NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 273: The Crusade Against The Traitors Quest

Chapter 273: The Crusade Against The Traitors Quest

Bloom was shocked when he heard these alerts, yet more kept coming.

"System alert: Player has to accept the quest first to view it's details."

"Strange," he muttered, "the first time the game kept the secrecy of the quests before players alright, I accept."

"System alert: Player accepted the quest. Player is eligible to view the quest details."

"System alert: Crusade against the traitors quest is issued for the player."

Quest type: Game mainline major quest.

Quest details: The war between the light and dark camps is getting to an intense stage now. The two sides are trying to do whatever they can to win this war. As such traitors are presented in each camp, and your mission is to seek for those traitors in the system settlements.

Player has to first detect a paradoxical situation before he triggers the quest suspicion alarm. After that player is asked to gather more info and find evidence on the involvement of any NPC in the town with the dark side.

Player has only to provide proof, or point out suspicious NPCs. If a player managed to gain solid evidence over one NPC or exposed more than one NPC then his rewards would be elevated.

Quest time: until the war ends.

Quest reward: player will gain corresponding rewards according to his performance."

"This quest is really funny," Bloom couldn't help but laugh, "so I'm now responsible for investigating the light camp while using my dark camp secret class to do that very funny indeed."

Bloom didn't reject the quest. In fact this quest came to match his ongoing plans to destroy the towns around Swor town.

"So I have to find out the traitor here," he muttered while glancing over the distant low density monsters attacking here, "first I'll need to find evidence about the absence of any item or gear to repel the monsters and then I can push the suspicion over the mayor and his main men here."

For him he was pleased with this simple quest, yet he greatly underestimated the game.

"System alert: Warning: player has to provide proof or a strong circumstance of doubt towards a certain NPC before charging him or else the quest will be considered a failure."

"Damn!" Bloom couldn't help but loudly curse, "now I have to find something real sigh, this is getting troublesome."

He paused before starting to exit the restaurant. "I have to gain intel first," he didn't hesitate to move towards the most appropriate place to do so the auction house.

"Welcome player, how can I serve you today?"

Bloom glanced at this fat and short NPC and couldn't help but smile. "I came to sell some things to the house," Bloom said before adding, "but I want my identity to be kept hidden."

"Mr. can rest assured," the NPC smiled, "no one is going to know your identity but me but what do you want to sell here? Let me warn you in advance, our house has a reputation to keep and we don't auction low grade items."

"What about this?" Bloom took out a level hundred greatsword and left it bound on the ground, "is this good enough for your house?"

The moment he took the sword, the NPC stood from his large seat and his face started to turn pink from excitement.

"Sir you are most welcome to auction this item and other things if you want," and the NPC changed his attitude at once.

"I just want to see how you'll deal with this little toy of mine," yet Bloom shrugged as he added, "how much can you get for me for this sword?"

"Let me check it first," the NPC moved his big body and started to check the sword for a couple of minutes. "This is a real masterpiece, only found in the big cities or even the capital," he praised before adding, "for this sword level one hundred and grade black I can get you half a million gold coins at least in the auction."

"Oh, this much?" Bloom was taken aback by this price. The price he imagined for such a sword was one hundred thousand gold coins at most.

"Sure sir," the NPC politely answered, "this is a very fine and extremely rare piece of gear. Despite it being sold at much lower prices in the big cities, going there and finding a sword like this one will be quite challenging to many."

"Great," Bloom nodded, "alright I'll trust this one for your house then ah, how about your fees?"

"It's the standard set of five percent of any process dealt directly by us," the man said with greedy eyes.

"Only this?" Bloom didn't show the reaction that NPC expected, "I'll give you five percent then, you alone, if you manage to get me a higher price than six hundred thousand."

"This" the face of the NPC showed how deeply shocked he was, "esteemed lord, you are really generous leave this piece to me, Godar, and I'll make sure you'll get the highest price possible."

"Fine by me," Bloom smiled faintly as the first step of his plan succeeded, "when shall I expect it to be sold?"

"Tonight," the NPC hurriedly said, "there is a big gathering of really wealthy and authoritative lords like yourself. If you want to come as well then here is a ticket to attend the privilege auction tonight."

"Thanks," Bloom received the ticket and stored it simply without even glancing over it. "By the way, I noticed a monster tide when I came here is it safe to level up here or I would be faced with monster tides every now and then?"

"My esteemed lord can rest assured to play as you desire our little town here has a very secure leveling ground, with a limited number of monster tides that would be easily controlled by our mighty guards."

"Oh, how come?" Bloom asked in real curiosity.

"This is a secret of our town," the NPC said before whispering, "but for you my esteemed lord no secret shall be kept. Our higher ups had a deal with the leaders of those monsters, limiting their activity around our town and making the number of monsters in each tide very minimal to avoid any losses."

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