NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 272: The Secret Mission

Chapter 272: The Secret Mission

'A thousand?!!'

Yet when he read her message he couldn't help but ask to make sure she didn't exaggerate the number.

'Feel blessed I cut my forces to half already,' she sent and he couldn't help but laugh.

'Alright, I'll send the tickets to you now,' he didn't want to disappoint her and after all he was wealthy now to afford such a price.

And above all he needed to adapt himself for that, as many players who would want to join his guild wouldn't be able to afford that pricey ticket.

"I want a thousand tickets to the town."

"Wow, one minute sir," the NPC was slightly taken aback by that great number and went to search in some boxes before coming and emptying their content over the counter.

"This will cost you one hundred thousand gold coins," the NPC said, "are you sure you want them?"

"Just a piece of cake for me," Bloom acted like a rich tycoon and the next moment he took mountains of gold coins and let them gather over the ground.

"This" the NPC was frozen for a couple of seconds before running fast and gathering the coins, "thanks sir, thanks a lot."

"No problem," Arthur then paused after getting his tickets and sent them to Nara, "by the way I heard our beloved mayor isn't the only mayor in her family."

"Yeah, that's true," the NPC was intoxicated with this gain and didn't notice the sly tone in Bloom's words, "there are three towns out there."

"Three?" Arthur was surprised before he controlled his expression, "may I have their tickets please?"

"Anything you want sir," the NPC took out three tickets to three different towns, "you want one each, right?" the NPC said, "each will cost two hundred gold coins."

"Oh, slightly more expensive than the initial price here," Bloom muttered.

"Indeed, they are very bustling towns compared to us," the NPC said and Bloom inwardly sneered, 'not anymore,' he evilly smirked. "Give me ten then for each town."

"Right away sir," the NPC was dealing with him like a VIP customer.

Bloom left the store and stored the tickets before taking one out. "The Lion town very strong name for a coward," he didn't hesitate to use the ticket and leave the town.

The moment he appeared at the next town he found the scene very different. "It's indeed a prosperous town," he sighed while watching all those NPCs moving with rich clothes and even hiring bodyguards as entourage.

"This is like a city, not a town," he couldn't help but feel the injustice between this town and Anna's town. "And they had the nerve to come and reprimand her humph, I bet they heard a glimpse of the price that stingy mayor paid and were just coming to ask for money."

He had to admit this town wasn't on par with that stingy mayor's town, but it wasn't as bad as Anna's town either. "Anna had a long shot to take before achieving such prosperity," he admitted to himself, "but at least I'll make sure she will be the only safe place in the area."

He didn't hurry to act as first he got a wide tour around the town and started to gather intel. There was even a merchant guild there, a thing that was only placed in big towns and all cities.

"So each caravan moves out with a securing unit of fifty NPCs," he muttered to himself while eating a meal in one of the restaurants near the town gate, "and there is a group of a hundred guards stationed all the time near the gates I believe they will act to intercept any attempt of theft."

He finished his meal before exiting the town and totally ignored the leveling areas. "But it's strange," he glanced around as he was walking in the main trading route, "I was here for a long time already and not a single monster tide loomed in the area."

He didn't hesitate to open the local forums of the town to find it empty like a desert in the middle of a scorching sunny day. "So no players yet to come and so no monster tides to happen?"

He suddenly decided to shift his mission here and extend it to another level, "to do that I'll need the help of Antoan and the team," he thought before refraining from doing that right away.

"First let me do it myself," he didn't hurry to go to the leveling areas before finishing his scout.

"I found nothing new," he sighed, "but the incoming caravans have a lower number of guards, the problem is the number of caravans already is too much."

He passed by ten caravans during the past hours; four were heading to the town and six were exiting it.

"Anyway I have to do this fast and cause as much damage as possible before laying low here and jump to another town," the plan started to take more shape in his mind, "but first I need to see how they will act against a monster tide."

He wasn't too worried about any NPC. After all, his title provided him absolute control over any fight with them.

Yet he also didn't belittle the advantage of their great numbers over him. He could use the doppelganger skill and form an army but he needed time to hijack any caravan.

"The distance between the gates and the end of the route is roughly four hours," he checked his map and started to calculate things, "also there are three road branching points and many intersecting routes in between hmm I need to plan things out more properly then."

Despite the need to crush them and spread terror here, he wasn't in a hurry at all.

As he returned to the leveling map, he found the place deserted by any player. "Time to cause a bang," he muttered before hurriedly activating his disguise skill.

"Disguise skill: Player can select to change his shape, either randomly or by selecting the specified criteria. Can change gender with double cooldown time. the player's disguise can't be detected by anyone or anything. Duration: until the player reverses it. Cooldown time: twelve hours. Player can pay gold coins to reduce the duration of the cooldown by spending ten gold coins for one hour."

As he was all alone he turned his shape into one that resembled Dockrey's butler and named himself Gerard the fool.

"Shade doppelganger festival!" the next moment he summoned his twenty-nine clones before pointing towards the distance:

"Go, cause as much ruckus as you can and try to kill as much as you can take these with you to help," he also took out two hundred pets to cause more impact.

And then he canceled his transformation and paid the corresponding money for it. Right now paying a couple of hundred gold coins was nothing at all compared to his wealth and the brilliant effect this trick would have.

As he did that he was relieved to see his clones maintain their external appearance. "It's time to go back and enjoy the show," he headed towards the town and left his clones wreaking havoc everywhere.

As he sat over the restaurant near the town gates once again, he noticed a strange movement of many heavily armored NPCs who came running from the depth of the town towards the gates.

"So it started already," he sneered while waiting for his meal to be made and delivered to eat and enjoy the show.

"This" yet when he spotted the incoming monster tide he felt weird. "How come their numbers are so small?"

He previously faced two monster tides at the Swor town, and none of them looked as weak and pathetic as this tide in front of him. "Something looks fishy," he muttered and as he was thinking about that, a sudden system alert came, alarming him.

"System alert: Congratulations for the player who met the conditions to activate a special quest."

"Special quest?!" he muttered in a loss, "what conditions?" he was puzzled yet the next system alerts explained everything to him.

"System alert: Player has activated the mainline game quest: The traitors!"

"System alert: the entire game world is being invaded by dark forces already. The dark era presented itself strongly yet the mightiest threat comes from within the light ranks.

Traitors appeared, and these folks are like invisible poison, not easily detected and have a very lethal effect on the light camp."

"System alert: Player is already an agent of the light camp, and managed to spot a very paradoxical situation here compared with other towns. Player has found a suspicious case of a traitor, and the player is asked to investigate further and bring forth the truth to the daylight."

"System alert: your quest is to look for more evidence for any dealings between the mayor of this town and the dark forces and shrines. Player has to know this is a secret mission, so if you get caught the game won't interfere to help and you'll be punished according to the standard game rules."

"What the heck is that damned quest?!!!"

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