a quick once-over, feeling a bit puzzled.

“Judging by his outfit, he doesn't strike me as a trust fund kid.”

“Could I be dealing with one of those fools who try to buy cars with mahjong tiles?”

He had witnessed a similar spectacle not too long ago.

A couple had come into the dealership, agreed on a price, and were all set to ink the deal.

But then, out of the blue, they whipped out a heap of mahjong tiles, claiming they were worth tens of thousands!

Needless to say, that couple ended up on the wrong end of a thrashing.

Turns out, they were desperate for internet fame, trying to prank their way to viral stardom!

While these thoughts buzzed in his head, he approached nonetheless.

“Sir, are you certain you want to purchase this vehicle?”

At that moment, a woman standing nearby cast an envious glance at Soong Wan and seized the chance to throw a barb her way.

“Tian Hong, look at those two, barely out of their teens, and then at their clothes and demeanor. They hardly resemble the offspring of the wealthy!”

“They're not trying to chase internet fame by causing a scene, are they?”

“I've heard of people pulling stunts like that recently, and it nearly got them killed!”

With that, the woman shot a piercing glare at Soong Wan.

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